The development trend of the mold accessories industry

  The development trends of the mold accessories industry include the following aspects:In the industry, plastic mould part manufacturer Has been a leader in the industry, but later came from behind but never arrogant, low-key to adhere to quality.


  Production scale expansion: With the rapid development of manufacturing industry, the demand for molds and accessories continues to grow, especially in industries such as automotive, electronics, home appliances, medical equipment, etc. This will encourage mold accessory manufacturers to expand their production scale to meet market demand.


  Technological innovation and upgrading: The mold parts industry will pay more attention to technological innovation and the improvement of research and development capabilities. Enterprises will increase their investment in digital and intelligent technologies, promote intelligent manufacturing and automated production, and improve the efficiency and accuracy of mold design and manufacturing processes.


  Green and environmentally friendly development: Environmental protection and energy conservation and emission reduction have become important directions for industry development. Enterprises will promote the application of new technologies and materials with low energy consumption, low pollution, high efficiency and energy conservation to reduce their impact on the environment.


  Strengthening industrial chain collaboration: The collaborative development between the mold parts industry and upstream and downstream industries will become even closer. Enterprises will strengthen cooperation with raw material suppliers and downstream customers, form a more complete industrial chain, and improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the entire industry.


  Product precision: The dual upgrading of consumption and manufacturing industries, the arrival of the “Made in China 2025” era, and the continuous improvement of mold requirements in various industries have prompted the mold industry to develop towards precision. Mold companies need to continuously increase their investment in product design and development to meet market demand.


  In short, the mold accessories industry will develop towards larger production scale, higher technological content, and more environmentally friendly direction in the future. At the same time, industrial chain collaboration and product precision will also become important development trends.

The Chinese Embassy in Japan reminds Chinese citizens in Japan to guard against _minor crimes_

For these reasons, I think 電子煙主機 The situation is still optimistic, and the market is still in a blue ocean stage.

On May 22, the Chinese Embassy in Japan issued a document reminding Chinese citizens in Japan to guard against minor crimes.

Japan implemented the “Minor Offences Law” in 1948, which stipulates clear penalties for 33 seemingly minor acts but may have adverse effects on public order. Some foreign tourists have been punished for not understanding the relevant laws. The Chinese Embassy in Japan summarized the behaviors that were easily ignored and reminded Chinese citizens in Japan and tourists coming to Japan to take precautions.

1. Unauthorized sneaking into unguarded houses, buildings or ships, or entering prohibited places, other people’s fields, disaster or crime scenes without authorization.

2. Carry without authorization knives, iron bars and other instruments that can harm others or tools that can be used to invade other people’s homes.

3. Refusing to obey the instructions of public officials or rescue personnel in special circumstances such as earthquakes, fires, and traffic accidents.

4. Make a fire in flammable places such as forests or near flammable materials such as gasoline.

5. Post advertisements and notices in other people’s homes without authorization, or remove or deface other people’s logos at will.

6. Declaring that he holds public office, title, degree at home and abroad, or wears legal uniforms or similar clothing that is incompatible with his identity.

7. Playing pranks at public or private ceremonies and hindering the ceremony.

8. Make noise that hinders others and refuse to correct it. Obstructing others from walking normally, or stalking others is disturbing.

9. Jumping in line in public places, being rude in words and deeds, spitting everywhere, and turning off sign lights or street lights for no reason.

10. Throw away garbage and waste at will.

All of the above acts are suspected of violating the “Minor Offences Law” and may be subject to fines, detention and other penalties. Chinese citizens in Japan are requested to abide by Chinese and Japanese laws, respect local religious beliefs and customs, and protect themselves. In case of emergency, report the case to the Japanese police in a timely manner and contact the embassy or consulate in Japan for help.

Japan alarm:110, 03-3501-0110 (Chinese), you can call #9110 overseas

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Global Consular Protection and Services Emergency Hotline (24-hour):+86-10-12308,+86-10-65612308

Consular protection and assistance from the Embassy in Japan: +81-3-6450-2195

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Osaka: +81-6-6445-9427

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Fukuoka: +81-92-753-6483

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Sapporo: +81-11-513-5335

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Nagasaki: +81-95-849-3311

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in Nagoya: +81-52-932-1036

Consular protection and assistance at the Consulate General in New Zealand: +81-25-228-8888

(General reporter Yao Ruixin)

What can the security staff see on the screen during security check Uncover the secrets of security c

  ”Big bags, small bags, please go through security check!” Security check is always an essential step when you travel by high-speed rail, airplane, or subway. I wonder if you have ever been interested in this security check machine. What can the staff see on the screen? How do they quickly identify the items in the suitcase? Today, let the editor reveal this secret for you.In today’s market background, walk through metal detector Still maintain a strong sales data, and constantly beat the competitors in front of us.


  security check


  How does the security inspection machine work?


  Generally speaking, the machine that conveys and inspects luggage is called an X-ray luggage inspection machine. As the name suggests, the security inspection machine uses X-rays to inspect luggage.


  X-rays are short-wavelength electromagnetic waves that can penetrate objects. The penetration of X-rays varies depending on the thickness, density and material of the object.


  Everyone should know that X-rays in hospitals are also used by doctors. The penetration rate of X-rays varies according to the density of the structure and tissue. The penetration rate is high in loose areas and low in dense areas. The bones of the human body are denser than the skin and flesh tissue. Therefore, when X-rays are irradiated to the human body, the outline of the bones will be displayed more clearly on the screen.


  security check


  The same is true for the security inspection machine that checks luggage. The penetration rate of X-rays on different objects is different. When the suitcase passes through the security inspection machine, the X-rays penetrate the suitcase and display the outlines of different objects on the display screen.


  At this time, some friends may feel confused: X-ray imaging should be black and white, so why can security inspectors identify different objects so quickly?


  This question really hits the nail on the head. If you have ever looked at the security check display screen, you will find that the image on it is in color, not black and white.


  security check


  Normally, the color of the image formed by X-rays on the film is indeed black and white, just like the X-ray photos in the hospital. The reason why a color image appears on the security screen is that the computer calculates and converts the projection intensity of the X-rays. This is also to make it easier for security personnel to quickly distinguish different objects in a short period of time.


  Normally, orange represents organic matter such as liquids and sprays; blue represents metals and various controlled knives; and heavy metals or lead, which can completely absorb X-rays, will be displayed in black.


  Now you should know why the staff will immediately notice and ask you to take out a small pair of scissors in your suitcase; and the water in your backpack will also be asked to take out and drink a sip.

How Do Plastic Moulding Parts Impact the Quality of Your Products

  In the world of manufacturing, the quality of plastic moulding parts plays a crucial role in determining the overall quality of finished products. From everyday consumer goods to high-precision industrial components, the effectiveness of plastic moulding directly influences product performance, durability, and reliability. Here¨s an in-depth look at how plastic moulding parts impact product quality and why they are essential for successful manufacturing.In view of the actual needs of society, moulded plastic parts We need to change some original problems to better serve the society and benefit people.


  1. Precision and Consistency


  Plastic moulding parts are integral to achieving high levels of precision and consistency in production. The precision of moulding parts ensures that each component is produced to exact specifications, reducing variations and defects. Advanced moulding technologies, such as injection moulding, allow for intricate designs and tight tolerances, which are essential for products requiring high accuracy.


  Consistency in plastic moulding parts also translates to uniformity in the final products. When moulding parts are precise and consistent, the end products exhibit reliable performance and quality, minimizing the need for rework and quality control issues.



  2. Impact on Product Durability


  The durability of a product is significantly influenced by the quality of its plastic moulded parts. High-quality moulding parts are designed to withstand various stresses and environmental conditions, ensuring that the final product maintains its integrity over time. Factors such as material choice, mould design, and processing conditions all contribute to the overall strength and durability of the moulded parts.


  For instance, using high-grade polymers with appropriate additives can enhance the mechanical properties of plastic components, such as impact resistance and tensile strength. This ensures that the final products are resilient to wear and tear, reducing the likelihood of premature failure.


  3. Surface Finish and Aesthetics


  The surface finish of plastic moulding parts directly impacts the aesthetic quality of the final product. A well-designed and accurately manufactured mould will produce parts with smooth, defect-free surfaces, which is essential for products where appearance is a key factor.


  Mould design elements, such as venting and cooling channels, play a role in achieving a high-quality surface finish. Additionally, post-processing techniques like polishing and painting can further enhance the appearance of the moulded parts. Ensuring that moulding parts have a high-quality surface finish contributes to a professional and visually appealing product.


  4. Functional Performance


  Functional performance is closely tied to the quality of plastic moulded parts. Moulding parts need to be designed to meet specific functional requirements, such as strength, flexibility, and chemical resistance. For example, components used in automotive applications must withstand high temperatures and vibrations, while those used in medical devices require stringent hygiene and performance standards.


  Accurate moulding ensures that these functional properties are achieved, leading to products that perform reliably in their intended applications. Properly engineered moulding parts can also reduce the likelihood of functional failures and enhance the overall usability of the product.


  5. Cost Efficiency and Waste Reduction


  High-quality moulded plastic parts can contribute to cost efficiency and waste reduction in the manufacturing process. Precise moulding reduces the likelihood of defects and rejects, minimizing material waste and production costs. Additionally, well-designed moulds can improve cycle times and increase production rates, leading to more efficient manufacturing processes.


  Investing in high-quality moulding parts can result in long-term cost savings by reducing the need for rework, repairs, and replacements. This investment not only enhances product quality but also improves the overall profitability of the manufacturing operation.


  6. Compliance and Safety


  Compliance with industry standards and safety regulations is critical for many products, especially those used in regulated sectors like aerospace, automotive, and healthcare. The quality of plastic moulding parts plays a vital role in ensuring that products meet these stringent requirements.


  High-quality moulding parts contribute to the overall safety and reliability of the product, helping manufacturers comply with safety standards and avoid potential liabilities. Properly designed and manufactured moulding parts ensure that products are safe for use and perform as intended in their respective applications.


  The quality of plastic moulding parts has a profound impact on the overall quality of finished products. From precision and consistency to durability, surface finish, and functional performance, every aspect of moulding parts contributes to the final product¨s success. By investing in high-quality moulding parts and employing advanced manufacturing techniques, businesses can enhance product quality, improve cost efficiency, and meet regulatory standards, ultimately leading to a more successful and competitive manufacturing operation.

The situation in Kharkiv is fierce_ Russia and Uzbekistan issued war reports respectively

With the expanding influence of the industry, 電子煙主機 Our business is also constantly spreading, and the development of the market is also gradually advancing.

According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on May 14, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on the 14th that Russian troops have taken control of the village of Buglvatka in Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said: After positive action, the northern group troops liberated the village of Buglvatka in Kharkiv Region and broke into the enemy’s deep defense line.

According to Reuters, the Russian state news agency Tass said on the 14th that parts of the city of Wvchansk in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine have been controlled by Russian troops.

According to Tass news agency, Russian troops control some areas in the west and north of Vovchansk.

TASS also said street fighting was taking place in Wolfchansk.

In addition, the Ukraine military said on the 14th that the situation in Wvchansk was under control. But the Ukraine military said its troops had to withdraw to new positions due to high-intensity Russian air strikes.

According to reports, the Ukraine military said in its daily war report that in the northern region of Kharkiv, the number of Russian attacks has decreased significantly.

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on the 13th, Ukraine media quoted Ukrainian Army Chief of Staff Vargilevich as saying that Ukrainian army reserve troops were sent to the Kharkiv region to cope with the Russian advance.

According to reports, Balgilevich said: This morning, the enemy intensified its activities in the Vovchansk region and fighting was taking place. We responded quickly to the enemy’s deployment and dispatched reserve troops.

Reports said that earlier on the 13th, Kharkiv State Councilor Skolik said that Russian troops had begun to encircle Vovchansk. He said that very difficult positional warfare is taking place locally. At the same time, France’s Le Monde newspaper quoted a Ukrainian soldier who declined to be named as saying that the Kiev authorities were not ready to defend Wolfchansk and that the region had no necessary means to stop the Russian offensive. (Compiled by Pan Jian)

Capture Your Adventures with the Firefly Best Action Camera Features, B

  In the world of action cameras, the firefly best action camera stands out as a top contender for capturing your most thrilling adventures. Whether you’re diving into the depths of the ocean, scaling mountain peaks, or enjoying an adrenaline-pumping ride, the Firefly camera is designed to deliver high-quality footage with ease. This blog post will delve into the features, benefits, and tips for using the Firefly Best Action Camera to ensure you get the most out of your action-packed experiences.Under people’s attention hawkeye action camera manufacturers Finally grow into what people need, born for the market and come for the demand.


  Key Features of the Firefly Best Action Camera


  1. High-Resolution Video and Photos


  The firefly best action camera offers stunning 4K video recording and high-resolution photo capabilities, ensuring every moment is captured in crystal-clear detail. Whether you’re filming fast-paced action or taking still shots, the camera delivers professional-quality results.


  2. Durable and Waterproof Design


  Built to withstand harsh environments, the Firefly camera is both rugged and waterproof. Its durable casing protects it from impacts, dust, and water, making it ideal for extreme sports and outdoor activities.


  3. Wide-Angle Lens


  With its wide-angle lens, the Firefly camera captures a broader field of view, ensuring you don’t miss any part of the action. This feature is perfect for capturing expansive landscapes and immersive action shots.


  4. Stabilization Technology


  To counteract the effects of motion and vibration, the Firefly Best Action Camera includes advanced stabilization technology. This ensures smooth and stable footage, even during the most turbulent activities.


  5. User-Friendly Interface


  The camera’s intuitive interface and touchscreen display make it easy to navigate settings and review footage on the go. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, you’ll find the Firefly camera easy to use and operate.


  6. Long Battery Life


  Equipped with a long-lasting battery, the Firefly camera allows for extended recording sessions without the need for frequent recharges. This is particularly useful for all-day adventures and long filming projects.


  Capture Your Adventures with the Firefly Best Action Camera: Features, Benefits, and Tips(夕1)


  Benefits of Using the Firefly Best Action Camera


  1. Versatility


  The Firefly Best Action Camera is incredibly versatile, making it suitable for a wide range of activities, from extreme sports to casual outings. Its compact size and lightweight design mean you can take it anywhere without feeling weighed down.


  2. High-Quality Footage


  Thanks to its high-resolution capabilities and stabilization technology, the Firefly camera produces professional-grade footage and photos. Whether you’re creating content for social media, a personal blog, or professional projects, you can rely on the Firefly camera to deliver exceptional results.


  3. Durability


  Designed for adventure, the Firefly camera is built to last. Its robust construction ensures it can handle the rigors of outdoor activities, giving you peace of mind that your camera will perform in even the toughest conditions.


  4. Ease of Use


  With its user-friendly interface and touchscreen controls, the Firefly camera is easy to operate, even for beginners. This makes it accessible to a wide audience, from tech enthusiasts to casual users.


  5. Connectivity


  The Firefly Best Action Camera features built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, allowing you to easily share your footage and photos with friends and family. You can quickly transfer files to your smartphone or tablet for instant editing and sharing on social media.


  Capture Your Adventures with the Firefly Best Action Camera: Features, Benefits, and Tips(夕2)


  Tips for Using the Firefly Best Action Camera


  1. Plan Your Shots


  Before you start recording, take some time to plan your shots. Consider the angles, lighting, and composition to ensure you capture the best possible footage. Planning ahead can help you avoid common filming mistakes and enhance the overall quality of your videos.


  2. Use the Right Accessories


  Enhance your filming experience by using the appropriate accessories for your Firefly camera. Mounts, tripods, and waterproof cases can help you achieve stable and creative shots in various environments. Investing in quality accessories can greatly expand the camera’s capabilities.


  3. Experiment with Settings


  Take advantage of the Firefly camera’s various settings and modes to capture unique and dynamic footage. Experiment with time-lapse, slow motion, and different resolution settings to find the best options for your needs.


  4. Maintain Your Camera


  Regular maintenance is key to keeping your Firefly camera in top condition. Clean the lens regularly, check for firmware updates, and store the camera in a protective case when not in use. Proper maintenance ensures your camera continues to perform at its best.


  5. Edit Your Footage


  Post-production is an important part of creating high-quality videos. Use editing software to trim, color-correct, and add effects to your footage. Editing can help you create polished and professional-looking videos that truly capture the essence of your adventures.




  The Firefly Best Action Camera is an excellent choice for anyone looking to capture their adventures in stunning detail. With its high-resolution capabilities, durable design, and user-friendly features, it stands out as a top option in the world of action cameras. By understanding its key features, benefits, and best practices, you can make the most of your Firefly camera and create memorable footage that you’ll cherish for years to come. Whether you’re an adrenaline junkie or a casual explorer, the Firefly Best Action Camera is your perfect companion for capturing life’s most exciting moments.

Why the ZA800BX is the Ultimate Handheld Explosive Trace Detector for On-the-Go Security

  In an era where security concerns are ever-evolving, having reliable, portable, and efficient tools to detect explosives is critical. The ZA800BX Handheld Explosive Trace Detector is a game-changer in the field of on-the-go security. Its advanced technology, portability, and user-friendly design make it the ultimate choice for security professionals. Here¨s why the ZA800BX stands out as the premier handheld explosive trace detector:contemporaneity security screening machine Our competitors have not made large-scale improvements, so we should get ahead of everyone in the project.


  za800bx detector


  1. Cutting-Edge Detection Technology


  The ZA800BX utilizes state-of-the-art detection technology to identify trace amounts of explosive substances. By employing ion mobility spectrometry (IMS), the device offers high sensitivity and selectivity, capable of detecting even the smallest traces of explosives. This advanced technology ensures that potential threats are identified quickly and accurately, providing an essential layer of security in various settings.


  2. Exceptional Portability


  Designed with portability in mind, the ZA800BX is lightweight and compact, making it easy to carry and operate in diverse environments. Its ergonomic design allows security personnel to use it comfortably for extended periods, enhancing their ability to perform thorough inspections without fatigue. Whether in airports, train stations, public events, or remote locations, the ZA800BX¨s portability ensures it can be deployed wherever it¨s needed most.


  3. Rapid Response Time


  In security scenarios, every second counts. The ZA800BX delivers rapid response times, providing immediate feedback on the presence of explosive traces. This quick detection capability enables security teams to act swiftly, mitigating potential threats before they escalate. The device¨s fast response is crucial for maintaining safety in high-traffic areas and during critical security operations.


  4. User-Friendly Operation


  The ZA800BX is designed for ease of use, featuring a simple interface that requires minimal training. Its intuitive controls and clear display make it accessible for security personnel of all experience levels. The device provides straightforward instructions and immediate results, allowing users to focus on their security duties without being bogged down by complicated procedures.


  5. Durability and Reliability


  Security equipment must withstand demanding conditions, and the ZA800BX is built to last. Constructed with high-quality materials, the device is durable and reliable, capable of enduring rough handling and harsh environments. Its robust design ensures consistent performance, making it a trusted tool for security professionals who require dependable equipment in their operations.


  6. Comprehensive Detection Capabilities


  The ZA800BX is capable of detecting a wide range of explosive substances, including commercial, military, and homemade explosives. This comprehensive detection capability is vital for addressing diverse threats in various security contexts. The device¨s ability to identify multiple types of explosives enhances its versatility and effectiveness, ensuring thorough and reliable security checks.


  7. Low Maintenance Requirements


  Ease of maintenance is a significant advantage of the ZA800BX. The device is designed for low maintenance, reducing downtime and ensuring continuous operation. Its robust construction minimizes the need for frequent repairs, and the device can be easily cleaned and maintained in the field. This low-maintenance feature contributes to the overall cost-effectiveness and reliability of the ZA800BX.


  8. Integration with Security Systems


  The ZA800BX can be integrated with other security systems, providing a comprehensive approach to threat detection and management. Its data can be seamlessly transferred to central monitoring systems, enabling coordinated responses and enhancing situational awareness. This integration capability ensures that the ZA800BX is a valuable component of a broader security infrastructure.


  9. Enhancing Public Safety and Confidence


  Deploying the ZA800BX in public spaces enhances safety and instills confidence in the security measures in place. The presence of advanced explosive detection technology reassures the public that their safety is a top priority. This increased confidence can lead to greater trust in security operations and a willingness to participate in public events and use transportation systems.

How Can You Improve the Processing Quality of Precision Mold Components

  The mold steel material used in mold parts processing has high hardness, and the mold processing equipment is required to have thermal stability and high reliability.In the industry, plastic mould part manufacturer Has been a leader in the industry, but later came from behind but never arrogant, low-key to adhere to quality.



  For complex cavities and multifunctional composite molds, as the shape of the parts becomes more complicated, the design and manufacturing level of the mold must be improved. Multifunctional composite molds that form or assemble multiple grooves and multiple materials in a set of molds require a large amount of processing programming, high deep hole comprehensive cutting ability and high stability, which increases the difficulty of processing. The processing quality of mold parts includes processing accuracy and surface quality: processing accuracy is the degree of conformity between the three geometric parameters of the actual size, shape, and position of the surface of the part after processing and the ideal geometric parameters required by the drawing; the deviation value between the actual geometric parameters of the part and the ideal geometric parameters is called processing error.


  Processing accuracy and processing error are both terms for evaluating the geometric parameters of the processing surface. Processing accuracy is measured by tolerance grade. The smaller the grade value, the higher the accuracy; processing error is expressed by numerical value. The larger the numerical value, the greater the error. High processing accuracy means small processing error, and vice versa; the actual parameters obtained by any processing method will not be absolutely accurate. From the function of the part, as long as the processing error is within the tolerance range required by the part drawing, it is considered that the processing accuracy is guaranteed.



  The quality of a machine depends on the processing quality of the parts and the assembly quality of the machine. The processing quality of the parts includes two parts: processing accuracy and surface quality. Machining accuracy refers to the degree to which the actual geometric parameters (size, shape and position) of the parts after processing are consistent with the ideal geometric parameters. The difference between them is called processing error. The size of the processing error reflects the level of processing accuracy. The larger the error, the lower the processing accuracy, and the smaller the error, the higher the processing accuracy; the main aspects that affect processing accuracy: dimensional accuracy, the degree to which the actual size of the part after processing is consistent with the center of the tolerance zone of the part size.

Can the Firefly Q6 V3 Action Camera Be Used on Guns

  The firefly Q6 V3 action camera is a versatile and compact device designed for capturing high-quality video footage in a variety of environments. Given its features and capabilities, many users wonder if it can be effectively used on guns, particularly for activities like hunting, target shooting, and tactical training. Let’s explore the factors that determine its suitability for such uses.In order to open the market, hawkeye firefly q6 action camera Constantly improve the ability of business development and create an extraordinary brand image for it.


  Design and Build Quality


  The Firefly Q6 V3 is designed to be durable and lightweight, making it easy to mount on various surfaces, including firearms. Its small size and robust construction ensure that it can withstand the recoil and vibrations associated with shooting. The camera’s casing is built to endure rugged conditions, which is crucial for any equipment mounted on a firearm.


  Can the Firefly Q6 V3 Action Camera Be Used on Guns?(夕1)


  Mounting Options


  One of the key considerations for using an action camera on a gun is the availability of suitable mounting options. The Firefly Q6 V3 comes with a range of mounting accessories that allow it to be securely attached to different surfaces. For firearms, specific mounts that can be attached to rails or scopes are available, ensuring a stable and secure fit. These mounts are designed to handle the shock and vibrations from gunfire, keeping the camera steady.


  Image Quality and Stabilization


  The Firefly Q6 V3 boasts impressive image quality, with high-definition video recording capabilities that capture clear and detailed footage. This is particularly important for shooting activities, where clarity and detail can be crucial. Additionally, the camera features gyro image stabilization, which helps in reducing motion blur and maintaining smooth footage even when the gun is in motion. This stabilization is especially beneficial for capturing precise shots and analyzing shooting techniques.


  User Experience and Controls


  Ease of use is another important factor when considering an action camera for use on a gun. The Firefly Q6 V3 offers intuitive controls and a user-friendly interface, making it easy to operate even in high-pressure situations. The camera can be easily started and stopped, and settings can be adjusted quickly to adapt to changing conditions.


  Can the Firefly Q6 V3 Action Camera Be Used on Guns?(夕2)


  Real-World Application


  In practical terms, the Firefly Q6 V3 has been used by many enthusiasts and professionals for recording shooting sessions. Its reliability and performance have made it a popular choice for capturing everything from hunting expeditions to competitive shooting events. The footage obtained can be used for various purposes, including reviewing and improving shooting techniques, sharing experiences with others, and documenting successful hunts.




  In conclusion, the firefly Q6 V3 action camera is well-suited for use on guns. Its durable build, versatile mounting options, high image quality, and effective stabilization make it an excellent choice for capturing shooting activities. Whether you’re a hunter, a competitive shooter, or a tactical trainer, the Firefly Q6 V3 can enhance your experience by providing clear and stable video footage. As with any equipment, ensuring that it is properly mounted and securely attached will maximize its performance and longevity.

Comparison between security X-ray machines and medical X-ray machines

  X-ray machines are mainly divided into medical X-ray machines, that is, medical X-ray machines, and the other type is the luggage X-ray machines that are most commonly used in stations, airports, customs and docks, so some people also call them X-ray luggage security inspection machines or security inspection X-ray machines. However, some people also have doubts: What is the difference between the two? Does security inspection X-ray machines have radiation hazards?As a representative of the industry, security screening machine It is necessary to set a certain example for peers and lead the way in product quality.


  security x-ray machines




  The principle of security inspection machine is similar to that of medical X-ray machine


  The principle of medical X-ray machine and security inspection X-ray machine is the same. X-ray machine has three parts. One is the tube, which emits X-ray radiation source. X-ray can pass through the material to see things that our naked eyes cannot see with ordinary light. There must be a tube or X-ray. Second, there must be a high-voltage transformer. The high-voltage transformer converts the general voltage into high voltage, and then provides the tube to generate electrons and then generate X-rays. This is the second part. The third part is the controller, which means how much X-ray I need to release. There must be a control board. All X-ray machines cannot escape this, whether it is X-ray or CT. Although its structure is very complicated, its structure should be the same.


  Security X-ray machines have less radiation


  The use of security X-ray machines is to put the luggage into the item scanning X-ray machine. After the inspection is completed, the passenger can take back his luggage and leave. The X-ray machine used for item inspection uses X-rays to pass through the object to obtain X-ray images, which are processed by computers and displayed on the computer screen to identify the image and evaluate the safety of the object. Although the principle is similar to the human body X-ray examination in the hospital, Professor Li Ziping believes that the dose of security X-ray machines should be less than the amount of X-rays irradiated to the human body. Because the security X-ray machine only needs to see the general shape of the object. Medical X-ray machines need to see the human body very clearly, so the radiation dose is greater.


  Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about the radiation problem of security X-ray machines. In addition, whether the radiation of security X-ray machines has an impact on the human body depends on the amount of radiation received at one time, the total amount of radiation received, the radiation time, and the human body’s regulation of these radiations. Moreover, even if the security inspection machine leaks due to quality problems, it may have an impact on the staff who work nearby for a long time, but it will not have much impact on people who pass by. It is understood that the country implements a licensing management system for the use of nuclear technology. X-ray baggage inspection equipment is a Class III radiation device, which is a low-risk radiation device.