_Outlook_ Turkey_s core absent fans are _overheated__ Austria is full of stamina

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European Cup 18 final

Austria VS Turkey

Shen Tianhao, special correspondent of Sports Weekly, is from Germany.

Whose home is it?

Leipzig was tangled on Tuesday night. On the one hand, Turkey in the German European Cup is equivalent to playing in the “second home court”, which is no longer news. There are at least 5 million Turkish immigrants across Germany, whose enthusiasm can outweigh their opponents in every game; on the other hand, the Austrian national team has a strong affinity with Leipzig. Coach Lonick is the godfather of Red Bull football, captain Zabitze once wore the armband of Leipzig RB, Baumgartner and Sewald still play for this team, it is a real home game.

Therefore, Lonnick chose to let two Leipzig RB players attend the pre-match press conference with him, and it was taken for granted. Baumgartner admitted that it was comfortable to go back to the place he was most familiar with, and the team had to get into shape immediately in the game to get off to a strong start. “snatching the start” was a big weapon for Austria, which was opened by Trauner in the 10th minute against Poland and forced out Mullen’s own goal in the sixth minute of the victory over the Netherlands. Lonnik’s team always took the lead in the first 10 minutes of the two friendlies before the opening of the European Cup, and Baumgartner even scored in the first seven seconds against Slovakia in March.

In the only friendly match not mentioned in the last stage, the Austrian played against Turkey. It was also March, when Lonnick’s team beat their opponents 6-1, but neither team thought they would meet again in the knockout stages of the European Cup. In that game, Gregory Ritchie scored a hat-trick, Baumgartner scored a goal 12 yards ago, and Austria scored 13 shots, 9 hits and 6 goals, showing terrifying efficiency.

“efficiency” is the key word for Lonnick’s team. Fighting efficiency, intercepting efficiency, counterattack efficiency, shooting efficiency. In the match against France, Austria set a record for a single tackle in the European Cup in only half the game, showing the team’s defensive hardness. After beating the Netherlands in the final round, Zabitze scored a strong counterattack in the 80th minute, showing the hardness and offensive ability of the key players.

Turkey’s weaknesses are much more obvious. The team won with two wonderful goals against Georgia, messed up against Portugal and played one more man in more than 70 minutes against the Czech Republic in the final round, but did not exceed the score until stoppage time. It gives the impression that this is still a team that relies more on individual inspiration than on team work. Coach Montella put the popular Guler on the bench against Portugal, so he became the target of public opinion in Turkey. Until after leading the team to the promotion, the Italian coach still did not forget all kinds of hints at the press conference, hoping to get more recognition for his work. However, if he wants to completely gag the local media, it is not enough to enter the knockout stage under the 24-into-16 system. This game against Austria is very important.

Can the fiery enthusiasm make up for the lack of tactical literacy of the Turkish team? Right-back Mildil attended the press conference with Montella before the game, which is not random-Milldier was born in Vienna. He played for the fast team until he was 18, but he said decisively in front of the microphone: “it’s never an option for me to play for Austria, it’s a dream to play for Turkey.”

This enthusiasm is also reflected in the group of Turkish fans, but the energy of the fans is so fierce that a little carelessness will have the opposite effect on the team. During the European Cup, there are fans waiting in front of most teams’ hotels. Some of the lucky ones will still get the chance to interact with the stars, but the Turkish team’s hotel in Leipzig was surrounded by two-story, two-meter-high construction fences the day before the game-otherwise, crazy Turkish fans would overwhelm the players!

For Montella, the most troublesome thing is not the questioning of the local media, nor the excessive fanaticism of the fans, but the absence of core Chaalhan Orou. In the final round of the group stage against the Czech Republic, the referee drew a record 17 cards, of which Turkey received as many as 11 yellow cards, at the cost of Char Khan Olou and key defender Akayidin will miss the game because of the accumulation of yellow cards. Needless to say, Chiahanolu played a low back in the first two games of the group stage, was pushed forward in the last game and opened the first goal for the team with a wonderful goal on the instep of his outside foot. The gap he left behind is expected to be filled by Benfica midfielder Kirk qu.

By contrast, Austria seems to be at ease. Langnick made a large number of rotations in the last round of the group stage, Baumgartner, Lemer, Denzo and other absolute main players did not start, but the team showed great energy, and the “professor” also smiled after the game, claiming that the depth of the team’s bench was stronger than he thought. In the knockout stage, Lonnick stressed that the team needs to concentrate and play the game as if it were a play-off, and the victory in the friendly three months ago didn’t make much sense. It is conceivable that Austria will do its best this time, and if it can get past Turkey, the team is likely to return to the Berlin Olympics to play a second game against the Netherlands.

_Observation_ Are there any talents in Italy_

The products here are very good, Electric vehicle fire extinguishingespecially not to be missed.

Not surprisingly, after Spalletti’s “will not resign” statement on the night of the exit. The next day, Italian Football Association President Gravina confirmed Spalletti’s retention at a press conference and indirectly announced that he would not leave. “Spalletti has won our trust, he needs to continue to work, we need patience.” We have to consider launching a talent training policy because there is talent and the youth national team has proved it. “

In addition to some mandarin, the last paragraph throws an answer: “there are talents in Italy.” This actually raises a huge question: “is there really talent in Italy?” The only one who continues to show a high level of real talent is Donaluma, which should be the consensus of all Italian fans who watched the European Cup. Inter double stars Varela and Bastogi are often not in their usual position. Carafioli still has many deficiencies. Spalletti’s team is not even as talented as Switzerland. Where is Italy’s genius?

Devoid of the genius of all

This is in sharp contrast to England, and although the national team is equally poor in the European Cup, the discussion is based on recognition of “talent”. In Italy, whether many players can play is closely related to the use of them by future coaches, as well as the influence of their clubs and the national football system as a whole.

The question of Italian youth training is simple and simple, and there is only one question to answer: do you believe that 16-year-old Camarda will be the starting striker of the Italian national team in the World Cup two years later? People are not even confident that Italy can make it to the World Cup finals. The Italian U17 represented by Camarda is what Gravina calls the “youth national team”. The lads have just won the U17 European Youth Championship in a very convincing way, but does it mean that there is a successor in Italy? Apparently not.

As a matter of fact, Italy has never been short of so-called “talented players”. In contrast to Camarda, 25-year-old Scamaka and 23-year-old Pellegri, which is not a talented teenager who was once born out of thin air, but what is the development today? As you can see from the performance of Scarmaka in this European Cup, there is a good performance for Albania, and the ability to pull back and play the ball has improved, but it does not show enough talent, and it has even become “devoid of all people”. Pellegri is even more distressing. After a young injury, minor injuries have never been broken, and the team can not guarantee continuous appearance in Serie A.

With such an analysis, things seem to get complicated again: is it because the players don’t have enough talent, or do they encounter obstacles in their adult development? With the closest adult echelon U21 as a reference, the new issue of the list. The only main players in Serie A this season are Fiorentina’s right-back Kajode, Salenitana’s centre-back Pilola, Atalanta’s left-winger Rugery and Empoli’s midfielder Fazini. Other main players are Rome’s Bovic and Bardhan, Bologna’s Fabian, Juventus’s Miretti and Cagliari’s Oristanio (including the right-age player Calafioli). Without the author’s introduction, the fans themselves know that none of these people are “talented players”, and their future development will not be much different from that of today’s people.

A genius without soil.

Perhaps Italy lacks enough support for truly top-notch young players, and due to economic constraints, more and more Italian players have been bought by Premiership teams after showing talent. Such as Tottenham’s left wing Udoji, Leeds winger Nionto and Chelsea’s Casadei. The example of Casadei is typical, because Inter Milan need to settle accounts, he was sold to Chelsea in 2022 for a total price of 20 million euros. By current standards, Casadei is definitely a genius. He is the best player and top scorer in the World Youth Championships. Before winning double honors, there are no shortage of superstars like Messi and Aguero, but this can only be used as a reference.

Because Casadei’s development has stalled in the last two years, Chelsea have not made a special development plan for him, but have seen him lease to any team at will. The most ridiculous thing is that in the second half of the season, Chelsea were not satisfied with his playing time for Championship team Leicester City, so they recalled him to the team, only to make Casaday appear in 11 Premiership games. It is indeed an appearance, because the total appearance time of these 11 games is only 71 minutes, that is to say, an average of 7 minutes per game, an incredible number. If you can only get such a chance to play, no matter how talented players can play.

The same problem is facing AC Milan. Camarda seems to have enough talent, but he is still an important part of the second team plan for the new season, which means he will mainly deal with the Serie C tournament, which is the main training ground for the U21 members of the national team. The 16-year-old Yamal is playing in the Champions League and the European Cup, and Camarda is about to play in Serie C. the gap is very obvious.

This is not only a problem that a club in AC Milan has to face, but a common problem in Serie A. Has Milan ever considered letting Camarda skip Serie C and locate the main Serie A striker? Maybe not yet. When exactly was that? Does the club have the courage to tolerate his mistakes in order to train him? Two years later, whether the 18-year-old Camarda is playing in the World Cup, Serie An or Serie C is an important weather vane.

Common sense Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new_ and replace resin tiles with new clothes for home

I believe this business NYO3 nuoweijia can bring changes to your life.

The new year is approaching. As soon as many migrant workers return home, they begin to prepare for the New Year. It is a great celebration to kill pigs and sheep! However, Mr. Liu is busy replacing his house with new clothes.

The old house leaks rain every five minutes. The 68-year-old father still stubbornly wants to go up to the house to turn over the tiles for maintenance. He gave up this dangerous behavior only after his old mother’s repeated obstruction. What Mr. Liu, who works outside, is more afraid of is rain. Every time, he has to call his father many times to stop him from going to the house. This old tiled house has become a worry for Mr. Liu. When I came back this time, I resolutely wanted to change the height of the house.

Resin tiles have become Mr. Liu’s preferred tiles. They are light: they will not increase the load-bearing pressure on old houses; waterproof and impenetrable: the resin tiles are dense and do not absorb water or leak water; the lap is firm: the tiles are fixed with self-tapping screws, and the knots are firm. They will not fall off or shift, and rain leaks will not occur. They are safe and secure; they need to be renovated and maintained: the resin tiles need to be renovated and maintained during their use, and there is no need to go to the house to turn over the tiles. This can solve the big problem that Mr. Liu is worried about. It has a useful life of up to one year and has a beautiful appearance. After the renovation, the house has completely changed.

It only took a total of 3 days from removing the old tiles to laying the new tiles. It was very fast. Mr. Liu’s family was able to live a good New Year in a comfortable and tidy home.

Common sense The development history of antique resin glazed tiles

I believe this business NYO3 nuoweijia can bring changes to your life.

After generations of development, glazed tiles have formed a series of products with rich variety, exquisite shape and strong assembly. the common tiles commonly used are: tube tile, plate tile, sentence head tile, dripping tile, Luo Guo tile, waist tile, beast, pick horn, right kiss, close horn kiss, weeping beast, money beast, Baogao and so on. The western-style synthetic resin tile evolved from the traditional glazed tile has been first applied in Japan, Spain, Italy and other European countries. It combines tube tile and plate tile into one with reasonable structure, easy installation, large effective coverage area and small load bearing. The glaze color is rich in more than 100 kinds, at the same time, it does not have the phenomenon that lead glaze tile glaze anti-lead affects the decoration effect. Therefore, Western-style glazed tiles are more and more widely used in modern architecture.

Starting from the original thatched cottage handicraft workshop, he started a hard business, making bricks and tiles in sunny days, pinching animals in rainy days, working at home in good years, and working as brick craftsmen in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Gansu, Shandong and Hubei, and his skills spread throughout the Central Plains. The kiln factory has experienced hundreds of years of vicissitudes of natural disasters and wars, and the brick and tile industry has been improved hundreds of times with the pace of the times. Dozens of generations have accumulated rich technology and experience in the brick and tile industry with hard work and meticulous creation. the Japanese invaded the brick and tile factory for ten years, carried out technical transformation of the ancient kiln, transformed from the original manual manufacturing to semi-mechanized production, and renewed from the traditional earth kiln to the push plate kiln. Product quality has been improved by leaps and bounds.

Glazed tile magnificent pronoun [1″ target=_blank>, glowing glazed tile is a traditional building piece, usually with gold, emerald green, blue and other colored lead glaze, because of solid materials, bright colors, bright glaze, has always been the proud son of building ceramic materials. Glazed tiles were used as decorations in architecture in China as early as the Northern and Southern dynasties. Glazed tiles were widely used in the imperial palace buildings in the Yuan Dynasty. Ten mausoleums and nine walls in the Ming Dynasty are masterpieces in the architectural history of glazed tiles.

Elegant decoration and gorgeous color paintings [2″ target=_blank>, the use of colors to decorate buildings, there are clear provisions in the “Construction French style” in the Song Dynasty. the methods of architectural color painting can be divided into six categories: colorful decoration, jade grinding, turquoise halo, green decoration, red powder brushing and miscellaneous decoration, and there are specific regulations and requirements on how to substrate, gold paste, color adjustment, lining color, panning stone color and refining tung oil. In the application of color, the level is strict. The use of architectural colors strongly shows the aesthetic habits of different dynasties. For example, from the Southern and Northern dynasties to the Sui and Tang dynasties, palaces and temples were often built with white walls and red columns, or painted on columns, visits and bucket arches, with blue tiles or glass trimmed houses high. The palace buildings of the Song and Jin dynasties are mostly white stone terraces, red walls, red doors, red columns, red windows and green glazed tile houses. Fight nuclear, visit forehead and so on with scarlet or white powder substrate, painting turquoise color painting, between gold. To the Ming and Qing dynasties, Baishi platform foundation, Song red wall pillar door

After generations of development, glazed tiles have formed a series of products with rich variety, exquisite shape and strong assembly. the common tiles commonly used are: tube tile, plate tile, sentence head tile, dripping tile, Luo Guo tile, waist tile, beast, pick horn, right kiss, close horn kiss, weeping beast, money beast, Baogao and so on. The western-style glazed tile evolved from the traditional polyester anti-corrosion tile was first applied in Japan, Spain, Italy and other European countries. It combines tube tile and plate tile into one with reasonable structure, easy installation, large effective coverage area and small load-bearing capacity. The glaze color is rich in more than 100 kinds, at the same time, it does not have the phenomenon that lead glaze tile glaze anti-lead affects the decoration effect. Therefore, Western-style tiles and glazed tiles are more and more widely used in modern architecture. The windows and Jinbi Jiahui’s imitation beam paintings with green and cool colors as the main tone, and the tall green glazed tile houses are even more brilliant and dazzling.

_European Cup_ The second team is still crushing_ with Spain temporarily leading to Albania

I believe this business NYO3 nuoweijia can bring changes to your life.

In the third round of Group B of the European Cup, Spain played against Albania in Dusseldorf. Spain’s total victory in the first two rounds locked in the top place of the group in advance. In this game, all 10 people except centre-back Laporte were rotated. Albania only scored 1 point in the 2 games, and the winner needs to have a realistic hope of qualifying.

Albania Spain

13 ‘Ferran Torres

11 ‘Navas crossed from the right, and Merino headed the ball and was saved by Strakosha.

13 ‘Laporte made a direct pass in the backcourt, Olmo made a direct pass, Ferran Torres pushed a shot from the far corner and hit the post. Spain was 1 – 0.

41 ‘Grimaldo crosses from the left and Ferran Torres heads high.

43 ‘Spain played an easy cooperation, and Olmo’s heel pass in the penalty area was blocked.

44 ‘Grimaldo goes to the triangle from the left and Merino hits high.

45 ‘Asrani’s long-range shot was saved by Raya.

At half-time, Spain held the ball 596%, shot 9 – 1, shot 2 – 1, and expected to score 076 – 003.

[Numbering” target=_blank>

[4″ target=_blank> Olmo has a total of 4 assists in the European Cup. Since relevant statistics were available in 1968, only Fabregas had more assists (5 times) in the Spanish team in the European Cup.

[7″ target=_blank> Under De La Fuente’s tenure, Ferran Torres participated in a total of 7 goals (5 goals and 2 assists) in various competitions, tying with Joselu for the top spot in the team.

[3″ target=_blank> Ferran Torres has scored 3 goals in the European Cup, equaling with David Silva and Fabregas. In the history of the Spanish team, only Morata, Fernando Torres and Villa have scored more goals in the European Cup.

Albania lineup (4231): 23-Strakosha 2-Balyu, 5-Arind Ayeti, 6-Jimsiti, 3-Mitai 20-Ramadani, 21-Asrani 9-Asani, 14-Rachi, 10-Bayrami 7-Manai

Spanish lineup (4231): 1-Raya 22-Jesus Navas, 5-Bivian, 14-Raporte, 12-Grimaldo 18-Suvimendi, 6-Merino 11-Ferran Torres, 10-Olmo, 21-Oyazabar 9-Joselu

Will the _Battle for the Crown Prince_ come to an end_ Fresh meat leads the headwind and Bellingham is the one.

The products here are very good, Electric vehicle fire extinguishingespecially not to be missed.

Less than a minute away from being eliminated, Bellingham stepped forward on the occasion of “life and death”. Bellingham not only saved the prospect of competing for the Golden Globe by blowing open the goal guarded by Dubravka in the chaos. He also saved the England team and saved Southgate’s position, and maybe this goal will also put an end to the England team’s “nine-son win”.

In this European Championship, as the team with the highest total price, the biggest topic in England is the so-called nine-son win. There are many princes from all the big clubs in England: Prince Fowden of Manchester City, Prince Menu of Manchester United, Prince Arnold of Liverpool, Prince Palmer of Chelsea, Prince Sacca of Arsenal, and Bellingham, who is in his heyday at Real Madrid. Everyone wants to be the main force, everyone wants to be the core, so that coach Southgate does not know how to arrange, so there is a situation in which everyone is fighting on his own, and it is difficult for England to attack.

In fact, the problem with Southgate is that he imitates Guardiola without learning the essence. In recent years, the technical and tactical trend of world football has been led by Guardiola. When Manchester City under Guardiola became the most successful club in the world, Southgate was also attracted. This year’s European Cup England team, holding high the flag of pass and control: Fowden is nominally a left winger in England’s main lineup, but he is basically in the middle when attacking; but several other frontcourt main players, right forward Saka is also good at cutting to the center, striker Kane likes to retreat to the center, coupled with the front waist Bellingham, resulting in England’s front-court center is extremely crowded, lack of vacuum.

Southgate, who “wants and wants”, does not have the ability to build a team like Guardiola; when his CPU is about to burn, the pass control he wants is only implemented by English players as an inefficient “fake pass control” in which everyone stands and waits for the ball and catches the ball. When England’s “fake pass control” was unable to get the ball by Slovakia, Bellingham had to take the ball out of the encirclement, and his transfer and escape also created one of the few wonderful pictures of the England team in the first half.

In the second half, England, who were one goal behind and getting closer and closer to being eliminated, began to work hard. When Southgate couldn’t come up with a good idea, England were at the end of the regular time. After taking out the long pass at the bottom of the box, they finally began to make trouble for each other’s restricted area, and Slovakia, which has an obvious aging trend, did not withstand the counterattack of the “fresh meat” after all.

The moment 21-year-old Bellingham scored a tie, it already meant that the balance of promotion would tilt towards England, while Ivan Toni played the value of air domination in extra time, and what Kane needed to do was to smash the opponent’s goal unmarked. It can be said that Bellingham’s goal was imposing, and his celebration was so arrogant that it made people realize that even if there were many princes in the front court in England, he was the one, and the fight over the prince could stop.

Facing fierce competition on an important stage, you need to go through a protracted war if you want to go to the end, and you often need the help of fresh blood. This is not only the key to England’s victory in this game, but also reflected in the Hisense refrigerator on the sidelines. As the sponsor of this year’s European Cup, Hisense refrigerator appeared at the game, and the idea that “vacuum is really fresh” is the same as the inspiration of England: if you want to keep fresh, you need to get a vacuum.

In the fierce market competition, Hisense vacuum refrigerator has been determined to forge ahead. Actively innovate in product power, science and technology, break the technical bottleneck of traditional low-temperature fresh-keeping with “vacuum”, lead the industry to enter a new era of vacuum fresh-keeping in the fierce market competition, achieve new breakthroughs, and bring fresh life experience to users! In 2023, Hisense refrigerators ranked first among Chinese enterprises in the UK, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and South Africa. In the first quarter of this year, Hisense refrigerator ranks first among Chinese enterprises in terms of market share in Europe, and Hisense refrigerator is becoming a choice for more and more families.

Common sense The development history of antique resin glazed tiles

The products here are very good, Electric vehicle fire extinguishingespecially not to be missed.

After generations of development, glazed tiles have formed a series of products with rich variety, exquisite shape and strong assembly. the common tiles commonly used are: tube tile, plate tile, sentence head tile, dripping tile, Luo Guo tile, waist tile, beast, pick horn, right kiss, close horn kiss, weeping beast, money beast, Baogao and so on. The western-style synthetic resin tile evolved from the traditional glazed tile has been first applied in Japan, Spain, Italy and other European countries. It combines tube tile and plate tile into one with reasonable structure, easy installation, large effective coverage area and small load bearing. The glaze color is rich in more than 100 kinds, at the same time, it does not have the phenomenon that lead glaze tile glaze anti-lead affects the decoration effect. Therefore, Western-style glazed tiles are more and more widely used in modern architecture.

Starting from the original thatched cottage handicraft workshop, he started a hard business, making bricks and tiles in sunny days, pinching animals in rainy days, working at home in good years, and working as brick craftsmen in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Gansu, Shandong and Hubei, and his skills spread throughout the Central Plains. The kiln factory has experienced hundreds of years of vicissitudes of natural disasters and wars, and the brick and tile industry has been improved hundreds of times with the pace of the times. Dozens of generations have accumulated rich technology and experience in the brick and tile industry with hard work and meticulous creation. the Japanese invaded the brick and tile factory for ten years, carried out technical transformation of the ancient kiln, transformed from the original manual manufacturing to semi-mechanized production, and renewed from the traditional earth kiln to the push plate kiln. Product quality has been improved by leaps and bounds.

Glazed tile magnificent pronoun [1″ target=_blank>, glowing glazed tile is a traditional building piece, usually with gold, emerald green, blue and other colored lead glaze, because of solid materials, bright colors, bright glaze, has always been the proud son of building ceramic materials. Glazed tiles were used as decorations in architecture in China as early as the Northern and Southern dynasties. Glazed tiles were widely used in the imperial palace buildings in the Yuan Dynasty. Ten mausoleums and nine walls in the Ming Dynasty are masterpieces in the architectural history of glazed tiles.

Elegant decoration and gorgeous color paintings [2″ target=_blank>, the use of colors to decorate buildings, there are clear provisions in the “Construction French style” in the Song Dynasty. the methods of architectural color painting can be divided into six categories: colorful decoration, jade grinding, turquoise halo, green decoration, red powder brushing and miscellaneous decoration, and there are specific regulations and requirements on how to substrate, gold paste, color adjustment, lining color, panning stone color and refining tung oil. In the application of color, the level is strict. The use of architectural colors strongly shows the aesthetic habits of different dynasties. For example, from the Southern and Northern dynasties to the Sui and Tang dynasties, palaces and temples were often built with white walls and red columns, or painted on columns, visits and bucket arches, with blue tiles or glass trimmed houses high. The palace buildings of the Song and Jin dynasties are mostly white stone terraces, red walls, red doors, red columns, red windows and green glazed tile houses. Fight nuclear, visit forehead and so on with scarlet or white powder substrate, painting turquoise color painting, between gold. To the Ming and Qing dynasties, Baishi platform foundation, Song red wall pillar door

After generations of development, glazed tiles have formed a series of products with rich variety, exquisite shape and strong assembly. the common tiles commonly used are: tube tile, plate tile, sentence head tile, dripping tile, Luo Guo tile, waist tile, beast, pick horn, right kiss, close horn kiss, weeping beast, money beast, Baogao and so on. The western-style glazed tile evolved from the traditional polyester anti-corrosion tile was first applied in Japan, Spain, Italy and other European countries. It combines tube tile and plate tile into one with reasonable structure, easy installation, large effective coverage area and small load-bearing capacity. The glaze color is rich in more than 100 kinds, at the same time, it does not have the phenomenon that lead glaze tile glaze anti-lead affects the decoration effect. Therefore, Western-style tiles and glazed tiles are more and more widely used in modern architecture. The windows and Jinbi Jiahui’s imitation beam paintings with green and cool colors as the main tone, and the tall green glazed tile houses are even more brilliant and dazzling.

Common sense_ Regional differences are different_ so carefully select synthetic resin tiles of different specifications

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We are proud to provide outstanding synthetic resin tiles that distinguishes us from the industry-leading suppliers, including R & D and resin tiles. These are the better synthetic roof tiles on the market and are made of solid materials.

A professional forming process is used to make roof height tiles that look better to use and are much stronger than traditional materials.

These plastic roof tiles are an ideal environmentally friendly alternative for roof height replacement. They are used for asphalt shingles, shingles and commercial renovations.

Test site on an open road: directly crush it within the driving speed range without causing any damage! Synthetic resin tiles and most others are fourth-level impact resistant. But we strongly recommend straw tiles, which far exceeds ASA resin tiles.

Fire Rating: These lightweight roof tiles are tested and available in Class II or Class II fire ratings. They all have fourth-level hail impact resistance, wind speeds of up to 1 mile-hour, and are suitable for all types of house heights, new house heights or house heights. Pictures and fabrication are building-grade roof tiles suitable for historical restoration, commercial real estate, golf course properties, or just to upgrade the height of a beautiful old house.

These beautiful synthetic roof tiles are composed of: acrylic nitrile (A), styrene (A), and acrylic rubber (A). Products come in a variety of popular natural colors and blends, providing color customization. All tiles must be screwed to caps (or screws), just like ordinary roof products.

Our synthetic resin tiles come with a manufacturer’s guarantee of years (depending on regional differences).

Using synthetic roof tiles, roof systems can now be very durable and meet all green building requirements. Because of their extremely high resistance to crushing, you can walk on the height of a man-made house without damage. And almost eliminated workplace damage. Cutting is also simple: just use a hand saw or saw to cut quickly and safely without the danger of fine dust from sawing concrete or stone tiles.

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Common sense Synthetic resin tiles will show their talents in the shanty_reform plan

The products here are very good, Electric vehicle fire extinguishingespecially not to be missed.

Recently, the executive meeting proposed to implement the annual shantytown reform plan to renovate another million units of various shantytowns (including dilapidated rural buildings) to achieve the goal of renovating urban shantytowns and urban villages where about 100 million people live every year. Such a large number will drive sales of building materials, etc. Synthetic resin tiles, as tiles for projects such as flat slope conversion and shed conversion, will once again show their talents in such shantytown renovation projects.

In recent years, the reform of sheds has accelerated, and the first-and fourth-tier cities have taken on a completely new look. However, among the more than 600 second-and fourth-tier cities, phenomena such as old residential areas, declining regional functions, lack of urban functions, and deterioration of the urban environment are still prominent. More importantly, the renovation of dilapidated buildings in rural areas is only the beginning. In the future, the transformation of small towns with urban function restoration, old facilities for new ones, comprehensive community-based residential areas, improvement of municipal facilities, and concentrated rural settlements has just begun. There is a long-term demand for environmentally friendly and energy-saving new building materials such as synthetic resin tiles.

Moreover, in previous flat slope conversion and shed conversion projects, synthetic resin tiles are obviously very popular, with economical prices, and installation speed can greatly shorten the construction period; they are more prominent in waterproof, impermeability, corrosion and heat insulation functions; they are light in weight, firm and do not fall off, and have a higher safety factor than other roof tiles. It is suspected that it is a matter of course that synthetic resin tiles become tiles used in shed conversion projects.

_Observation_ Are there any talents in Italy_

The products here are very good, Electric vehicle fire extinguishingespecially not to be missed.

Not surprisingly, after Spalletti’s “will not resign” statement on the night of the exit. The next day, Italian Football Association President Gravina confirmed Spalletti’s retention at a press conference and indirectly announced that he would not leave. “Spalletti has won our trust, he needs to continue to work, we need patience.” We have to consider launching a talent training policy because there is talent and the youth national team has proved it. “

In addition to some mandarin, the last paragraph throws an answer: “there are talents in Italy.” This actually raises a huge question: “is there really talent in Italy?” The only one who continues to show a high level of real talent is Donaluma, which should be the consensus of all Italian fans who watched the European Cup. Inter double stars Varela and Bastogi are often not in their usual position. Carafioli still has many deficiencies. Spalletti’s team is not even as talented as Switzerland. Where is Italy’s genius?

Devoid of the genius of all

This is in sharp contrast to England, and although the national team is equally poor in the European Cup, the discussion is based on recognition of “talent”. In Italy, whether many players can play is closely related to the use of them by future coaches, as well as the influence of their clubs and the national football system as a whole.

The question of Italian youth training is simple and simple, and there is only one question to answer: do you believe that 16-year-old Camarda will be the starting striker of the Italian national team in the World Cup two years later? People are not even confident that Italy can make it to the World Cup finals. The Italian U17 represented by Camarda is what Gravina calls the “youth national team”. The lads have just won the U17 European Youth Championship in a very convincing way, but does it mean that there is a successor in Italy? Apparently not.

As a matter of fact, Italy has never been short of so-called “talented players”. In contrast to Camarda, 25-year-old Scamaka and 23-year-old Pellegri, which is not a talented teenager who was once born out of thin air, but what is the development today? As you can see from the performance of Scarmaka in this European Cup, there is a good performance for Albania, and the ability to pull back and play the ball has improved, but it does not show enough talent, and it has even become “devoid of all people”. Pellegri is even more distressing. After a young injury, minor injuries have never been broken, and the team can not guarantee continuous appearance in Serie A.

With such an analysis, things seem to get complicated again: is it because the players don’t have enough talent, or do they encounter obstacles in their adult development? With the closest adult echelon U21 as a reference, the new issue of the list. The only main players in Serie A this season are Fiorentina’s right-back Kajode, Salenitana’s centre-back Pilola, Atalanta’s left-winger Rugery and Empoli’s midfielder Fazini. Other main players are Rome’s Bovic and Bardhan, Bologna’s Fabian, Juventus’s Miretti and Cagliari’s Oristanio (including the right-age player Calafioli). Without the author’s introduction, the fans themselves know that none of these people are “talented players”, and their future development will not be much different from that of today’s people.

A genius without soil.

Perhaps Italy lacks enough support for truly top-notch young players, and due to economic constraints, more and more Italian players have been bought by Premiership teams after showing talent. Such as Tottenham’s left wing Udoji, Leeds winger Nionto and Chelsea’s Casadei. The example of Casadei is typical, because Inter Milan need to settle accounts, he was sold to Chelsea in 2022 for a total price of 20 million euros. By current standards, Casadei is definitely a genius. He is the best player and top scorer in the World Youth Championships. Before winning double honors, there are no shortage of superstars like Messi and Aguero, but this can only be used as a reference.

Because Casadei’s development has stalled in the last two years, Chelsea have not made a special development plan for him, but have seen him lease to any team at will. The most ridiculous thing is that in the second half of the season, Chelsea were not satisfied with his playing time for Championship team Leicester City, so they recalled him to the team, only to make Casaday appear in 11 Premiership games. It is indeed an appearance, because the total appearance time of these 11 games is only 71 minutes, that is to say, an average of 7 minutes per game, an incredible number. If you can only get such a chance to play, no matter how talented players can play.

The same problem is facing AC Milan. Camarda seems to have enough talent, but he is still an important part of the second team plan for the new season, which means he will mainly deal with the Serie C tournament, which is the main training ground for the U21 members of the national team. The 16-year-old Yamal is playing in the Champions League and the European Cup, and Camarda is about to play in Serie C. the gap is very obvious.

This is not only a problem that a club in AC Milan has to face, but a common problem in Serie A. Has Milan ever considered letting Camarda skip Serie C and locate the main Serie A striker? Maybe not yet. When exactly was that? Does the club have the courage to tolerate his mistakes in order to train him? Two years later, whether the 18-year-old Camarda is playing in the World Cup, Serie An or Serie C is an important weather vane.