The first strong convective orange warning since 2013! Emergency avoidance guide for local wind

  Recently, many places in China have encountered strong convective weather. The Central Meteorological Observatory upgraded and issued the orange warning of severe convective weather at 18: 00 today (2nd). This is the first orange warning of severe convective weather since 2013, and it is also the first warning of the highest level of severe convective weather since the Central Meteorological Observatory established the meteorological disaster warning fact prepping checklist It is more and more welcomed by our customers, and its market performance is gradually improving.


  The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that:


  From 20: 00 on the 2 nd to 20: 00 on the 3 rd, there will be thunderstorms or hailstorms of magnitude 10 or above in parts of southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu, Shanghai, southeastern Hubei, eastern and south-central Hunan, Jiangxi, western Zhejiang, northwestern Fujian, and northeastern Guangxi. In the weather, the local wind can reach more than 12, and the maximum hail diameter is more than 20 mm;


  There will be short-term heavy rainfall in parts of southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu, Shanghai, eastern and southern Hunan, Jiangxi, western Zhejiang, western Fujian, southeastern Guizhou, northeastern Guangxi, and northwestern Guangdong. The maximum hourly rainfall is 30-50 mm, and the local area can reach more than 70 mm.


  How to avoid danger when encountering strong convective weather?


  Let’s watch together ◎


  Home buyers should pay attention to windy days.


  Try to minimize going out in windy weather, and stay alert at home.


  1. Properly place and fix outdoor objects that are easily blown, such as flower pots.


  2. Close the doors and windows, and stick the “meter” tape on the window glass to prevent the glass from breaking.


  3. Stay away from the window to prevent the strong wind from sweeping the sand and breaking the glass and hurting people.


  Pay attention when going out in windy days.


  1. Avoid the “narrow tube effect”


  Avoid long and narrow passages between high-rise buildings when walking or cycling. The narrow passage will form a “narrow tube effect”, and the wind will increase in the passage, which will bring danger to pedestrians.


  2. Beware of falling objects


  Stay away from billboards that are not installed firmly, street trees with dry trunks, and residential buildings with sundries to avoid accidents caused by falling objects.


  Step 3 do a good job of protection


  Pay attention to wearing masks, scarves and other dust-proof products to avoid damage to eyes and respiratory system caused by dust rolled up by strong winds.


  Pay attention to driving in windy days


  1. Be careful and keep calm in times of crisis


  When driving on the expressway, you should know the influence of crosswind in advance and make preparations.


  2. Slow driving to prevent deviation


  When driving in windy days, the sight distance is short, so you should pay attention to driving slowly to prevent the vehicle from deviating.


  Step 3 avoid large vehicles


  Try to avoid large vehicles, such as overloaded, super-high, super-wide, trailers, tankers, hazardous chemicals and other special vehicles.


  4. Close the window and fix the goods


  Close the window. The air conditioner is switched to the internal circulation mode to avoid sucking outside air into the car.


  When driving a light car, it is best to put some heavy objects on the car and drive slowly in order to avoid being lifted by strong winds when driving at high speed.


  When driving a freight vehicle, you must tie up the goods on the vehicle firmly to prevent them from being blown off by the wind and endangering road safety.


  Strong convective weather


  ”Quick-tempered, quick-tempered”


  Please pay attention to the weather warning information.


  Timely avoidance and scientific response

What about gas leakage and gas tank explosion Please keep in mind the safety instructions.

  August 14thIn order to open the market, prepping checklist Constantly improve the ability of business development and create an extraordinary brand image for it.


  Henan Shangqiu


  A gas explosion occurred in a household’s home.


  @ Source: Henan Radio and TV Station


  It is understood that


  There was a gas leak in the kitchen at that time.


  After the hostess turned off the gas,


  Come to the stove to cook.


  As a result, deflagration occurred.


  98% of his skin was burned.


  Seeing my mother burned with my own eyes.


  The 18-year-old daughter Xiao Zhu said with tears.


  Willing to cut off their own skin


  Transplant to mother


  August 19th


  The mother and daughter successfully completed the first skin grafting operation.


  But my mother was seriously injured.


  Subsequent operations are still needed.


  May mother and daughter recover soon.


  In daily life, fires, explosions and other accidents caused by improper use of gas occur from time to time, posing a serious threat to people’s lives and property! Two recent serious gas explosion accidents are equally shocking!


  Accident 1: 80% of the 11-year-old girl was severely burned.


  On June 26, in Suizhou, Hubei Province, Yaoyao, a little girl who was on holiday at home, exploded due to a gas leak at home, causing 80% of her skin to be severely burned.


  @ Source: Hubei Radio and Television Station


  Accident 2: 21-year-old college students suffered 60% burns all over their bodies.


  On July 22, a 21-year-old junior in a rented house in Wuhan, Hubei Province, suddenly exploded and caught fire because of a gas tank, causing about 60% of his skin burns.


  @ Source: Chutian Metropolis Daily


  gas cylinder


  Also known as liquefied petroleum gas cylinder


  It is flammable and explosive.


  Explosion may occur in case of open fire and improper operation.


  How to use gas tanks safely?


  Come and study together


  There are two general situations of gas tank explosion.


  First, the pressure in the cylinder rises sharply when the tank is continuously baked at high temperature, which exceeds the load of the bottle body and explodes. This is called physical explosion. Overfilling and severe extrusion deformation of steel cylinders may also lead to physical explosion.


  Second, in a closed or limited space, when the leaked gas reaches the explosion limit and meets the ignition source, the explosion at this time belongs to chemical explosion.


  What should I do if I find a gas leak?


  What to do when the gas tank is on fire?


  Pay special attention to


  Never put the cylinder down during disposal.




  Will aggravate the spread of the fire


  Don’t put it down when using it at ordinary times.


  How to use gas safely in life?


  Gas safety concerns thousands of households.


  Whether using gas tanks or gas pipelines.


  Pay attention to safety.


  Please keep in mind the “six-character formula” of gas safety!

Operating instructions are life-saving guides, not just hanging on the wall

  Every seemingly complicated operation procedure has its design significance and inevitability behind it. If the operating rules are falsely set, it is tantamount to planting a time bomb for safe production: on the one hand, it can not effectively prevent problems before they happen, and even create more hidden dangers and security loopholes; On the other hand, when a danger occurs, the staff can’t handle and escape in time and correctly, which may expand the risks and losses.According to related reports, prepper supplies To a large extent, it leads the changes of market conditions.


  ”The management of hot work has gone out of control” !! According to the report of China Emergency Management on December 17th, the supervision and verification team of enterprises with major dangerous sources of dangerous chemicals of the Emergency Management Department found that there were serious defects in the operating rules of relevant enterprises, the safety management systems such as special operation management and education and training were not implemented, the hot work projects with fire and explosion risks were not equipped with fire-fighting equipment, and the confirmation contents of safety measures were inconsistent with the actual field operations. In fact, in recent years, when the emergency management department supervised the inspection team to go to various places for inspection, it frequently reported such cases of “hanging the operating procedures on the wall”.


  Ignoring the operating rules and letting the safety production system idle will lead to the failure of the safety defense line, and any detail of it may become the fuse of tragedy. Such a problem is shocking and frightening.


  One of the direct reasons for not taking the operating procedures seriously is that the relevant personnel are too troublesome and have luck, and the relevant operating procedures and systems are a mere formality, either drawing a few strokes and filling out a form, or simply not formulating the operating procedures. “It’s okay all the time.” More importantly, the person in charge and management personnel of the enterprise failed to perform their duties, only paid attention to the inspection of “ledger” materials but ignored the actual level of security risks, and even had a passive phenomenon of “waiting for help”, thinking that relevant departments would help enterprises find hidden dangers. Some enterprises are not equipped with professional safety officers, and even the responsible personnel are not qualified to take up their posts, and they don’t know how to deal with emergencies at all. At the same time, the lax supervision of relevant parties is also an important reason for the long-term slack and lack of binding force of enterprises.


  Operating rules are the basis for the regular operation of employees on the spot, and even the emergency treatment guide and even the life-saving guide in an emergency, which can minimize the casualty cost and economic loss. If the operating rules are falsely set, it is tantamount to planting a time bomb for safe production: on the one hand, it can not effectively prevent problems before they happen, and even create more hidden dangers and security loopholes; On the other hand, when a danger occurs, the staff can’t handle and escape in time and correctly, which may expand the risks and losses.


  Every seemingly complicated operation procedure has its design meaning and inevitability behind it, and even there are many painful lessons. Therefore, the operating rules for safe production must be put into mind and carried out to the letter. For example, in view of the frequent accidents in limited space in recent years, the newly revised Safety Regulations for Limited Space Operations in Industry and Trade Enterprises, which will be implemented on January 1, 2024, has added provisions such as “Guardians must be equipped for limited space operations”, requiring guardians to have corresponding safety knowledge and emergency response capabilities, and be responsible for supervising the implementation of safety measures for limited space operations. For another example, not long ago, a pig-raising enterprise stipulated that employees who entered the core feeding area were “forbidden to wear private underwear after bathing” and rushed to the hot search. After professionals explained that “unified sterilized clothes must be worn to prevent the spread of African swine fever and other viruses”, netizens expressed their understanding. “It turns out that every regulation has its realistic pertinence.”


  Hidden dangers are dormant accidents, and accidents are active hidden dangers. The implementation of operating procedures in place is the magic weapon for troubleshooting and ensuring safety, and it may become a source of danger if it is not taken seriously. In recent years, in order to urge enterprises to implement the production responsibility system, relevant state departments and many places are taking active actions. For example, the newly revised Law on Work Safety in 2021 made it clear that the main person in charge of the production and business operation unit is the first person in charge of work safety in the unit and is fully responsible for the work safety in the unit. This move makes the person in charge of the enterprise understand how heavy his responsibility is. The relevant departments forced the person in charge of the enterprise to implement the main responsibility by issuing typical cases and imposing economic penalties, and so on.


  Although all aspects are tightening the string of safety production responsibility, some long-standing problems are still often found. Some enterprises have been built and put into production for many years, and they are constantly welcoming inspections at all levels, but major security risks have always existed. What’s the hard bone behind this?


  ”Everyone speaks about safety, and everyone will respond to emergencies.” In recent years, all localities have actively created a “big emergency” system and working mechanism, focusing on multi-sectoral linkage and social coordination. In other words, improving the emergency response capability and eliminating potential risks is not only a matter for individual departments, but also requires the participation of many forces including regulatory authorities, production enterprises and front-line workers, so that various safety production systems such as operating procedures can be effectively implemented.


  By the time the accident happened, it would be too late to grieve and regret. Taking other people’s accidents as their own lessons, safety in production is always unremitting, and the alarm bell is always ringing-on this issue, it is not allowed to be sloppy and lax.

[Emergency Science] Must-see! The winter fire prevention guide is ready!

  It’s drier in winter.Therefore, this is the choice prepper supplies The reason, there is no denying its positive impact.


  And the electricity and gas consumption are also increasing.


  The resulting


  Fire hazards are increasing day by day


  Hit the point!


  These common sense of fire safety in winter


  You have to know! ! !


  Fire prevention in winter-electric blanket


  Go out with courage, get up with perseverance.


  The cold winter is coming again!


  Hum! You can warm my heart but not my bed.




  Blue friends have something to say.


  Electric blankets are often folded and used, which can easily break wires, lead to short circuit and fire. Don’t buy unqualified products. Turn off the power before going to sleep. Avoid folding and pleating, and it is forbidden to wash, dismantle and repair by yourself.


  Except for the electric blanket fire incident


  What other fires are there in winter?


  Hidden dangers need to be eliminated in time?


  Fire prevention in winter-heater


  It’s cold.


  ”Little Sun” and other heating equipment.


  Be used more and more.


  But I don’t know that the heating equipment is improperly used.


  It will cause a fire, which is very dangerous


  Blue friends have something to say.


  Nothing can be put on the small sun, especially clothes, otherwise it will cause short circuit and fire. Use a three-hole plug with a ground wire. It is forbidden to put anything on the machine body. When using it, stay away from flammable materials. It is forbidden to use a small sun in the bathroom.


  Fire prevention in winter-smoking in bed


  Lying in bed wrapped in a quilt and playing with a mobile phone or something.


  Don’t be too comfortable at all


  But it’s too dangerous to smoke like this


  Blue friends have something to say.


  If you accidentally drop the unlit cigarette butts, it is easy to ignite clothes and bedding, endangering life safety.




  Keep warm in winter, but also keep safe.


  The next fire safety knowledge


  Everyone must keep it in mind.




  Family fire prevention




  The failure of household appliances is likely to cause fire.


  When using induction cooker, electric blanket, electric iron and other electrical appliances, it is necessary to avoid fire caused by wire damage due to aging and frequent handling.




  Littering cigarette butts can easily cause fire.


  Don’t throw cigarette butts and matchsticks in the wastepaper basket or combustible sundries at will, and don’t smoke in bed or sofa.




  Heating by fire is easy to cause fire.


  In winter, it is forbidden to use flammable materials such as gasoline, kerosene and alcohol to ignite the fire. Don’t pile flammable materials around the stove, and don’t use heating supplies to bake clothes.




  Gas leakage is easy to cause fire.


  Once a gas leak is found, the gas valve and stove switch should be turned off immediately, and the doors and windows should be opened. Do not touch the electrical switch and use an open flame. Remember not to make a phone call in the gas leak place. When you find a gas leak in your neighbor’s house, you should immediately knock on the door to inform you.




  Pulling wires privately is easy to cause fire.


  Don’t overload electricity, don’t use too much electrical equipment on the socket, and don’t use copper, iron and aluminum wires to replace the fuse on the breaker switch.


  Rural fire safety




  Thoroughly clean up combustibles.


  It is necessary to comprehensively clean up the combustible sundries before and after the house. It is forbidden to pile up straw piles in the village or near residents’ houses, and it is strictly forbidden to burn straw in the wild.




  Pay attention to cooking with firewood.


  When cooking with firewood, you must pay attention to keep away from the stove when stacking firewood, and don’t store too much. After dinner, you should check to see if there is any kindling left around the woodpile.




  Pay attention to smoking


  Don’t smoke while lying on the sofa or bed, and don’t smoke after being tired or drinking, so as to prevent cigarette butts from falling on combustible materials and causing fire accidents. It is forbidden to throw cigarette butts near hay fields and haystacks to prevent fires caused by unlit cigarette butts and match stalks.




  Don’t play with fire


  Parents should put matches, lighters and other items in places where children can’t easily get them. When they see children playing with matches, lighters or lighting fires near stoves, they should be strictly educated.


  Fire prevention in factories and enterprises


  1. Factories and enterprises should strictly implement fire safety responsibilities, strengthen on-duty inspections, and eliminate fire hazards in time.


  2. Factories and enterprises should put an end to illegal operation, and it is strictly forbidden to use fire, oil, electricity and gas in violation of regulations, and it is strictly forbidden to use naked fire for operation or heating in the construction site in violation of regulations.


  3. Factories and enterprises should regularly organize fire fighting and evacuation drills to improve employees’ self-defense and self-help ability.


  4. When the weather is dry in winter, the combustible sundries in the factory area should be cleaned up in time, and the inflammable articles produced and processed should be classified and stored according to the standards.


  5. Keep enough personnel on duty during holidays, strengthen the fire inspection, deal with the first fire in time, and call the “119” fire alarm immediately.


  6. It is strictly forbidden to occupy, block or close the safety exits, evacuation passages and fire truck passages, and it is strictly forbidden to set obstacles that hinder the passage of fire trucks and fire fighting.


  7. To timely maintenance of fire control facilities and equipment, to ensure the normal use in case of fire. It is strictly prohibited to damage, misappropriate, bury, occupy or block fire control facilities and equipment.


  Everyone must improve their fire prevention ability.


  Reduce fire accidents from the source


  Keep the risk of disaster away from me

I hope you will never use this Guide to Emergency Treatment of Dog Bites compiled by emergency d

  Recently, a two-year-old girl in Chongzhou, Chengdu, was bitten by a large dog, resulting in severe bites all over her body, contusion and laceration of her right kidney and rib fracture. As of October 18, she was still in a coma in the intensive care unit. This tragedy has aroused widespread concern throughout the country.It is reported that, prepping for beginners The data performance is getting better and better, which is of great reference value and is likely to become the vane of the industry.


  Although the police released the news afterwards, the vicious dog and its owner have been controlled, and the relevant parties will bear their due responsibilities, but this incident itself is a huge tragedy, which is heartbreaking!


  Although the number of rabies cases in China has been decreasing year by year in recent years, it is still one of the countries with high rabies risk recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), and the risk of dog injury is not far from each of us!


  If you and your family are unfortunately bitten by dogs (or other animals), how should you deal with it urgently at the scene to minimize the damage?


  Liu Lin, the attending physician in the emergency department of Chengdu Women and Children Central Hospital, used her clinical experience to help everyone sort out a “guide to emergency treatment of dog bites”, especially for children how to deal with and prevent dog bites. It must be collected and forwarded, but I hope you will never use it!




  Harm of dog bite


  Dog bites refer to skin damage, tissue tearing, bleeding and infection caused by dog teeth biting and cutting human tissues, which are not limited to dogs, but may also be other wild and stray animals with sharp teeth.


  Common dog bites and their harm?


  ¢ In young children, the whole body may be injured, especially the head and neck.


  In older children, adolescents and adults, dogs usually bite limbs, especially the dominant hand of the injured.


  Dog bites can cause minor injuries (such as scratches and abrasions) and even serious injuries (such as open lacerations, deep stab wounds, tissue lacerations and crush injuries).


  Some fierce dogs, such as Peter bull terrier, German Shepherd and Rottweiler, have strong jaw bite, so they are particularly prone to serious injuries and deep structural damage.


  In addition to general purulent infection, dog bites can also cause special infections such as rabies, tetanus and gas gangrene. Severe can lead to complex and serious wounds and complications; It can also lead to damage to tissues and organs, physical disability and even death.




  Being bitten by a dog


  What should I do?


  What should you do if you or your family are unfortunately attacked by a vicious dog, or if you happen to meet a dog attacking or biting others, the situation is very urgent and dangerous?


  The following are some suggestions for emergency treatment, hoping to help you cope with this situation:


  No matter whether you are bitten or others are being bitten, try to stay calm and don’t panic or shout.


  Screaming or yelling may stimulate dogs to bite more fiercely, and staying calm can also help you make more informed decisions.


   Don’t run away: Try to avoid running away. Running away may stimulate the dog’s hunting instinct, which may prompt the dog to catch up with you and aggravate the aggressive behavior.


  3 Try not to violently attack dogs: using violent means such as smashing and stabbing with sharp tools to deal with dogs may irritate them and lead to more serious attacks.


  Try to avoid direct contact: If the dog attacks others, please don’t pull the dog and the bitten person directly with your hands, which may lead to your injury. Try to use foreign objects, such as sticks and coats, and put them in front of dogs’ mouths to distract them. At this point, the cleaning aunt who came to help the child with a mop in Chongzhou dog bite incident was right:


  ⊥ Cover your body: When attacked by dogs, if possible, put your arms and palms in front of your body to protect important parts and minimize the risk of injury to key parts. Try to avoid exposing vulnerable parts such as neck, face and lower limbs.


  6. Try to distract the dog: make regular calls, make some noise around with objects, or throw things near the dog, all of which can try to distract the dog from the bitten person.


  ∂ Ask for help: If anyone is present, ask them to call the emergency number immediately and ask the fire and rescue personnel to come.




  On-site evaluation and treatment of dog bites


  First, confirm whether the environment is safe.


  After stopping the dog’s biting behavior, if you want to help the injured, you must first make sure that the scene is safe.


  To ensure that the out-of-control dogs are driven away from the scene, don’t be busy moving the injured, and call the emergency number 119 and 120 for help immediately.


  Evaluate the vital signs of the injured.


  The life-threatening patients with dog bites should first stabilize their vital signs, and the key lies in maintaining airway patency and controlling bleeding.


  (1) to ensure that the injured airway unobstructed.


  Before the 120 emergency personnel arrive, you can check whether the airway of the injured person is clear and awake. If there is blood, oral and airway secretions or foreign bodies blocking the airway, and the injured person can’t breathe, you can lay the injured person flat, lift his chin, try to remove oral and airway secretions or foreign bodies by hand, and open the airway by hand.


   Help to stop bleeding.


  If there are a lot of active bleeding wounds on the injured person, direct compression is the first choice to stop bleeding, that is, use sterile gauze to press the wound for about 10 minutes;


  If compression hemostasis is ineffective, it is suggested to use a tourniquet to tie the limbs closer to the heart than the wound to stop bleeding. If it is upper limb bleeding, tie the upper middle third of the upper arm, and if it is lower limb bleeding, tie the upper middle third of the femur as close as possible to the bleeding position. If you don’t have a medical tourniquet, you can use an elastic rubber band, etc., rather than an inelastic cloth belt (note that during the use of tourniquet, you should loosen the tourniquet every half an hour to one hour, and don’t tie it repeatedly at the same place);


  For the bleeding of body cavity, it is suggested to use sterile gauze and other medical materials to stop bleeding.


  Emergency treatment of wound


  In the case that the injured person’s vital signs are stable and rescuers can’t come soon, preliminary emergency treatment can be carried out on the bite wound:


  Wound irrigation and cleaning


  It is very important to wash the bite wound thoroughly and effectively. Wash all bites alternately with soapy water (or other weakly alkaline cleaning agents) and flowing water for about 15min, and then use sterile gauze or absorbent cotton to suck up the residual liquid at the wound.


  There is evidence that even in the absence of rabies immunoglobulin, more than 99% patients can survive through effective wound cleaning, immediate rabies vaccination and post-exposure prevention procedures.


  Debridement and disinfection


  After thorough washing, the residual rabies virus in the wound can be inactivated by smearing or cleaning the wound with dilute iodophor or other medical preparations with virus inactivation ability. Dog bite wounds (especially lacerations) need debridement to remove necrotic tissue, and if necessary, perform debridement.


  Immune prevention of tetanus


  Dog bite wounds are contaminated wounds, which are high-risk exposure to tetanus, and immunization measures for tetanus should be considered.


  Seek medical attention as soon as possible.


  Describe the dog’s appearance, behavior and vaccine to the doctor in detail to help the doctor judge whether rabies vaccine injection and wound treatment are needed.




  After a dog bite


  Immune prevention of rabies


  After a dog bite, regardless of the degree of the wound, immune prevention of rabies should be considered at the first time.




  Psychological intervention after dog bite

Notice of the National Energy Administration on Printing and Distributing the Guidelines for Pre

  forewordWith the upsurge of industry development, prepper supplies The expressive force in the market has also been very good, bringing many brand-new high-quality experiences to users.


  In order to strengthen the guidance of the preparation of emergency plans for large-scale power outages in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, standardize its preparation procedures, framework contents and basic elements, and deal with large-scale power outages efficiently and orderly, This guide is formulated with reference to People’s Republic of China (PRC) Emergency Response Law, Guidelines for Relevant Departments and Units in the State Council to Formulate and Revise the Framework of Emergency Plans for Public Emergencies, National Overall Emergency Plan for Public Emergencies, National Emergency Plan for Large-scale Blackouts, Measures for the Administration of Emergency Plans for the State Council Office, Measures for the Administration of Emergency Plans for Production Safety Accidents and other relevant documents.


  This guide is applicable to the people’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in the preparation of emergency plans. People’s governments at the county level and relevant units can refer to this guide in the preparation of emergency plans for large-scale power outages at the same level or in their own units.


  This guide consists of two parts: the preparation work guide and the plan framework guide. The preparation work guide mainly puts forward guiding requirements for the positioning, system structure and key points in the preparation process of the plan; The guide part of the plan framework mainly provides a guiding reference for the content of the plan.


  The first part of the preparation of work guide


  1. Principles of plan preparation


  1.1 The provincial emergency plan for large-scale blackouts (hereinafter referred to as the provincial emergency plan) is a special emergency plan for large-scale blackouts formulated by the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government (hereinafter referred to as the provincial emergency plan), and it is the institutional arrangement and work plan for the responsibilities of multiple departments involved in the response to large-scale blackouts, which should be led by the electric power operation department of the provincial people’s government.


  1.2 The preparation of the plan shall be based on the relevant national laws and regulations and the relevant laws and regulations on emergency management in this area, and closely combined with the actual situation in this area.


  See Appendix I for the legal, regulatory and institutional basis involved in each part of the provincial plan framework.


  1.3 The provincial plan focuses on the organization and command mechanism, information reporting requirements, grading response standards and response actions, team material support and calling procedures, and municipal and county government responsibilities in the event of a large-scale power outage, focusing on standardizing the response actions at the provincial level and reflecting the guidance of the municipal and county plans. The interface between the provincial plan and other provincial special plans shall be stipulated by the provincial comprehensive plan; The response and disposal actions at the provincial level involving the city and county level shall be stipulated by the relevant special plans at the city and county level; The inter-departmental response and safeguard actions involved in the provincial plan are stipulated by the relevant collaborative linkage mechanism.


  See Appendix II for the system framework of provincial plans.


  1.4 The provincial plan shall be linked with the National Emergency Plan for Large-scale Blackouts in terms of coping principles, command mechanism, early warning mechanism, event classification, response classification, response actions and safeguard measures.


  2 preparation work organization


  2.1 The competent department of electric power operation of the provincial people’s government shall take the lead in setting up an emergency plan preparation organization (hereinafter referred to as the preparation organization), and the person in charge of the preparation organization shall be the relevant person in charge of the electric power operation department of the provincial people’s government. See Appendix III for the typical composition of the organization.


  2.2 The composition of organizational members should be comprehensive and professional, involving emergency management personnel of relevant government departments, managers of relevant emergency command institutions, professionals in emergency management field and professionals in related industries, and organizing special training when necessary.


  2.3 The preparation organization should pay attention to the continuity of work, and give full play to the role of the members of the preparation organization in the emergency response command of large-scale power outages and the continuous optimization and improvement of provincial plans.


  3 Preparation


  3.1 Risk Source Assessment


  Before the preparation of the plan, a comprehensive assessment should be made of the risk sources that may cause large-scale power outages. Risk source assessment should be based on comprehensive sample data collection, including relevant historical events in this area for more than ten years, representative cases at home and abroad, and expectations of natural, social and economic evolution in this area in the future, so as to form a sample database of risk source events. Risk source assessment should adopt scientific and effective methods of event decomposition and pattern classification to form the basis of scenario construction.


  3.2 Social Risk Impact Analysis


  Before the preparation of the plan, the social risk impact analysis of large-scale power outage should be carried out to form the decision-making basis for emergency response and security, and put forward measures to control risks, control hidden dangers and prevent secondary derivative disasters, as well as the requirements for emergency response and resource security in extreme cases.


  The social risk impact analysis should adopt the scientific method of scenario construction, and construct the impact scenarios on urban order, transportation, public safety, communication security, medical and health care, material supply, fuel supply and other fields caused by large-scale power outages.


  3.3 Investigation of Emergency Resources


  3.3.1 From the perspective of power supply guarantee in the event of large-scale power outage, conduct a comprehensive investigation on emergency resources of power enterprises, emergency resources of important power users, other emergency and guarantee mechanisms, standby power supply of relevant departments, organizations and institutions, emergency fuel reserves, emergency teams, materials and equipment, and emergency places. When necessary, according to the power grid structure and regional characteristics, investigate the available power emergency resources in the cooperation area to provide a basis for formulating emergency response measures.


  3.3.2 From the perspective of people’s livelihood and social security in the event of a large-scale power outage, investigate the emergency resources of relevant departments and units such as communications, transportation, public safety, civil affairs, health, medical care, municipal administration, military, armed police and social emergency organizations, and investigate the available social emergency resources in the cooperation area when necessary, so as to provide a basis for formulating a coordinated linkage mechanism.

China Meteorological Bureau launched a three-level emergency response! Send you a typhoon defens

  September 12th.On the other hand, prepping checklist It also brings tangible benefits to everyone and feels useful. It is a model of the industry.


  This year’s No.12 typhoon “Meihua” went north.


  China Meteorological Bureau launched a three-level emergency response.


  The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue typhoon warnings.


  It is estimated that “Plum Blossom” will be held from the night of 12th to the early morning of 13th.


  After crossing the Ryukyu Islands, it entered the southern part of the East China Sea.


  Gradually approaching the northeastern coast of Zhejiang.


  It may be from the night of 14th to the day of 15th.


  Landing in the above-mentioned coastal areas


  It may also go north in the east China sea.




  Impact of gale: Affected by Plum Blossom, from 14: 00 on September 12 to 14: 00 on September 13, there were 6-7 winds in the southern Yellow Sea, most of the East China Sea, Taiwan Province Strait, east of Taiwan Province, bashi channel, the coast of Taiwan Province Province, the waters near Diaoyu Island, Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang Coast, Fujian Coast, Shanghai Coast and Southeast Jiangsu Coast, with gusts of 8-9; There are 8-11 winds in the southern part of the East China Sea and parts of the sea east of Taiwan Province. The winds in the nearby seas and areas where Meihua Center passes are 12-14, and the gusts can reach 15-16.


  Impact of precipitation: From 14: 00 on September 12 to 14: 00 on September 13, there were heavy rains (100-150 mm) in southeastern Jiangsu, Shanghai, the northeastern coast of Zhejiang and the northern part of Taiwan Province Island.


  Xu Yinglong, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, analyzed: At present, the influence system of Meihua is complex, and there is still great uncertainty about its moving path and later moving speed. Its overall body is gradually approaching the east China coast, with strong intensity, which can reach typhoon level or strong typhoon level. “Meihua” may become the first typhoon to land on the coast of East China this year.


  Although the intensity of “Plum Blossom” is not as strong as the 11th typhoon “Xuanlannuo” this year, because it is closer to the coastal areas of Zhejiang, Shanghai and Jiangsu, it is expected that the storm impact of typhoon “Plum Blossom” on Zhejiang, Shanghai and Jiangsu will probably be greater than that of “Xuanlannuo”.


  Expert tips


  With the continuous westward adjustment of typhoon path, the possibility of “Meihua” landing in China is increasing, and the influence of wind and rain is beginning to emerge. The government and relevant departments should do a good job in typhoon prevention and emergency rescue according to their duties; Water operations and passing ships in relevant waters should return to Hong Kong to take shelter from the wind, strengthen port facilities, and prevent ships from anchoring, grounding and collision; Stop outdoor dangerous operations such as indoor and outdoor large gatherings and high altitude; The public pays close attention to the typhoon forecast and early warning information in time and takes preventive measures in advance.


  Finally, I will send you a typhoon defense guide.


  What is a typhoon landing point?


  Will the typhoon landing site be the worst place for disasters?


  How to avoid danger when the typhoon comes?

I hope you will never use this Guide to Emergency Treatment of Dog Bites compiled by emergency d

  Recently, a two-year-old girl in Chongzhou, Chengdu, was bitten by a large dog, resulting in severe bites all over her body, contusion and laceration of her right kidney and rib fracture. As of October 18, she was still in a coma in the intensive care unit. This tragedy has aroused widespread concern throughout the other words prepper supplies It is possible to develop in a good direction, and there are still many places worth looking forward to in the future.


  Although the police released the news afterwards, the vicious dog and its owner have been controlled, and the relevant parties will bear their due responsibilities, but this incident itself is a huge tragedy, which is heartbreaking!


  Although the number of rabies cases in China has been decreasing year by year in recent years, it is still one of the countries with high rabies risk recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), and the risk of dog injury is not far from each of us!


  If you and your family are unfortunately bitten by dogs (or other animals), how should you deal with it urgently at the scene to minimize the damage?


  Liu Lin, the attending physician in the emergency department of Chengdu Women and Children Central Hospital, used her clinical experience to help everyone sort out a “guide to emergency treatment of dog bites”, especially for children how to deal with and prevent dog bites. It must be collected and forwarded, but I hope you will never use it!




  Harm of dog bite


  Dog bites refer to skin damage, tissue tearing, bleeding and infection caused by dog teeth biting and cutting human tissues, which are not limited to dogs, but may also be other wild and stray animals with sharp teeth.


  Common dog bites and their harm?


  ¢ In young children, the whole body may be injured, especially the head and neck.


  In older children, adolescents and adults, dogs usually bite limbs, especially the dominant hand of the injured.


  Dog bites can cause minor injuries (such as scratches and abrasions) and even serious injuries (such as open lacerations, deep stab wounds, tissue lacerations and crush injuries).


  Some fierce dogs, such as Peter bull terrier, German Shepherd and Rottweiler, have strong jaw bite, so they are particularly prone to serious injuries and deep structural damage.


  In addition to general purulent infection, dog bites can also cause special infections such as rabies, tetanus and gas gangrene. Severe can lead to complex and serious wounds and complications; It can also lead to damage to tissues and organs, physical disability and even death.




  Being bitten by a dog


  What should I do?


  What should you do if you or your family are unfortunately attacked by a vicious dog, or if you happen to meet a dog attacking or biting others, the situation is very urgent and dangerous?


  The following are some suggestions for emergency treatment, hoping to help you cope with this situation:


  No matter whether you are bitten or others are being bitten, try to stay calm and don’t panic or shout.


  Screaming or yelling may stimulate dogs to bite more fiercely, and staying calm can also help you make more informed decisions.


   Don’t run away: Try to avoid running away. Running away may stimulate the dog’s hunting instinct, which may prompt the dog to catch up with you and aggravate the aggressive behavior.


  3 Try not to violently attack dogs: using violent means such as smashing and stabbing with sharp tools to deal with dogs may irritate them and lead to more serious attacks.


  Try to avoid direct contact: If the dog attacks others, please don’t pull the dog and the bitten person directly with your hands, which may lead to your injury. Try to use foreign objects, such as sticks and coats, and put them in front of dogs’ mouths to distract them. At this point, the cleaning aunt who came to help the child with a mop in Chongzhou dog bite incident was right:


  ⊥ Cover your body: When attacked by dogs, if possible, put your arms and palms in front of your body to protect important parts and minimize the risk of injury to key parts. Try to avoid exposing vulnerable parts such as neck, face and lower limbs.


  6. Try to distract the dog: make regular calls, make some noise around with objects, or throw things near the dog, all of which can try to distract the dog from the bitten person.


  ∂ Ask for help: If anyone is present, ask them to call the emergency number immediately and ask the fire and rescue personnel to come.




  On-site evaluation and treatment of dog bites


  First, confirm whether the environment is safe.


  After stopping the dog’s biting behavior, if you want to help the injured, you must first make sure that the scene is safe.


  To ensure that the out-of-control dogs are driven away from the scene, don’t be busy moving the injured, and call the emergency number 119 and 120 for help immediately.


  Evaluate the vital signs of the injured.


  The life-threatening patients with dog bites should first stabilize their vital signs, and the key lies in maintaining airway patency and controlling bleeding.


  (1) to ensure that the injured airway unobstructed.


  Before the 120 emergency personnel arrive, you can check whether the airway of the injured person is clear and awake. If there is blood, oral and airway secretions or foreign bodies blocking the airway, and the injured person can’t breathe, you can lay the injured person flat, lift his chin, try to remove oral and airway secretions or foreign bodies by hand, and open the airway by hand.


   Help to stop bleeding.


  If there are a lot of active bleeding wounds on the injured person, direct compression is the first choice to stop bleeding, that is, use sterile gauze to press the wound for about 10 minutes;


  If compression hemostasis is ineffective, it is suggested to use a tourniquet to tie the limbs closer to the heart than the wound to stop bleeding. If it is upper limb bleeding, tie the upper middle third of the upper arm, and if it is lower limb bleeding, tie the upper middle third of the femur as close as possible to the bleeding position. If you don’t have a medical tourniquet, you can use an elastic rubber band, etc., rather than an inelastic cloth belt (note that during the use of tourniquet, you should loosen the tourniquet every half an hour to one hour, and don’t tie it repeatedly at the same place);


  For the bleeding of body cavity, it is suggested to use sterile gauze and other medical materials to stop bleeding.


  Emergency treatment of wound


  In the case that the injured person’s vital signs are stable and rescuers can’t come soon, preliminary emergency treatment can be carried out on the bite wound:


  Wound irrigation and cleaning


  It is very important to wash the bite wound thoroughly and effectively. Wash all bites alternately with soapy water (or other weakly alkaline cleaning agents) and flowing water for about 15min, and then use sterile gauze or absorbent cotton to suck up the residual liquid at the wound.


  There is evidence that even in the absence of rabies immunoglobulin, more than 99% patients can survive through effective wound cleaning, immediate rabies vaccination and post-exposure prevention procedures.


  Debridement and disinfection


  After thorough washing, the residual rabies virus in the wound can be inactivated by smearing or cleaning the wound with dilute iodophor or other medical preparations with virus inactivation ability. Dog bite wounds (especially lacerations) need debridement to remove necrotic tissue, and if necessary, perform debridement.


  Immune prevention of tetanus


  Dog bite wounds are contaminated wounds, which are high-risk exposure to tetanus, and immunization measures for tetanus should be considered.


  Seek medical attention as soon as possible.


  Describe the dog’s appearance, behavior and vaccine to the doctor in detail to help the doctor judge whether rabies vaccine injection and wound treatment are needed.




  After a dog bite


  Immune prevention of rabies


  After a dog bite, regardless of the degree of the wound, immune prevention of rabies should be considered at the first time.




  Psychological intervention after dog bite

Operating instructions are life-saving guides, not just hanging on the wall

  Every seemingly complicated operation procedure has its design significance and inevitability behind it. If the operating rules are falsely set, it is tantamount to planting a time bomb for safe production: on the one hand, it can not effectively prevent problems before they happen, and even create more hidden dangers and security loopholes; On the other hand, when a danger occurs, the staff can’t handle and escape in time and correctly, which may expand the risks and losses.pass prepping checklist It can be seen from the present situation that the market prospect is relatively broad, which is conducive to our reference and investment.


  ”The management of hot work has gone out of control” !! According to the report of China Emergency Management on December 17th, the supervision and verification team of enterprises with major dangerous sources of dangerous chemicals of the Emergency Management Department found that there were serious defects in the operating rules of relevant enterprises, the safety management systems such as special operation management and education and training were not implemented, the hot work projects with fire and explosion risks were not equipped with fire-fighting equipment, and the confirmation contents of safety measures were inconsistent with the actual field operations. In fact, in recent years, when the emergency management department supervised the inspection team to go to various places for inspection, it frequently reported such cases of “hanging the operating procedures on the wall”.


  Ignoring the operating rules and letting the safety production system idle will lead to the failure of the safety defense line, and any detail of it may become the fuse of tragedy. Such a problem is shocking and frightening.


  One of the direct reasons for not taking the operating procedures seriously is that the relevant personnel are too troublesome and have luck, and the relevant operating procedures and systems are a mere formality, either drawing a few strokes and filling out a form, or simply not formulating the operating procedures. “It’s okay all the time.” More importantly, the person in charge and management personnel of the enterprise failed to perform their duties, only paid attention to the inspection of “ledger” materials but ignored the actual level of security risks, and even had a passive phenomenon of “waiting for help”, thinking that relevant departments would help enterprises find hidden dangers. Some enterprises are not equipped with professional safety officers, and even the responsible personnel are not qualified to take up their posts, and they don’t know how to deal with emergencies at all. At the same time, the lax supervision of relevant parties is also an important reason for the long-term slack and lack of binding force of enterprises.


  Operating rules are the basis for the regular operation of employees on the spot, and even the emergency treatment guide and even the life-saving guide in an emergency, which can minimize the casualty cost and economic loss. If the operating rules are falsely set, it is tantamount to planting a time bomb for safe production: on the one hand, it can not effectively prevent problems before they happen, and even create more hidden dangers and security loopholes; On the other hand, when a danger occurs, the staff can’t handle and escape in time and correctly, which may expand the risks and losses.


  Every seemingly complicated operation procedure has its design meaning and inevitability behind it, and even there are many painful lessons. Therefore, the operating rules for safe production must be put into mind and carried out to the letter. For example, in view of the frequent accidents in limited space in recent years, the newly revised Safety Regulations for Limited Space Operations in Industry and Trade Enterprises, which will be implemented on January 1, 2024, has added provisions such as “Guardians must be equipped for limited space operations”, requiring guardians to have corresponding safety knowledge and emergency response capabilities, and be responsible for supervising the implementation of safety measures for limited space operations. For another example, not long ago, a pig-raising enterprise stipulated that employees who entered the core feeding area were “forbidden to wear private underwear after bathing” and rushed to the hot search. After professionals explained that “unified sterilized clothes must be worn to prevent the spread of African swine fever and other viruses”, netizens expressed their understanding. “It turns out that every regulation has its realistic pertinence.”


  Hidden dangers are dormant accidents, and accidents are active hidden dangers. The implementation of operating procedures in place is the magic weapon for troubleshooting and ensuring safety, and it may become a source of danger if it is not taken seriously. In recent years, in order to urge enterprises to implement the production responsibility system, relevant state departments and many places are taking active actions. For example, the newly revised Law on Work Safety in 2021 made it clear that the main person in charge of the production and business operation unit is the first person in charge of work safety in the unit and is fully responsible for the work safety in the unit. This move makes the person in charge of the enterprise understand how heavy his responsibility is. The relevant departments forced the person in charge of the enterprise to implement the main responsibility by issuing typical cases and imposing economic penalties, and so on.


  Although all aspects are tightening the string of safety production responsibility, some long-standing problems are still often found. Some enterprises have been built and put into production for many years, and they are constantly welcoming inspections at all levels, but major security risks have always existed. What’s the hard bone behind this?


  ”Everyone speaks about safety, and everyone will respond to emergencies.” In recent years, all localities have actively created a “big emergency” system and working mechanism, focusing on multi-sectoral linkage and social coordination. In other words, improving the emergency response capability and eliminating potential risks is not only a matter for individual departments, but also requires the participation of many forces including regulatory authorities, production enterprises and front-line workers, so that various safety production systems such as operating procedures can be effectively implemented.


  By the time the accident happened, it would be too late to grieve and regret. Taking other people’s accidents as their own lessons, safety in production is always unremitting, and the alarm bell is always ringing-on this issue, it is not allowed to be sloppy and lax.

China Meteorological Bureau launched a three-level emergency response! Send you a typhoon defens

  September 12th.pass prepping checklist As can be seen from its market performance, it has strong vitality and strong appeal.


  This year’s No.12 typhoon “Meihua” went north.


  China Meteorological Bureau launched a three-level emergency response.


  The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue typhoon warnings.


  It is estimated that “Plum Blossom” will be held from the night of 12th to the early morning of 13th.


  After crossing the Ryukyu Islands, it entered the southern part of the East China Sea.


  Gradually approaching the northeastern coast of Zhejiang.


  It may be from the night of 14th to the day of 15th.


  Landing in the above-mentioned coastal areas


  It may also go north in the east China sea.




  Impact of gale: Affected by Plum Blossom, from 14: 00 on September 12 to 14: 00 on September 13, there were 6-7 winds in the southern Yellow Sea, most of the East China Sea, Taiwan Province Strait, east of Taiwan Province, bashi channel, the coast of Taiwan Province Province, the waters near Diaoyu Island, Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang Coast, Fujian Coast, Shanghai Coast and Southeast Jiangsu Coast, with gusts of 8-9; There are 8-11 winds in the southern part of the East China Sea and parts of the sea east of Taiwan Province. The winds in the nearby seas and areas where Meihua Center passes are 12-14, and the gusts can reach 15-16.


  Impact of precipitation: From 14: 00 on September 12 to 14: 00 on September 13, there were heavy rains (100-150 mm) in southeastern Jiangsu, Shanghai, the northeastern coast of Zhejiang and the northern part of Taiwan Province Island.


  Xu Yinglong, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, analyzed: At present, the influence system of Meihua is complex, and there is still great uncertainty about its moving path and later moving speed. Its overall body is gradually approaching the east China coast, with strong intensity, which can reach typhoon level or strong typhoon level. “Meihua” may become the first typhoon to land on the coast of East China this year.


  Although the intensity of “Plum Blossom” is not as strong as the 11th typhoon “Xuanlannuo” this year, because it is closer to the coastal areas of Zhejiang, Shanghai and Jiangsu, it is expected that the storm impact of typhoon “Plum Blossom” on Zhejiang, Shanghai and Jiangsu will probably be greater than that of “Xuanlannuo”.


  Expert tips


  With the continuous westward adjustment of typhoon path, the possibility of “Meihua” landing in China is increasing, and the influence of wind and rain is beginning to emerge. The government and relevant departments should do a good job in typhoon prevention and emergency rescue according to their duties; Water operations and passing ships in relevant waters should return to Hong Kong to take shelter from the wind, strengthen port facilities, and prevent ships from anchoring, grounding and collision; Stop outdoor dangerous operations such as indoor and outdoor large gatherings and high altitude; The public pays close attention to the typhoon forecast and early warning information in time and takes preventive measures in advance.


  Finally, I will send you a typhoon defense guide.


  What is a typhoon landing point?


  Will the typhoon landing site be the worst place for disasters?


  How to avoid danger when the typhoon comes?