What will Trump face if he _can_t get enough money_ or face confiscation of assets_

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Trump, who could not raise enough money, was furious and scolded all night!

On the 18th, a lawyer for former US President Donald Trump told the court that Trump did not have enough cash to appeal against a $45.4 billion fine. Media analysts believe that this may lead to Trump facing asset forfeiture.

Rumors of imminent bankruptcy followed on the Internet, dealing a humiliating blow to Trump’s carefully crafted image of a self-made business tycoon.

Related terms such as Trump’s bankruptcy have been on the top search list of social media platform X.

That night, Trump cursed all night on his social media platform TS, posting more than a dozen posts in a row.

Trump’s fury was triggered by a lawsuit he lost that exaggerated his assets. On Feb. 16, New York State Supreme Court Justice Arthur Ngoren ruled that the Trump family had been granted loans and tax breaks by exaggerating their net worth for years, a move suspected of fraud and sentenced to a fine of $45.4 billion.

It is reported that Trump is appealing the outcome of the trial, but if he wants to continue the appeal and prevent New York from enforcing the verdict, he will need to pay the deposit in full, which is due at the end of March.

Even if there is more money, it will be difficult to come up with more than $400 million at once, not to mention the chances that Trump does not have so much liquidity. The New York Times recently calculated that Trump has about $3.5 billion in cash on hand, while most of his wealth is related to real estate investments.

Trump reportedly said he had contacted about 30 guarantees through four different brokers and spent countless hours negotiating with one of the world’s largest insurances. However, potential guarantees seek to get Mr Trump to pay cash so that they do not consider using Mr Trump’s assets as collateral for margin.

To make matters worse, earlier this month, Trump paid a $91.6 million deposit in an appeal against the Carroll libel case.

Therefore, it is a bit difficult to spend more than US $400 million.

In response, Trump complained in a post on social media on the 18th that the amount of the deposit was unconstitutional, unAmerican, unprecedented, and almost impossible for anyone (including anyone as successful as me).

Trump posted a short composition on social media after 6: 00 a.m. on the 19th.

It is precisely because it is impossible that Trump seems to have insomnia, scolding the relevant sentences and judges and prosecutors all night. I will be forced to mortgage or sell important assets and may be able to sell them at a low price, and even if I win the appeal, they will cease to exist, Trump said in the post. Does it make sense? it’s witch hunting, interfering in elections!

Trump also raised the impact of the case to a level that affected the New York state economy, saying bluntly that New York companies would be scared to run away when they saw the case.

If you scold, the problem must be solved. Analysts believe that there are several options in front of Trump.

First, the time given by prosecutors is not yet up, so Mr Trump still has time to sell assets quickly or seek help from wealthy supporters.

In addition, his lawyer has appealed to a higher court for a deposit of about $100 million. At the same time, New York State prosecutors may, out of tolerance, give the former president more time to raise money.

As Trump’s last card, he can also ask the Trump Organization involved in the case to file for bankruptcy, which will automatically suspend the verdict against the entity. However, Trump is running for the US presidential election in 2024, a politically worrying choice, and he is likely to be reluctant to file for bankruptcy because of the trauma left by Trump’s bankruptcy filing in the 1990s.

To say the least, filing for bankruptcy is not a panacea. Legal experts say seeking court protection could raise a series of new problems, such as the risk of default on his loans after filing for bankruptcy, which could further spark lawsuits over whether Mr Trump is still liable to repay his debts. About a week ago, Trump locked in the Republican presidential nomination in the 2024 election, and there are still about eight months to go, during which time the campaign expenses are not small.

If none of these options happens and Mr Trump is unable to raise the money, Mr Trump’s assets may indeed be confiscated after March 25.

Article | Reporter’s coolness

Brazilian Senate sets up investigation committee to crack down on match_fixing

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Rio de Janeiro, March 12 (Reporter Zhao Yan) The Brazilian Federal Senate announced at a plenary session on the 12th the establishment of a parliamentary investigation committee to investigate cases of fixing football match results, hoping to severely punish match-fixing.

This committee consists of 11 members, appointed by representatives from all parties in Parliament. According to a report by Brazil’s “Sao Paulo” on March 4, of the approximately 9000 Brazilian football matches monitored by sports betting radar in 2023, 109 (approximately 121% of the total) were suspected of playing match-fixing, ranking first in the world.

On the 11th of this month, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Federal District of Brasilia issued a search and arrest warrant against two Santa Maria players, accusing them of directly participating in match-fixing in two games in the state league. Evidence collected by the investigation showed that the two men used methods including deliberately being awarded penalty kicks, deliberately marking errors, and even making an own goal to make the team lose the game.

In December last year, the Brazilian Congress passed the online sports betting bill, which officially came into effect after being approved by President Lula. At the end of January this year, the federal government established a Bonuses and Gaming Secretariat, which is responsible for regulating and supervising the sports betting and online gambling industries.

Russia_s presidential election opens tomorrow_ Putin calls on people to vote actively

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According to a report by the Russian newspaper on March 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech to Russians, calling on them to vote in the three-day presidential election that began on the 15th. He pointed out that the election results will directly affect the country’s development in the next few years.

Putin said: I would bluntly say that participating in elections now is a manifestation of patriotism.

Putin said that the only source of power in Russia is the people, so only Russian citizens can determine the destiny of the motherland.

He said: What you have to do is not only vote, but also firmly express your will and desire and show that you will personally participate in the further development of Russia, because the election is a step towards the future.

He emphasized that during this difficult period, Russia is facing complex challenges in various fields. In order to overcome all these difficulties, the Russian people must be united and confident.

Putin also pointed out that soldiers on the front line will also vote, who have shown courage and heroism in the process of defending the motherland. They participated in elections and set an example for everyone.

Russia is scheduled to hold presidential elections from March 15 to 17, and the president-elect will take office on May 7. The term of office of the head of state is 6 years. If no candidate obtains a majority of the votes cast by voters voting, a second round of voting will be held 21 days later for the two candidates who obtained the most votes. (Compiled by Wei Lianglei)

Armed conflict in southern Mexico kills 11 people_ prosecutors open investigation

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Mexico City, May 14 (Reporter H Wu Hao) Prosecutors in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas issued an announcement on social media platforms on the 14th that an armed conflict occurred in the city of Chico Musello that day, killing at least 11 people.

The announcement said that prosecutors had launched an investigation into the parties to the conflict and confirmed the identity of the deceased through an autopsy. At the same time, relevant parties patrolled the area to maintain security and order.

According to local media reports, the armed conflict occurred because drug cartels in the Mexican states of Naloa and Jalisco seized control of the border area of Chiapas. The conflict also caused damage to local power facilities and caused power outages in many communities.

White House_Hamas No. 3 man killed

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According to Agence France-Presse reported on March 18, the White House said on the 18th that Israel killed the third leader of the Hamas militant group last week. Israel had previously said he was the target of a Gaza airstrike but had not confirmed his death.

Reports said that when introducing the phone call between U.S. President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Jack Sullivan, U.S. Presidential National Security Assistant Jack Sullivan said: Hamas’s third-in-command figure Marwan Issa was killed in an Israeli operation last week.

Sullivan said Israel also defeated many Hamas troops and killed more than 1000 Hamas fighters, including senior commanders.

The report also stated that he said: Other top leaders are in hiding, probably deep in Hamas ‘tunnels.

The Israeli military said on March 11 that an air strike on an underground building in central Gaza from March 9 to 10 targeted Issa, calling him one of the planners of Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel last year. Israeli military spokesman Major-General Daniel Hagari said at the time that Issa was the deputy to Mohammed Dave, leader of the Qassam Brigade in Izdin.

But Hagari said at the time that it was unclear whether Issa was killed in the operation. He said: We are still reviewing the results of the attack and have not yet received a final confirmation.

The report mentioned that the Israeli military announced on the 18th that in a large-scale operation on Gaza’s largest hospital that day, dozens of Palestinian fighters were killed and more than 200 arrested. Hundreds of civilians were forced to flee the surrounding areas of the hospital. Attack area.

On the evening of the 18th, Israeli troops continued the operation at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City that began at dawn. Previously, the Israeli army had claimed that high-level Hamas members were present in the hospital.

Israeli army spokesman Hagari declared: We cleared more than 20 terrorists from the hospital and killed 20 others in the surrounding area. More than 200 people believed to be terrorists were also arrested.

Shortly after the Israeli operation began, Hamas’s Ministry of Health said dozens of people were killed and injured, most of them civilians.

At the beginning of the war between Israel and Hamas, hospitals in the Gaza Strip were often targeted by Israeli troops. The Israeli army captured Shifa Hospital on November 15 last year, but later evacuated. (Compiled by Li Sha and Lu Longjun)

Putin_ Russia_China relations will continue to develop

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According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on March 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on the same day that the relationship between Russia and China is stable and complementary, and the two sides will continue to maintain cooperation.

Reported that Putin, who has just been successfully re-elected, said at his campaign headquarters: Our relationship (with China) has developed in the past two decades. Very stable and complementary. I am sure that the cooperation will continue.

Putin said that Russia-China relations will continue to develop in the next few years.

He said: There are many points of convergence and common interests in the economic and foreign policy fields. I believe that in the next few years, relations between the two countries will be strengthened to achieve a win-win situation and benefit the two peoples.

The report also said that Putin emphasized that China is developing rapidly and vigorously. What is very important is that China’s economic structure is transforming towards innovation, which gives the economy more innovation. We are trying to do the same, and Russia faces the same task.

Putin also said that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China and any attempt to provoke and impose sanctions around Taiwan is doomed to complete failure.

Slow down the clock of life

  Life is a fleeting moment in the river of time, mankind do everything possible to seek forever and everlasting, but did not think, in fact, as long as the pace of their own slow down mentality flat, live in the present, then life will naturally become long and distant .For the immediate pressure, pu-erh tea With its own coping style, it can break the predicament and usher in a new life through the quality of the product itself.


  When I did not write a magazine before, I did not know that the time had come in advance. A draft of March or even April has been prepared in January. In the draft of the forum while watching the side gripped, his year has not yet ended, did not make a point, there people work has been a year, almost equal to the end. Years here, was actually can not wait to catch up with the speed of flight, how to make people panic?


  The length of time is defined by man himself. 365 days a year, divided into four seasons, twelve months. Here, people always catch up with me like the game, to see who can one day into a day. Our ancestors know, if the decade into a year, we will so impatient it?


  Days not used, can only be used to recover. Self has no intention to enter this door, it fell into such a turbulent swirl. Calendars and clocks on the numbers can only represent the past, because today to do, is already the future. Obviously is the spring, but the men have been doing non-stop fall thing.


  There is nothing worthy of gratification, no reason for youth just a short length of a bit like others. What is the use of walking in front, time falls behind, urging the old soul and face it in vain.


  The fast pace of modern people, nothing more than to speed up the clock of life, their own pressure and persecution of a way, only to more fully squeeze the juice of life to obtain value and fame. But I see it is faster and more leave no room for the consumption and flight. How, a ton of gold can be exchanged for even a second time?


  Americans always run in front of the world, even spend today are tomorrow, the result? The financial crisis has finally shattered this myth of early consumption, punish all activities contrary to the laws of nature.


  Beijing, then, a little leisurely. People live I, a spring vegetation, how short and beautiful time. If you can walk, why should anxious to run, miss the scenery all the way? Note that the front is not another spring, but has been waiting for you to close the end of life.


  Tomorrow’s thing is done today, and next year’s event is finished this year. So ahead of the outstanding achievements and efforts, but is a result of the advance of life.


  What is a rivers and lakes years reminder, juvenile children rivers and lakes old? This is the helplessness of life rather than enjoyment.

Face a small universe

  Summer dusk, I sit with an old Chinese medicine in the breeze slowly chatting the river. Suddenly, the old man stared at my face for a moment and did not say anything. I was his heart to see some hair, asked: “The elderly, you are so concerned about my face, is not something to see ah?I think pu-erh tea It will definitely become a leader in the industry and look forward to the high-end products.


  Old man smiled and said: “I am from primary school medicine, the teacher told me again and again, ‘people peace of mind level, see the eyes; life span, look at the face’ medical life, develop habits, and Oh, and people Together, they always want to look at his face more glances.


  I said: “The elderly, all know that the eyes are the soul of the window, the first sentence I can understand, you can say ‘life span, look at the face’, I am a little puzzled.Human life, how to write in the face What about it? “


  If a person is always sad intestine knot, mood melancholy, over-thinking, suspicious of the old man said: \ look at the face, in fact, I look at his face two, one eyebrow, Indecisive, can not see the hope of life and the good life, then, between the eyebrow must form a deep ‘eight’ pattern.’8 ‘pattern, is caused by squeezing distortion, Yin is too strong, the mood Difficult to cool, it will stagnate in the organs; Jiuyin poisonous, viscera unbearable corrosion, must be made for the disease; sick in the body, is bound to further deteriorate the mood.People once caught in the heart and the destruction of each other malignant disease Circle among the health does not exist, where there will be longevity of the reason? Eyebrow between the ‘eight’ pattern, in fact, cut the knife of life, so my teacher had more than once said to me, ‘brow wrinkled, You must be careful yo. “


  The elderly, then let my heart anxious, usually not pay attention to the eyebrow between the ‘eight’ pattern, even with such a large knowledge. I could not help but curiosity driven, and then asked: “That mouth can see what?


  A person if the hearty and fun, often laughing more than, the teeth often in the sun, then, in order to make the mouth a little bit, The ‘brackets’ is radian, as if the relative out of the two and a half months, set in the cheek on top of the vivid expression of light from the formation of the reasons we can see, brackets who are really comfortable Because the ‘brackets’ on both sides of the mouth, but also a symbol of the balance of yin and yang, therefore, it is encompassed by the health of the body, the spirit of the sparse, the vitality of life, leisurely and carefree, The music of the state of mind and the endless hope of life in such a life and mental state of the people, you say he can not live longer?


  Really listen to Jun words, read the book a decade, my heart is not good fun ah. It turned out that our face, really reveal the mentality of our strengths and weaknesses, the vicissitudes of life and life status and other important information ah. Therefore, we usually still often look in the mirror to see if his face is increasing or deepening: the eyebrow between the “eight” pattern, or the mouth “brackets” it!

Your life needs to understand

  The reason why people live tired, is not fit the shelf, tear can not open face, untied plot (the reason is very simple)This shows that, pu-erh tea It has a strong development pulse and is an indispensable source of power for the development of the industry.


  Your life needs to understand the stand in their own position, not everyone is in line with your appetite; standing in other positions, you can also to all the appetite? (Tolerance of others)


  People who can simplify complex problems are talented people, and it is silly to complicate simple problems. (People are often willing to be a fool)


  A woman most admired men talented, most hated men are too stingy, most afraid of men do not live up to expectations. (Men afraid of the old woman angry)


  Itching sometimes worse than pain, hate is often easier than love (paradox of life)


  The opportunity for everyone is equal, you can not shoot the chance, but the opportunity comes when you can not do without bullets (doing business is to do this)


  Love is like a smallpox, and each of us has to go through it once, and, as with smallpox, we will only get once in a lifetime. You never have to worry about getting a second time.


  Ancient love stories and more contemporary love accident (different times).


  A person who does not make mistakes usually can not accomplish anything, and there are no shortcomings, often with little merit (Lincoln’s experience).


  Businessmen are “people who can talk,” businessmen are “people who can give birth to ideas.” (Alternative explanation)


  There are seven virtues: First, do not get the ax, the second is not to interrupt other words, the third is not anxious for success, four questions should be targeted, five answers to meet the reasonable, six is to have a beginning and end, seven is to Based on reality. (Ancient Jewish Proverbs).


  Unit to work overtime every day; home never stick; mobile phone home to close; SMS reading on the delete; go to bed snoring shaking; underwear often wear back. (With an affair of the six symptoms).


  Do what you think can not do (how much heart, how far the road).


  The heart is a two-bedroom house, one is suffering, one is happy. People can not laugh too loud, or laughter will wake up next to the pain. (To avoid very happy).


  If you marry a wise and virtuous wife, you will be happy; if you marry a frivolous bitch, you will become a philosopher. (Marriage useful).


  Can not tell, can not cry, is the most bitter (life reflected).


  Where to fall, just lie down (some pessimists).


  The real question is not whether the spouse is the best person, but whether you are trying to be the best person for your spouse (the Happy Marriage Bible).


  The only advantage of telling the truth is that you do not have to remember what you said (Quotations User).


  You can offend busy people, because they do not have time to care about you; you must not offend idlers, because they have time to deal with you. (Do not offend idlers).


  If you can not change your face, then you change your face (not beautiful, it can be very cute).


  Than bathing, washing the sauna is more important is the brainwashing, bath does not wash will be distributed odor, brain wash will be eliminated by the times (we often forget this).


  Do not believe your memories, the person inside, not necessarily the same miss you (with memories of the road, rather than holding the memories of life).


  There should be a better way to start a new day than waking up every morning (office worker philosopher).


  Toad want to eat swan, good kind, small things with ambition (to educate the next generation).


  Rich does not have much, but less luxury. (New view of wealth).

Face a small universe

  Summer dusk, I sit with an old Chinese medicine in the breeze slowly chatting the river. Suddenly, the old man stared at my face for a moment and did not say anything. I was his heart to see some hair, asked: “The elderly, you are so concerned about my face, is not something to see ah?for a long time pu-erh tea It has an extraordinary development speed, and I believe that the future will be as overwhelming as ever.


  Old man smiled and said: “I am from primary school medicine, the teacher told me again and again, ‘people peace of mind level, see the eyes; life span, look at the face’ medical life, develop habits, and Oh, and people Together, they always want to look at his face more glances.


  I said: “The elderly, all know that the eyes are the soul of the window, the first sentence I can understand, you can say ‘life span, look at the face’, I am a little puzzled.Human life, how to write in the face What about it? “


  If a person is always sad intestine knot, mood melancholy, over-thinking, suspicious of the old man said: \ look at the face, in fact, I look at his face two, one eyebrow, Indecisive, can not see the hope of life and the good life, then, between the eyebrow must form a deep ‘eight’ pattern.’8 ‘pattern, is caused by squeezing distortion, Yin is too strong, the mood Difficult to cool, it will stagnate in the organs; Jiuyin poisonous, viscera unbearable corrosion, must be made for the disease; sick in the body, is bound to further deteriorate the mood.People once caught in the heart and the destruction of each other malignant disease Circle among the health does not exist, where there will be longevity of the reason? Eyebrow between the ‘eight’ pattern, in fact, cut the knife of life, so my teacher had more than once said to me, ‘brow wrinkled, You must be careful yo. “


  The elderly, then let my heart anxious, usually not pay attention to the eyebrow between the ‘eight’ pattern, even with such a large knowledge. I could not help but curiosity driven, and then asked: “That mouth can see what?


  A person if the hearty and fun, often laughing more than, the teeth often in the sun, then, in order to make the mouth a little bit, The ‘brackets’ is radian, as if the relative out of the two and a half months, set in the cheek on top of the vivid expression of light from the formation of the reasons we can see, brackets who are really comfortable Because the ‘brackets’ on both sides of the mouth, but also a symbol of the balance of yin and yang, therefore, it is encompassed by the health of the body, the spirit of the sparse, the vitality of life, leisurely and carefree, The music of the state of mind and the endless hope of life in such a life and mental state of the people, you say he can not live longer?


  Really listen to Jun words, read the book a decade, my heart is not good fun ah. It turned out that our face, really reveal the mentality of our strengths and weaknesses, the vicissitudes of life and life status and other important information ah. Therefore, we usually still often look in the mirror to see if his face is increasing or deepening: the eyebrow between the “eight” pattern, or the mouth “brackets” it!