Internet services in Cote d_Ivoire gradually resume after 24 hours of interruption

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Abidjan, March 15th: Cote d’Ivoire’s network communication services began to gradually resume on the 15th after 24 hours of widespread interruption across the country due to the rupture of submarine optical cables.

A major network operator in Cote d’Ivoire said the problem that caused the interconnection outage has been partially resolved and the resolution is continuing.

Four submarine optical cables serving West Africa suddenly broke on the 14th, causing the interruption of fixed and mobile network services provided by many telecom operators and Internet service providers in Cote d’Ivoire. It is reported that this incident affected more than ten African countries including Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Benin, Ghana, and Burkina Faso.

Cote d’Ivoire’s Minister of Digital Transformation and Digitalization Konat said in a statement on the 15th that the interruption of the national network in Cote d’Ivoire is an unprecedented special event, and the government is taking measures to restore network connectivity within the next 48 hours to minimize the impact on the economy and people’s daily lives.

According to officials from the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Digitalization of Cote d’Ivoire, the two major network operators in Cote d’Ivoire have switched to a cable that is still operating normally to gradually restore network communication services. (Reporter Zhang Jian)

Trump proposes _interest_free loan to aid Ukraine_ Ukrainian Foreign Minister says it may be considered

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According to Agence France-Presse reported on March 19, Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said on the 19th that Ukraine was shocked by the continued obstruction of a key budget plan to help Kiev resist Russia in the U.S. Congress. The plan has been deadlocked for months.

Reported that he said at an online briefing to foreign media: What is really important and shocking to us is that the decision has not yet been adopted. It is approaching the end of March, but discussions continue.

However, Kuleba believes U.S. aid will eventually come. He pointed out: This is a question of confidence in the ability of the United States to support countries that follow the rules and principles that the United States defends around the world, far beyond the scope of Ukraine alone.

The foreign minister stressed that Ukraine does not rule out Trump’s idea of providing aid in the form of loans rather than grants, but needs to know more details.

The report mentioned that the day before, Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, one of Trump’s loyal supporters, visited Kiev. He supported the former US president’s proposal to provide assistance to Ukraine in the form of an interest-free loan.

Kuleba responded: We are not shocked to hear this suggestion from the United States. We really need to study the details.

Reported that the Biden administration has been calling for months for the passage of a new Kiev aid plan, including $60 billion in military and economic aid. The plan has been approved by the Democratic majority in the Senate, but is still blocked in Congress.

Passage of the plan depends on the goodwill of Trump’s supporters in the House. Trump supporters have refused to review the current plan due to differences over U.S. immigration management. (Compiled by Zhao Kexin)

The second example_ The United States reproduces human infection of avian influenza through cows

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According to Agence France-Presse reported on May 22, the U.S. health authorities announced on the 22nd that another case of human infection with avian influenza occurred in the United States. The case is related to the spread of the avian influenza virus among dairy cows.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said the infected person was working on a farm in Michigan where cows were infected with the H5N1 virus.

However, the CDC said that the current risk assessment of avian influenza to the American public is still low.

On April 1, the United States state of Texas announced a human case of avian influenza. The CDC said this is likely to be the world’s first case of avian influenza infection through cows.

The CDC noted that people infected in Michigan, like people infected in Texas, only develop symptoms in the eyes. Both have now recovered.

Reported that although human cases of infection with the disease are still rare, experts are concerned about the increasing number of mammals infected with the disease.

There is currently no evidence that the virus spreads from person to person, but scientists worry that the massive spread of the virus may cause the virus to mutate, allowing it to spread from person to person. (Compiled by Lin Xiaoxuan)

EU allocates another 5 billion euros to provide military assistance to Ukraine

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Brussels, March 18 (Reporter Fu Yiming) The European Council announced on the 18th that it will allocate another 5 billion euros to provide military assistance to Ukraine.

The Council of the European Union said in a press release on the same day that it decided to set up a special Ukraine aid fund within the framework of the existing European Peace Fund and allocate 5 billion euros to provide military assistance to Ukraine.

The communiqué said that the Ukraine Aid Fund will enable the EU to further meet the changing needs of the Ukraine armed forces by providing lethal and non-lethal military equipment and training; the fund complements military assistance provided to Ukraine by EU member states.

In March 2021, the Council of the European Union approved the establishment of the European Peace Fund, which aims to enhance the EU’s capabilities in the fields of conflict prevention, peace-building and strengthening international security. The fund is not included in the EU’s fiscal budget. After multiple additions, the fund’s total budget ceiling for the period from 2021 to 2027 currently exceeds 17 billion euros.

Data released by the European Union shows that since the Russia-Ukraine conflict escalated in February 2022, the European Union and its member states have provided or promised to provide more than 138 billion euros in various assistance to Ukraine, of which 28 billion euros are military assistance.

United Nations Special Envoy for Syria_ The current situation in Syria is extremely difficult

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Damascus, March 17 (Reporters Ji Ze Cheng Shuaopeng) The United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Syria, Pei Kairu, said in the Syrian capital Damascus on the 17th that the current situation in Syria is extremely difficult and faces challenges in security, economic and political process.

After meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Mekdad that day, Pei Kaiju told the media that Syria’s humanitarian needs are increasing, but aid funds are decreasing.

Regarding the recent escalation of the conflict between the Syrian government and the opposition, Pei Kaiju urged both sides to resolve the crisis politically in a way that gave hope to the Syria people. He also said that the United Nations will continue to work hard to increase aid funds to help Syria meet relevant challenges.

The World Health Organization said on the 16th that the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in Syria currently reaches 16.7 million, more than at any time since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011.

South Korean citizen groups rally to protest against the so_called _democracy summit_ held in South Korea

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Seoul, March 18 (Reporters Lu Rui and Sun Yiran) The so-called Third Democracy Summit led by the United States was held in Seoul, South Korea from the 18th to the 20th. South Korean citizen groups held a rally in central Seoul on the 18th to protest the so-called democracy summit.

According to local media reports, South Korean citizens ‘group National Popular Action held a press conference near the venue of the Democracy Summit on the same day to express their protest. People held banners that opposed the democracy summit held to maintain U.S. hegemony, and shouted slogans such as the democracy summit spreading false democracy and condemning Yin Yue’s government for blindly following the U.S. -centered value alliance.

Some rally participants said that the United States decided to hold the democracy summit in South Korea. Its intention was very obvious, to maintain its hegemony that was gradually collapsing and push South Korea to the front line of camp confrontation.

South Korea’s “Jingxiang Shimbun” published a commentary on the 17th, saying that the so-called democracy summit with the logic of camp confrontation does not have much support around the world, but South Korea has taken the lead in promoting the new Cold War values of the United States. Whether such an approach will help South Korea’s national interests is questionable.

Under the banner of democracy, the United States held the so-called democracy summit via video in December 2021 and a combination of online and offline in March 2023, which have been widely questioned by the international community.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs_ The international community is more optimistic about China_s economic and social development potential

At the same time, 電子煙主機 It is no longer a relatively unfamiliar industry, and it enters the public’s sight more and more frequently, gaining more attention and recognition.

Beijing, 12 Mar (Reporter Ma Zhuoyan, Cheng Xin) Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on the 12th that through this year’s two sessions, the international community has seen a China that is moving forward steadily, pioneering and innovative, open and confident, and cohesive. We are more optimistic about the great potential of China’s economic and social development, and expect that China’s high-quality development will bring more opportunities to the world.

At the regular press conference on that day, a reporter asked: over the past week or so, international public opinion has continued to focus on the two national sessions. A number of foreign media quoted the analysis of international institutions and experts as saying that the two sessions sent a positive signal that China’s economy is picking up. Does the spokesman have any comment on this?

Wang Wenbin said: the annual NPC and CPPCC sessions are not only a major event in China’s political life, but also an important window for the international community to observe the direction of China’s major policies. Whether it is the expected target of GDP growth of about 5% put forward in this year’s government work report, or the key words such as high-quality productivity, high-quality development, high level of opening to the outside world, and so on, have aroused heated discussion in the international media. Through the two sessions of the National people’s Congress this year, the international community has seen a China that is moving forward steadily, pioneering and innovative, open and confident, and cohesive, and is more optimistic about the great potential of China’s economic and social development. It is expected that China’s high-quality development will bring more opportunities to the world.

Wang Wenbin said that the government work report puts forward a growth target of about 5%, which shows that China’s economy is resilient, has great potential and is full of vitality. This goal is not only higher than the previous IMF and World Bank forecasts for China’s economic growth this year, but also far higher than the IMF’s growth forecasts for the United States and Europe. International media commented that at a time when the world economy is full of uncertainty, China’s economic growth target of about 5% is ambitious. Since the beginning of the year, China’s economy has continued to accumulate factors for the better. During the Spring Festival holiday this year, there were 229.3 billion cross-district domain name flows in China, and domestic tourists spent a total of 63.2687 trillion yuan, an increase of 77 percent over the same period in 2019. In the first two months of this year, China’s imports and exports of goods totaled 661 trillion yuan, an increase of 87 percent over the same period last year. China’s economy continues to pick up and is expected to get off to a good start in the first quarter.

He said that the important exposition of new quality productive forces has guided China’s economy toward a new direction. When participating in the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation, General Secretary stressed the need to firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and develop new-quality productive forces in line with local conditions. This year’s government work report also proposed for the first time to vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and speed up the development of new-quality productive forces. Last year, China’s new exports of electric vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products exceeded trillion yuan, an increase of nearly 30 percent over the same period last year; the development of the digital economy was accelerated, and the penetration rate of 5G users exceeded 50 percent. The number of international patent applications submitted by Chinese applicants through the Patent Cooperation Treaty ranked first in the world for four consecutive years. New quality productivity has been formed in practice and has shown a strong driving force and supporting force for high-quality development.

Wang Wenbin said: the new measure of opening up to the outside world at a high level shows China’s determination to share opportunities with the world. The government work report proposes to open wider to the outside world at a high level and promote mutual benefit and win-win results. China will take the initiative to dovetail with high-standard international economic and trade rules, steadily expand institutional opening up, promote a stable increase in the quality and quantity of foreign trade, step up efforts to attract foreign investment, promote high-quality co-construction, Belt and Road Initiative, and deepen multilateral, bilateral and regional economic cooperation. In January this year, 4588 new foreign-invested enterprises were established in China, an increase of 744 per cent over the same period last year. According to the latest survey of the German Chamber of Commerce in China, 91% of German enterprises will continue to take root in the Chinese market. The American Chamber of Commerce in South China reported that 76% of the companies surveyed planned to reinvest in China this year. More and more multinational companies realize that to invest in China is to invest in the future.

The blueprint has been drawn and the trumpet has been sounded. We have the confidence, conditions and ability to achieve the goals and tasks of economic and social development for the whole year. Wang Wenbin said: China’s economy is getting bigger and bigger, its muscles and bones are getting stronger and stronger, and it will certainly ride out the storm and look forward to the future.

Kim Jong_un drives North Korea_s new tank_ calling it _the most powerful tank in the world_

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According to a report by Singapore’s Lianhe Zaobao on March 14, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visited and guided a military training involving tank troops on the 13th.

Reports said that Kim Jong-un was very satisfied with the attack power demonstrated by the new main battle tank in its first appearance in this training match.

According to the report, this military activity aims to strictly test the actual combat capabilities of tank crew members and familiarize them with the combat methods of different tactical tasks.

According to a report by the KCNA News Agency on the 14th, heavy tanks quickly shuttled through various harshest combat environments, hit the target in one fell swoop with strong strike power, and broke through the solid defense line with high mobility.

KCNA said that Kim Jong-un also personally drove a new tank during the training competition of the tank troops that day to check the actual combat capabilities of the tank troops.

Reported that Kim Jong-un called it the most powerful tank in the world and expressed satisfaction with its strike capabilities and mobility. Kim Jong-un emphasized the need to organize high-intensity exercises and training competitions that simulate actual combat, and proposed the important task of improving war preparations.

Yonhap said on the 14th that Kim Jong-un’s inspection came as Seoul and Washington were holding the annual Freedom Shield exercise to strengthen deterrence against North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats.

The report said Pyongyang has long condemned joint military exercises between Seoul and Washington as a rehearsal for invasion and used them as an excuse for provocation.

US think tank_ Russian troops may quickly break through Ukraine_s defense line

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According to a report by the German News TV channel on March 14, a latest report released by the American Institute for War Studies stated that due to lack of ammunition and supplies, the Ukrainian defense line may be more fragile than the impression given by the relatively slow advancement of the Russian army in various places.

The report said that in order to curb the continued advancement of the Russian army, Ukraine currently has to use the small amount of existing materials as efficiently as possible. The Institute for War Studies wrote: The Ukrainian army concentrated its supplies in the areas of the line where the Russian army encountered the most fierce attack, which would lead to poor defense in other areas, allowing the Russian army to launch surprise attacks there and achieve breakthroughs.

The American think tank also quoted a report in the magazine Der Spiegel. A Ukraine officer said in a report that in secondary battlefields such as Kharkiv or Vukhredar, which are currently receiving little attention, the situation of troops, weapons and ammunition is very bad. An artillery commander said: We can’t hold on like this for long. The analysis report wrote that the reason why some Ukrainian troops were able to hold their positions with limited ammunition and supplies was only because the Russian army did not attack with all its strength.

The Institute for War Studies warned that the Russian army did not attack areas where Ukraine was extremely poorly guarded, concealing the risks there. In other words, as long as the Russian army launches large-scale attacks in these areas, it will expose the current situation that the Ukrainian army is unable to resist due to lack of ammunition. Ukraine’s Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Sersky warned on a social platform telegram that Russian troops may break into the depths of the Ukrainian defense line.

The Institute for War Studies said the words of Sersky and other Ukrainian commanders suggested that if the Russian army stepped up its offensive, it could break through and shake previously stable areas in a short period of time.

The report concluded that the current defense line is likely to be unstable. It is crucial for the West to transfer resources to the Ukrainian army as soon as possible to prevent Russian troops from waiting for opportunities to break through weak defensive areas on the front line. (Compiled by Wang Ting

There are 61 women victims of South Korea_s second _Room N_ incident. The two main offenders graduated from Seoul National University

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The second Room N incident broke out at Seoul National University in South Korea. According to South Korean media reports on May 22, as of now, as many as 61 female victims have been confirmed, including 12 students at Seoul National University.

The Seoul Police Department has so far arrested five gang suspects, two of whom are graduates of Seoul National University. They are suspected of making and privately spreading them on the instant messaging software T from July 2021 to April this year. Pornographic photos or videos synthesized using deep counterfeiting technology.

According to the police, in the process of arresting the main offender Park, the private reporting group Tracking Group Sparks, which first reported the incident in Room N five years ago, provided decisive assistance. Yuan Enzhi, who was in the pursuit team, disguised himself as a male, entered the private live broadcast room to lurk for two years, and contacted Park. This year, he lured Park to meet offline to help the police successfully capture him.