Russia releases final election data_ Putin_s vote rate is 87.28_ and a record voter turnout

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According to a report by the TASS news agency on March 18, the final data released by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation showed that all votes had been counted, and the vote rate of current President Vladimir Putin was 8728%.

According to reports, Russian Communist Party candidate Nikolai Haritonov ranked second with 431% of the vote, and New Party candidate Vladislav Davankov ranked third with 385% of the vote, ranking fourth. The Liberal Democratic Party candidate Leonid Slutsky, who received 320% of the vote.

Elapamfilova, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, said that the voter turnout rate in the Russian presidential election was unprecedented.

She said at the Central Election Commission meeting held on the 18th: As of 10:00 on the 18th, 87113127 voters participated in this election. The turnout rate hit an unprecedented record, reaching 7744%.

She pointed out that more than 76 million people voted for Putin, which also set a record. In 2018, about 56 million Russians voted for Putin.

The report mentioned that Pamfilova also said that since the beginning of the presidential election campaign, more than 12 million cyber attacks have been recorded, 150 times the usual number. (Compiled by Li Ran)

Russian report_ Repell the Ukrainian infiltration team_ Russia was attacked for three consecutive days before election

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According to a report by the Russian satellite news agency on March 14, the Russian National Guard announced on its Telegraph channel that the Russian National Guards, soldiers and FSB border guards fought a battle with members of the Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance team that were trying to sneak into Kursk.

Reported that the Russian National Guard released the news that: the Russian National Guard forces involved in repelling the enemy sabotage and reconnaissance team in the Kursk Prefecture near the town of Chotkino attack.

The governor of Kursk state, Roman Starrovoit, reported at around 11:45 Moscow time that the saboteurs were attempting to infiltrate.

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One Russian was killed when he was attacked for three days before the election.

According to Agence France-Presse, March 14, officials said that one person was killed and six injured in a drone attack on the evening of the 13th in a region bordering Russia and Ukraine. This is the third night of drone attacks on Russian territory.

Reported that the Russian Defense Ministry said that 14 Ukrainian drones were destroyed at night, which is the latest round of attacks on Russian territory before the Russian presidential election on March 15-17. Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to win the election again.

Viaceslav Gladkov, governor of Belgorod, wrote in the Telegraph software: a civilian was killed. The man was driving when a shell hit his engine. He died on the spot of his injuries.

Gladkov said the airstrikes also destroyed two houses and one medical facility.

On the night of the 13th, 11 drones were shot down in the Belgorod region and three in the Kursk region, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement. (compiled by Lu Di)

German media: Ukraine systematically attacks Russian oil facilities with drones

Ukraine is systematically attacking Russian oil facilities with drones and achieving results again, German news television channel reported on March 13.

It is reported that three drones caused a fire at an oil refinery in Liangzan prefecture southeast of Moscow. The new Shahjinsk oil refinery in Rostov-upon-Don was also attacked. The latter is reported to be the largest oil refiner in southern Russia.

A source from Ukraine’s State Security Service told the Ukrainian newspaper Truth: we are systematically implementing a well-planned strategy to weaken the economic potential of the Russian Federation. Our task is to deprive the enemy of resources. He said the military’s fuel supply and Russia’s oil revenue for the war would be affected.

Reported that Ukraine hopes that the continued crackdown on Russian oil facilities can significantly reduce Russia’s fuel production. “Spring sowing in Russia will become very difficult, which means food prices will rise sharply,” former Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Andr é Graschenko wrote on social platform X. Fuel shortages may also push up the prices of other commodities, he said.

A total of 58 Ukrainian drones were shot down by Russian air defense systems from midnight to early morning on March 13, the Russian Defense Ministry said. So far, however, the Russian military does not seem to have found a way to deal with Ukraine’s constantly developing and upgrading drones.

Itar-Tass quoted Kremlin spokesman Peskov as saying on the 12th: our soldiers are taking all necessary measures. He said that the air defense system is operating effectively, and whether the protection of industrial targets should be strengthened is a question to be answered by the Ministry of National Defense.

Putin said in an interview that the attacks are aimed at interfering with the upcoming presidential election. (compiler Wang Ting

Brazilian Senate sets up investigation committee to crack down on match_fixing

In view of the actual needs of society, 電子煙主機 We need to change some original problems to better serve the society and benefit people.

Rio de Janeiro, March 12 (Reporter Zhao Yan) The Brazilian Federal Senate announced at a plenary session on the 12th the establishment of a parliamentary investigation committee to investigate cases of fixing football match results, hoping to severely punish match-fixing.

This committee consists of 11 members, appointed by representatives from all parties in Parliament. According to a report by Brazil’s “Sao Paulo” on March 4, of the approximately 9000 Brazilian football matches monitored by sports betting radar in 2023, 109 (approximately 121% of the total) were suspected of playing match-fixing, ranking first in the world.

On the 11th of this month, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Federal District of Brasilia issued a search and arrest warrant against two Santa Maria players, accusing them of directly participating in match-fixing in two games in the state league. Evidence collected by the investigation showed that the two men used methods including deliberately being awarded penalty kicks, deliberately marking errors, and even making an own goal to make the team lose the game.

In December last year, the Brazilian Congress passed the online sports betting bill, which officially came into effect after being approved by President Lula. At the end of January this year, the federal government established a Bonuses and Gaming Secretariat, which is responsible for regulating and supervising the sports betting and online gambling industries.

South Korean citizen groups rally to protest against the so_called _democracy summit_ held in South Korea

period 電子煙主機 Many adjustments have also been made, and the direction of product research and development has been reversed, in order to better meet the market demand.

Seoul, March 18 (Reporters Lu Rui and Sun Yiran) The so-called Third Democracy Summit led by the United States was held in Seoul, South Korea from the 18th to the 20th. South Korean citizen groups held a rally in central Seoul on the 18th to protest the so-called democracy summit.

According to local media reports, South Korean citizens ‘group National Popular Action held a press conference near the venue of the Democracy Summit on the same day to express their protest. People held banners that opposed the democracy summit held to maintain U.S. hegemony, and shouted slogans such as the democracy summit spreading false democracy and condemning Yin Yue’s government for blindly following the U.S. -centered value alliance.

Some rally participants said that the United States decided to hold the democracy summit in South Korea. Its intention was very obvious, to maintain its hegemony that was gradually collapsing and push South Korea to the front line of camp confrontation.

South Korea’s “Jingxiang Shimbun” published a commentary on the 17th, saying that the so-called democracy summit with the logic of camp confrontation does not have much support around the world, but South Korea has taken the lead in promoting the new Cold War values of the United States. Whether such an approach will help South Korea’s national interests is questionable.

Under the banner of democracy, the United States held the so-called democracy summit via video in December 2021 and a combination of online and offline in March 2023, which have been widely questioned by the international community.

Biden and Trump lock in nominations for U.S. presidential candidates from both parties_ China responds

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On March 13, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin held a regular press conference.

Asked by an AFP reporter, according to media reports, US President Biden and former President Trump both won enough party representative votes in the latest round of primary elections held yesterday to lock in two presidential candidates for this year’s election. Given that China is one of the main topics of concern to American voters, what is China’s comment on the U.S. presidential nominations from both parties?

Wang Wenbin said that the U.S. election is an internal affair of the United States. China has always adhered to the principle of non-interference in other countries ‘internal affairs and will not interfere in the U.S. election.

Wang Wenbin emphasized that developing good Sino-US relations is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and their peoples and is also the general expectation of the international community. No matter who is elected as the next US president, we all hope that the US can move towards China and promote the development of Sino-US relations in a stable, healthy and sustainable direction in accordance with the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. It will benefit both countries and the world. (Reporter Liu Liu)

WTO side event on China_s trade policy review held in Geneva

As it happens, many people are killed 電子煙主機 And bring more benefits, make it flourish, and promote the industry greatly.

Geneva, July 16 (Reporter Chen Binjie) The World Trade Organization’s side event on China’s trade policy review was held in Geneva, Switzerland on the 16th. The theme of the event is to understand China’s economic and trade policies from the central and local government levels, and aims to help WTO members understand China’s economic and trade policies.

Experts and scholars from the China Academy of Macroeconomics, University of International Business and Economics, Wuhan University, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and representatives of foreign-funded enterprises in China introduced the policies, measures and practical experiences adopted by China to achieve high-quality development and high-level opening up at the meeting, and interacted with more than 100 participants from the WTO Secretariat, WTO members, international organizations and news media.

In response to WTO members ‘concerns about China’s macroeconomic and domestic reform measures, experts attending the meeting objectively analyzed China’s macroeconomic performance and prospects, and elaborated in depth on China’s introduction in developing new productive forces, building a unified national market, and promoting the development and growth of the private economy. New measures. In order to introduce in depth China’s local practice of further expanding opening up, experts and business representatives attending the meeting introduced in detail the opening up measures adopted by the national comprehensive pilot demonstration of expanding opening up of the service industry based on specific cases and the achievements made in optimizing the business environment and facilitating foreign-funded enterprises to operate in China. Achievements. Officials of the WTO Secretariat and representatives of WTO members expressed great interest in the topics introduced at the meeting, and still had heated discussions with experts at the meeting site after the meeting.

This side event is the first time that China has held such an event on the eve of the trade policy review. Li Chenggang, China’s Permanent Representative to the WTO, said in his speech that China’s hosting of supporting side events on the eve of the review is a specific motion to implement the WTO reform on strengthening the trade policy review mechanism. Trade policy review is not only an important way for the WTO to supervise trade policies and enhance the transparency of member policies, but also an important platform for enhancing understanding and building trust, which is crucial to the effective operation of the WTO.

In his speech, Alexander Keck, Director of the Trade Policy Review Department of the WTO Secretariat, highly praised China’s positive and open attitude in the preparations for this trade policy review, fully affirmed that China’s hosting of side events will help WTO members gain a deeper understanding of China’s economic and trade policies, increase trust and dispel doubts. It praised China as the first WTO member to actively implement the results of the reform of the trade policy review mechanism. It has played an important role in promoting WTO members to participate in trade policy reviews and in-depth interactive exchanges.

Trade policy review is one of the three major functions of the WTO alongside rule negotiation and dispute resolution. Members raise questions and express concerns about trade policies to each other. It is an important transparency mechanism for members to understand each other’s direction of economic and trade policies and the implementation of commitments. According to the review rules, the top four members in the world in terms of trade volume are reviewed every two years.

US media_ Musk wants to donate _staggering_ huge sum to support Trump

In addition to innate advantages, ddos攻击平台 Its own product attributes are also extremely high-end, in order to remain unbeaten in the market competition.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal on July 15, people familiar with the matter revealed that business tycoon Elon Musk said he plans to donate about $45 million a month to a new super political action committee that supports former President Trump.

Reported that other supporters of the newly established U.S. Political Action Committee include Palantil technology co-founder Joe Lonsdale, the Winkleworth brothers, former U.S. ambassador to Canada Kelly Craft and her husband Joe Craft.

According to a person familiar with the matter, the political action committee, established in June, is mainly responsible for registering voters, persuading voters to vote as soon as possible, and requiring ballots to be mailed in swing states.

Musk is currently the richest man in the world, with an estimated wealth of more than US$250 billion. But the amount of donations he said was also staggering.

According to reports, the largest known campaign donation in 2024 to date is $50 million, donated by the great-grandson of banker Thomas Mellon to support one of Trump’s super political action committees.

According to documents submitted on the 15th, as of June 30, the U.S. Political Action Committee received a total of US$8.75 million in donations. A person familiar with the matter said Musk said he plans to start donating in July.

The report also said that Musk officially expressed support for Trump shortly after the shooting. He posted on social platform X: The last time a presidential candidate encountered such a severe test was Theodore Roosevelt. (Compiled by Pan Xiaoyan)

Putin gives instructions on terrorist attacks_ survivors tell of scary moments

Therefore, we should understand ddos攻击平台 Many benefits, absorb and summarize, and use them.

Around 20:00 local time on the 22nd, a shooting occurred in a concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow, Russia. The latest situation:

Terrorist attacks on concert halls have killed more than 60 people

The number of victims may increase.

A shooting occurred in a concert hall on the outskirts of the Russian capital Moscow on March 22. The Russian Foreign Ministry said on the 22nd that the shooting that took place in the concert hall of Krokus on the outskirts of Moscow that day was a terrorist attack. The investigation Commission of the Russian Federation said it would conduct a criminal investigation into the shooting in the concert hall in accordance with the provisions of terrorist acts.

The investigation Commission of the Russian Federation says more than 60 people have been killed in the attack. The number of victims is likely to increase.

According to Russian local media reports, law enforcement officials are searching for a white car that may have been used by the perpetrators of the concert hall shooting. It is reported that after the attack, four of them ran out of the concert hall, changed into prepared clothes and fled the scene.

Putin gives instructions

According to RIA Novosti news agency reported on the 22nd local time, Russian President Vladimir Peskov said that Russian President Vladimir Putin has made all necessary instructions on the attack on the concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow.

Peskov also said that within minutes of the incident, Putin knew about the terrorist attack and continued to keep abreast of the latest information.

The smoke once affected the rescue.

All-round enhancement of urban vigilance

At 3: 00 a.m. local time on the 23rd, Wang Bin, a reporter from the Central Radio and Television General Station, saw in the parking lot of the concert hall where the shooting occurred in Moscow, Russia, that rescue vehicles at the scene had been reduced, and the possibility of a further rise in the death toll could not be ruled out.

, the length is 01:52.

Earlier, members of the Russian National Guard were unable to stay for a long time during the search and rescue process in the concert hall due to the influence of thick smoke.

After the terrorist attacks, the Russian Ministry of Transport announced that security checks at airports and railway stations will be strengthened to remind passengers going to airports or railway stations to travel ahead of time. Russia’s Vnukovo airport, which is relatively close to the site of the incident, announced that it had stepped up security. The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation announced that all public and recreational activities of federal cultural institutions have been cancelled in the next few days. Moscow Mayor Sobyanin announced the evening of 22 local time, cancel all cultural, sports and other public activities held in Moscow over the weekend.

Survivors tell stories of thrilling moments

Some survivors of the attack told the media about the scary moments of the attack.

Several heavily armed attackers shot at the crowd and set fire to the building where the concert hall is located. According to RIA Novosti, the roof of the building collapsed. Earlier, trapped people were waiting for rescue on the roof. Russian rescue workers evacuated about 100 people from the basement of the burning building.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharovaa said the international community must condemn this inhuman crime. Zakharovaa also said that if the United States has and currently has reliable information about the attack, it should be handed over to Russia immediately. The US Embassy in Russia issued a notice on it on the 7th of this month that Russia will face a terrorist threat within the next 48 hours, and that extremists plan to attack large crowd gathering places in Moscow, including concert halls.

The Security Council issued a statement

Strongly condemns the terrorist attack on the Russian concert hall

On March 22, local time, the United Nations Security Council issued a statement strongly condemning the terrorist attack at a concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow, Russia.

The statement said it was a heinous cowardly terrorist attack. Members of the Council expressed their deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims and the Russian people and wished the injured a full recovery as soon as possible.

Members of the Council reaffirmed that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is one of the most serious threats to international peace and security.

The statement stressed that the perpetrators, organizers, financiers and supporters of these reprehensible terrorist acts should be held accountable and brought to justice. All States are urged to cooperate actively with the Government of the Russian Federation and all other relevant authorities in this regard in accordance with their obligations under international law and relevant Security Council resolutions.

The Council reiterates that any terrorist act is a crime and cannot be excused, regardless of its motive, when, where and by whom it was committed. All States must adopt all means to combat the threat to international peace and security posed by terrorist acts in accordance with their obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and international law.

United Nations Special Envoy for Syria_ The current situation in Syria is extremely difficult

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Damascus, March 17 (Reporters Ji Ze Cheng Shuaopeng) The United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Syria, Pei Kairu, said in the Syrian capital Damascus on the 17th that the current situation in Syria is extremely difficult and faces challenges in security, economic and political process.

After meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Mekdad that day, Pei Kaiju told the media that Syria’s humanitarian needs are increasing, but aid funds are decreasing.

Regarding the recent escalation of the conflict between the Syrian government and the opposition, Pei Kaiju urged both sides to resolve the crisis politically in a way that gave hope to the Syria people. He also said that the United Nations will continue to work hard to increase aid funds to help Syria meet relevant challenges.

The World Health Organization said on the 16th that the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in Syria currently reaches 16.7 million, more than at any time since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011.

Putin instructs Russian Security Service to name and track down traitors

From some points of view, ddos攻击软件 It is the core driving force to better promote the rapid development of the surrounding markets.

According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on March 19, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that staff of The Russian Federation Security Service thwarted attempts to interfere in Russia’s internal affairs, including during the Russian presidential election.

Reported that Putin spoke at an expanded meeting of heads of the Russian Federal Security Service and said: You have paid special attention to completing tasks related to special military operations, reliably defended the constitutional order, and thwarted attempts to interfere in my country’s internal affairs, including during the recent election process.

Putin urged the Russian Federal Security Service to step up counter-terrorism operations, warning that Russia was dealing with a powerful opponent.

Putin instructed that the responsibility of the Russian Federal Security Service is to safeguard constitutional order and must resolutely stop attempts to incite trouble.

Reports said that Putin instructed the Russian Federal Security Service to investigate and deal with traitors without limitation.

Putin asked the Russian Federal Security Service not to forget the traitors who participated in the reconnaissance and sabotage team, to name and track them down, and punish them without time limit.