Syria holds parliamentary elections

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Damascus, July 15 (Reporter Cheng Shuapeng Jize) Syria held parliamentary elections on the 15th. Six candidates from different political parties and independent candidates competed for 250 parliamentary seats.

The election was held in areas controlled by Syrian government forces. At present, some areas in northern Syria provinces such as Idlib, Raqqa, Hasakeh, Dayr ez-Zor, and Aleppo are still controlled by Syrian opposition armed forces or extremist organizations.

The Syria Election High Judicial Council previously announced that there will be a total of 8 polling stations across Syria for this election. The voting time will be from 7:00 to 19:00 local time, which can be extended by up to 5 hours with the approval of the committee.

This is the fourth parliamentary election since Syria promulgated a new constitution in February 2012. The last election was held in July 2020, and the National Progressive Front, led by the ruling Arab Baath Socialist Party, won a majority in parliament. Public opinion here believes that the National Progressive Front is still expected to win a majority of seats in this election.

Affected by war, sanctions, epidemics, regional conflicts, etc., Syria’s economic situation and people’s livelihood conditions have continued to deteriorate in recent years. Economic and people’s livelihood issues have become the focus of attention of many candidates and voters.

According to the Syria constitution, parliament holds elections every four years.

_Insufficient aid fighter jets__ Zelensky issued a _severe warning_ to allies

We have every reason to believe. 電子煙主機 It will become the mainstream of the industry and will gradually affect more and more people.

According to a report by Newsweek on July 15, Ukraine President Zelensky issued a severe warning on the insufficient aid provided by allies to Ukraine for F-16 fighter jets. He said the number of F-16 fighter jets Ukraine received from allies this year was not enough to fight Russia.

Zelensky said at a press conference held in Kiev on the 15th: The decision to hand over F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine is strategic, but their number is not strategic.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken said last week that Ukraine’s NATO allies have begun handing over U.S. -made F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine and announced that the fighters will fly over Ukraine this summer to ensure Ukraine can continue to effectively defend against Russia.

Reported that Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium have promised to provide a total of more than 60 fighter jets to Ukraine this summer. However, Bloomberg News quoted unnamed sources as saying on July 12 that Ukraine may receive far less fighter jets this year than expected to receive only 6 this summer, and may receive 20 by the end of the year.

Zelensky told reporters: I can’t say now how many such aircraft (we) will have. But their numbers are not enough. They will certainly strengthen us, but whether these aircraft are comparable to the Russian aviation fleet is not enough. Do we expect more? Of course!

The report mentioned that on May 29, after Belgium promised to deliver the first batch of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine this year, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov issued a warning to the West. (Compiled by Long Jun)

Russian cat used its tail to block shrapnel to save its owner and won widespread praise

So we can draw a preliminary conclusion, LANA電子煙 It is helpful to the needs of the industry market and social development.

Recently, a cat in Belgorod Oblast, Russia, became popular on the Internet for its heroic savior. This cat named Archie has won widespread praise from people for its extraordinary bravery and loyalty.

It is understood that an explosion occurred near the building where the hostess’s family lived, and the situation was very critical. At this time, Archie cat stepped forward and used its tail to block the shrapnel that broke through the window and flew towards the hostess’s head. Although this move injured Archie himself, it successfully protected the safety of the hostess.

Subsequently, the veterinarian provided emergency treatment to Archie and removed a metal fragment from its hind leg. Fortunately, despite the injury, Archie’s vital organs were not damaged. Currently, it is recovering and believes that it will soon regain its former vitality.

Archie’s heroic behavior not only made people lament his loyalty and bravery, but also made people cherish and respect life more.

The U.S. PPI accelerated month_on_month growth in February_ highlighting that the U.S. inflation situation is still severe

After screening and investigation 電子煙主機 It is likely to become a new force driving economic development.

Washington, March 14 (Reporters Xu Yuan and Xiong Maoling) Data released by the U.S. Department of Labor on the 14th showed that the U.S. producer price index (PPI) rose 06% month-on-month in February, an increase of 03 percentage points from January, highlighting that the U.S. inflation situation remains severe.

Data showed that the U.S. PPI increased by 16% year-on-year in February, the largest increase since September 2023. Excluding food, energy and trade services prices, core PPI increased by 04% month-on-month and 28% year-on-year.

In the same month, commodity prices increased by 12% month-on-month, the largest increase since August 2023. Among them, natural gas prices rose 68%, and grocery prices rose 1%. At the same time, service prices increased by 03% month-on-month.

PPI tracks changes in production costs and is a key measure of inflation. Analysts believe that PPI accelerated again in February, indicating that inflationary pressures in the United States continue and the Federal Reserve may need to maintain high interest rates for a longer period of time.

A tracking data from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange showed that after the PPI data was released, the market basically believed that the Federal Reserve would maintain the target range of the federal funds rate between 525% and 55% at the monetary policy meeting held from March 19 to 20.

The criminal in the _Suyuan case_ was sentenced again for violating the _travel ban_

For the immediate pressure, LANA電子煙 With its own coping style, it can break the predicament and usher in a new life through the quality of the product itself.

According to South Korea’s “Chosun Ilbo” and other South Korean media reports, Cho Dou-Chun, the prototype criminal of the South Korean film “So-won”, was sentenced to three months in prison by the South Korean District Court on the 20th for violating the night travel restriction after being released from prison.

According to South Korean media, Zhao Douchun was sentenced to 12 years in prison in 2009 and was released from prison after serving his sentence in December 2020. South Korean courts issued a restriction order on night travel.《

Chosun Ilbo stated that on the evening of December 4, 2023, Cho Douchun left home alone and wandered around the community for 40 minutes, during which he deliberately wandered near the guard post next to his residence, causing panic among community residents. His explanation to the police was that my wife and I had a quarrel.

The United States will vote to ban the TikTok bill_ the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds

As we all know, ddos攻击 The emergence of the market is worthy of many people’s attention, which has aroused the waves of the whole market.

China, Beijing, March 13 (Reporter Guo Chaokai) Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin held a regular press conference on March 13.

A reporter asked: Members of the U.S. Congress are voting to decide whether to ban TT from operating in the United States. what is China’s comment on this

Wang Wenbin: In recent years, although the United States has never found evidence that TT threatens U.S. national security, it has never stopped suppressing TT. This practice of bullying without winning in fair competition disrupts the normal business activities of enterprises. What undermines is the confidence of international investors in the investment environment, undermines the normal international economic and trade order, and will eventually backfire to the United States itself.

2024 _Thirsty Lion_ joint military exercise held in Jordan_ 33 countries participated

For the current market situation, ddos攻击平台 It has a very advantageous development prospect and an extremely superior ecological environment.

Amman, May 12 (Reporter He Yiping) The Jordanian Armed Forces announced on the 12th the start of the 2024 Thirsty Lion Joint Military Exercise. The military exercise will last until the 23rd, with 33 countries including the United States and Jordan participating.

Jordanian Armed Forces spokesman Mustafa Shiari said at a press conference on the same day that the thirsty lion joint military exercise is one of the most important military exercises in the Middle East. In addition to the sea, land and air forces of the participating countries, there are also some government and non-governmental agencies and humanitarian organizations participate. The military exercise will be held in northern, central and southern Jordan. It is the largest since the launch of the Kashi Lion joint military exercise, but it has nothing to do with the regional situation.

It is reported that this military exercise aims to allow participating countries to reach consensus on combating emerging and cross-border threats such as terrorist organizations and their supporters, the proliferation of drones and weapons of mass destruction, and find the best response methods and means. At the same time, coordinate the participating countries ‘action plans and goals in land, sea and air military operations, logistics support, response to natural disasters and epidemics.

Jordan has held the Thirsty Lion joint military exercise since 2011 and is held once a year except for suspension in 2020, 2021 and 2023. This year is the 11th time that Jordan has held the thirsty lion joint military exercise.

The most expensive hair in the world_more than 200_000 yuan is regarded as a symbol of prestige

for a long time ddos攻击 It has an extraordinary development speed, and I believe that the future will be as overwhelming as ever.

Webb Auction House, which is in charge of the auction, said that a feather of the long-extinct new Zealand gray butterfly bird (H) set a record price of 46521 new Zealand dollars (about 205874 yuan), making it the most expensive feather ever in the world.

H was last confirmed to be seen in the early 20th century, and its feathers previously sold for as much as 8400 new Zealand dollars (approximately 37173 yuan).

As a member of the wybird family, H was cherished by many and ultimately proved fatal to the species.

For Maori, the bird’s feathers are a symbol of lofty status, and its unique white feathers are used for ceremonial headdresses. Only those in the main ranks are allowed to wear H feathers on their hair, or entire skins on their ears, according to the new Zealand Museum.

The auction house said the feathers were often exchanged for other valuables or given as gifts to show friendship and respect.

European new Zealand people have also begun to regard H as a symbol of prestige. According to the museum, they use the animal’s feathers as fashion accessories and install padded H’s as decoration in wealthy homes.

The museum explained that in the 19th century, Maori and European hunters killed the bird in large numbers and sold its skin to collectors and fashion merchants.

According to reports, in 1901, the Duke and Duchess of York were photographed wearing H feathers in their hats while traveling in new Zealand, and the bird’s deadly popularity further increased.

People are a little crazy, everyone wants an H feather.

In the early 20th century, scientists tried to protect the remaining H, but failed. According to the museum, the government planned to transport the birds to offshore islands, but those who collected the birds sold them as dead specimens, adding that it was more valuable than keeping them alive.

The auction house said all potential buyers must provide a permit from the new Zealand Department of Culture and Heritage before Monday’s auction. As an important national item, feathers can only be purchased by registered collectors and cannot be exported without permission from the Ministry of Health. (Reporter Wang Yuehang)

Zhao Anji_s blood alcohol level was three times higher than the legal limit before her death_ police released the latest report

Even so, ddos攻击 We must also adhere to the quality of the industry and create unique products for the company.

On March 20, local time, according to a report released by the Texas police in the United States, Anji Zhao (AC), chairman and CEO of Fumao Group, drove drunk into a pond on a ranch in Texas and drowned last month. Before Zhao Anji died, she called a friend for eight minutes. She also told the friend that she was going to die and said goodbye to her.

According to US media reports, the investigation concluded by the Blanco County Sheriff’s Office in Texas that Zhao Anji’s death was an unfortunate accident. Her blood alcohol concentration was 0233 grams per 100 milliliters, which was three times the state’s legal limit.

The report stated that police watched surveillance video from the scene, which showed Zhao Anji’s Tesla rushing forward, then reversing over the limestone wall, and rushing into the pond at about 11:38 pm on the 10th.

Blanco County Deputy Sheriff Robert Woodring (RW) said the release of the new detailed report also means that the investigation into Zhao Anji’s death has come to an end.

On February 10, 50-year-old Zhao Anji invited seven friends to a ranch near Johnson City (JC), west of Austin, Texas, for the weekend. Zhao Anji died after having dinner with her friends at the ranch on the evening of the 10th.

After Zhao Anji’s unfortunate death, Zhao Cheng re-served as chairman of Fumao Group, and Li Maike (ML) became president and CEO.

UN Secretary_General calls for ceasefire in Gaza and Sudan during Ramadan

By comparison, it can be seen that ddos攻击 It has certain advantages and great cost performance.

United Nations, March 11 (Reporter Shang Xuqian) United Nations Secretary-General Guterres called on the 11th to cease hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Sudan during Ramadan.

Guterres said at a press conference held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York at the beginning of Ramadan that Ramadan is the month when Muslims around the world advocate peace, reconciliation and unity. Ramadan has arrived, but the killing, bombing and bloodshed continue in the Gaza Strip. He called for the immediate cessation of gunshots in Gaza, the removal of all obstacles to humanitarian relief, and the release of all detainees.

At the same time, Guterres once again urged the Sudanese conflict parties to stop hostilities during Ramadan. He said the Sudanese people were facing hunger, terror and unspeakable suffering, and the fighting must end.

Guterres called on political, religious and community leaders in the Gaza Strip, Sudan and other parts of the world to do everything they can to keep Ramadan peaceful and it is time to end the terrible suffering.