Ministry of Commerce_ Resolutely oppose unilateral trade protectionism

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Beijing, March 14: U.S. President Biden posted on social media saying that he would study petitions from several trade union organizations against China’s subsidies to shipyards. In response, He Yadong, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, said on the 14th that China firmly opposes unilateral trade protectionism that ignores WTO rules.

At a regular press conference held by the Ministry of Commerce on the same day, He Yadong said that the accusations made by relevant US organizations against China are completely untenable. Several reports have pointed out that the main reason for the decline of the U.S. shipbuilding industry is over-protection. The development of China’s shipbuilding industry benefits from enterprises strengthening scientific and technological innovation and accelerating high-end, intelligent and green development. The United States blames China for its own industrial development problems, which lacks factual basis.

What I want to emphasize is that the US Section 301 is a typical unilateralist measure that violates the basic principles of the WTO and blatantly ignores and undermines multilateral rules. The previous Section 301 measures taken by the United States against China have been ruled to violate WTO rules. He Yadong said that he hopes the United States will make prudent decisions and not repeat the same mistakes. China will pay close attention to relevant progress, take all necessary measures, and resolutely defend its legitimate rights and interests.

Japanese car companies announce the recall of more than 100_000 vehicles due to defective shock absorbers

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On the 23rd local time, Daihatsu Industries reported to Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism that due to defects in the shock absorber (stabilizer bar) on the front of the vehicle, a total of 104471 vehicles will be recalled for two models (produced from June 2019 to January 2020). So far, 123 defect reports have been received.

According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, due to poor management of the production process, liquids used for rust prevention and the like remained inside the device, resulting in reduced strength. These components may break while the vehicle is driving. Daihatsu Industry will solve the problem by replacing relevant components.

Daihatsu is a subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan. It was founded in Osaka, Japan in 1907 and focuses on the manufacturing of small cars. (General reporter Li Weibing)

Six foreigners died in a hotel in Bangkok_ Thailand

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Bangkok, July 16 (Reporter Chen Qianci Gao Bo) Six foreigners were found dead in the hotel room in a well-known hotel in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, on the 16th. Police said the exact cause of death remains to be investigated.

Thai Prime Minister Saita said at a press conference that night that the six dead, including four Vietnamese and two Vietnam-Americans, died about 24 hours, and there were no signs of conflict or fighting at the scene. He requested that an investigation be launched into the case as soon as possible.

Bangkok City Police Commissioner Tidi said at a press conference that night that the six victims were three men and three women. There were traces of drinking tea or coffee in the room, and the residue in the cup had been sent for inspection. The police initially concluded that suicide was ruled out and the exact cause of death was pending further investigation.

Previously, several Thai media first reported that a shooting incident occurred at the hotel, and later corrected it to the death of 6 people or cyanide poisoning. (Participating reporter: Lin Hao)

Prabowo was officially elected President of Indonesia

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Jakarta, March 20 (Reporter Ye Pingfan Tao Fangwei) The Indonesian Election Commission announced the final vote count results of the presidential election on the 20th. Current Defense Minister Prabowo and his running mate, the eldest son of current President Joko, and the mayor of Soro City Jiburan won with 5858% of the vote and was elected the next president.

On March 20, in Jakarta, Indonesia, Prabowo (center) spoke at a rally attended by media reporters and supporters. Fa (Photo by Agong)

Among the other two groups of campaign combinations, Anis, former governor of the Jakarta Capital District, and Muhaiming, general chairman of the National Awakening Party, received 2494%. Ganjar, former governor of Central Java Province, and former Indonesian Coordinating Minister of Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mohammed, the vote was 1646%.

Analysts believe that Prabowo’s victory reflects the eager expectations of a large number of voters for continuing Joko’s policies, developing the economy, promoting employment and improving people’s livelihood and well-being.

Voting for the 2024 Indonesian general election, including the presidential election, will be held on February 14. Prabowo’s presidential inauguration ceremony will be held on October 20 in Nusantara, Indonesia’s new capital.

US think tank_ Russian troops may quickly break through Ukraine_s defense line

Mentioned in the article LANA電子煙 Born with strong vitality, you can turn a cocoon into a butterfly and become the best yourself after wind and rain.

According to a report by the German News TV channel on March 14, a latest report released by the American Institute for War Studies stated that due to lack of ammunition and supplies, the Ukrainian defense line may be more fragile than the impression given by the relatively slow advancement of the Russian army in various places.

The report said that in order to curb the continued advancement of the Russian army, Ukraine currently has to use the small amount of existing materials as efficiently as possible. The Institute for War Studies wrote: The Ukrainian army concentrated its supplies in the areas of the line where the Russian army encountered the most fierce attack, which would lead to poor defense in other areas, allowing the Russian army to launch surprise attacks there and achieve breakthroughs.

The American think tank also quoted a report in the magazine Der Spiegel. A Ukraine officer said in a report that in secondary battlefields such as Kharkiv or Vukhredar, which are currently receiving little attention, the situation of troops, weapons and ammunition is very bad. An artillery commander said: We can’t hold on like this for long. The analysis report wrote that the reason why some Ukrainian troops were able to hold their positions with limited ammunition and supplies was only because the Russian army did not attack with all its strength.

The Institute for War Studies warned that the Russian army did not attack areas where Ukraine was extremely poorly guarded, concealing the risks there. In other words, as long as the Russian army launches large-scale attacks in these areas, it will expose the current situation that the Ukrainian army is unable to resist due to lack of ammunition. Ukraine’s Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Sersky warned on a social platform telegram that Russian troops may break into the depths of the Ukrainian defense line.

The Institute for War Studies said the words of Sersky and other Ukrainian commanders suggested that if the Russian army stepped up its offensive, it could break through and shake previously stable areas in a short period of time.

The report concluded that the current defense line is likely to be unstable. It is crucial for the West to transfer resources to the Ukrainian army as soon as possible to prevent Russian troops from waiting for opportunities to break through weak defensive areas on the front line. (Compiled by Wang Ting

Two women in the United States fight each other on the street_ attracting 200 people to watch_ many of whom took pictures with mobile phones

Hope for the future LANA電子煙 It can achieve rapid and stable development and serve social development and people’s needs well.

Overseas, March 18. According to local media reports in California, on March 16, local time, a serious fight occurred outside a shopping mall in Long Beach, southern California.

Serious fighting broke out in Long Beach, southern California

The fight broke out at first between two girls. The two men punched and pulled each other, and then turned into a large-scale gathering. About 200 people watched the scene, many of whom were using mobile phones to take pictures. After receiving the report, the police arrived at the scene and detained the two brawlers.

According to reports, violence has continued in the local community of Long Beach in recent days. Shortly after the fight, a teenager was shot and taken to hospital for treatment. It is unclear whether the shooting was related to the fight. (Overseas Li Meng)

Putin_ Russia_China relations will continue to develop

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According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on March 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on the same day that the relationship between Russia and China is stable and complementary, and the two sides will continue to maintain cooperation.

Reported that Putin, who has just been successfully re-elected, said at his campaign headquarters: Our relationship (with China) has developed in the past two decades. Very stable and complementary. I am sure that the cooperation will continue.

Putin said that Russia-China relations will continue to develop in the next few years.

He said: There are many points of convergence and common interests in the economic and foreign policy fields. I believe that in the next few years, relations between the two countries will be strengthened to achieve a win-win situation and benefit the two peoples.

The report also said that Putin emphasized that China is developing rapidly and vigorously. What is very important is that China’s economic structure is transforming towards innovation, which gives the economy more innovation. We are trying to do the same, and Russia faces the same task.

Putin also said that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China and any attempt to provoke and impose sanctions around Taiwan is doomed to complete failure.

Russian military claims to _recapture_ the results of last year_s Ukrainian counterattack

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According to a report by the Russian newspaper on May 23, the Russian armed forces regained control of the village of Klesheevka in the Donetsk region through hard work. This settlement and the village of Rabodino, also recaptured by Russian troops, are symbols of the results of last year’s Ukraine counterattack.

On May 22, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed the news of the recapture of the village of Kresheevka. The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that under the active action of the southern military cluster forces, the Klesheevka settlement in Donetsk was liberated.

According to reports, in addition, the southern military cluster also attacked Ukrainian troops in three residential areas of Georgievka, Ostroye, and Konstantinovka.

The protracted battle for Klesheevka begins in 2023. Control of the village changed hands several times. The main target for contention is adjacent highlands, from which military activity throughout the village can be monitored. (Compiled by He Yingjun)

A landslide occurred in Papua New Guinea_ about 100 people died_ and more than 6 villages were affected

Mentioned in the article 電子煙主機 Born with strong vitality, you can turn a cocoon into a butterfly and become the best yourself after wind and rain.

On the 24th local time, Sandis Saka, governor of Enga Province, Papua New Guinea, publicly issued a document saying that the landslide that occurred in the province in the early morning of the day was an unprecedented natural disaster that caused huge losses to property and human lives. The landslide affected more than six villages in the province, and it is not yet possible to calculate specific losses.

Sandis Saka expressed sympathy to local communities and families, as well as to the people affected by the disaster and the victims.

Sandis Saka said that the Nga provincial government deployed a Rapid Incident Response Service team to the scene that morning to carry out rescue work and conduct a rapid assessment of the extent of local damage. The team is composed of officials from the Provincial Disaster Relief Office, Provincial Health Bureau, Police, Papua New Guinea Defense Force, and international organizations based in Papua New Guinea such as the Office of International Migration and the United Nations Development Program.

At about 3 a.m. local time on the 24th, a village in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea suffered a landslide. Local residents said the estimated death toll exceeded 100. Authorities have not yet confirmed the number of casualties. (General reporter Liu Zhimin)

Putin allows the use of US assets to compensate Russia for losses Putin signed a presidential order_

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According to CCTV news, on May 23 local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a presidential order requiring the Russian government to formulate relevant rules to compensate Russia and the Russian central bank for losses caused by the unfriendly measures of the United States, and to allow the use of U.S. assets in Russia. Domestic assets are used to compensate for losses caused by the confiscation of Russian assets in the United States.

The presidential order also involves allowing property owners in Russia to file lawsuits against the United States for illegally confiscating Russian assets in the United States in accordance with Russian law. In addition, the presidential decree also requires Russian courts and government departments to send to the Russian Government’s Foreign Investment Regulatory Commission the specific information on the inventory of the assets of U.S. legal persons and individuals in Russia after receiving relevant compensation requests, and use this as a basis for compensation work.

Related reports:

EU countries will use profits from freezing Russian assets to aid Ukraine

According to a Reuters report on May 21, the Belgian government revealed on the 21st that EU countries have formally adopted a plan to use profits generated by the assets of the Russian central bank frozen by the EU for defense assistance to Ukraine.

Under the EU agreement, 90% of the proceeds from frozen Russian central bank assets will go into a fund operated by the EU to provide military assistance to Ukraine, while the remaining 10% will support Ukraine through other means.

According to reports, ambassadors from EU countries reached a consensus on this matter at the beginning of this month, and the text of the agreement can officially take effect only if the ministers of various countries are stamped and approved.

Frozen assets of Russia’s central bank are reportedly generating huge profits. The EU expects to generate profits of about 15 billion to 20 billion euros by 2027. EU diplomats said Ukraine is expected to receive its first payment in July this year.

A senior Russian diplomat warned that the plan would have unpredictable consequences and said sooner or later the EU would have to return what was stolen to Russia.

Ukraine Foreign Minister Kuleba thanked the EU for the above decision on the 21st, but reiterated that Ukraine’s ultimate goal is to confiscate Russia’s financial assets, not just to benefit from profits.

According to reports, shortly after the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out in February 2022, the Group of Seven (G7) froze Russian financial assets worth approximately US$300 billion. Since then, the EU and other G7 countries have debated how and whether to use the funds to help Ukraine.