Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Domestic Helper Employers in Singapore

  Understanding these legal requirements ensures compliance with local laws and fosters a positive working relationship with your helper.For these reasons, I think maid services Singapore The situation is still optimistic, and the market is still in a blue ocean stage.






  7/30/20248 min read


  Overview of the Legal Obligations of Employers


  1. Employment Contract


  Employers are required to provide a written employment contract to their domestic helpers. This contract should outline the terms of employment, including salary, rest days, job scope, and other relevant conditions.


  Key Elements of the Contract: The contract should specify the helper¨s duties, working hours, rest days, salary, benefits, and termination conditions.


  Signatures: Both the employer and the helper should sign the contract to acknowledge their agreement to the terms.


  Having a clear and comprehensive employment contract helps prevent misunderstandings and provides a reference point for resolving disputes. It should be drafted in a language that the helper understands to ensure full comprehension and mutual agreement. Providing a copy of the contract to the helper and keeping a signed copy for the employer’s records is essential.


  2. Work Permit


  Employers must apply for a work permit for their domestic helper through the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). The work permit is essential for legal employment in Singapore.


  Application Process: Submit the necessary documents and pay the required fees to obtain the work permit. The application can be done online through MOM¨s website, and it typically involves providing details about the employer, the helper, and the employment terms.


  Renewal: The work permit must be renewed before it expires. Employers should monitor the permit¨s validity and initiate the renewal process in advance. The renewal process also involves medical examinations and possibly renewing the security bond and insurance.


  3. Monthly Levy


  The employer is responsible for paying a monthly levy to MOM. The levy rate depends on the household¨s specific circumstances, such as whether there are young children, elderly, or disabled family members.


  Levy Rates: The standard levy rate is SGD 300 per month, while the concessionary rate is SGD 60 per month for eligible households. The concessionary levy can significantly reduce the financial burden on the employer.


  Payment: Ensure timely payment of the levy to avoid penalties. Levy payments can be made via various methods, including GIRO, and it¨s important to set up the payment system to avoid missing deadlines.


  4. Medical Insurance and Security Bond


  Employers are required to purchase medical insurance and provide a security bond for their domestic helpers.


  Medical Insurance: A minimum coverage of SGD 15,000 per year for inpatient care and day surgery is mandatory. This insurance protects both the helper and the employer in case of medical emergencies.


  Security Bond: A SGD 5,000 security bond (for non-Malaysian helpers) acts as a financial guarantee to the Singapore government. This bond can be in the form of insurance, which typically costs around SGD 50 to SGD 80 per year. The security bond ensures compliance with MOM regulations and covers potential repatriation costs or violations of employment terms.


  5. Settling-In Programme (SIP)


  First-time domestic helpers must attend the Settling-In Programme within three working days of arrival in Singapore. The SIP educates helpers on safety measures, living in Singapore, and their rights and responsibilities.


  Cost: The SIP costs SGD 75 and is a one-day course. Employers should ensure that their helpers attend this programme as it is crucial for their adjustment and understanding of local regulations.


  Enrollment: Employers should arrange for their helper to attend the SIP promptly. The programme covers essential topics such as emergency procedures, workplace safety, and cultural adaptation, which are vital for the helper’s well-being and integration.


  6. Rest Days


  Domestic helpers are entitled to one rest day per week. Employers and helpers can mutually agree to compensate rest days with payment if the helper agrees to work on her rest day (Minimum 1 Rest Day per month).


  Compensation Rate: The compensation should be at least one day¨s salary for each rest day worked. This ensures that helpers are fairly compensated for additional work and helps maintain their well-being.


  Agreement: Any agreement to work on rest days should be documented and mutually agreed upon. It¨s essential to discuss and formalize these agreements to prevent misunderstandings and ensure that the helper¨s rights are respected.


  7. Medical Check-Ups


  Domestic helpers must undergo regular medical check-ups to ensure they are fit for work. The first medical examination should be conducted within two weeks of the helper¨s arrival, followed by six-monthly check-ups.


  Cost: Employers are responsible for the cost of these medical examinations. Ensuring the helper’s health is a critical part of maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.


  Results: Employers should ensure the results are submitted to MOM promptly. Regular health checks help detect any health issues early and ensure that the helper remains fit for her duties.


  8. Fair Treatment


  Employers must treat their domestic helpers fairly and with respect. This includes providing adequate food, accommodation, and a safe working environment.


  Food: Provide nutritious meals that meet the helper¨s dietary requirements. Discuss the helper¨s dietary preferences and ensure that meals are balanced and sufficient.


  Accommodation: Ensure the helper has a suitable place to sleep with privacy and basic amenities. The living space should be clean, safe, and comfortable, contributing to the helper¨s overall well-being.


  Safety: Maintain a safe working environment and provide training on the use of household equipment. Employers should also ensure that the helper has access to necessary safety gear and knows how to handle emergencies.


  9. Repatriation


  Employers are responsible for repatriating their domestic helpers at the end of the employment contract or if the employment is terminated. This includes providing the necessary travel arrangements and covering the cost of repatriation.


  Travel Arrangements: Ensure that the helper¨s travel documents are in order and book the necessary transportation.


  Cost Coverage: The employer must cover the cost of repatriation, ensuring that the helper returns home safely.


  Rights of Domestic Helpers Under Singapore Law


  1. Right to a Written Contract


  Domestic helpers have the right to receive a written employment contract that clearly outlines their terms of employment. This contract serves as a reference point for resolving disputes and ensuring both parties understand their obligations.


  Clarity and Transparency: The contract should be written in a language the helper understands, ensuring full comprehension of the terms.


  Dispute Resolution: The contract serves as a legal document that can be used to resolve any disputes that may arise during the employment period.


  2. Right to Fair Compensation


  Domestic helpers are entitled to receive their agreed-upon salary on time and in full. Employers should provide a payslip or receipt for each payment to ensure transparency.


  Salary: Must be paid within seven days after the end of each salary period. This ensures that helpers are compensated promptly for their work.


  Payslip: Employers should issue a payslip detailing the salary amount and any deductions. This helps maintain transparency and allows helpers to keep track of their earnings. If a payslip is not available, there should be a signed record on the receipt of each payment.


  3. Right to Rest Days


  Helpers are entitled to one rest day per week (minimum 1 rest day per month). This rest day can be used for personal activities, rest, or socializing.


  Rest Day Agreement: Any agreement to work on rest days should be mutually agreed upon and documented. Helpers should have the freedom to enjoy their rest days without pressure.


  Compensation: Helpers should be compensated if they agree to work on their rest day. This ensures fair treatment and respect for the helper¨s time.


  4. Right to Adequate Accommodation


  Employers must provide domestic helpers with adequate accommodation that ensures their privacy and comfort.


  Private Room: Ideally, a private room with proper ventilation and basic amenities. This ensures that the helper has a comfortable and private living space.


  Shared Accommodation: If sharing, ensure the helper¨s privacy and comfort are respected. The living arrangements should be discussed and agreed upon by both parties.


  5. Right to Medical Care


  Helpers are entitled to medical care, including medical insurance coverage for inpatient care and day surgery.


  Medical Insurance: Employers must purchase medical insurance with a minimum coverage of SGD 15,000 per year. This ensures that helpers have access to necessary medical care without financial burden.


  Medical Check-Ups: Regular medical check-ups to ensure the helper is fit for work. Employers should ensure that the helper receives timely medical attention and that any health issues are addressed promptly.


  6. Right to Fair Treatment and Respect


  Domestic helpers have the right to be treated fairly and with respect. This includes freedom from abuse, harassment, and unfair treatment.


  Protection from Abuse: Employers must not abuse or exploit their helpers physically, emotionally, or verbally. Any form of abuse is a serious violation of the helper¨s rights and should be reported to the authorities.


  Complaint Mechanisms: Helpers can report any abuse or unfair treatment to MOM or other relevant authorities. Employers should be aware of these mechanisms and ensure that helpers are informed about their rights.


  7. Right to Privacy and Communication


  Helpers have the right to communicate with their family and friends. Employers should respect their privacy and allow them to make phone calls or use other means of communication.


  Communication Facilities: Provide reasonable access to communication facilities. This helps the helper stay connected with her family and support network.


  Privacy: Respect the helper¨s privacy during her rest time and personal activities. Employers should ensure that the helper has a private space for communication and personal activities.


  8. Right to Termination and Transfer


  Helpers have the right to terminate their employment contract and seek a transfer to another employer under certain conditions.


  Notice Period: Provide the agreed notice period as stipulated in the employment contract. This ensures that both parties have time to make necessary arrangements.


  Transfer Process: Follow the legal procedures for transferring to another employer. Employers should assist the helper in the transfer process and ensure that all legal requirements are met.


  9. Right to Proper Working Conditions


  Domestic helpers have the right to proper working conditions, including reasonable working hours, safe working environments, and access to necessary resources.


  Reasonable Working Hours: Employers should ensure that helpers are not overworked and have adequate rest periods.


  Safe Working Environment: Provide a safe and healthy working environment, including proper training on the use of household equipment and safety procedures.


  Access to Resources: Ensure that helpers have access to necessary resources and tools to perform their duties effectively.


  10. Right to Training and Development


  Domestic helpers have the right to training and development opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge.


  Skill Enhancement: Employers can provide or facilitate training programs to help helpers improve their skills and knowledge. This benefits both the helper and the employer by enhancing job performance.


  Development Opportunities: Encourage and support helpers in pursuing development opportunities. This can include attending courses or workshops that are relevant to their job.


  11. Right to Dignity and Respect


  Domestic helpers have the right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times.


  Respectful Treatment: Employers should treat helpers with respect, acknowledging their contributions and ensuring that their dignity is upheld.


  Positive Working Relationship: Foster a positive working relationship based on mutual respect and understanding. This contributes to a harmonious and productive household environment.


  12. Right to Seek Help and Support


  Domestic helpers have the right to seek help and support if they face any issues or challenges during their employment.


  Support Networks: Encourage helpers to seek help and support from their support networks, including friends, family, and community organizations.


  Helplines and Services: Inform helpers about available helplines and services where they can seek assistance if needed. Employers should be supportive and understanding if helpers need to seek external help.

Most of the prisoners who escaped from prison in Niger have been captured

beyond doubt LANA電子煙 It will definitely lead the development direction of the whole industry and let its light bloom in this field.

Abidjan, July 14 (Reporter Zhang Jian) News from Niamey: Niger’s Defense and Security Forces issued a communiqué on the evening of the 13th, saying that most of the dozens of prisoners who recently escaped from the country’s Kutukare prison have been captured and three others were killed.

The communiqué said the area where the prison is located has been cordoned off and an aerial search operation is still underway to find the remaining fugitives. The military called on the public to be vigilant and immediately report any suspicious person or any relevant information to the authorities.

On the evening of the 11th, a prisoner escape occurred at Kutukare Prison in Tirabei Province, Tirabei Region, western Niger. The prison is located 50 kilometers northwest of Niamey, the capital of Niger, and holds members of extremist organizations such as the Boko Haram Islamic State. In 2016 and 2019, two jailbreaks occurred in this prison, both of which were successfully prevented.

Haiti gangs attack suburban Port_au_Prince_ killing at least a dozen people

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Mexico City, March 18 (Reporters Wang Zhiying and He Yixuan) Port-au-Prince News: According to Haiti media reports on the 18th, Haiti gangs attacked two communities on the outskirts of the capital Port-au-Prince that day, killing at least a dozen people.

Reports said gangs attacked homes in two communities in Labule and Tomasin, a suburb of Port-au-Prince, that day. Witnesses said at least a dozen bodies were taken away by ambulances and many residents were forced to flee.

Haiti’s electricity department announced on the 18th that four substations and the Valle power station in the Port-au-Prince area were destroyed by criminal groups and have completely stopped operating, resulting in power outages in most parts of the capital.

The security situation in Haiti has continued to deteriorate recently. Starting from February 29 this year, several gangs in Haiti have attacked public facilities such as police stations and international airports in Port-au-Prince, demanding that Prime Minister Ariel Henry step down. On the evening of March 11, Henry announced that the Haiti government would resign after the establishment of the Transitional Presidential Council.

Foreign media_ An air force base in Iraq where US troops are stationed was attacked

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According to a Reuters report on July 16, two Iraq military sources told Reuters that two armed drones attacked an air base in western Iraq where US military and other international troops were stationed on the 16th.

Reported that this is the second attack on U.S. troops stationed in Iraq since early February.

Sources said there were no reports of casualties. An Iraq officer said defense systems shot down a drone near the base.

In April, two drones were shot down near the base, according to a U.S. official.

According to reports, an Iraq army officer said the Iraq army has stepped up patrols around the base to prevent further attacks.

The report said a senior Iraq military delegation is expected to visit Washington in a week to continue negotiations on ending the U.S. -led coalition operations in Iraq.

Washington and Baghdad began negotiations in January to reassess the withdrawal of the U.S. -led coalition from Iraq. The coalition was formed in 2014 to help fight the Islamic State group that then occupied most of Iraq. (Compiled by Guo Jun)

Two women in the United States fight each other on the street_ attracting 200 people to watch_ many of whom took pictures with mobile phones

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Overseas, March 18. According to local media reports in California, on March 16, local time, a serious fight occurred outside a shopping mall in Long Beach, southern California.

Serious fighting broke out in Long Beach, southern California

The fight broke out at first between two girls. The two men punched and pulled each other, and then turned into a large-scale gathering. About 200 people watched the scene, many of whom were using mobile phones to take pictures. After receiving the report, the police arrived at the scene and detained the two brawlers.

According to reports, violence has continued in the local community of Long Beach in recent days. Shortly after the fight, a teenager was shot and taken to hospital for treatment. It is unclear whether the shooting was related to the fight. (Overseas Li Meng)

Russian Ministry of Defense_ It has recaptured a residential area on the Zaporozhye front line

According to professional reports, LANA電子煙 There will be a great period of growth, and the market business is constantly expanding, and it will definitely become bigger and bigger in the future.

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on July 15, the Information Bureau of the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on the 14th that the Russian Eastern Group troops have controlled the Urozainoye settlement on the Zaporozhye front line and are now carrying out cleanup and demining work.

Reports said that Urozainoye and Old Mayorskoye are located at the junction of Zaporizhé and Donetsk. The Ukrainian army captured the two villages in a counterattack last summer. The Russian army recaptured Old Mayorskoye on June 10 this year and Urozainoye on July 14.

According to reports, Vladimir Rogov, chairman of the Committee on Sovereignty Issues of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences, said: Liberating Urozainoye is of great tactical significance because it will become a new springboard for Russian troops to advance in the direction of Flemevsk.

Rogov pointed out that Russian troops were steadily pushing the enemy out of position in several sections of the Zaporozhye front to prevent it from regrouping and building defenses. (Compiled by Zhu Lifeng)

The most expensive hair in the world_more than 200_000 yuan is regarded as a symbol of prestige

understand LANA電子煙 In order to better serve customers and reflect the core competitiveness of products.

Webb Auction House, which is in charge of the auction, said that a feather of the long-extinct new Zealand gray butterfly bird (H) set a record price of 46521 new Zealand dollars (about 205874 yuan), making it the most expensive feather ever in the world.

H was last confirmed to be seen in the early 20th century, and its feathers previously sold for as much as 8400 new Zealand dollars (approximately 37173 yuan).

As a member of the wybird family, H was cherished by many and ultimately proved fatal to the species.

For Maori, the bird’s feathers are a symbol of lofty status, and its unique white feathers are used for ceremonial headdresses. Only those in the main ranks are allowed to wear H feathers on their hair, or entire skins on their ears, according to the new Zealand Museum.

The auction house said the feathers were often exchanged for other valuables or given as gifts to show friendship and respect.

European new Zealand people have also begun to regard H as a symbol of prestige. According to the museum, they use the animal’s feathers as fashion accessories and install padded H’s as decoration in wealthy homes.

The museum explained that in the 19th century, Maori and European hunters killed the bird in large numbers and sold its skin to collectors and fashion merchants.

According to reports, in 1901, the Duke and Duchess of York were photographed wearing H feathers in their hats while traveling in new Zealand, and the bird’s deadly popularity further increased.

People are a little crazy, everyone wants an H feather.

In the early 20th century, scientists tried to protect the remaining H, but failed. According to the museum, the government planned to transport the birds to offshore islands, but those who collected the birds sold them as dead specimens, adding that it was more valuable than keeping them alive.

The auction house said all potential buyers must provide a permit from the new Zealand Department of Culture and Heritage before Monday’s auction. As an important national item, feathers can only be purchased by registered collectors and cannot be exported without permission from the Ministry of Health. (Reporter Wang Yuehang)

India_s stock index drops by its largest in 20 weeks

After screening and investigation 電子煙主機 It is likely to become a new force driving economic development.

According to a report by India’s Politico on March 15, the Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitive Index (SENSEX) and N Index fell for the first time in a single week after rising for four weeks. Both indices fell about 2% this week, the biggest weekly decline in 20 weeks.

The SENSEX index fell 062% on the day to close at 7264343 points. The N50 index of the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) fell 0.56% to close at 2202335 points.

The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) mid-cap index also closed down 0.51%. However, the BSE Small Cap Index bucked the trend and closed up 0.25%.

On the weekly chart, the benchmark SENSEX index fell 22% for the week and the N index fell 21%. This is the largest weekly decline since October 2023. The BSE mid-cap and small-cap indices fell about 4% and 6% respectively this week.

From an industry perspective, the N-Metal Index and FMCG Index closed flat, while all other industry indices closed down.

The biggest declines were in the oil and gas industry and the automobile industry, with declines of 198% and 157% respectively. The N Bank index fell 0.42%.

As some funds release stress test results, they are confident that their portfolios can cope with volatile market conditions.

In global stock markets, the weakness is believed to be driven by discouraging U.S. economic data and weakening expectations of a Federal Reserve interest rate cut.

Some reports showed that the U.S. industrial producer price index (PPI) exceeded expectations in February. At the same time, the number of people applying for and receiving unemployment benefits was lower than expected. These factors weaken the Fed’s case for interest rates.

Market participants will be closely watching the Fed’s monetary policy stance next week. Most expect the Fed to keep interest rates unchanged and start cutting rates from the end of June or July. (Compiled by Zhu Jie)

Senior Ukraine official_ Prepare to take _major action_ in Crimea

from 電子煙主機 Looking at the development prospects, the future will always bring positive effects.

According to a report by the Tass news agency on March 11, Budanov, Director of the Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, said that Ukraine is preparing to take major actions in Crimea.

According to reports, the Information Service of the Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense quoted Budanov as saying on the Telegraph social platform: Our operations in the Black Sea are preparations for a major operation in Crimea.

The General Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense stated that all Ukrainian military operations in the Black Sea region from 2022 to 2023 are linked by the same strategic consideration, and the Ukrainian military’s attempt to attack the left bank of the Dnieper River in Kherson Oblast is also for the same purpose.

According to reports, the Ukraine television channel recently broadcast a film about the successful operations of the Ukraine armed forces and military intelligence in the region.

The report pointed out that Uzbekistan’s claim that it will take certain actions is due to the serious delay in aid by its allies. The U.S. Congress has been unable to approve spending to support Kiev for months, and supplies provided by EU countries cannot meet all the needs of the Ukraine military.

The report believes that for the Ukrainian army, the situation became more complicated after the fall of Afdeevka. If Washington does not provide new aid to Kiev, the Ukrainian army will soon face a new disaster. Uzbekistan is trying to attract the attention of Western allies with isolated and decentralized actions that some media exaggerate to shape opportunities that Kiev does not actually have. (Compiled by Wei Lianglei)

Latest_ Russian officials announce replacement of naval commander_in_chief

understand 電子煙主機 In order to better serve customers and reflect the core competitiveness of products.

According to Agence France-Presse reported on March 19, Russian official media confirmed on the 19th that Russia has replaced its commander-in-chief of the Navy. Earlier reports said that Nikolai Evmenov was dismissed as commander-in-chief of the Navy because Black Sea Fleet warships were repeatedly attacked and damaged by Ukraine.

Reported that according to RIA Novosti, former commander of the Russian Northern Fleet Alexander Moiseyev has been appointed acting commander-in-chief of the Navy, replacing Nikolai Evmenov, who has served as commander-in-chief of the Navy since May 2019.

RIA Novosti reported: Moiseyev was introduced as acting commander-in-chief of the Russian Navy at a ceremony.

Reported that the Kremlin declined to comment on Moiseev’s appointment last week. This marks the largest reshuffle of the Russian military’s top ranks in months.

According to reports, the Ukraine military claims to have destroyed more than 20 Russian ships since the conflict began in February 2022, including a military patrol boat earlier this month.

Reports said that these attacks embarrassed Moscow and forced it to transfer ships from the Sevastopol naval base in Crimea to the port of Novorossiysk further east. (Compiled by Liu Xiaoyan)