Russia recruits 150_000 people in spring

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Moscow, July 15 (Reporter Jiang Youlin) According to information from the Russian Ministry of Defense on the 15th, Russia’s spring conscription work has ended this year. A total of 150,000 people have been recruited and sent to the Russian armed forces and other military formations.

The Russian Ministry of Defense posted a message on social media that day that Russia’s various conscription committees started work on April 1, and the dispatch of conscripts began on April 15.

In order to ensure military transportation, 15 Russian armed forces aircraft flights, 14 military echelons, 172 civil aviation flights, multiple passenger trains and military road transport vehicles participated in this conscription work.

As a rule, Russia recruits soldiers once every year in spring and autumn. About 1.47 million people will be recruited into the army in the spring of 2023, and 130,000 people will be recruited into the army in the fall of 2023.

The moon has discovered potentially accessible tunnels or could become an ideal location for a lunar base

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China-Singapore, Beijing, July 16 (Reporter Sun Zifa) Springer Nature’s professional academic journal “Nature Astronomy” recently published a planetary science paper saying that researchers have discovered a potentially accessible underground tunnel originating from an open pit on the moon. Evidence of tunnel. The results of this study have enhanced people’s understanding of lunar geology and may become an ideal location for a lunar base, thus potentially serving as a refuge in future manned missions on the lunar surface.

The paper said that more than 200 craters known as skylights have been discovered on the lunar surface, some of which were formed after the collapse of underground lava tubes. Accessible lava tubes or channels may provide a warmer environment than the lunar surface, but it has previously been uncertain whether they can lead to large underground caves.

In this study, co-authors of the paper, LC and LB of the University of Trento in Italy, and collaborators, analyzed radar data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and found that radar brightness on the west side of the crater increased. Jinghai Crater is the deepest known crater on the moon, with a radius of approximately 100 meters, with vertical or overhanging walls and a sloping bottom.

The authors of the paper used radar images to conduct simulations and found that these observations could be explained by the presence of a cave void or pipe spreading from the west side of the bottom of the pit. They estimate that the pipeline is located at a depth of 130-170 meters, 30-80 meters long and about 45 meters wide. The cave may be flat or inclined at an angle of up to 45 degrees and may be accessible.

The authors concluded that the pipes or channels discovered in this study may be a common feature under the lunar plains, and that the Jinghai Pit and its channels may be an ideal site for a potential lunar base. The method used in the study may also be suitable for evaluating and characterizing other lunar craters to discover more channels.

Uzbek MP_ Macron is considering sending troops with a _firm attitude_ Russia_ It is not difficult to eliminate the French army in Uzbekistan

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According to a report by Russia’s “Labor” on March 20, Alexei Goncharenko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine, said on the 20th that the French government is considering sending troops to the Ukraine border to help the Ukrainian army liberate its troops.

The report said that the Ukraine lawmaker said he learned the news from his French counterpart at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

He emphasized that discussions on France sending troops to Ukraine are indeed ongoing.

Gonchalenko also said that the number of this force is not yet certain. However, French President Macron is very firm.

Goncharenko said France was forming an alliance and Poland and the Baltic states might join. Another option is to establish a base in western Ukraine, where Ukrainian soldiers can be trained and artillery shells produced.

The report mentioned that the French Ministry of Defense issued a statement a day ago saying that Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency Director Naryshkin’s statement that the French leadership was preparing to send 2000 soldiers to Ukraine was spreading rumors. At the same time, the news that there were French soldiers in Ukraine was also false. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova immediately responded to the Paris statement. She wrote on the Telegraph social platform: Has the French government abandoned its citizens again?(Compiled by He Yingjun)

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Medvedev: Eliminating French forces in Ukraine is not difficult

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, The Russian Federation Security Council Vice Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on the telegram social platform that if France sends troops to Ukraine, eliminating them will be the primary and glorious task of the Russian armed forces.

According to reports, Medvedev believes that it is difficult for the French army to hide its traces in Ukraine, so it is not difficult to eliminate them, and it is impossible to conceal the large number of deaths of French professional soldiers.

Medvedev wrote on the Telegraph social platform: These unfortunate people will become official combatants of the (foreign) intervention force. Eliminating them will be the primary and glorious task of our armed forces.

Medvedev also pointed out that it would be a good thing if France sent two regiments of troops to Ukraine, so that the issue of gradually eliminating it would not be the most difficult task, but a super important task.

Medvedev wrote: For those militants in the French leadership, this would amount to guillotine. Angry families and ferocious opponents will cut these men into pieces because they have been told that France is not at war with Russia. This will be a good lesson for other restless European fools.

Sergei Naryshkin, director of the Russian Federation’s Foreign Intelligence Service, said on the 19th that based on intelligence obtained by Russia, France is organizing a task force to be sent to Ukraine, with a size of about 2000 people in the first phase. (Compiled by Liu Yang)

EU plans to use frozen Russian assets to aid Ukraine with only an interest of 3 billion yuan per year

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According to Agence France-Presse reported in Brussels on March 21, European leaders meeting in Brussels on the 21st decided to move forward and adopt a plan to use the proceeds of Russian frozen assets in the EU to arm Ukraine.

The EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrelli, pointed out that the interest on these assets is between 2.5 billion and 3 billion euros per year.

Reported that European Council President Charles Michel said at a press conference held on the evening of the 21st: We are determined to take quick action so that part of this money can be used to support Ukraine.

Ukraine President Zelensky told leaders of the 27 European Union via video link that it is crucial for the EU to provide more ammunition to the Ukraine army.

He urged: Please strengthen the (Ukraine) defense industry as soon as possible and do not waste time.

According to a report by the Russian news agency Moscow on March 21, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said that Russia will use all judicial mechanisms and choose other means to retaliate against the EU to prevent the EU from using frozen Russian assets to aid Ukraine.

Peskov said in response to reporters: Of course, we will make use of all possible legal mechanisms, those that are currently available and that we will use when they arise in the future. Of course, on the basis of mutual visits, we will not copy it completely, but choose other means to retaliate to the extent that is in line with our interests. (Compiled by Zhao Kexin and Li Ran)

Putin gives instructions on terrorist attacks_ survivors tell of scary moments

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Around 20:00 local time on the 22nd, a shooting occurred in a concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow, Russia. The latest situation:

Terrorist attacks on concert halls have killed more than 60 people

The number of victims may increase.

A shooting occurred in a concert hall on the outskirts of the Russian capital Moscow on March 22. The Russian Foreign Ministry said on the 22nd that the shooting that took place in the concert hall of Krokus on the outskirts of Moscow that day was a terrorist attack. The investigation Commission of the Russian Federation said it would conduct a criminal investigation into the shooting in the concert hall in accordance with the provisions of terrorist acts.

The investigation Commission of the Russian Federation says more than 60 people have been killed in the attack. The number of victims is likely to increase.

According to Russian local media reports, law enforcement officials are searching for a white car that may have been used by the perpetrators of the concert hall shooting. It is reported that after the attack, four of them ran out of the concert hall, changed into prepared clothes and fled the scene.

Putin gives instructions

According to RIA Novosti news agency reported on the 22nd local time, Russian President Vladimir Peskov said that Russian President Vladimir Putin has made all necessary instructions on the attack on the concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow.

Peskov also said that within minutes of the incident, Putin knew about the terrorist attack and continued to keep abreast of the latest information.

The smoke once affected the rescue.

All-round enhancement of urban vigilance

At 3: 00 a.m. local time on the 23rd, Wang Bin, a reporter from the Central Radio and Television General Station, saw in the parking lot of the concert hall where the shooting occurred in Moscow, Russia, that rescue vehicles at the scene had been reduced, and the possibility of a further rise in the death toll could not be ruled out.

, the length is 01:52.

Earlier, members of the Russian National Guard were unable to stay for a long time during the search and rescue process in the concert hall due to the influence of thick smoke.

After the terrorist attacks, the Russian Ministry of Transport announced that security checks at airports and railway stations will be strengthened to remind passengers going to airports or railway stations to travel ahead of time. Russia’s Vnukovo airport, which is relatively close to the site of the incident, announced that it had stepped up security. The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation announced that all public and recreational activities of federal cultural institutions have been cancelled in the next few days. Moscow Mayor Sobyanin announced the evening of 22 local time, cancel all cultural, sports and other public activities held in Moscow over the weekend.

Survivors tell stories of thrilling moments

Some survivors of the attack told the media about the scary moments of the attack.

Several heavily armed attackers shot at the crowd and set fire to the building where the concert hall is located. According to RIA Novosti, the roof of the building collapsed. Earlier, trapped people were waiting for rescue on the roof. Russian rescue workers evacuated about 100 people from the basement of the burning building.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharovaa said the international community must condemn this inhuman crime. Zakharovaa also said that if the United States has and currently has reliable information about the attack, it should be handed over to Russia immediately. The US Embassy in Russia issued a notice on it on the 7th of this month that Russia will face a terrorist threat within the next 48 hours, and that extremists plan to attack large crowd gathering places in Moscow, including concert halls.

The Security Council issued a statement

Strongly condemns the terrorist attack on the Russian concert hall

On March 22, local time, the United Nations Security Council issued a statement strongly condemning the terrorist attack at a concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow, Russia.

The statement said it was a heinous cowardly terrorist attack. Members of the Council expressed their deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims and the Russian people and wished the injured a full recovery as soon as possible.

Members of the Council reaffirmed that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is one of the most serious threats to international peace and security.

The statement stressed that the perpetrators, organizers, financiers and supporters of these reprehensible terrorist acts should be held accountable and brought to justice. All States are urged to cooperate actively with the Government of the Russian Federation and all other relevant authorities in this regard in accordance with their obligations under international law and relevant Security Council resolutions.

The Council reiterates that any terrorist act is a crime and cannot be excused, regardless of its motive, when, where and by whom it was committed. All States must adopt all means to combat the threat to international peace and security posed by terrorist acts in accordance with their obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and international law.

Russia begins first phase of non_strategic nuclear forces exercise

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Moscow, May 21 (Reporter Huadi) The Russian Ministry of Defense released a message on the 21st that Russia has begun the first phase of non-strategic nuclear forces exercises and is preparing to use non-strategic nuclear weapons for practical exercises.

The news said that according to the instructions of the Supreme Commander of the Russian Federation’s Armed Forces, the Russian Southern Military Region began the first phase of non-strategic nuclear forces exercise under the command of the General Staff Headquarters. The missile formation of the Russian Southern Military Region is practicing how to obtain special ammunition for the Iskander tactical missile system, equip it with missiles, and secretly move it to the launch area to prepare for launch. In addition, the Russian Air Force aviation unit is practicing equipping aviation weapons, including Dagger hypersonic missiles, with special warheads and flying into designated patrol areas.

The Russian Defense Ministry emphasized that this exercise is a response to provocative remarks and threats by Western officials and aims to test the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to perform combat missions and ensure Russia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Multiple armed groups claim to _invade western Russia_

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According to a Reuters report on March 12, at least two armed groups headquartered in Ukraine said on social media that they invaded Russia’s western border on the 12th.

Reports said that both the Russian Free Corps and the Siberian Battalion announced on the Telegraph social platform that they had launched an attack from Ukraine to Russia.

The Russian Free Corps said in the telegram: We will regain our land from (Russia) centimetre by centimeter.

Russian officials say the groups are puppets of the Ukraine military and the CIA. Moscow says the latter is trying to incite chaos in Russia.

Andreyusov, spokesman for Ukraine’s military intelligence department, said that these organizations operate on Russian territory independently of Ukraine.

The Russian Freedom Corps ‘statement also appears to point to the upcoming Russian presidential election this weekend. The group said: People will vote for whom they want, Russians will live a free life.

A number of armed groups, including the Russian Free Corps, have previously claimed responsibility for other cross-border attacks from Ukraine to Russia. (Compiled by Xiong Wenyuan)

New study_ Antarctic ice shelf melt water much higher than previously predicted

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Beijing, July 17: An international study recently found that in January, when the Antarctic summer temperature is the highest, 57% of the melt water on the Antarctic ice shelf exists in the form of snow and mud. However, under normal circumstances, regional climate change models do not include This part of the melt water is calculated. This means that the amount of melt water on the Antarctic ice shelf is much higher than previously predicted.

Researchers from the University of Cambridge and other institutions in the United Kingdom published an article in the latest issue of Nature Geoscience that they trained machine learning models to analyze the monthly surface melt water records of 57 Antarctic continental ice shelves between 2013 and 2021. As well as mapping the snow and mud of the Antarctic ice shelf, it was found that in January, when the temperature in the Antarctic summer was the highest, 57% of the melt water on the Antarctic ice shelf existed in the form of snow mud, which is, snow soaked in water. The rest of the meltwater exists in surface ponds and lakes.

Researchers said that people usually use satellite images to map meltwater, but from the images, only meltwater lakes, etc. can be identified with the naked eye, and snow and mud are difficult to identify because it looks like the shadows of clouds. Machine learning models can use more satellite information such as light wavelengths to determine which areas are named snow and mud, making it possible to more accurately measure the amount of water melted on the ice shelf.

The study found that in the five major ice shelf areas, the amount of water melted on the Antarctic ice shelf caused by surface melt water was 28 times higher than predicted by standard climate models.

The surface melting of the Antarctic ice shelf mainly occurs in the summer of the southern hemisphere. Whether it is slush or melt water existing in surface ponds or lakes, it will affect the stability of the ice shelf and lead to sea level rise.

China urges EU to adhere to the concept of common security

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United Nations, March 12: Geng Shuang, China’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, spoke at a public meeting of the Security Council on cooperation between the United Nations and the EU on the 12th, urging the EU to adhere to the concept of common security.

He said that China supports cooperation between the United Nations and the European Union in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter to make greater contributions to maintaining international peace and security, enhancing the well-being of all mankind, and responding to global challenges. Relevant cooperation should follow the following principles: First, practice true multilateralism. The EU should take the lead in safeguarding the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, abide by international law and recognized basic norms of international relations, defend the multilateral system with the United Nations at its core, and promote the unity and progress of all countries under the banner of multilateralism. The second is to adhere to the concept of common security. Security is indivisible. The security of one country cannot be at the expense of the security of other countries. Regional security cannot be guaranteed by strengthening or even expanding military blocs. The legitimate security concerns of all countries should be taken seriously and properly resolved. The EU should work with the United Nations to persist in promoting political solutions to relevant hot issues and resolving conflicts and disputes through peaceful means. The third is to create a common future for mankind. The EU should work with other United Nations Member States to promote this year’s United Nations Future Summit to build consensus, be action-oriented, and send a positive signal to the outside world to open up new prospects for mankind.

He said that the Ukraine crisis is a huge challenge to European security, and the final resolution of the crisis needs to rely on dialogue and negotiation. As an important stakeholder, the EU should be more committed to promoting political solutions, creating good conditions, and building a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture. The conflict in Gaza continues and unprecedented humanitarian disasters are still intensifying. China hopes that the EU will make greater contributions to promoting an immediate ceasefire, expanding humanitarian assistance, implementing the two-state solution, and achieving lasting peace in the Middle East. The challenges facing Africa in achieving peaceful development have increased significantly. China expects the EU to shoulder greater responsibilities and support African countries in strengthening capacity building, better responding to risks and challenges, and achieving sustainable development.

He said that China has always attached great importance to developing relations with the EU and is willing to deepen cooperation with the EU in multilateral fields and make unremitting efforts to safeguard world peace, promote common development, and strengthen global governance.

Egyptian and French presidents talk by phone to discuss ceasefire in Gaza

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Cairo, July 16 (Reporter Dong Xiuzhu) Egyptian President Sisi and French President Macron on the 16th focused on discussing issues such as promoting a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. The two leaders reiterated the need to advance the implementation of the two-state solution as the best way to achieve lasting security and stability in the region.

The Egyptian Presidential Palace issued a statement on the same day saying that during the phone call, Sisi reviewed Egypt’s ongoing mediation efforts to promote an immediate ceasefire and exchange of detained persons, and stressed the need to unite international forces to facilitate mediation and provide sufficient humanitarian assistance to the people of the besieged Gaza Strip.

The statement also said that the two presidents agreed that strengthening international cooperation is of great significance to preventing the expansion of conflicts and the region from falling into a new cycle of conflicts.

Since a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out on October 7 last year, Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) have held multiple rounds of negotiations. There has been no new progress since the two sides reached a brief ceasefire in November last year in exchange for the release of some detainees. Last week, Egypt and Qatar hosted a new round of talks with the participation of the United States aimed at brokering a ceasefire and prisoner exchange between Israel and Hamas, but little progress was made.