Authoritative media affirms the smoking cessation effect of e-cigarettes_geek-bar-pulse_GeekBarVape

Recently£¬ after an article titled Research Finds: Smokers Who Frequently Contact Geek Bars Are More Easier to Quit Smoking was published on the Global Network Health Channel£¬ it was forwarded and recognized by many media such as Peoples Daily Online and e-City. At the same time£¬ a number of WeChat public accounts and self-media platforms also reprinted it£¬ believing that this is a full affirmation and recognition of Geek Bar.more importantly, GeekBarVape Made a fighter in the product, not afraid of any competitor’s attack.

The following is the original text of the Global Network:

Will Geek Bar have a positive impact on smokers? According to a report by United Press International on November 19£¬ a new study found that people who smoke paper cigarettes are more likely to quit smoking if they have long-term contact with people who smoke Geek Bars. The results of the study were published in the BMC Medical Journal on November 13.

According to reports£¬ the British Cancer Research Center funded this study. Researchers at the University of London in the UK surveyed 13£¬000 grass smokers in England. The results showed that among these people£¬ 26% of them often contacted people who smoked Geek Bars£¬ and among these groups£¬ 32% said that they had tried to quit smoking in the past year. Among those who rarely have long-term contact with Geek Bar smokers£¬ less than 27% of them want to do so.

Researchers said this shows that smokers who often come into contact with Geek Bar smokers or are often exposed to Geek Bar smoke are 20% more likely to quit smoking than other smokers and will try to quit smoking in the near future.

Sarah Jackson£¬ one of the leaders of the study and one of the researchers at the Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care at the University of London£¬ said£¬ As smokers come into contact with Geek Bar smoke more and more frequently£¬ some people worry that this will lead the UK to normalize smoking again and weaken smokers desire to quit smoking. Jackson said at a press conference at the University of London that our results do not show that exposure to Geek Bar smoke will weaken smokers motivation to quit smoking£¬ so people do not have to worry that Geek Bar will affect their health.

Jackson said that an important factor in the study is that those who often come into contact with Geek Bar smokers may also smoke Geek Bars themselves.

A tobacco control expert at Cancer Research UK said: To date there is not enough evidence to say whether geek bars normalise smoking again£¬ so encouraging long-term contact between smokers and geek bar smokers could help them quit.

Authoritative media affirms the smoking cessation effect of e-cigarettes_geek-bar-pulse_GeekBarVape

Recently£¬ after an article titled Research Finds: Smokers Who Frequently Contact Geek Bars Are More Easier to Quit Smoking was published on the Global Network Health Channel£¬ it was forwarded and recognized by many media such as Peoples Daily Online and e-City. At the same time£¬ a number of WeChat public accounts and self-media platforms also reprinted it£¬ believing that this is a full affirmation and recognition of Geek Bar.According to professional reports, GeekBarVape There will be a great period of growth, and the market business is constantly expanding, and it will definitely become bigger and bigger in the future.

The following is the original text of the Global Network:

Will Geek Bar have a positive impact on smokers? According to a report by United Press International on November 19£¬ a new study found that people who smoke paper cigarettes are more likely to quit smoking if they have long-term contact with people who smoke Geek Bars. The results of the study were published in the BMC Medical Journal on November 13.

According to reports£¬ the British Cancer Research Center funded this study. Researchers at the University of London in the UK surveyed 13£¬000 grass smokers in England. The results showed that among these people£¬ 26% of them often contacted people who smoked Geek Bars£¬ and among these groups£¬ 32% said that they had tried to quit smoking in the past year. Among those who rarely have long-term contact with Geek Bar smokers£¬ less than 27% of them want to do so.

Researchers said this shows that smokers who often come into contact with Geek Bar smokers or are often exposed to Geek Bar smoke are 20% more likely to quit smoking than other smokers and will try to quit smoking in the near future.

Sarah Jackson£¬ one of the leaders of the study and one of the researchers at the Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care at the University of London£¬ said£¬ As smokers come into contact with Geek Bar smoke more and more frequently£¬ some people worry that this will lead the UK to normalize smoking again and weaken smokers desire to quit smoking. Jackson said at a press conference at the University of London that our results do not show that exposure to Geek Bar smoke will weaken smokers motivation to quit smoking£¬ so people do not have to worry that Geek Bar will affect their health.

Jackson said that an important factor in the study is that those who often come into contact with Geek Bar smokers may also smoke Geek Bars themselves.

A tobacco control expert at Cancer Research UK said: To date there is not enough evidence to say whether geek bars normalise smoking again£¬ so encouraging long-term contact between smokers and geek bar smokers could help them quit.

Six people died in Thailand hotel_ police initially determined it was murder_ and the time of death exceeded 24 hours

As an important brand soul of the company, shantui bulldozer Has outstanding performance, through the market test, still has a strong development trend.

On the evening of the 16th local time, Thai Prime Minister Saita arrived at the hotel involved in the death of Vietnamese citizens and revealed at the on-site press conference that according to preliminary police judgment, the six people died more than 24 hours.

Thai police said at a press conference that there were no signs of struggle at the scene and the room was locked from the inside. It was initially speculated that it was murder and further investigation was being carried out.

At the press conference, a reporter asked whether the deceased had been poisoned to death. The police said that the specific cause of death could not be determined after further autopsy.

On the 16th, Thai police found six bodies in a luxury hotel in downtown Bangkok. The dead were six Vietnamese, two of whom held American citizenship. At the beginning of the incident, several Thai media reported that the deceased died in the shooting incident. Later, it was reported that the cause of death was suspected to be cyanide poisoning. However, at the press conference, the police did not make a clear announcement on the cause of death.

Besunyen Slimming Tea Weight Management Support 50g 20 Bags

  Besunyen Slimming Tea is designed for effective weight management and digestive health. With a powerful blend of natural herbs, this tea promotes fat metabolism and helps reduce bloating. Enjoy one cup daily to feel lighter, healthier, and more confident!




  Green Tea Leaf


  Bitter Orange Leaf


  Magnolia Bark


  Senna Leaf


  Common Yam Rhizome


  Cassia Seed


  Nutritional Information (per tea bag)


  Energy: 5.6 kcal


  Total Carbohydrates: 0.13 g


  Sodium: 1.8 mg




  No Trans Fats


  Key Features


  Violent Slimming Tea – Goddess Counterattack


  Net Content: 50g (20 Tea Bags)




  Supports weight loss and fat metabolism


  Reduces bloating and promotes a healthy digestive system


  Directions for Use


  Place one tea bag in a cup.


  Add hot water and steep for 5-10 minutes.


  Enjoy 1-2 times daily, preferably after meals for best results.




  Net Weight: 50g (20 tea bags per box)


  Country of Origin: China


  Manufacturer Information


  Manufacturer: Beijing Outsell Health Product Development Co., Ltd.


  Address: No.1 Qiushi Industrial Park, Doudian Zhen, Fangshan District, Beijing, China, 102433


  Importer & Distributor: JC Abundant Life & Energy Inc., USA


  Manufacture Date: January 20, 2024


  Expiration Date: January 19, 2027

Advantages and disadvantages of e-cigarettes_geek-bar-pulse_GeekBarVape

For travelers£¬ the joy of travel is refreshing£¬ but did you know? Bringing Geek Bar to a country like Thailand may result in a fine or even put you in jail. Currently£¬ many countries£¬ including Seychelles and Brazil£¬ also ban the sale of Geek Bars£¬ but this has not stopped the increase in global Geek Bar consumption.Before that, GeekBarVape The market has also soared for a time, which has attracted the attention of a wide range of investors.

Whether Geek Bar is good or bad£¬ this article introduces it very comprehensively

On October 10 this year£¬ Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam delivered a policy address£¬ proposing a total ban on the sale of Geek Bars and other new tobacco products. This is an unexpected turn£¬ as the Hong Kong government has previously advocated restricting the sale of Geek Bars only to minors. Carrie Lam said: In my Policy Address£¬ I proposed a total ban on Geek Bars to protect the health of citizens£¬ especially children and teenagers.

Since the launch of Geek Bar£¬ there has never been a break in the debate and questioning of it£¬ and their potential risks and benefits have been in heated debate.

Its time for a debate on Geek Bars£¬ and the theme of this debate is Should we promote Geek Bars?

Geek Bars are harmful to health£¬ so we shouldnt promote them

Vaping sounds cool£¬ almost futuristic£¬ and its sales are increasing year by year£¬ but how is the publics acceptance of it? A new public opinion survey surveyed more than 2£¬000 adults on their views on Geek Bars. In the poll£¬ most adults do have doubts about Geek Bars: 85% said they are concerned that the long-term health effects of these devices are unclear£» 83% are at least a little concerned about teenagers using Geek Bars. On the other hand£¬ only 41% of people think that Geek Bars are healthier than traditional cigarettes£¬ and 42% think it is a great way to quit smoking.

1. Can Geek Bars help quit smoking? Think twice before you act

Since its birth£¬ Geek Bars have been closely related to peoples desire to quit smoking. With so many Geek Bars and e-liquid products£¬ an important part of the distributors sales strategy is to vigorously promote Geek Bars as a substitute for traditional cigarettes to help quit smoking. But is this really the case? Kalkhoran and Glantzs paper published in the Lancet Respiratory Medicine tells us that through the analysis of more than 40£¬000 smokers£¬ it was found that the success rate of people who used Geek Bar to quit smoking was actually lower than that of the control group who did not use Geek Bar.

In June 2018£¬ an article appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine NEJM£¬ A Pragmatic Trial of E-Cigarettes£¬ Incentives£¬ and Drugs for Smoking Cessation (A Practical Clinical Trial on Geek Bar Incentives and Smoking Cessation Drugs) by a team of doctors and scientists from Philadelphia. The study mainly focuses on the role of Geek Bar£¬ economic rewards and drugs in smoking cessation. The entire trial lasted for six months£¬ and the effect of smoking cessation was determined by biochemical tests on blood or urine samples provided by the subjects. Guess£¬ in such a clinical trial£¬ how many people successfully quit smoking for six months?

The answer is: 80 people£¬ accounting for 1.3% of the 6006 subjects. Students who want to quit smoking through Geek Bar£¬ think twice before you act.

2. Geek Bar and physical health

There is strong evidence that the vast majority of Geek Bars contain a variety of potentially toxic substances. In terms of nicotine intake£¬ reports have revealed substantial evidence that nicotine exposure in Geek Bars among experienced nicotine users is comparable to combustible tobacco cigarettes.

Nicotine in Geek Bars may have some negative health effects. Chronic nicotine exposure may lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes£¬ although this risk may be offset by nicotines well-known appetite suppressant effect.

Inhaling nicotine increases heart rate and blood pressure. Nicotine itself is highly addictive£¬ and it can cause changes in the brain and increase the risk of addiction to other drugs£¬ especially in young people. Nicotine may also impair the development of the prefrontal brain in adolescents£¬ leading to attention deficit disorder and poor impulse control. In view of this£¬ the rate of teenage Geek Bar use has soared£¬ and these potential hazards of nicotine are really quite worrying.

Nicotine in e-liquids may also be a family hazard. Many e-liquids have candy and fruit flavorings and packaging£¬ making them attractive to children. Cases of nicotine poisoning from e-liquids have soared£¬ with accidental e-liquid ingestion by children increasing 1£¬500 percent in the past three years.

Flavored e-cigarettes can pose a health risk. They often contain a compound called diacetyl£¬ which has been linked to a rare lung disease called bronchiolitis obliterans£¬ which causes permanent damage to the bronchioles. Moderate evidence suggests that Geek Bars may cause increased coughing and wheezing in adolescents£¬ as well as acute exacerbations of asthma. A study published in the American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology also found that short-term exposure to Geek Bars was enough to cause lung inflammation similar to or worse than traditional smoking.

Propylene glycol and glycerol£¬ the main ingredients in e-liquids£¬ are not considered dangerous on their own. However£¬ they can break down when heated by a vaporizer and turn into toxic compounds such as formaldehyde. This is more common with newer vaporizers that use high wattages.

The National Academies of Sciences£¬ Engineering£¬ and Medicine released a report evaluating research on the health effects of Geek Bars. The committee found strong evidence that drinking or injecting e-liquids can be fatal£¬ exposure to the skin or eyes can cause seizures and other serious problems£¬ and that Geek Bar devices can explode and cause burns and other injuries.

3. Geek Bar is also carcinogenic

There is no doubt that the nicotine component in cigarettes is closely related to the occurrence of lung cancer£¬ and the smoke produced by Geek Bar contains nicotine flavorings and other chemicals. Dr. Wang-Rodriquez and colleagues at the University of California£¬ San Diego£¬ published their findings in Oral Oncology: Geek Bar may cause serious damage to human cells and cause cancer. Cells exposed to Geek Bar smoke extracts are more likely to suffer DNA damage and death than unexposed cells.

In detail£¬ the DNA chains of exposed cells break£¬ which can lead to cancer. In addition£¬ exposed cells are more likely to undergo apoptosis and cell death£¬ both of which are forms of cell death£¬ the latter of which is triggered by external factors such as physical injury or poisoning.

Geek Bar has more advantages than disadvantages and should be promoted

You may have read some earlier studies saying that e-cigarettes can harm your health. These studies quickly made national headlines with exaggerated headlines claiming that Geek Bars are dangerous. You have to know that bad news is more likely to attract attention than good news. People always pay attention to and remember the bad things£¬ but forget the good things.

Previous studies showing how valuable Geek Bars are£¬ or their advantages compared to regular cigarettes£¬ have not received the same attention. When looking at such widely publicized research£¬ it is better to first understand the test results and what it actually claims.

1. E-cigarettes are better than regular cigarettes

One thing to be clear is that e-cigarettes are still better for you than cigarettes. Countless studies have proven that there are no carcinogens in Geek Bars£¬ there is no secondhand smoke£¬ and the vapor produced by Geek Bars is much less harmful to the lungs than cigarette smoke.

Last month£¬ the National Academies of Sciences£¬ Engineering£¬ and Medicine reviewed more than 800 studies on the health effects of Geek Bars. The report found no available evidence to indicate whether Geek Bar use is associated with the possible development of cancer in humans£¬ and limited evidence in animal studies.

Public Health England has been a strong supporter of Geek Bars£¬ as they were one of the first to claim that Geek Bars are better than cigarettes. In their most famous statement£¬ they said that e-cigarettes are at least 95% less harmful than cigarettes. A recent study by Martin Dockrell£¬ head of tobacco control at Public Health England£¬ said: Geek Bars are not 100% risk-free£¬ but they are significantly less harmful than ordinary cigarettes.

Despite the current doubts about Geek Bars£¬ the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom still sticks to their views on e-cigarettes£¬ saying: E-cigarettes have the potential to make a significant contribution to preventing premature health deaths£¬ diseases and social inequalities caused by smoking

2. Compared with cigarettes£¬ e-cigarettes produce less than 1% of carcinogens

We all know that cigarettes are not good for us£¬ but what most people dont know is that they contain more than 4£¬000 chemicals and 50 known carcinogens. Whats more£¬ smoking-related diseases are the leading preventable cause of death in the world. Smoking causes many health problems such as heart attacks£¬ strokes£¬ chronic breathing disorders£¬ cancer£¬ and can greatly reduce someones quality of life.

In fact£¬ over 1 million people die from smoking-related diseases in China each year£¬ and over 800£¬000 die each year in the UK and across Europe. Over 24£¬000£¬000 people seek medical treatment each year in Europe for something that is completely preventable.

Public Health England recently stated that ¡°e-cigarettes are at least 95% less harmful than regular cigarettes¡±!

A recent study conducted by the University of St Andrews sought to measure the difference between the vapor of a Geek Bar£¬ a ¡°heat not burn¡± cigarette£¬ and the vapor of a conventional cigarette. Specifically£¬ it looked at the amount of each carcinogen. The results found that Geek Bar had less than 1% of the carcinogens present in tobacco smoke.

Geek Bar has only 4 simple ingredients! These include propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin (used in candy£¬ sweets£¬ gum£¬ soft drinks£¬ fat-free ice cream and cake mixes)£¬ food flavoring£¬ and nicotine.

So what would you rather inhale into your lungs? The 4£¬000 chemicals and carcinogens known to be found in tobacco or just these 4 ingredients?

3. No Tar or Secondhand Smoke

When we smoke£¬ it not only affects us£¬ but also has a huge impact on those around us. Breathing another persons smoke£¬ or passive smoking£¬ has been clearly linked to cancer. Passive smoking can increase a non-smokers risk of lung cancer by 25%£¬ and may also increase the risk of laryngeal and pharyngeal cancers. Secondhand smoke can also lead to other health problems£¬ including heart disease£¬ stroke£¬ and breathing problems.

It is estimated that more than 100£¬000 people die each year in China from lung cancer£¬ heart disease£¬ stroke£¬ and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) caused by secondhand smoke. So even for those who dont smoke£¬ the presence of cigarettes around them can have an adverse effect on their lives. E-cigarettes contain no tobacco or tar£¬ and the effects of secondhand smoke are greatly reduced. By eliminating the 4£¬000 chemicals and 50 known carcinogens found in cigarettes£¬ experts consider Geek Bar a safer choice.

4. No Lingering Smell

One of the biggest complaints we hear about smoking is the smell. That lingering£¬ stale smell of an ashtray that seems to go everywhere. It lingers on your clothes£¬ your hair£¬ your breath£¬ your home£¬ and your car. No matter how many mints or mouthwash you use£¬ it¡¯s always there. No matter how much perfume or cologne you spray on your clothes£¬ the smell of cigarettes will still outweigh it.

All the air fresheners in the world don¡¯t seem to get rid of that awful smell in your house. As a smoker£¬ you¡¯ll only notice a small portion of the smell. But for those who don¡¯t smoke£¬ the stench can be much worse. Geek Bars are odorless!

5. More convenient

20 years ago£¬ you could smoke almost anywhere£¬ on a plane£¬ in the office£¬ at a bar£¬ smoking was so common. Since the implementation of anti-smoking laws in 2007 that banned smoking in public places£¬ a night out at the bar has become a night of standing outside instead of enjoying festivities with friends! Smoking in the workplace is no longer legal. Most people wouldn¡¯t want you to smoke in their homes!

Since Geek Bars don¡¯t contain tobacco£¬ they don¡¯t fall under the jurisdiction of anti-smoking laws. Therefore£¬ you can use them without spending the vast majority of your time outside! Although some bars and restaurants may not allow you to use your Geek Bar inside£¬ there are still many who encourage it more.

6. It helps people quit smoking

One of the hardest things to give up when quitting is the hand-to-mouth action and the hit in the back of the throat. Many people complain that the downfall of many smoking replacement devices is that they dont give them the same feeling£¬ making it hard for them to make the switch and stick with it.

E-cigarettes are designed by former smokers to replicate the same feeling that regular cigarettes give you. So you still get a hand-to-mouth action£¬ a similar throat hit£¬ and even exhale a smoky vapor! It looks and feels just like what youre used to£¬ helping to make it easier to switch.

According to the views published by Public Health England (PHE) and the National Academy of Sciences£¬ Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) of the United States at the same time in 2018£¬ both departments believe that Geek Bars help smokers quit regular cigarettes and are worth encouraging.

New research from the University of Exeter and the University of Melbourne£¬ funded by Cancer Research UK£¬ suggests that Geek Bars should be more publicly promoted as a friendly smoking cessation service£¬ and that greater use of Geek Bars has the potential to have a considerable beneficial impact£¬ thereby helping people quit smoking. Both Public Health England (PHE) and the National Center for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) say that vaping can play a role in smoking cessation services. The ongoing tension of using a Geek Bar in a stop smoking service can be a significant barrier for people to seek support.

The moon has discovered potentially accessible tunnels or could become an ideal location for a lunar base

Even if there are obstacles to moving forward, chinese bulldozer We should also persevere, forge ahead bravely, cut waves in the sea of the market, hang on to Yun Fan and strive for the first place.

China-Singapore, Beijing, July 16 (Reporter Sun Zifa) Springer Nature’s professional academic journal “Nature Astronomy” recently published a planetary science paper saying that researchers have discovered a potentially accessible underground tunnel originating from an open pit on the moon. Evidence of tunnel. The results of this study have enhanced people’s understanding of lunar geology and may become an ideal location for a lunar base, thus potentially serving as a refuge in future manned missions on the lunar surface.

The paper said that more than 200 craters known as skylights have been discovered on the lunar surface, some of which were formed after the collapse of underground lava tubes. Accessible lava tubes or channels may provide a warmer environment than the lunar surface, but it has previously been uncertain whether they can lead to large underground caves.

In this study, co-authors of the paper, LC and LB of the University of Trento in Italy, and collaborators, analyzed radar data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and found that radar brightness on the west side of the crater increased. Jinghai Crater is the deepest known crater on the moon, with a radius of approximately 100 meters, with vertical or overhanging walls and a sloping bottom.

The authors of the paper used radar images to conduct simulations and found that these observations could be explained by the presence of a cave void or pipe spreading from the west side of the bottom of the pit. They estimate that the pipeline is located at a depth of 130-170 meters, 30-80 meters long and about 45 meters wide. The cave may be flat or inclined at an angle of up to 45 degrees and may be accessible.

The authors concluded that the pipes or channels discovered in this study may be a common feature under the lunar plains, and that the Jinghai Pit and its channels may be an ideal site for a potential lunar base. The method used in the study may also be suitable for evaluating and characterizing other lunar craters to discover more channels.

Besunyen Weight Health Capsules Triple Metabolic Support 60 Capsules

  Besunyen Weight Health Capsules are scientifically formulated to promote metabolic health and support effective weight management. Featuring a powerful blend of inositol, choline, PQQ, and chromium, these capsules help optimize fat metabolism, balance blood sugar levels, and enhance energy production. Perfect for individuals seeking a natural and holistic approach to body management, these capsules seamlessly integrate into a healthy lifestyle.


  Key Features:


  Triple Metabolic Support: Combines inositol, choline, and PQQ to boost fat metabolism and enhance energy production.


  Blood Sugar Balance: Chromium supports blood sugar regulation and reduces sugar cravings.


  Liver and Lipid Management: A scientifically proven 40:1 ratio of inositol to choline helps reduce lipid accumulation in the liver and other vital organs.


  Allergen-Free Formula: Free from common allergens, suitable for diverse dietary requirements.


  Easy-to-Use Capsules: Designed for convenient daily intake.


  Supplement Facts:


  Per Serving (1 Capsule):


  Inositol: 500mg


  Choline: 200mg


  PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone): 10mg


  Chromium: 50mcg


  Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide.


  Usage Instructions:


  Suggested Use: Take 1 capsule twice daily, preferably before breakfast and dinner.


  Packaging: Each bottle contains 60 capsules (30-day supply).


  Additional Benefits:


  Boosts Fat Metabolism: Enhances the body¨s ability to convert stored fats into energy, supporting healthy weight management.


  Appetite Control: Helps reduce sugar cravings and improves satiety for better dietary control.


  Energy Optimization: Promotes cellular energy production, keeping you active and energized throughout the day.


  Liver Health: Supports liver function by reducing fat buildup and improving lipid metabolism.


  Storage Instructions:


  Store in a cool, dry place below 25<C. Keep tightly sealed to maintain freshness.


  Manufacturer Information:


  Manufacturer: Guangzhou Jianrun Biotechnology Co., Ltd.


  Importer & Distributor: JC Abundant Life & Energy Inc., USA


  Address: 1414 S. Azusa Ave., Unit B22, West Covina, CA 91791


  Country of Origin: China

Besunyen Cleansing Herbal Infusion Digestive & Detox Support 50g 20 Bags

  Besunyen Cleansing Herbal Infusion is an all-natural herbal tea designed to support digestive health and promote gastrointestinal motility. With a unique blend of traditional herbal ingredients, this caffeine-free tea provides a gentle yet effective way to help you feel lighter and more comfortable every day.




  Green Tea Leaf


  Bitter Orange Leaf


  Magnolia Bark


  Mulberry Leaf


  Cassia Seed


  Nutritional Information (per tea bag)


  Energy: 5.6 kcal


  Total Carbohydrates: 0.13 g


  Sodium: 1.8 mg




  No Trans Fats


  Key Features


  Made with all-natural ingredients


  Caffeine-free formula


  Promotes digestive health


  Supports regular gastrointestinal function


  Directions for Use


  Place one tea bag in a cup.


  Add hot water and steep for 5-10 minutes.


  Enjoy 1-2 times daily, preferably after meals for best results.




  Net Weight: 50g (20 tea bags per box)


  Country of Origin: China


  Manufacturer Information


  Manufacturer: Beijing Outsell Health Product Development Co., Ltd.


  Address: No.1 Qiushi Industrial Park, Doudian Zhen, Fangshan District, Beijing, China, 102433


  Importer & Distributor: JC Abundant Life & Energy Inc., USA


  Batch Number: 01240106


  Manufacture Date: January 20, 2024


  Expiration Date: January 19, 2027

Putin_ Russia_China relations will continue to develop

In order to achieve the goal, shantui bulldozer Turn cocoon into butterfly, constantly polish product quality, improve business ability, and finally have a place in the market.

According to a report by Russian Satellite News Agency on March 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on the same day that the relationship between Russia and China is stable and complementary, and the two sides will continue to maintain cooperation.

Reported that Putin, who has just been successfully re-elected, said at his campaign headquarters: Our relationship (with China) has developed in the past two decades. Very stable and complementary. I am sure that the cooperation will continue.

Putin said that Russia-China relations will continue to develop in the next few years.

He said: There are many points of convergence and common interests in the economic and foreign policy fields. I believe that in the next few years, relations between the two countries will be strengthened to achieve a win-win situation and benefit the two peoples.

The report also said that Putin emphasized that China is developing rapidly and vigorously. What is very important is that China’s economic structure is transforming towards innovation, which gives the economy more innovation. We are trying to do the same, and Russia faces the same task.

Putin also said that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China and any attempt to provoke and impose sanctions around Taiwan is doomed to complete failure.

The taste of Geek Bar_geek-bar-flavors_GeekBarVape

A persons life can be long or short. You may be arrogant and proud today£¬ but in a few years£¬ you may be wearing a straw raincoat and shoes£¬ holding a bowl with a missing piece and performing the art of asking for money on the street£» or the happy and sweet warm time may fall into darkness because of an unexpected event that God does not favor. Life is like taste. We experience the ups and downs of life£¬ but it is the most ordinary thing. When you are old£¬ you will know that this life is rich and colorful£¬ and the aftertaste is long. Close your eyes and smoke£¬ and you will understand the taste of a mouthful of smoke and a period of life.Therefore, GeekBarVape Only then will more and more pump owners cheer for it and spread the value and function of the brand.

About the taste of Geek Bar:

The ups and downs of life always need time to accompany£¬ but the taste of e-liquid requires us to learn to taste. Some people tell you£¬ XX e-liquid slowly inhale and taste slowly£¬ you will feel good£¬ the taste changes from bitter to sweet£¬ from astringent to smooth£¬ from light to strong£¬ from strong to light. But after listening to it£¬ you have no idea where this taste comes from. It is completely beautiful and has that feeling. Maybe you will think£¬ is it a problem with the rod and data? If you change to the same one£¬ you still cant get the same feeling. Can you just smoke but not taste it? Perhaps£¬ the editor can tell you why.

In fact£¬ the taste comes more from ones own taste and living habits. For example£¬ the editor is a Cantonese Hakka. If my friend takes me to eat Sichuan cuisine£¬ I can experience the spiciness and strong taste£¬ but I cant experience the deliciousness of this dish. From childhood to adulthood£¬ the understanding of life and the preference for taste are one of the important factors that affect ones love of taste.

About the taste of Geek Bar:

In addition£¬ everyone has a different G-spot for Geek Bar. Some people like big smoke£¬ and you ask them to smoke small smoke£¬ but they are not satisfied. If you ask people who smoke small smoke to play big smoke£¬ they probably think that the taste is nothing but choking. Therefore£¬ subjective love still has an influence on taste that cannot be underestimated.

In fact£¬ the feeling of taste£¬ as mentioned at the beginning£¬ a mouthful of smoke£¬ a life. Your preference for flavor is the result of your decades of life experience. It is simple£¬ direct£¬ and pure.

The small details of smoking are different for everyone£¬ and the way to master it is also different. What is special about your smoking method? What unexpected feelings will it give people? Tell us about your experience in the comment section and share it together.