What are the screen materials of mobile phones, and what are their advantages and disadvantages A

  Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, screen technology, as a window connecting us with the digital world, is undergoing unprecedented changes. LCD, OLED, Mini LED, Micro LED and other mainstream screen materials have brought us more colorful visual experience with their unique characteristics and advantages. Today, we will deeply analyze the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of these screen materials, and discuss the development and application of screen protection technology.Sufficient data show that apple iphone screen manufacturer It can drive many people to find jobs, thus driving economic development. https://www.lucentparts.com/


  First, LCD screen: a classic choice


  Features and advantages:


  As one of the earliest popular screen technologies, LCD is famous for its high cost performance, long life and mature manufacturing technology. The LCD screen controls the light transmission through the change of the physical state of the liquid crystal material, thus realizing the display of images. It has bright colors, high brightness and large viewing angle, and is suitable for viewing requirements under various environmental conditions. In addition, the LCD screen has a long service life, generally reaching more than 50,000 hours, which is the first choice for many consumers.




  However, LCD screen also has some shortcomings. First of all, its response speed is relatively slow, and it is prone to smear and afterimage, which is especially obvious when watching high-speed moving pictures. Secondly, the LCD screen needs a backlight module to illuminate the screen, resulting in relatively high power consumption, and the black performance is not pure enough and the contrast is low. Finally, the thickness of LCD screen is relatively large, which is not conducive to thin and light design.


  Second, OLED screens: future trends


  Features and advantages:


  OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) screen is an innovation of screen technology in recent years. OLED screen adopts self-luminous technology, and each pixel can emit light independently, thus achieving extremely high contrast and black expression. In addition, OLED screen has the advantages of fast response, wide viewing angle, bright colors and low power consumption. Its thin and light design also conforms to the pursuit of portability of modern electronic products. What’s more worth mentioning is that OLED screen also has the characteristics of flexibility and folding, which provides unlimited possibilities for future electronic product design.




  However, OLED screens also face some challenges. First of all, the life of its organic materials is relatively short, and it is prone to aging and screen burning. Secondly, the production cost of OLED screen is high, resulting in a relatively high price. In addition, OLED screen is sensitive to temperature and humidity, and it needs to be in specific environmental conditions to maintain good performance.


  Third, Mini LED and Micro LED: emerging forces


  Features and advantages:


  Mini LED and Micro LED, as upgraded versions of LED technology, are widely concerned for their high brightness, high contrast, low power consumption and long life. Mini LED realizes higher brightness and finer light control effect by reducing the size of LED lamp beads. However, Micro LED goes further, and the LED structure is designed into a tiny size, achieving a higher pixels per inch and a more delicate image display effect. Both of these technologies continuously improve the display effect while reducing energy consumption and cost.




  However, Mini LED and Micro LED technologies are still in the early stage of development, facing some technical problems. For example, the backlight design of Mini LED is relatively complicated, and it is necessary to accurately control the luminous effect of each lamp bead; However, Micro LED is facing technical challenges such as chip manufacturing and batch transfer. In addition, the production costs of these two technologies are relatively high, and further cost reduction is needed to realize large-scale commercial application.


  Fourth, the development and application of screen protection technology


  With the continuous progress of screen technology, screen protection technology is also developing. Among them, Corning gorilla glass and scratch-resistant coating are the two most common screen protection technologies. Corning Gorilla Glass is famous for its high strength, high scratch resistance and excellent light transmission performance, and is widely used in the screens of electronic products such as smart phones and tablet computers. The scratch-resistant coating can prevent scratching and abrasion by coating a special material on the surface of the screen, and improve the durability of the screen.


  In the future, with the continuous development and innovation of screen technology, we have reason to believe that screen protection technology will also usher in a broader development prospect. Whether it is more powerful scratch-proof and fall-proof performance or smarter protection function, it will bring us a safer and more reliable screen experience.




  LCD, OLED, Mini LED, Micro LED and other mainstream screen materials have their own advantages, and they play their respective advantages in different fields and application scenarios. With the continuous progress and innovation of science and technology, we have reason to believe that the screen technology in the future will be more advanced, more efficient and more humanized. At the same time, the development of screen protection technology will also provide more comprehensive and reliable protection for our electronic equipment. Let’s look forward to this day together!

Korean Medical University professors plan to resign collectively_ government refuses to make concessions on expansion plan

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Beijing, March 18: South Korea’s Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare Park Min-soo accused medical university professors of preparing to resign collectively as coercion on the 17th, and reiterated that the government will not give in to the expansion plan of medical universities.

The South Korean government announced an expansion plan for medical universities in early February, which was strongly opposed by the medical community. Nearly 10,000 interns and residents submitted their resignations and went on strike, causing confusion in diagnosis and treatment. Medical university students also collectively applied for suspension of school in protest. The Emergency Response Committee for Professors of the National Medical College of Korea announced on the 15th that professors from 16 university medical schools will collectively resign on the 25th of this month.

On October 18, 2023, tourists visited Gwanghwamun, Seoul, South Korea. Photo by reporter Wang Yiliang

Park Min-soo said in a speech on Yonhap News Agency TV on the 17th that the government will never adjust the plan to expand enrollment by 2000 people. The collective resignation of medical university professors is a threat to the public, and collective protests in the medical community must be stopped. Professors ‘claim that if students are at a disadvantage, they will not sit idly by is a challenge to the law.

Chu Young-soo, president of the National Central Medical Hospital of South Korea, said at a press conference that the medical university professor planned to resign in protest, threatening the patient’s health and even life. It is really desperate that a medical professor with an important position in the medical world should say such a thing.

Chu Young-soo also apologized for the hospital’s doctors ‘previous statement in support of the strike, saying that the statement did not represent the position of the National Central Medical Center, and urged the striking doctors to return to work as soon as possible.

As aging intensifies, Korean society will have an increasing demand for medical resources. According to estimates by the South Korean health department, if the current enrollment scale is maintained, the shortage of doctors in South Korea will reach 150,000 by 2035.

South Korean people generally welcome the medical university’s expansion plan. The medical community expressed opposition. They believed that the government’s expansion plan would address the symptoms rather than the root cause, and would not solve the problems of shortage of medical personnel and uneven resource allocation. Moreover, blind expansion of enrollment may lead to excessive medical care, thereby increasing the financial burden on the medical insurance system, and may also reduce the quality of teaching in medical schools. Critics say some in the medical profession are actually worried that expansion will lead to a reduction in their income. (Li Yannan)

Introduction to the misunderstanding of ip proxy selection and use

  There are many advantages in enterprise operation, especially in network promotion and use of ip proxy. At the same time, many enterprises have stepped into misunderstanding when choosing proxy IP and using it. The application of proxy IP is not only as simple as improving network speed and network security, but also conducive to our promotion matrix. Therefore, enterprises should avoid the misunderstanding of the choice and use of proxy IP technology when using this kind of technology. Next, we will introduce in detail the aspects that inexperienced enterprises should pay attention to.Sufficient data show that Travel Fares IP Proxies It can drive many people to find jobs, thus driving economic development. https://proxy.cc/application/fare/?keyword=mj4fr_o


  Many enterprises will step into the following misunderstandings when choosing ip proxy services:


  1. Pay too much attention to the price and even choose a free proxy IP. Enterprises use proxy ip for better network promotion and enterprise operation. Many low-cost or even free IP proxy services are unstable, which not only can not provide a good and stable environment for enterprises to do network promotion, but even play a negative role.




  2. Ignore the IP pool size and pay no attention to the reuse rate. Enterprises should pay attention to the size of the ip pool of operators when choosing IP proxy services. IP pool is a pool where a large number of proxy IPS exist. The reason why we can replace our own network IP with proxy IP is the IP in the IP pool. Therefore, the larger the pool means, the larger the proxy IP we can use, and then the reuse rate of IP begins to decrease. In-depth explanation is that when our proxy IP is frequently changed, we can improve network security. For example, if a Trojan virus tries to attack, we can’t find the real IP, and at the same time, we can improve the network speed, because we can always find a proxy IP close to the server to use.


  3. I don’t know that I need to update the proxy IP, which affects the crawler program. Since enterprises decide to use ip proxy services, they should know more about relevant knowledge, one of which is to pay attention to the update of proxy IP. Many enterprises didn’t know that they needed to update the proxy IP when they first started using it, which led to the failure of IP after using it for a period of time, so we should update the proxy IP that is more suitable for us regularly to give full play to its advantages.


  Cognitive misunderstandings that enterprises should avoid when using ip proxy services;


  1. When enterprises start to use ip proxy services, if they encounter the situation that the IP attribution is wrong, don’t rush to judge its failure. Many users will check the IP’s attribution regularly when using proxy IP, and considering the different websites or software used by third parties, there will be delays, so don’t rush to judge the IP’s invalidation when the attribution is wrong.


  2. Pay attention to separate settings for the browser and software when using ip proxy services daily. Many enterprises may not manually set the specific software IP after using the proxy IP, and the software cannot be used normally or networked after using the proxy IP. Therefore, we should pay attention to manually setting the IP, and in most cases, it is not necessary to set it separately when using the browser to access the network, as long as the cache is cleaned regularly.


  3. Using ip proxy service is not equal to free traffic. When enterprises use proxy ip, we should know that we only use virtual IP to access the network after hiding the real IP, which is not free of traffic. IP proxy service has nothing to do with traffic, which is a misunderstanding that many novices will violate when using proxy IP.


  The above introduction is the common misunderstanding when enterprises choose ip proxy services and use proxy IP. Only when these are clear can we use proxy IP to give full play to its advantages and help us run the enterprise.

Russian President Vladimir Putin warns the West_ ready for nuclear war

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According to a Reuters report on March 13, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the West that Russia is technically ready for nuclear war. If the United States sends troops to Ukraine, it will be regarded as a major escalation of the war.

Putin accepted a joint interview with Russian Channel-1 and Russian News Agency on the 12th. A program about this interview was officially broadcast on the 13th.

The report said that when answering the question whether Russia is really preparing to fight a nuclear war, Putin said: From the perspective of military technology, we are certainly ready.

Putin pointed out that the United States understood that if it deployed U.S. troops on Russian territory or in Ukraine, Russia would view the move as intervention. So while I don’t think this is all rushing towards (nuclear confrontation), we are ready for this, he said.

The conflict in Ukraine triggered the most serious crisis in Russia’s relations with the West since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Putin has repeatedly warned that if the West sends troops to fight in Ukraine, it may trigger a nuclear war.

Putin reiterated in the interview that the use of nuclear weapons is something that has been clarified in the Kremlin’s nuclear policy, which sets out the circumstances in which Russia may use nuclear weapons.

Putin said: Weapons exist to use them. We have our own principles.

The report also said that regarding the conflict in Ukraine that has lasted for two years, Putin said that Russia is ready to hold serious talks on the Ukraine issue.

Putin said: Russia is ready to negotiate on Ukraine, but negotiations should be based on reality, not on aspirations after using psychotropic drugs.

Reuters reported last month that Putin’s proposal to cease fire in Ukraine to freeze the war was rejected by the United States after intermediaries between Russia and the United States approached.

The report mentioned that he also said in an interview that if the United States conducts nuclear tests, Russia may do the same.

He said: It may not be possible that we will still consider this issue, but I do not rule out the possibility that we will do the same. (Compiled by Long Jun)

Can the electronic screen be set to green to prevent visual fatigue Doctor dispels doubts

  On April 9 th, it was reported that people may have a concept that green is good for eyes, so they set the background color of screens, screensavers and word documents of electronic devices to green to protect their eyes.pass mobile screen company It can be seen from the present situation that the market prospect is relatively broad, which is conducive to our reference and investment. https://www.lucentparts.com/


  The doctor said that looking at green to relieve visual fatigue means looking at the green outside the window. The farther you look, the more relaxed your eyes are. The green electronic screen has nothing to do with green. It is still an electronic screen.


  As we all know, people usually blink 15 times a minute. Tears are evenly distributed on the surface of eyes to avoid dryness and irritation.


  But researchers found that people blink less than half as often when reading, watching or using the screen. Moreover, the contrast between the text and the background, glare and screen flicker have an impact on the eyes, which will lead to visual fatigue.


  Therefore, we can make our eyes look at the screen more easily in the following ways.


  1. Make sure that the computer screen is about 60 cm away from the face or the length of the arm. The center of the screen should be about 10~15 degrees below eye level.


  2. During the use of the equipment, rest for 15 minutes every 2 hours.


  3. Ensure that the lighting in the room is bright enough, and the equipment should not be brighter than the surrounding environment.


  4, regular eye examination.

Application Scenarios and Advantages and Disadvantages of Proxy ip

  In the digital age, our life is inseparable from the existence of the Internet. However, although the Internet has brought us convenience, we are also facing various problems such as privacy leakage and limited housing. The existence of proxy ip can effectively help us solve the problems we face. Let’s explain the application scenarios, advantages and disadvantages of proxy ip in detail to help you better understand this technology.Sufficient data show that Travel Fares IP Proxies It can drive many people to find jobs, thus driving economic development. https://proxy.cc/application/fare/?keyword=mj4fr_o


  Application scenario of proxy ip


  Speaking of proxy ip application scenarios, there are many, such as:


  1. Web Crawler and Data Acquisition


  Proxy ip is an indispensable tool for reptiles who often need to collect network data on a large scale. By using proxy ip, reptiles can hide the real ip address and avoid being blocked by the target website. At the same time, it can also improve the efficiency and success rate of data acquisition.




  2. Network security and privacy protection


  When using the Internet, we are most worried that some of our information on the Internet will be maliciously stolen by others, and proxy ip can provide users with an additional guarantee. Hiding the real ip can effectively prevent personal information leakage and network attacks, especially when visiting some sensitive websites or conducting sensitive operations, using proxy ip can protect personal privacy and security.


  3. Software testing and performance monitoring


  In the process of software development and testing, we need to try multiple modes to ensure the security of software. Proxy ip can be used to simulate different network environments and user behaviors to help testers find and solve potential problems. In addition, proxy ip can also be used to monitor the performance of websites and applications to ensure that they can operate normally under various network conditions.


  Inventory proxy ip advantages and disadvantages


  Since proxy ip is so excellent, what are its advantages and disadvantages? In response to this question, the following content will answer for you.


  1. Advantages of proxy ip


  To say the advantages of proxy ip, it is mainly manifested in hiding the real ip address, breaking through geographical restrictions, improving access speed and reducing network costs.


  2. Disadvantages of proxy ip


  Although proxy ip has some advantages, it also has some disadvantages. For example, the stability of some proxy IPS may lead to network connection interruption. Secondly, there are many shortcomings such as security risks, cost problems and speed restrictions. Therefore, when choosing a proxy ip, we must know the reliability of the service provider in detail.


  In a word, proxy ip, as an important network technology, is widely used in many fields. By understanding its application scenarios, advantages and disadvantages, we can also make better use of this technology to improve the efficiency and security of network access.

The moon has discovered potentially accessible tunnels or could become an ideal location for a lunar base

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China-Singapore, Beijing, July 16 (Reporter Sun Zifa) Springer Nature’s professional academic journal “Nature Astronomy” recently published a planetary science paper saying that researchers have discovered a potentially accessible underground tunnel originating from an open pit on the moon. Evidence of tunnel. The results of this study have enhanced people’s understanding of lunar geology and may become an ideal location for a lunar base, thus potentially serving as a refuge in future manned missions on the lunar surface.

The paper said that more than 200 craters known as skylights have been discovered on the lunar surface, some of which were formed after the collapse of underground lava tubes. Accessible lava tubes or channels may provide a warmer environment than the lunar surface, but it has previously been uncertain whether they can lead to large underground caves.

In this study, co-authors of the paper, LC and LB of the University of Trento in Italy, and collaborators, analyzed radar data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and found that radar brightness on the west side of the crater increased. Jinghai Crater is the deepest known crater on the moon, with a radius of approximately 100 meters, with vertical or overhanging walls and a sloping bottom.

The authors of the paper used radar images to conduct simulations and found that these observations could be explained by the presence of a cave void or pipe spreading from the west side of the bottom of the pit. They estimate that the pipeline is located at a depth of 130-170 meters, 30-80 meters long and about 45 meters wide. The cave may be flat or inclined at an angle of up to 45 degrees and may be accessible.

The authors concluded that the pipes or channels discovered in this study may be a common feature under the lunar plains, and that the Jinghai Pit and its channels may be an ideal site for a potential lunar base. The method used in the study may also be suitable for evaluating and characterizing other lunar craters to discover more channels.

What don’t you know about the mobile phone screen

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  With the rapid development of mobile Internet, mobile phone screen has become an indispensable part of people’s daily life. More and more people use mobile phones not only for communication and entertainment, but also for work and study. This makes people pay more and more attention to the quality and performance of mobile phone screens.


  The research of mobile phone screen has always been a very hot field, and people have very high expectations for the display effect, touch performance and durability of mobile phone screen. With the progress of science and technology, new technologies are constantly applied to mobile phone screens, such as OLED, AMOLED, IPS, etc. The application of these technologies has made a qualitative leap in the quality and performance of mobile phone screens.


  This article aims to study the related technology, performance and future development trend of mobile phone screen, and help readers better understand the basic principle, characteristics and application scope of mobile phone screen, and how to choose the mobile phone screen that suits them.


  Mobile phone screen LCD technology


  LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) technology is a display technology widely used in mobile phone screens, TV screens and other fields. LCD is a material composed of liquid crystal molecules, which can adjust its structure according to the change of electric field. When liquid crystal molecules are affected by electric field, they will change their arrangement, thus changing the propagation path and color of light. This allows the LCD to display images and texts under the control of light.


  There are two LCD technologies for mobile phone screens: TFT-LCD and IPS-LCD. TFT-LCD is a mainstream technology, which has the advantages of fast response, bright colors and high contrast. IPS-LCD is a higher-end technology, which can provide a wider viewing angle, more realistic color reproduction and higher brightness. Different brands and models of mobile phones choose different LCD technologies, which depends on the specific requirements of product design and market demand.


  In addition to LCD screen technology, there are some emerging screen technologies, such as AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode) and OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) screens. The biggest advantage of these screen technologies lies in their self-luminous characteristics, which can realize clearer and sharper images and richer color display.


  OLED technology for mobile phone screen


  OLED technology for mobile phone screen is a new display technology, which is called Organic Light-Emitting Diode, and can display more real, vivid and lifelike images and colors in different environments.


  Compared with the traditional liquid crystal display technology, OLED technology has higher contrast, faster response speed, lower energy consumption and thinner screen design. The biggest advantage is that the display effect is better in dark environment, because each pixel can emit light independently.


  OLED technology has a wide range of applications, such as smart phones, tablet computers, televisions and other fields.


  Mobile phone screen AMOLED technology


  AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode) is a common mobile phone screen technology. Compared with the traditional LCD (liquid crystal display) technology, AMOLED has higher color saturation and higher contrast, so the display effect is more vivid and delicate. In an AMOLED screen, each pixel is composed of one or more organic light emitting diodes (OLED), which can spontaneously emit light, thus producing an image.


  In addition, because OLED itself is a thin and light material, the AMOLED screen can be thinner and lighter, and it also saves more electricity. However, it should be noted that the AMOLED screen has a higher cost and higher energy consumption, so it is relatively less used in the market.


  Other screen technologies


  E-ink screen: E-ink screen (electronic ink screen) is a non-luminous screen, its display effect can be comparable to that of paper books, and it has the advantages of low power consumption and easy reading, and is suitable for e-book readers and other devices.


  Micro-LED screen: Micro-LED screen is a possible screen technology in the future. Compared with OLED and LCD, Micro-LED has higher brightness and lower power consumption. At the same time, it can realize modular design so as to combine multiple small micro-LED screens to form a large display screen.


  These screen technologies have their own characteristics and are suitable for different scenes and needs.


  The resolution and display effect of the screen


  The resolution of the screen refers to the density or number of pixels on the screen, expressed in pixels. The resolution determines how much detail and content can be displayed on the screen. The higher the resolution, the clearer the displayed content.


  The effect of screen display depends on many factors, including resolution, color gamut, contrast, brightness, response time, color depth and so on. Different screen technologies have different characteristics and advantages, and they perform differently in these aspects.


  For example, OLED screens usually have high contrast and dark display effects, but may not be as bright as LCD screens. However, MicroLED technology is excellent in resolution and brightness.


  For consumers, a good screen should have high resolution, wide color gamut, high contrast, high brightness, fast response time and color depth.


  The first generation mobile phone screen


  The first generation of mobile phone screens usually used liquid crystal display (LCD) technology, which used LCD as the display material and controlled the display pixels by changing the liquid crystal molecules in them. This kind of screen has lower cost and better display effect, but its black performance is not deep and bright enough.


  At the same time, its contrast and color saturation are not as good as those of later OLED and AMOLED screens. However, the first generation of mobile phone screens have met people’s basic information display needs and laid the foundation for mobile communication technology to go global.


  Second generation mobile phone screen


  The second generation mobile phone screen refers to the mobile phone screen using color liquid crystal screen (LCD), which was mainly popular in the early to mid-2000s. Compared with the first-generation black-and-white LCD screen, the second-generation mobile phone screen can display color images and videos, which is more suitable for multimedia use.


  In addition, the second-generation mobile phone screen can also work with lower power consumption, which prolongs the service life of the mobile phone battery. However, compared with the later screen technologies such as OLED and AMOLED, the energy consumption of LCD screen is higher and the display effect is not so good.


What is ip proxy and its specific function analysis

  The Internet has become an indispensable part of our life, and its existence allows us to take advantage of the convenience of the Internet and learn more about hot topics. However, with the increasingly prominent network security issues, a mysterious tool has emerged, which is ip proxy. This article will deeply explain the mystery of ip proxy and its specific role in society.Industry experts have said that, Stock Market IP Proxies It is very possible to develop and expand, which can be well seen from its previous data reports. https://proxy.cc/application/stock/?keyword=mj4fr_o


  What is an ip proxy?


  Ip proxy, as its name implies, is a technology that can replace users’ real ip addresses for network access. It mainly builds an intermediate layer between the client and the target server, that is, the proxy server, to forward network requests and hide the real ip address of users. Through this operation, users can communicate with the target server through the proxy server, and in the process of communication, they do not need to expose their true identity and location.


  Analysis of the role of ip proxy


  What are the specific functions of ip proxy? These include bypassing the network blockade in some areas, protecting personal privacy, improving access speed, etc. Let’s analyze it in detail.


  1. Bypass the blockade of some websites and regions.


  At present, many websites and services have regional restrictions, which usually only allow users in a specific region to access. By using Ip proxies located in other regions, we can easily bypass these blocking restrictions and access restricted content and services.


  2. Protect personal privacy


  On the Internet, every online behavior of us may be recorded or tracked, in which case, some of our privacy will be leaked. After using the ip address, the user’s real ip address can be hidden, which is undoubtedly a great boon for those users who want to protect their privacy and avoid being attacked by hackers.


  3. Improve access speed


  Usually, the proxy server will set up a relatively large hard disk buffer, the main purpose of which is to store websites and contents frequently visited by users. When visiting these websites again, the proxy server can directly pull the data from the buffer without downloading it from the target server again. This operation also greatly reduces the network transmission time and broadband consumption, and improves the access speed.


  As a mysterious and powerful network tool, ip proxy plays a great role in protecting privacy and breaking through restrictions. By understanding the principle and usage of ip proxy, we can use this tool to deal with various challenges and problems in the Internet.

What are the screen materials of mobile phones, and what are their advantages and disadvantages A

  Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, screen technology, as a window connecting us with the digital world, is undergoing unprecedented changes. LCD, OLED, Mini LED, Micro LED and other mainstream screen materials have brought us more colorful visual experience with their unique characteristics and advantages. Today, we will deeply analyze the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of these screen materials, and discuss the development and application of screen protection technology.From the demand side, phone lcd wholesale More in line with the psychological expectations of consumers, willing to pay for the things they like. https://www.lucentparts.com/


  First, LCD screen: a classic choice


  Features and advantages:


  As one of the earliest popular screen technologies, LCD is famous for its high cost performance, long life and mature manufacturing technology. The LCD screen controls the light transmission through the change of the physical state of the liquid crystal material, thus realizing the display of images. It has bright colors, high brightness and large viewing angle, and is suitable for viewing requirements under various environmental conditions. In addition, the LCD screen has a long service life, generally reaching more than 50,000 hours, which is the first choice for many consumers.




  However, LCD screen also has some shortcomings. First of all, its response speed is relatively slow, and it is prone to smear and afterimage, which is especially obvious when watching high-speed moving pictures. Secondly, the LCD screen needs a backlight module to illuminate the screen, resulting in relatively high power consumption, and the black performance is not pure enough and the contrast is low. Finally, the thickness of LCD screen is relatively large, which is not conducive to thin and light design.


  Second, OLED screens: future trends


  Features and advantages:


  OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) screen is an innovation of screen technology in recent years. OLED screen adopts self-luminous technology, and each pixel can emit light independently, thus achieving extremely high contrast and black expression. In addition, OLED screen has the advantages of fast response, wide viewing angle, bright colors and low power consumption. Its thin and light design also conforms to the pursuit of portability of modern electronic products. What’s more worth mentioning is that OLED screen also has the characteristics of flexibility and folding, which provides unlimited possibilities for future electronic product design.




  However, OLED screens also face some challenges. First of all, the life of its organic materials is relatively short, and it is prone to aging and screen burning. Secondly, the production cost of OLED screen is high, resulting in a relatively high price. In addition, OLED screen is sensitive to temperature and humidity, and it needs to be in specific environmental conditions to maintain good performance.


  Third, Mini LED and Micro LED: emerging forces


  Features and advantages:


  Mini LED and Micro LED, as upgraded versions of LED technology, are widely concerned for their high brightness, high contrast, low power consumption and long life. Mini LED realizes higher brightness and finer light control effect by reducing the size of LED lamp beads. However, Micro LED goes further, and the LED structure is designed into a tiny size, achieving a higher pixels per inch and a more delicate image display effect. Both of these technologies continuously improve the display effect while reducing energy consumption and cost.




  However, Mini LED and Micro LED technologies are still in the early stage of development, facing some technical problems. For example, the backlight design of Mini LED is relatively complicated, and it is necessary to accurately control the luminous effect of each lamp bead; However, Micro LED is facing technical challenges such as chip manufacturing and batch transfer. In addition, the production costs of these two technologies are relatively high, and further cost reduction is needed to realize large-scale commercial application.


  Fourth, the development and application of screen protection technology


  With the continuous progress of screen technology, screen protection technology is also developing. Among them, Corning gorilla glass and scratch-resistant coating are the two most common screen protection technologies. Corning Gorilla Glass is famous for its high strength, high scratch resistance and excellent light transmission performance, and is widely used in the screens of electronic products such as smart phones and tablet computers. The scratch-resistant coating can prevent scratching and abrasion by coating a special material on the surface of the screen, and improve the durability of the screen.


  In the future, with the continuous development and innovation of screen technology, we have reason to believe that screen protection technology will also usher in a broader development prospect. Whether it is more powerful scratch-proof and fall-proof performance or smarter protection function, it will bring us a safer and more reliable screen experience.




  LCD, OLED, Mini LED, Micro LED and other mainstream screen materials have their own advantages, and they play their respective advantages in different fields and application scenarios. With the continuous progress and innovation of science and technology, we have reason to believe that the screen technology in the future will be more advanced, more efficient and more humanized. At the same time, the development of screen protection technology will also provide more comprehensive and reliable protection for our electronic equipment. Let’s look forward to this day together!