Multiple armed groups claim to _invade western Russia_

pass LANA電子煙 As can be seen from its market performance, it has strong vitality and strong appeal.

According to a Reuters report on March 12, at least two armed groups headquartered in Ukraine said on social media that they invaded Russia’s western border on the 12th.

Reports said that both the Russian Free Corps and the Siberian Battalion announced on the Telegraph social platform that they had launched an attack from Ukraine to Russia.

The Russian Free Corps said in the telegram: We will regain our land from (Russia) centimetre by centimeter.

Russian officials say the groups are puppets of the Ukraine military and the CIA. Moscow says the latter is trying to incite chaos in Russia.

Andreyusov, spokesman for Ukraine’s military intelligence department, said that these organizations operate on Russian territory independently of Ukraine.

The Russian Freedom Corps ‘statement also appears to point to the upcoming Russian presidential election this weekend. The group said: People will vote for whom they want, Russians will live a free life.

A number of armed groups, including the Russian Free Corps, have previously claimed responsibility for other cross-border attacks from Ukraine to Russia. (Compiled by Xiong Wenyuan)

Kim Jong_un drives North Korea_s new tank_ calling it _the most powerful tank in the world_

Sufficient data show that LANA電子煙 It can drive many people to find jobs, thus driving economic development.

According to a report by Singapore’s Lianhe Zaobao on March 14, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visited and guided a military training involving tank troops on the 13th.

Reports said that Kim Jong-un was very satisfied with the attack power demonstrated by the new main battle tank in its first appearance in this training match.

According to the report, this military activity aims to strictly test the actual combat capabilities of tank crew members and familiarize them with the combat methods of different tactical tasks.

According to a report by the KCNA News Agency on the 14th, heavy tanks quickly shuttled through various harshest combat environments, hit the target in one fell swoop with strong strike power, and broke through the solid defense line with high mobility.

KCNA said that Kim Jong-un also personally drove a new tank during the training competition of the tank troops that day to check the actual combat capabilities of the tank troops.

Reported that Kim Jong-un called it the most powerful tank in the world and expressed satisfaction with its strike capabilities and mobility. Kim Jong-un emphasized the need to organize high-intensity exercises and training competitions that simulate actual combat, and proposed the important task of improving war preparations.

Yonhap said on the 14th that Kim Jong-un’s inspection came as Seoul and Washington were holding the annual Freedom Shield exercise to strengthen deterrence against North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats.

The report said Pyongyang has long condemned joint military exercises between Seoul and Washington as a rehearsal for invasion and used them as an excuse for provocation.

Ctrip released the Seven Guidelines for Safety Emergency of Overseas Free Travel

  60% of China’s outbound travel is a free travel. The Thai bombings reflect the security problem of free travel.So, prepper supplies On the contrary, there is still a lot of room to play.


  In this Bangkok bombing, all the China tourists who were killed or injured were individual travelers, which reflected the security problem of free travel. With the group, you can find a tour guide and travel freely overseas. What should I do in case of emergencies, natural disasters and man-made disasters?, the largest free travel service provider in China, issued the Safety Emergency Guide for Overseas Free Travel to guide China tourists to deal with tourism emergencies.


  There are more than 100 million outbound tourists in China every year. According to the data released by the National Tourism Administration, the number of outbound tourists organized by travel agencies was around 40 million last year, and the remaining 60% were independent and self-help tourists without travel agencies. Tens of thousands of free travellers travel around the world every day. Take this explosion as an example. Ctrip alone had more than 7,300 group tours and free travellers in Thailand that day, and nearly half of them booked free travellers. Nowadays, the mode of free travel is more and more respected by modern people, and the safety of free guests has been paid attention to.


  According to the latest news provided by the Embassy of China in Thailand, the explosion in the downtown business district of Bangkok on the 17th has killed 7 China citizens (2 Hong Kong tourists and 5 mainland tourists) and 26 China citizens are being hospitalized. It is noteworthy that the injured tourists from China are family-style free travellers from all over the country. At one time, some victims only knew the English name and province and city of their passports, so it was difficult to verify personal and family information.


  Tourists believe that, unlike the tour group that can find a tour leader, tour guide or domestic tour group agency, if there is a sudden disaster, most self-help tourists are in a different place and isolated, so it is difficult for them to know the local situation and make a rational judgment on the situation at the first time. If they want to change their itinerary, they will also face practical difficulties such as traffic jams and communication interruptions. If there are casualties, medical assistance and Chinese translation are also problems. Because travel information is not filed by travel agencies and tourism bureaus, it may lead to the lack of personal basic information, and it is also difficult to confirm identity and contact family members when encountering misfortune.


  Is there any way to enjoy the fun of free travel and get all the services to ensure the safety of travel?


  Ctrip released the “Safety Emergency Guide for Overseas Free Travel”, the largest free travel service provider in China, issued the Safety Emergency Guide for Overseas Free Travel to guide China tourists to deal with tourism emergencies. Ctrip has established a complete free travel service system, covering all links from before, during and after the trip. Ctrip experts believe that free travel is not a simple air ticket and hotel reservation, and security and destination service are becoming more and more important. They call on Chinese tourism enterprises to establish a tourism security system and emergency service mechanism for free travellers to prevent self-help tours from becoming helpless.


  The guide strengthens tourists’ safety protection from seven aspects, and guides China tourists to strengthen safety protection and deal with emergencies:


  First, it is recommended that tourists book free packaged products through regular travel agencies and online travel websites, which is a more recommended way to ensure personal travel safety. For example, Ctrip International Travel Service provides related services, is qualified for outbound travel, and provides “six-fold travel guarantee”. There are hundreds of professional service teams, as well as branches and service agencies in overseas countries. When Bangkok exploded, Ctrip contacted and provided assistance to 557 free guests in Bangkok through SMS, free emergency hotline and free WeChat group for the first time. On the night of the accident, most tourists had contacted by phone to confirm their safety.


  Second, tourists are advised to leave the emergency contact numbers of relatives and friends when booking products, and keep their mobile phones open during the trip; Write down the address and telephone number of family or friends in detail in your passport. Leave a copy of your passport for your family so that you can get help as soon as possible in case of emergency.


  Third, be sure to buy travel accident insurance, accidents mainly rely on insurance to claim compensation. It is very important to pay special attention to the protection of medical and rescue responsibilities. Ctrip, as an institution with professional insurance agency qualification, cooperates with insurance companies to design and launch travel insurance products and provide one-stop service for insurance and claims settlement. During the Bangkok bombing, Ctrip and the insurance rescue company arranged to visit China tourists, and provided medical rescue, Chinese translation, advance medical expenses, itinerary changes and other services. Some tourists who cancelled their reservations also recovered their expenses through “cancellation of insurance for no reason”.


  Fourth, overseas destination activities, be sure to choose a regular travel company, it is best to book in advance through a regular website in China. Tens of thousands of local play products around the world provided by Ctrip Freetravel have been professionally selected, confirmed the qualifications of the operators, signed contracts, and provided with after-sales service guarantee by Ctrip International Travel Service. However, in some overseas places, there are also some privately-run tourism agencies, which have no legal business qualifications and professional equipment, and will not buy insurance for tourists. If an accident occurs, it is difficult to protect personal and property losses.


  Fifth, tourists are advised to consult the safety manual to prevent risky behaviors. In order to popularize the knowledge of tourism safety and the convention on tourism civilization, Ctrip’s travel safety handbook and safety guide are all online in the booking instructions of Ctrip’s travel holiday products, providing detailed travel warnings and explanations for various special tourism activities, high-risk projects, public safety incidents and special people. In particular, it is suggested to participate in risky sports such as swimming, diving and high altitude.


  Sixth, tourists are advised to keep in mind the emergency contact number provided by enterprises. In case of emergency, you can call the police or contact the emergency call center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the local embassy of China. For example, among Thailand’s free travel products, there is a 24-hour Ctrip Phuket Chinese hotline, which provides local car use, entertainment, travel consultation and emergency handling services. After the explosion in Bangkok, Ctrip’s free travel emergency hotline was also announced.


  Seven, free travel can also have a “leader” with you. It is recommended that tourists join the “micro-leader” to keep abreast of information and get help through mobile phones and WeChat. Ctrip provides “micro-leader” service for free travellers, provides consultation and help anytime and anywhere through WeChat group, and allows guests to help each other in the group. At present, the micro-team leader has comprehensively covered more than 100 domestic and foreign destinations where Ctrip is free to travel, and hundreds of expert teams serve. At most, nearly 10,000 people communicate through different WeChat groups at the same time. In South Korea, Thailand and other places, the rate of joining the group is particularly high. During the bombing in Thailand, nearly 2,000 free travellers were served.

What about gas leakage and gas tank explosion Please keep in mind the safety instructions.

  August 14thAt the same time, prepping checklist It is no longer a relatively unfamiliar industry, and it enters the public’s sight more and more frequently, gaining more attention and recognition.


  Henan Shangqiu


  A gas explosion occurred in a household’s home.


  @ Source: Henan Radio and TV Station


  It is understood that


  There was a gas leak in the kitchen at that time.


  After the hostess turned off the gas,


  Come to the stove to cook.


  As a result, deflagration occurred.


  98% of his skin was burned.


  Seeing my mother burned with my own eyes.


  The 18-year-old daughter Xiao Zhu said with tears.


  Willing to cut off their own skin


  Transplant to mother


  August 19th


  The mother and daughter successfully completed the first skin grafting operation.


  But my mother was seriously injured.


  Subsequent operations are still needed.


  May mother and daughter recover soon.


  In daily life, fires, explosions and other accidents caused by improper use of gas occur from time to time, posing a serious threat to people’s lives and property! Two recent serious gas explosion accidents are equally shocking!


  Accident 1: 80% of the 11-year-old girl was severely burned.


  On June 26, in Suizhou, Hubei Province, Yaoyao, a little girl who was on holiday at home, exploded due to a gas leak at home, causing 80% of her skin to be severely burned.


  @ Source: Hubei Radio and Television Station


  Accident 2: 21-year-old college students suffered 60% burns all over their bodies.


  On July 22, a 21-year-old junior in a rented house in Wuhan, Hubei Province, suddenly exploded and caught fire because of a gas tank, causing about 60% of his skin burns.


  @ Source: Chutian Metropolis Daily


  gas cylinder


  Also known as liquefied petroleum gas cylinder


  It is flammable and explosive.


  Explosion may occur in case of open fire and improper operation.


  How to use gas tanks safely?


  Come and study together


  There are two general situations of gas tank explosion.


  First, the pressure in the cylinder rises sharply when the tank is continuously baked at high temperature, which exceeds the load of the bottle body and explodes. This is called physical explosion. Overfilling and severe extrusion deformation of steel cylinders may also lead to physical explosion.


  Second, in a closed or limited space, when the leaked gas reaches the explosion limit and meets the ignition source, the explosion at this time belongs to chemical explosion.


  What should I do if I find a gas leak?


  What to do when the gas tank is on fire?


  Pay special attention to


  Never put the cylinder down during disposal.




  Will aggravate the spread of the fire


  Don’t put it down when using it at ordinary times.


  How to use gas safely in life?


  Gas safety concerns thousands of households.


  Whether using gas tanks or gas pipelines.


  Pay attention to safety.


  Please keep in mind the “six-character formula” of gas safety!

India_s home_made _Shining_ fighter jet crashes for the first time

From the demand side, 電子煙主機 More in line with the psychological expectations of consumers, willing to pay for the things they like.

According to a report by the Hindustan Times on March 12, a Shine fighter jet of the Indian Air Force crashed near Jaysermer during a combat flight training on the 12th. The pilot ejected and escaped before the crash.

The Indian Air Force said in a statement: During today’s combat flight training, an Indian Air Force Shine fighter plane encountered an accident in Jaysermer. Pilot ejected safely (escape). The Indian Air Force has established a court of inquiry to find out the cause of the accident.

According to Reuters, this was the first such crash since the Korn fighter jet was installed in the Indian Air Force in 2016. An Indian Air Force officer told Reuters that the crash on the 12th broke the aircraft’s safe flight record since its first test flight more than 20 years ago.

The Hindustan Times reported that the Shining Fighter is an Indian-made supersonic aircraft. In 1984, the light fighter plan proposed by the Indian government prompted India to establish the Aviation Development Authority to take charge of its research and development. Hindustan Aviation Limited leads the design and development of this aircraft. (Compiled by Xu Yanhong)

What about gas leakage and gas tank explosion Please keep in mind the safety instructions.

  August 14thAfter screening and investigation prepping for beginners It is likely to become a new force driving economic development.


  Henan Shangqiu


  A gas explosion occurred in a household’s home.


  @ Source: Henan Radio and TV Station


  It is understood that


  There was a gas leak in the kitchen at that time.


  After the hostess turned off the gas,


  Come to the stove to cook.


  As a result, deflagration occurred.


  98% of his skin was burned.


  Seeing my mother burned with my own eyes.


  The 18-year-old daughter Xiao Zhu said with tears.


  Willing to cut off their own skin


  Transplant to mother


  August 19th


  The mother and daughter successfully completed the first skin grafting operation.


  But my mother was seriously injured.


  Subsequent operations are still needed.


  May mother and daughter recover soon.


  In daily life, fires, explosions and other accidents caused by improper use of gas occur from time to time, posing a serious threat to people’s lives and property! Two recent serious gas explosion accidents are equally shocking!


  Accident 1: 80% of the 11-year-old girl was severely burned.


  On June 26, in Suizhou, Hubei Province, Yaoyao, a little girl who was on holiday at home, exploded due to a gas leak at home, causing 80% of her skin to be severely burned.


  @ Source: Hubei Radio and Television Station


  Accident 2: 21-year-old college students suffered 60% burns all over their bodies.


  On July 22, a 21-year-old junior in a rented house in Wuhan, Hubei Province, suddenly exploded and caught fire because of a gas tank, causing about 60% of his skin burns.


  @ Source: Chutian Metropolis Daily


  gas cylinder


  Also known as liquefied petroleum gas cylinder


  It is flammable and explosive.


  Explosion may occur in case of open fire and improper operation.


  How to use gas tanks safely?


  Come and study together


  There are two general situations of gas tank explosion.


  First, the pressure in the cylinder rises sharply when the tank is continuously baked at high temperature, which exceeds the load of the bottle body and explodes. This is called physical explosion. Overfilling and severe extrusion deformation of steel cylinders may also lead to physical explosion.


  Second, in a closed or limited space, when the leaked gas reaches the explosion limit and meets the ignition source, the explosion at this time belongs to chemical explosion.


  What should I do if I find a gas leak?


  What to do when the gas tank is on fire?


  Pay special attention to


  Never put the cylinder down during disposal.




  Will aggravate the spread of the fire


  Don’t put it down when using it at ordinary times.


  How to use gas safely in life?


  Gas safety concerns thousands of households.


  Whether using gas tanks or gas pipelines.


  Pay attention to safety.


  Please keep in mind the “six-character formula” of gas safety!

Russia_s presidential election opens tomorrow_ Putin calls on people to vote actively

Doing these simple things can also make 電子煙主機 Sowing high-quality genes will eventually grow into towering trees and become the leader in the industry.

According to a report by the Russian newspaper on March 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech to Russians, calling on them to vote in the three-day presidential election that began on the 15th. He pointed out that the election results will directly affect the country’s development in the next few years.

Putin said: I would bluntly say that participating in elections now is a manifestation of patriotism.

Putin said that the only source of power in Russia is the people, so only Russian citizens can determine the destiny of the motherland.

He said: What you have to do is not only vote, but also firmly express your will and desire and show that you will personally participate in the further development of Russia, because the election is a step towards the future.

He emphasized that during this difficult period, Russia is facing complex challenges in various fields. In order to overcome all these difficulties, the Russian people must be united and confident.

Putin also pointed out that soldiers on the front line will also vote, who have shown courage and heroism in the process of defending the motherland. They participated in elections and set an example for everyone.

Russia is scheduled to hold presidential elections from March 15 to 17, and the president-elect will take office on May 7. The term of office of the head of state is 6 years. If no candidate obtains a majority of the votes cast by voters voting, a second round of voting will be held 21 days later for the two candidates who obtained the most votes. (Compiled by Wei Lianglei)

China Meteorological Bureau launched a three-level emergency response! Send you a typhoon defens

  September 12th.In order to grow rapidly, prepping checklist Do not hesitate to change the strategy and rearrange the products, so as to obtain unexpected results.


  This year’s No.12 typhoon “Meihua” went north.


  China Meteorological Bureau launched a three-level emergency response.


  The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue typhoon warnings.


  It is estimated that “Plum Blossom” will be held from the night of 12th to the early morning of 13th.


  After crossing the Ryukyu Islands, it entered the southern part of the East China Sea.


  Gradually approaching the northeastern coast of Zhejiang.


  It may be from the night of 14th to the day of 15th.


  Landing in the above-mentioned coastal areas


  It may also go north in the east China sea.




  Impact of gale: Affected by Plum Blossom, from 14: 00 on September 12 to 14: 00 on September 13, there were 6-7 winds in the southern Yellow Sea, most of the East China Sea, Taiwan Province Strait, east of Taiwan Province, bashi channel, the coast of Taiwan Province Province, the waters near Diaoyu Island, Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang Coast, Fujian Coast, Shanghai Coast and Southeast Jiangsu Coast, with gusts of 8-9; There are 8-11 winds in the southern part of the East China Sea and parts of the sea east of Taiwan Province. The winds in the nearby seas and areas where Meihua Center passes are 12-14, and the gusts can reach 15-16.


  Impact of precipitation: From 14: 00 on September 12 to 14: 00 on September 13, there were heavy rains (100-150 mm) in southeastern Jiangsu, Shanghai, the northeastern coast of Zhejiang and the northern part of Taiwan Province Island.


  Xu Yinglong, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, analyzed: At present, the influence system of Meihua is complex, and there is still great uncertainty about its moving path and later moving speed. Its overall body is gradually approaching the east China coast, with strong intensity, which can reach typhoon level or strong typhoon level. “Meihua” may become the first typhoon to land on the coast of East China this year.


  Although the intensity of “Plum Blossom” is not as strong as the 11th typhoon “Xuanlannuo” this year, because it is closer to the coastal areas of Zhejiang, Shanghai and Jiangsu, it is expected that the storm impact of typhoon “Plum Blossom” on Zhejiang, Shanghai and Jiangsu will probably be greater than that of “Xuanlannuo”.


  Expert tips


  With the continuous westward adjustment of typhoon path, the possibility of “Meihua” landing in China is increasing, and the influence of wind and rain is beginning to emerge. The government and relevant departments should do a good job in typhoon prevention and emergency rescue according to their duties; Water operations and passing ships in relevant waters should return to Hong Kong to take shelter from the wind, strengthen port facilities, and prevent ships from anchoring, grounding and collision; Stop outdoor dangerous operations such as indoor and outdoor large gatherings and high altitude; The public pays close attention to the typhoon forecast and early warning information in time and takes preventive measures in advance.


  Finally, I will send you a typhoon defense guide.


  What is a typhoon landing point?


  Will the typhoon landing site be the worst place for disasters?


  How to avoid danger when the typhoon comes?

The Swiss Parliament approves the confiscation of Russian assets_ and the Russian Foreign Ministry _strongly condemns_

in fact 電子煙主機 It is more and more welcomed by our customers, and its market performance is gradually improving.

According to a Reuters report on March 12, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Swiss ambassador to Russia on the 12th because the Swiss Parliament approved a motion authorizing the Swiss government to try to confiscate and transfer Russian assets and provide funds for compensation to Ukraine.

Reports said that Russia summoned Swiss Ambassador Krestina Matilan to protest against the adoption of the above motion by the Swiss Parliament. The motion authorizes the Swiss government to establish a compensation mechanism based on international law for countries that have suffered so-called illegal attacks.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: Russia strongly condemns this practice by the Swiss authorities, which seriously violates the basic principles and norms of international law on state immunity.

Any infringement of Russian state-owned property under the guise of a far-fetched compensation mechanism is nothing more than theft at the national level.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said Russia would retaliate if the Swiss plan was implemented. The Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Switzerland said last year it had frozen about 7.7 billion Swiss francs (US$88.1 billion) in financial assets belonging to Russians under sanctions designed to punish Russia for attacking Ukraine. (Compiled by Lu Di)

Operating instructions are life-saving guides, not just hanging on the wall

  Every seemingly complicated operation procedure has its design significance and inevitability behind it. If the operating rules are falsely set, it is tantamount to planting a time bomb for safe production: on the one hand, it can not effectively prevent problems before they happen, and even create more hidden dangers and security loopholes; On the other hand, when a danger occurs, the staff can’t handle and escape in time and correctly, which may expand the risks and losses.Mentioned in the article how to start prepping Born with strong vitality, you can turn a cocoon into a butterfly and become the best yourself after wind and rain.


  ”The management of hot work has gone out of control” !! According to the report of China Emergency Management on December 17th, the supervision and verification team of enterprises with major dangerous sources of dangerous chemicals of the Emergency Management Department found that there were serious defects in the operating rules of relevant enterprises, the safety management systems such as special operation management and education and training were not implemented, the hot work projects with fire and explosion risks were not equipped with fire-fighting equipment, and the confirmation contents of safety measures were inconsistent with the actual field operations. In fact, in recent years, when the emergency management department supervised the inspection team to go to various places for inspection, it frequently reported such cases of “hanging the operating procedures on the wall”.


  Ignoring the operating rules and letting the safety production system idle will lead to the failure of the safety defense line, and any detail of it may become the fuse of tragedy. Such a problem is shocking and frightening.


  One of the direct reasons for not taking the operating procedures seriously is that the relevant personnel are too troublesome and have luck, and the relevant operating procedures and systems are a mere formality, either drawing a few strokes and filling out a form, or simply not formulating the operating procedures. “It’s okay all the time.” More importantly, the person in charge and management personnel of the enterprise failed to perform their duties, only paid attention to the inspection of “ledger” materials but ignored the actual level of security risks, and even had a passive phenomenon of “waiting for help”, thinking that relevant departments would help enterprises find hidden dangers. Some enterprises are not equipped with professional safety officers, and even the responsible personnel are not qualified to take up their posts, and they don’t know how to deal with emergencies at all. At the same time, the lax supervision of relevant parties is also an important reason for the long-term slack and lack of binding force of enterprises.


  Operating rules are the basis for the regular operation of employees on the spot, and even the emergency treatment guide and even the life-saving guide in an emergency, which can minimize the casualty cost and economic loss. If the operating rules are falsely set, it is tantamount to planting a time bomb for safe production: on the one hand, it can not effectively prevent problems before they happen, and even create more hidden dangers and security loopholes; On the other hand, when a danger occurs, the staff can’t handle and escape in time and correctly, which may expand the risks and losses.


  Every seemingly complicated operation procedure has its design meaning and inevitability behind it, and even there are many painful lessons. Therefore, the operating rules for safe production must be put into mind and carried out to the letter. For example, in view of the frequent accidents in limited space in recent years, the newly revised Safety Regulations for Limited Space Operations in Industry and Trade Enterprises, which will be implemented on January 1, 2024, has added provisions such as “Guardians must be equipped for limited space operations”, requiring guardians to have corresponding safety knowledge and emergency response capabilities, and be responsible for supervising the implementation of safety measures for limited space operations. For another example, not long ago, a pig-raising enterprise stipulated that employees who entered the core feeding area were “forbidden to wear private underwear after bathing” and rushed to the hot search. After professionals explained that “unified sterilized clothes must be worn to prevent the spread of African swine fever and other viruses”, netizens expressed their understanding. “It turns out that every regulation has its realistic pertinence.”


  Hidden dangers are dormant accidents, and accidents are active hidden dangers. The implementation of operating procedures in place is the magic weapon for troubleshooting and ensuring safety, and it may become a source of danger if it is not taken seriously. In recent years, in order to urge enterprises to implement the production responsibility system, relevant state departments and many places are taking active actions. For example, the newly revised Law on Work Safety in 2021 made it clear that the main person in charge of the production and business operation unit is the first person in charge of work safety in the unit and is fully responsible for the work safety in the unit. This move makes the person in charge of the enterprise understand how heavy his responsibility is. The relevant departments forced the person in charge of the enterprise to implement the main responsibility by issuing typical cases and imposing economic penalties, and so on.


  Although all aspects are tightening the string of safety production responsibility, some long-standing problems are still often found. Some enterprises have been built and put into production for many years, and they are constantly welcoming inspections at all levels, but major security risks have always existed. What’s the hard bone behind this?


  ”Everyone speaks about safety, and everyone will respond to emergencies.” In recent years, all localities have actively created a “big emergency” system and working mechanism, focusing on multi-sectoral linkage and social coordination. In other words, improving the emergency response capability and eliminating potential risks is not only a matter for individual departments, but also requires the participation of many forces including regulatory authorities, production enterprises and front-line workers, so that various safety production systems such as operating procedures can be effectively implemented.


  By the time the accident happened, it would be too late to grieve and regret. Taking other people’s accidents as their own lessons, safety in production is always unremitting, and the alarm bell is always ringing-on this issue, it is not allowed to be sloppy and lax.