Israel refuses to accept UN General Assembly resolution on Palestinian membership

So, I believe 電子煙主機 In the future, it will be promising to create a miracle belonging to the industry.

Jerusalem, May 15 (Reporters Lu Yingxu and Wang Zhuolun) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on the 15th that Israel refused to accept the resolution recently adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on the issue of Palestinian membership, saying that the resolution does not constitute future Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. basis.

According to a press release issued by the Israeli Government Information Office, the Israeli government unanimously decided that day to refuse to accept the UN General Assembly resolution. Netanyahu said in the communiqué that the UN General Assembly resolution will not change the status of the disputed territory or the rights of Israel and the Jewish people on Israeli land. This resolution does not form the basis for future negotiations between the two sides, nor will it accelerate the peaceful settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

On the 10th of this month, the 10th emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution with a vote of 143 in favor, 9 against, and 25 abstentions, concluding that the State of Palestine meets the membership of the United Nations as stipulated in the United Nations Charter and should be accepted as a member of the United Nations. The resolution recommended that the Security Council reconsider Palestine’s application to join the United Nations as a member state from a favorable perspective.

Palestine is currently an observer state at the United Nations. In September 2011, Palestine submitted a formal application to the United Nations to become a member of the United Nations, but it was not approved by the Security Council. In early April this year, at Palestine’s request, the 15 members of the Security Council reviewed Palestine’s application for membership in the United Nations again and voted on relevant draft resolutions on April 18. The draft was not adopted because the United States used its veto power to cast a negative vote.

Urgent reminder! Typhoon orange warning! Come and learn the emergency defense guide!

  The center of this year’s No.6 typhoon “Fireworks”In the industry, how to start prepping Has been a leader in the industry, but later came from behind but never arrogant, low-key to adhere to quality.


  Around 12: 30 noon on the 25th.


  Landing on the coast of Putuo, Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province


  At 1700 hours, the “Fireworks” Center was located in Dinghai, Zhoushan.


  That is to say, more than four hours after landing


  ”Fireworks” only “slowly” marched westward for more than 30 kilometers.


  Slow moving speed also means that the wind and rain will affect it for a longer time.


  Let’s take a look at the news about the second landing of typhoon.


  According to the Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory, the No.6 typhoon “Fireworks” this year is expected to land again in the coastal area from Haiyan, Zhejiang Province to Jinshan, Shanghai from midnight to tomorrow morning. There will still be obvious wind and rain weather in this city from tonight to tomorrow, and the precipitation impact of “fireworks” will last until the 27th. It is estimated that there will still be 10 ~ 12 gusts on land from this evening to the night, 11 ~ 13 gusts in coastal areas along the Yangtze River and the Yangtze River estuary, and 13 ~ 15 gusts in Yangshan Port and Shanghai coastal waters, and the wind will weaken slightly during the day tomorrow. There will be heavy rain in this city tomorrow (25th-26th), and the accumulated rainfall in the next three days (25th-27th) will still reach 150-200mm, with 200-300mm in some areas and the maximum hourly rainfall of 40-60mm.


  Please pay attention to safety!




  Defense guide


  According to meteorologists.


  Typhoon “Fireworks” has


  The path is complex, the influence range is wide, and the wind and rain are superimposed.


  After landing, the onshore maintenance time is long,


  Large accumulated rainfall and so on.


  Please accept this defense guide!




  Latest Operation of Shanghai Railway Network


  Affected by the strong typhoon “Fireworks”, in order to ensure the safety of citizens’ passengers and operations, Shanghai Metro has comprehensively judged according to the meteorological department and on-site monitoring data, and the typhoon “Fireworks” wind has caused traffic impact on Shanghai Metro. Immediately, Shanghai Metro Lines 3, 5, 16, 17, Pujiang Line and Maglev Line stopped operating, and stations on the ground and elevated sections of other lines stopped operating.


  [Line 1″ target=_blank> Shanghai South Railway Station-Shanghai Railway Station


  [Line 2″ target=_blank> Xujingdong-Longyang Road


  [Line 3″ target=_blank> The whole line is stopped


  [Line 4″ target=_blank> Linping Road-Yishan Road (most of Pudong’s semi-ring, two-way small roads)


  [Line 5″ target=_blank> The whole line is stopped


  [Line 6″ target=_blank> Yunshan Road-Oriental Sports Center


  [Line 7″ target=_blank> Panguang Road-Huamu Road


  [Line 8″ target=_blank> Shiguang Road-Oriental Sports Center


  [Line 9″ target=_blank> Songjiang South Station-Songjiang New City, Zhongchun Road-Caolu Road


  [Line 10″ target=_blank> Hongqiao Railway Station-New jiangwan city, Hongqiao Railway Station-Jiangwan Stadium, Hangzhong Road-New jiangwan city


  [Line 11″ target=_blank> Yuqiao-Wuwei Road


  [Line 12″ target=_blank> All underground, unaffected.


  [Line 13″ target=_blank> All underground, unaffected.


  [Line 15″ target=_blank> All underground, unaffected.


  [Line 16″ target=_blank> The whole line stops.


  [Line 17″ target=_blank> The whole line is stopped


  [Line 18″ target=_blank> All underground, unaffected.


  [Pujiang Line” target=_blank> The whole line stops


  [Maglev Line” target=_blank> All lines stop.




  The traffic volume in the port stopped operating.


  Fearless of the storm, Haida is with you!


  All departments of Haida University are making every effort to ensure the safety of teachers and students!


  @ All SHOUer


  Remind everyone to pay attention to safety again!


  Don’t go out unless necessary


  Keep yourself safe.


  It is the greatest support for flood control and typhoon prevention!

Thai monkeys fight in the middle of the road and the government is trying to sterilize monkeys to control their population

At the same time, 電子煙主機 It is no longer a relatively unfamiliar industry, and it enters the public’s sight more and more frequently, gaining more attention and recognition.

Phapuri Province is located in central Thailand. In the past, monkeys in the Laocheng District lived together with humans, which was a major feature of the local area. However, due to human feeding and other reasons, the number of monkeys grew rapidly.

General reporter Yang Tanli: According to statistics, there are now more than 2,000 monkeys in the Laocheng District of Huafuli. Due to the large number of monkeys in Laocheng District, conflicts often occur between different monkey groups, and conflicts often occur in the middle of the main road, causing traffic accidents. At the suggestion of local people, we put on helmets, gloves and umbrellas, because monkey biting incidents often occur here.

Shop owners in local Laocheng District: The number of monkeys is increasing, and there are more and more troubles. The most serious thing is causing motorcycles to overturn.

General reporter Yang Tanli: There is an abandoned building here. Can you imagine that this was once one of the most popular shopping malls in the area, but now it has also become the home of monkeys?

Currently, local governments and animal protection agencies are trying to control the number of monkeys by neutering them.

Su Tipong, a staff member of the National Wildlife Conservation Administration of Thailand: We have sterilized 80% of the monkeys in the accident-prone area of Laocheng District of Hafuri. The city government is currently building a monkey garden to house these monkeys.

In addition, the National Wildlife Conservation Administration of Thailand has also launched a compensation plan to provide residents with compensation of 30,000 to 100,000 baht (about 6000 yuan to 20000 yuan) for damage caused by monkeys.

General reporter Yang Tanli: During the interview, according to our observation, residents of Huafuri will only symbolically drive away monkeys when attacked, and will not really harm the monkeys. A resident told us that monkeys have been in Huafuli longer than many people and there is no reason to drive them away. The local government has also set up special feeding points and drinking points for monkeys, and residents will often help feed them. There is even a Monkey Festival to prepare a sumptuous meal for monkeys. But it is precisely because monkeys have no natural enemies and food pressure that the reproduction rate becomes very fast. The local government is also stepping up the construction of a special monkey protection base so that residents and monkey groups can have their own living space.

[Emergency Science] Must-see! The winter fire prevention guide is ready!

  It’s drier in winter.understand prepping for beginners In order to better serve customers and reflect the core competitiveness of products.


  And the electricity and gas consumption are also increasing.


  The resulting


  Fire hazards are increasing day by day


  Hit the point!


  These common sense of fire safety in winter


  You have to know! ! !


  Fire prevention in winter-electric blanket


  Go out with courage, get up with perseverance.


  The cold winter is coming again!


  Hum! You can warm my heart but not my bed.




  Blue friends have something to say.


  Electric blankets are often folded and used, which can easily break wires, lead to short circuit and fire. Don’t buy unqualified products. Turn off the power before going to sleep. Avoid folding and pleating, and it is forbidden to wash, dismantle and repair by yourself.


  Except for the electric blanket fire incident


  What other fires are there in winter?


  Hidden dangers need to be eliminated in time?


  Fire prevention in winter-heater


  It’s cold.


  ”Little Sun” and other heating equipment.


  Be used more and more.


  But I don’t know that the heating equipment is improperly used.


  It will cause a fire, which is very dangerous


  Blue friends have something to say.


  Nothing can be put on the small sun, especially clothes, otherwise it will cause short circuit and fire. Use a three-hole plug with a ground wire. It is forbidden to put anything on the machine body. When using it, stay away from flammable materials. It is forbidden to use a small sun in the bathroom.


  Fire prevention in winter-smoking in bed


  Lying in bed wrapped in a quilt and playing with a mobile phone or something.


  Don’t be too comfortable at all


  But it’s too dangerous to smoke like this


  Blue friends have something to say.


  If you accidentally drop the unlit cigarette butts, it is easy to ignite clothes and bedding, endangering life safety.




  Keep warm in winter, but also keep safe.


  The next fire safety knowledge


  Everyone must keep it in mind.




  Family fire prevention




  The failure of household appliances is likely to cause fire.


  When using induction cooker, electric blanket, electric iron and other electrical appliances, it is necessary to avoid fire caused by wire damage due to aging and frequent handling.




  Littering cigarette butts can easily cause fire.


  Don’t throw cigarette butts and matchsticks in the wastepaper basket or combustible sundries at will, and don’t smoke in bed or sofa.




  Heating by fire is easy to cause fire.


  In winter, it is forbidden to use flammable materials such as gasoline, kerosene and alcohol to ignite the fire. Don’t pile flammable materials around the stove, and don’t use heating supplies to bake clothes.




  Gas leakage is easy to cause fire.


  Once a gas leak is found, the gas valve and stove switch should be turned off immediately, and the doors and windows should be opened. Do not touch the electrical switch and use an open flame. Remember not to make a phone call in the gas leak place. When you find a gas leak in your neighbor’s house, you should immediately knock on the door to inform you.




  Pulling wires privately is easy to cause fire.


  Don’t overload electricity, don’t use too much electrical equipment on the socket, and don’t use copper, iron and aluminum wires to replace the fuse on the breaker switch.


  Rural fire safety




  Thoroughly clean up combustibles.


  It is necessary to comprehensively clean up the combustible sundries before and after the house. It is forbidden to pile up straw piles in the village or near residents’ houses, and it is strictly forbidden to burn straw in the wild.




  Pay attention to cooking with firewood.


  When cooking with firewood, you must pay attention to keep away from the stove when stacking firewood, and don’t store too much. After dinner, you should check to see if there is any kindling left around the woodpile.




  Pay attention to smoking


  Don’t smoke while lying on the sofa or bed, and don’t smoke after being tired or drinking, so as to prevent cigarette butts from falling on combustible materials and causing fire accidents. It is forbidden to throw cigarette butts near hay fields and haystacks to prevent fires caused by unlit cigarette butts and match stalks.




  Don’t play with fire


  Parents should put matches, lighters and other items in places where children can’t easily get them. When they see children playing with matches, lighters or lighting fires near stoves, they should be strictly educated.


  Fire prevention in factories and enterprises


  1. Factories and enterprises should strictly implement fire safety responsibilities, strengthen on-duty inspections, and eliminate fire hazards in time.


  2. Factories and enterprises should put an end to illegal operation, and it is strictly forbidden to use fire, oil, electricity and gas in violation of regulations, and it is strictly forbidden to use naked fire for operation or heating in the construction site in violation of regulations.


  3. Factories and enterprises should regularly organize fire fighting and evacuation drills to improve employees’ self-defense and self-help ability.


  4. When the weather is dry in winter, the combustible sundries in the factory area should be cleaned up in time, and the inflammable articles produced and processed should be classified and stored according to the standards.


  5. Keep enough personnel on duty during holidays, strengthen the fire inspection, deal with the first fire in time, and call the “119” fire alarm immediately.


  6. It is strictly forbidden to occupy, block or close the safety exits, evacuation passages and fire truck passages, and it is strictly forbidden to set obstacles that hinder the passage of fire trucks and fire fighting.


  7. To timely maintenance of fire control facilities and equipment, to ensure the normal use in case of fire. It is strictly prohibited to damage, misappropriate, bury, occupy or block fire control facilities and equipment.


  Everyone must improve their fire prevention ability.


  Reduce fire accidents from the source


  Keep the risk of disaster away from me

Sudanese media_ Attack in western Sudan kills 23 civilians

In the eyes of industry experts, 電子煙主機 Indeed, it has great development potential, which makes many investors more interested.

Cairo, July 14 (Reporter Zhang Meng) News from Khartoum: According to a report by the Sudan Tribune on the 14th, the Sudanese Rapid Support Force opened fire on multiple vehicles in the Rahid area of Northern Kordofan State in the western part of the country on the 13th, killing 23 civilians.

The report quoted a statement issued by local Sudanese organizations as saying that a unit affiliated with the Sudanese Rapid Support Force intercepted a number of vehicles heading for shopping from nearby villages in the city of Umm Ruwaba in the Rahad area and fired at the people inside, resulting in 23 deaths and many others injured.

The Sudanese Rapid Support Force has not yet responded.

On April 15, 2023, an armed conflict broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Sudanese Rapid Support Force in the capital Khartoum, and the fighting subsequently spread to other areas. The armed conflict that lasted for more than a year has killed approximately 1.87 million people in Sudan and displaced more than 9.4 million people.

Copper prices soared to record highs and exceeded _11_000 per ton for the first time

Since then, more and more people have found that 電子煙主機 The value of, thus affecting the choice of many people.

According to Bloomberg News reported on May 20, copper prices soared to their highest level in history, continuing their months-long rally. The rally was driven by financial investors who poured into the market amid predictions that supply shortages would intensify.

Copper futures prices on the London Metal Exchange rose more than 4%. Copper prices topped US$110,000 a tonne for the first time, but gave up some of their gains in afternoon trading.

For months, banks, mining and investment funds have been touting copper’s bright long-term prospects. In the past few weeks, investment has poured into the market.

Several developments in 2024 have emboldened copper bulls and attracted more and more speculative funds. Rumors are rampant that tight supply of copper ore has caused smelters to cut production. Investors predict that a surge in copper use in fast-growing sectors such as electric vehicles, renewable energy and artificial intelligence will offset the drag caused by traditional industries such as construction.

In early April, copper prices began to rise. Last week, a short squeeze on the New York futures market triggered a global rush to buy copper, and copper prices rose into overdrive.

Investors, traders and mining executives have been warning for years that the world will face severe copper shortages as demand for green industries surges.

However, many people involved in physical transactions warn that copper prices are outperforming reality. Demand remains relatively tepid, especially in China, the largest buyer, where inventory levels remain high and suppliers of copper wire and rod have been cutting production.

Since the beginning of this year, copper prices have risen by more than a quarter, leading the overall increase in major industrial metals. Like copper, gold prices also rose to record levels. Both metals are supported by optimism that the Federal Reserve will start cutting interest rates this year. (Compiled by Qiu Fang)

What are the names of several styles of wedding dresses

  Wedding dress is an important dress worn by the bride at the wedding. How to choose the appropriate wedding dress style has become a headache for many brides. There are many styles of wedding dresses, and each style has a different name and characteristics. We will introduce some common wedding dress styles to you.According to professional reports, Evening Gown There will be a great period of growth, and the market business is constantly expanding, and it will definitely become bigger and bigger in the future.


  Let’s introduce one of the most common styles-Ball Goddess. Princess wedding dress is a very loose design, the upper body fits, and the lower body presents a wide range of circular effects. The waist design is highly prominent, and the tight waist is often adopted, which makes the bride’s waist more slender and presents a perfect curve. This wedding dress is similar to the princess costume in fairy tales, giving people a romantic and dreamy feeling.


  We are introducing a Mermaid wedding dress. Mermaid wedding dress is close to the body line, showing a mermaid-like design from waist to thigh. This style of wedding dress can highlight the feminine curve and make the bride look more sexy and charming. If you have a confident figure and want to show your curvy bride, the mermaid model is a good choice.


  Let’s introduce A-line wedding dress. A-line wedding dress is characterized by the slim fit of the upper body line, while the skirt part presents an A-shaped effect, thus forming a contrast with the princess style. This style of wedding dress is suitable for all kinds of bodies, and can modify the shortcomings of different bodies, making the proportion of bodies more perfect. Many brides think that this wedding dress has a dignified and elegant feeling, but it is also fashionable and sexy.


  It is worth mentioning that when getting married in modern times, more and more brides choose non-traditional wedding dress styles. Short wedding dresses have become a new trend. The length of a short wedding dress is usually a short position on the knee or leg. This style of wedding dress is very suitable for brides who don’t want to wear traditional long skirts, and it can show different charms at the wedding reception or in the outdoor wedding.


  Let’s talk about off-the-shoulder, low-cut and suspenders. These styles highlight the beautiful neck lines and sexy collarbone shoulders of the bride, giving people an elegant and sexy feeling. The off-the-shoulder style is suitable for brides with slender neck lines, while the low-cut style is suitable for brides with plump or perfect collarbone, while the sling style is suitable for brides with delicate shoulder curves.


  There are many styles of wedding dresses, and each style has a different name and characteristics. We introduced some common styles, such as princess style, mermaid style and skirt split style. Modern brides pay more and more attention to individuality and fashion, and begin to choose some unconventional styles, such as short styles. Most importantly, when choosing a wedding dress style, the bride should choose according to her figure and style in order to show her best. No matter which style you choose, it is important to shine at the wedding and become the most beautiful bride.

What fabric is the wedding dress

  As the most important part of weddings in various countries around the world, wedding dresses have always played a vital role. Wedding dress not only reflects the bride’s style and personality, but also places people’s good wishes and expectations for marriage. What kind of cloth is the wedding dress made of? Let’s explore the fabric and characteristics of the wedding dress.Through bit by bit efforts, let Evening Gown Our market share is getting higher and higher, and the return on investment is also rising steadily.


  We need to know the common fabric types of wedding dresses. In the market, there are many kinds of fabrics used in wedding dresses, including but not limited to silk, lace, silky yarn, pure cotton and polyester fiber. These fabrics have their own characteristics and are suitable for different types and styles of wedding dresses.


  Silk is one of the most commonly used wedding fabrics. Silk has noble and gorgeous characteristics, and its soft and smooth touch can show women’s grace and elegance. Some traditional wedding designs often use silk as fabric, especially luxury wedding dresses. The overall effect of silk wedding dress is very brilliant, which is suitable for brides who like luxury and elegant style.


  Lace cloth is one of the most common materials in all kinds of wedding dresses, and lace wedding dresses usually look elegant and romantic. Lace cloth has various patterns and textures, which can create different visual effects. Some lace fabrics are made by hand embroidery, which shows a fine and noble texture. Lace wedding dresses often give people a dreamy feeling, which is suitable for brides who like romantic and pastoral styles.


  Smooth yarn is a kind of light and transparent fabric, which is mostly used in the skirt part of wedding dress, and can create an elegant effect. Smooth yarn is mostly used to make wedding dresses with A-shaped skirts, which has a good swing when worn. The transparency of this fabric also provides designers with more imagination space, which can be used to show the lines of the bride’s body and increase the visual impact of clothing.


  Pure cotton is a common fabric usually used in daily life, but many brides choose pure cotton fabric to make wedding dresses, because it is comfortable and breathable, which is very suitable for outdoor weddings and other occasions. Pure cotton fabrics are also easier to maintain, which is more convenient for brides who pay attention to practicality.


  Polyester fiber is a common synthetic fiber material, and it is also one of the commonly used fabrics for making wedding dresses. Polyester fiber can be made into various thicknesses and tactile sensations, and has certain elasticity and hygroscopicity, which is suitable for making various styles of wedding dresses. Compared with silk, polyester fiber is lighter and easier to wear and maintain.


  In addition to the above-mentioned common wedding fabrics, there are many other kinds of fabrics that can be used to make wedding dresses. For example, organza, linen yarn, satin, taffeta, etc., each fabric has its unique characteristics and applicability.


  The fabrics of wedding dresses are varied, and each kind of fabric can add different styles and charms to the wedding dresses. Light and transparent silky yarn can show women’s femininity and romance, noble and gorgeous silk reflects women’s elegance and elegance, while exquisite embroidered lace can show women’s grace and beauty. These different fabric choices provide the bride with more possibilities to express her style and personality. When choosing a wedding dress, the bride can choose suitable fabrics according to her own preferences, occasions and wedding themes, and create a unique and beautiful wedding dress under the guidance of designers. No matter what kind of fabric, the wedding dress is a symbol of love and dreams. Through the choice of fabric, brides can find the wedding dress that suits them best, making this moment more sacred and unforgettable.

What do you wear under the wedding dress

  Wedding dress is one of the most important dresses for every bride. It not only represents love and happiness, but also is a pursuit of romance and dreams. In the choice of wedding dress, bottoming is a very important step, which can not only improve the effect of wedding dress, but also make the bride more beautiful and moving. What should I wear as a base in my wedding dress?In order to grow rapidly, Wedding Accessories Do not hesitate to change the strategy and rearrange the products, so as to obtain unexpected results.


  We need to determine what the purpose of priming is. Priming mainly has the following functions: improving the version of wedding dress, improving the proportion of figure, increasing comfort and shielding underwear traces.


  When choosing a base, the first consideration is the color and style of clothes. Generally speaking, the color of the wedding dress is mostly white, beige or pink, so when choosing the base, you should pay attention to choosing the color similar to or the same as the wedding dress. This can prevent the overall effect from being affected because the base color does not match the wedding color.


  Choose the base according to the style of the wedding dress. Different styles of wedding dresses have different requirements for bottoming. For example, if it is a close-fitting wedding dress, it is recommended to choose tight seamless underwear or tight jumpsuit, which can better highlight the curve and aesthetic feeling. For a wedding dress with a fluffy skirt, you can choose a loose skirt or fishbone skirt as the base, which can make the wedding dress more fluffy and fairy.


  Choose suitable fabrics and materials. The backing material should be comfortable, breathable and elastic, so as to ensure that the bride does not feel uncomfortable in the process of wearing the wedding dress, and at the same time, it can also have a good decorative effect. Commonly used underwear materials include cotton, lace, silk and polyester fiber. Choosing the base according to the texture of the wedding dress is also an important consideration. For example, if you are wearing a tulle wedding dress, you can choose close-fitting silk underwear, which can better highlight the texture and transparency of the wedding dress.


  Pay attention to the details and fit of underwear. No matter which bottoming method you choose, the fit of underwear is the key. Too loose underwear will lead to exposure and discomfort, and too tight underwear will save fat and traces. When choosing a bottoming underwear, you must try it on and carefully observe the wearing effect. Attention should be paid to the details of underwear, such as the design of steel rings should be fit and comfortable, and the shoulder straps should be adjustable and fixed.


  What to wear under the wedding dress is a problem that needs to consider many factors comprehensively. Matching with the color, style and fabric of the wedding dress and choosing suitable underwear and bottoming skirt can make the bride more confident and beautiful on the wedding day. Choosing the right base is an indispensable part in the process of wedding dress matching. I hope every bride can find a suitable and satisfactory bottoming method to show the best side of the wedding dress.

What is the name of the white wedding dress

  A white wedding dress refers to a special dress worn by the bride at the wedding. Wedding is one of the most important moments in life, and wedding dress is one of the most critical dress choices in wedding. White wedding dresses are pure and noble, so they have become the first choice for brides all over the world.To get brand praise, Wedding Accessories It is necessary to have the spirit of constantly improving the quality of products, but also to have a bunch of eternal heart fire.


  The origin of white wedding dresses can be traced back to ancient Rome. During the Roman Empire, brides often wore pure white robes to show purity and solemnity. This tradition has been inherited to this day and has become one of the classics of modern western weddings. In Greek mythology, brides’ wedding dresses are usually white to symbolize their loyalty and purity to their newly married families.


  The name of a white wedding dress can be different according to different cultures and traditions. In China, white wedding dresses are called “wedding dresses” or “white gauze”. According to legend, in ancient China, white symbolizes purity and happiness, so brides like to wear white wedding dresses to pray for a happy married life. In western culture, white wedding dresses are often called “begging in shoes”. The name comes from the gown English words “wed” and “begging”, meaning wedding clothes.


  In recent years, with the exchange and influence of international culture, more and more Asian brides have begun to choose to wear white wedding dresses. In a traditional Chinese wedding, the bride usually wears a red wedding dress to symbolize happiness and auspiciousness. The romance and fashion sense of white wedding dress attracted the attention of a large number of new people, who began to accept and wear white wedding dresses, adding unique elements to their wedding.


  The choice of white wedding dress also presents a diversified trend. In addition to the traditional white wedding dress, wedding dresses made of transparent silk, tulle and lace are becoming more and more popular among brides. Designers have launched a variety of innovative styles, such as neckline, tail, flowers and other decorations, making the wedding dress more unique and personalized.


  The white wedding dress also represents the bride’s pursuit of love and her longing for a better future. The wedding photos taken by newlyweds against the background of white wedding dresses have become the testimony of good memories. The value and symbolic significance of white wedding dress also make it a precious cultural heritage. Many museums will display ancient and modern wedding dress works to show the evolution of wedding dress and its importance in different cultures.


  As a special wedding dress, white wedding dress has great significance and influence all over the world. It not only symbolizes purity and solemnity, but also represents the bride’s yearning and pursuit for a better life in the future. Whether in the East or the West, white wedding dress is one of the most important dress choices for brides. Whether it is called wedding dress, white gauze or wedding gown, it is a long-lasting global cultural phenomenon, witnessing love, happiness and beauty.