Putin_ Russia considers establishing buffer zones to ensure security in border areas

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According to a report by the Tass news agency on March 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at his campaign headquarters on the 18th, saying that considering the Ukraine army’s attack on Belgorod Oblast, Russia may establish an epidemic prevention zone in the adjacent areas of the state in the future (buffer zone to ensure Russia’s security).

The report said that regarding the proposal to incorporate Kharkiv Region into Russia to eliminate Ukraine’s attacks on the Russian border, Putin said: I am not ready to talk about when and how we should take measures to incorporate the land. But given the tragic events that have occurred today, I do not rule out that at some point, when we see fit, we will be forced to establish a specific epidemic prevention area on the territory that today is under the Kiev regime.

Putin said: (We want to) create a safe zone that makes it difficult for enemy weapons, of course mainly foreign-made weapons.

The report said that Putin did not specify how deep the epidemic prevention area was. He said: This is a separate issue. (Compiled by Zheng Yu)

World Meteorological Organization_ Many climate change indicators set new records in 2023

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Geneva, March 19 (Reporter Zeng Yan) The “2023 Global Climate Status Report” released by the World Meteorological Organization on the 19th shows that in 2023, global greenhouse gas concentrations, surface temperatures, ocean heat and acidification, sea level rise, Antarctic sea ice area and glacier melting have set new records.

The report said that 2023 is the hottest year on record, with the global average near-surface temperature 145 degrees Celsius (0.12 degrees Celsius) higher than pre-industrial levels. The past 10 years have been the hottest on record.

The report said that the global average sea surface temperature has continued to hit record highs since April 2023, with July, August and September significantly setting new records. Currently, the Antarctic sea ice area is at a new low on record, and the maximum sea ice area at the end of winter is 1 million square kilometers less than the previous record low.

The report also said that data shows that in 2023, the concentrations of the three major greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, will continue to rise from the record levels in 2022, with the concentration of carbon dioxide 50% higher than pre-industrial levels.

In a communiqué issued on the same day, the World Meteorological Organization quoted United Nations Secretary-General Guterres as saying that all major indicators are sounding warnings, and some of them not only set new records, but are also close to exploding the charts. Celeste Sauolo, secretary-general of the organization, said: The World Meteorological Organization is issuing a red alert to the world.

According to the report, in 2023, heat waves, floods, droughts, wildfires, etc. will affect the daily lives of millions of people and cause billions of dollars in economic losses.

Putin allows the use of US assets to compensate Russia for losses Putin signed a presidential order_

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According to CCTV news, on May 23 local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a presidential order requiring the Russian government to formulate relevant rules to compensate Russia and the Russian central bank for losses caused by the unfriendly measures of the United States, and to allow the use of U.S. assets in Russia. Domestic assets are used to compensate for losses caused by the confiscation of Russian assets in the United States.

The presidential order also involves allowing property owners in Russia to file lawsuits against the United States for illegally confiscating Russian assets in the United States in accordance with Russian law. In addition, the presidential decree also requires Russian courts and government departments to send to the Russian Government’s Foreign Investment Regulatory Commission the specific information on the inventory of the assets of U.S. legal persons and individuals in Russia after receiving relevant compensation requests, and use this as a basis for compensation work.

Related reports:

EU countries will use profits from freezing Russian assets to aid Ukraine

According to a Reuters report on May 21, the Belgian government revealed on the 21st that EU countries have formally adopted a plan to use profits generated by the assets of the Russian central bank frozen by the EU for defense assistance to Ukraine.

Under the EU agreement, 90% of the proceeds from frozen Russian central bank assets will go into a fund operated by the EU to provide military assistance to Ukraine, while the remaining 10% will support Ukraine through other means.

According to reports, ambassadors from EU countries reached a consensus on this matter at the beginning of this month, and the text of the agreement can officially take effect only if the ministers of various countries are stamped and approved.

Frozen assets of Russia’s central bank are reportedly generating huge profits. The EU expects to generate profits of about 15 billion to 20 billion euros by 2027. EU diplomats said Ukraine is expected to receive its first payment in July this year.

A senior Russian diplomat warned that the plan would have unpredictable consequences and said sooner or later the EU would have to return what was stolen to Russia.

Ukraine Foreign Minister Kuleba thanked the EU for the above decision on the 21st, but reiterated that Ukraine’s ultimate goal is to confiscate Russia’s financial assets, not just to benefit from profits.

According to reports, shortly after the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out in February 2022, the Group of Seven (G7) froze Russian financial assets worth approximately US$300 billion. Since then, the EU and other G7 countries have debated how and whether to use the funds to help Ukraine.

The Prime Minister of Slovakia has regained consciousness and is in stable condition

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According to a report by DPA on May 15, Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fizo was seriously injured in an attempted assassination on the 15th. After several hours of surgery, he has regained consciousness.

Reports by Slovakia TA3 TV and Independent Daily on the evening of the 15th did not provide further information on Fizo’s health.

According to official news released on the evening of the 15th, 59-year-old Fizo’s life is in danger.

Reports mentioned that Fizo was shot by a 71-year-old man in the country’s mining town of Handlowa. According to witnesses, the man shot Fizo several times as he greeted supporters after a cabinet meeting.

According to the government, the shooting was politically motivated. Media reports said that the gunman’s wife was also interrogated by the police.

According to a Reuters report on May 15, the gunman who attacked Slovakia Prime Minister Fizo fired five shots in a row, putting him in critical condition and undergoing several hours of surgery.

Slovakia Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment Tomashtaraba told reporters: Fortunately, the operation went smoothly. I think he will survive in the end and is now out of danger.

Taraba also revealed that one bullet penetrated Fizo’s abdomen and another hit a joint.

Slovakia Media A quoted unnamed source as saying that Fizo’s surgery has ended and is currently in stable condition. (Compiled by Guo Jun)

The youngest Russian presidential candidate just celebrated his 40th birthday

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At 8: 00 local time on March 15, official voting in the Russian presidential election kicked off in Russia’s easternmost Kamchatka peninsula. According to the plan, the large-scale voting campaign, which spans 11 time zones, will end at 8 pm on the 17th in the westernmost Kaliningrad region.

Compared with eight presidential candidates in 2018, the number of presidential candidates in 2024 has halved: in addition to the incumbent President Vladimir Putin, there are Slutsky of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party, Haritonov of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Novakov of the Russian New Party.

Among the four presidential candidates, two have participated in the general election, namely Putin, who participated in the general election four times, and Khalitonov, who participated in the 2004 general election. Slutsky and the youngest candidate, Novankov, both ran for the first time this year. Haritonov is 75 years old, while Davankov was born in 1984.

Newcomers in politics

Last month, da Vankov celebrated his 40th birthday. On the second day of his birthday, he went to Channel 1 in Russia to participate in the first round of televised debates in the presidential election.

In the first round of debate, representatives of D’avankov, Haritonov and Slutzky stood in the middle of the circular stage to discuss the national education system, teachers’ salaries and other election-related issues. Putin’s campaign headquarters had previously announced that the incumbent Russian president would not take part in any candidate debates this season.

The 75-year-old Haritonov stood on the far right, his gray hair in sharp contrast to his post-80s competitor Leonardo da Vankov. During the debate, D’avankov reinterpreted his campaign plans, including fighting for the freedom of businesses and people, opposing the blockade of social media and punishing users, and letting children choose to be educated in their hometown or in big cities. to be who you want to be. At the end of the debate, he ended with the campaign slogan of his party, and it was time to change to a newcomer.

Compared with Haritonov, who has been in politics for more than 30 years, D’avankov is an out-and-out newcomer in politics, and even his party is a new party.

In January 2020, Alexei Nechayev, a member of the all-Russian people’s Front and founder of cosmetics production F, announced that he would create a new political party with the goal of changing people’s lives. the ideas pursued include promoting the change of power, reducing bureaucracy, developing industrial and high-tech production, creating the best conditions for the development of small businesses, increasing employment opportunities and population income, and ensuring affordable housing for the people. In addition, the party also advocates freedom of speech and assembly and is regarded as the representative of liberal parties.

On March 1 of the same year, the founding meeting of the New Party was held. Alexei Nechayev was subsequently elected chairman of the party, and in the same year, D’avankov joined the New Party to coordinate the work of regional branches.

In the Russian State Duma election in September 2021, the New Party became a dark horse, winning 533% of the votes, successfully winning 13 seats and squeezing into the Russian Duma. At that time, some analysts pointed out that this represented the emergence of new political forces calling for change in Russia.

In October 2021, Davankov became Vice Chairman of the State Duma, responsible for overseeing health and culture-related issues.

Last summer, the New Party elected D’avankov to run for mayor of Moscow. At that time, he promised to go all out for the welfare of the capital.

During his campaign for mayor of Moscow, D’avankov showed a dynamic and friendly side: he jumped off the 10-meter platform with Russian men’s diving Olympic champion Ilya Zakharov; work with TV host Elena Letuchaya to clean up the garbage at the bottom of the Moscow river At the nomination event in Khoroshevsky Forest Park, he even personally prepared a barbecue for the participants. At that time, Russian media commented that da Vankov created the image of your government boyfriend.

As his first attempt to take part in the election, da Vankov finally lost to veteran Sergei Sobyanin. According to the results of the vote on September 10, 2023, the latter was re-elected for a third time with 76.39% of the vote, while Davankov ranked fourth with 534% of the vote.

Only three months later, D’avankov was jointly nominated by the New Party and the growth Party. This time, he will be running for the post of president of Russia.

The highest income

Da Vankov was born in Smolensk on the Dnieper River in western Russia. His father, Andrei da Vankov, was a pilot, and his grandfather, Vadim da Vankov, was a well-known chemist who participated in the research of artificial kidney materials. He has published more than 400 scientific papers and won many awards.

Instead of inheriting the business of his father and grandfather, D’avankov inherited the entrepreneurial spirit from his uncle Alexander Davankov. Alexander da Vankov and Alexei Nechayev co-founded cosmetics production F as early as the 1990s. Since 2006, it has been on the list of the largest cosmetics in the world.

According to media records, da Vankov has made money on his own since he was a teenager. He has washed cars and worked as a bartender. At the age of 14, he had a career of his own and started a computer club, which gave him his first taste of the fruits of entrepreneurship. While studying how to make money, Davankov also developed a strong interest in history. He was admitted to the history department of Moscow State University from his hometown and later received an associate doctorate in sociology from the Russian State Social University in 2008.

After moving to the capital, Davankov continued to work as a courier and real estate agent during his studies, so much so that people around him later described him as knowing how every penny was earned. Davankov is also an enterprising entrepreneur, from 2001 to 2021, he founded five large enterprises in finance, computer, small aviation and other fields.

In 2013, D’avankov began to manage F Cosmetics. Under his administration, the performance doubled in two and a half years, according to politicians.

Currently, Davankov has two: one is SA, registered in the Teville region, which organizes skydiving, and the other is Asia Credit, a microfinance institution registered in Moscow, which provides loans to citizens of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Mr Davankov has a 54 per cent stake, according to the information.

In philanthropy, Davankov also led the Russian Captain Education Program support Fund. The project aims to find young people with entrepreneurial spirit and help them build their own businesses. In 2018, Davankov became deputy director of the Russian Land of opportunity Project. The project was personally signed and approved by Putin and supervised by Sergei Kiriyenko, the first deputy director of the Russian president’s office at that time.

In January this year, Russia’s Central Election Commission released information on the income of Russian presidential candidates. Da Vankov, who earned 76.9 million rubles (5.6 million yuan) in the six years before the election, became the highest-paid candidate, about 10 million roubles higher than Putin. In addition, Davankov owns a house and a piece of land in the Moscow area, as well as a 1/4 share of an apartment in Moscow. He also owns a 2019 Mercedes-Benz Maybach and his wife Yulia Davankova owns a BMW.

The other two candidates, Haritonov and Slutsky, earned about half as much as Davankov over the same period.

Political training

Although he has been in power for less than five years, during his tenure in the State Duma, D’avankov was regarded as a young generation of politicians with good working ability, as well as the drafter and co-drafter of nearly 100 bills. including officials who prevent social users from bullying and insulting women’s feelings should be fined 100000 roubles, and schools should cancel homework.

Not only that, da Vankov, who has no one in the family involved in politics, is also trained to speak in public. He will refuse to criticize the current government and other political opponents in the election manual. No one will benefit from criticism, nor did I do so during my campaign for mayor of Moscow. He pointed out that he would focus on his party’s agenda, that is, what people are most concerned about, going to cities to talk to people and telling people that the New Party would lead Russia to development rather than technological backwardness and degradation.

Before the election, two Russian anti-war candidates, Deng Zova and Najieridin, were disqualified from the election. When talking about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Davankov was also very cautious. Instead of publicly opposing it, he called it a tragedy. ‘very few people I know can directly say that war is great,’he said in an interview with Xenia Sobchak last year. He believes that war will never bring universal happiness.

In February, when the Russian State Duma faced urgent ratification of the friendship and cooperation treaties with Luhansk and Donetsk, the New Party voted in favor. Mr Davankov then succinctly expressed the change in the party’s position: the president made the right decision. We discussed and debated until a democratic decision was made. Once a decision has been made, action is needed. After the full escalation of the crisis in Ukraine, Davankov has also been on the sanctions list of the European Union, Britain, the United States and Canada.

For Davankov, participating in the presidential election is a kind of political training. Russian political scholar Sergei Markolov said in an interview with the media. Markolov believes that although D’avankov won some public support in Moscow’s mayoral election, he is not a politician.

According to Sergei Markolov’s prediction, D’avankov will not get many votes. The problem is not that people may not understand the politician’s position, but that few people outside Moscow and St. Petersburg know about the existence of such a candidate.

According to the latest poll data from the all-Russian Public opinion Research Center (VTIOM) on March 3, 6% of voters plan to vote for him, ranking second only to Putin’s 75%. In a January poll, only 1% of voters expressed support for the newcomer.

As for his own attitude, in December last year, when he was announced as the youngest candidate in the 2024 general election, a reporter asked him whether he planned to win the election. He replied with a smile: it depends on what people think is victory (reporter Zheng Liying)

Foreign media_ An air force base in Iraq where US troops are stationed was attacked

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According to a Reuters report on July 16, two Iraq military sources told Reuters that two armed drones attacked an air base in western Iraq where US military and other international troops were stationed on the 16th.

Reported that this is the second attack on U.S. troops stationed in Iraq since early February.

Sources said there were no reports of casualties. An Iraq officer said defense systems shot down a drone near the base.

In April, two drones were shot down near the base, according to a U.S. official.

According to reports, an Iraq army officer said the Iraq army has stepped up patrols around the base to prevent further attacks.

The report said a senior Iraq military delegation is expected to visit Washington in a week to continue negotiations on ending the U.S. -led coalition operations in Iraq.

Washington and Baghdad began negotiations in January to reassess the withdrawal of the U.S. -led coalition from Iraq. The coalition was formed in 2014 to help fight the Islamic State group that then occupied most of Iraq. (Compiled by Guo Jun)

Russian report_ Repell the Ukrainian infiltration team_ Russia was attacked for three consecutive days before election

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According to a report by the Russian satellite news agency on March 14, the Russian National Guard announced on its Telegraph channel that the Russian National Guards, soldiers and FSB border guards fought a battle with members of the Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance team that were trying to sneak into Kursk.

Reported that the Russian National Guard released the news that: the Russian National Guard forces involved in repelling the enemy sabotage and reconnaissance team in the Kursk Prefecture near the town of Chotkino attack.

The governor of Kursk state, Roman Starrovoit, reported at around 11:45 Moscow time that the saboteurs were attempting to infiltrate.

Related news recommendations:

One Russian was killed when he was attacked for three days before the election.

According to Agence France-Presse, March 14, officials said that one person was killed and six injured in a drone attack on the evening of the 13th in a region bordering Russia and Ukraine. This is the third night of drone attacks on Russian territory.

Reported that the Russian Defense Ministry said that 14 Ukrainian drones were destroyed at night, which is the latest round of attacks on Russian territory before the Russian presidential election on March 15-17. Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to win the election again.

Viaceslav Gladkov, governor of Belgorod, wrote in the Telegraph software: a civilian was killed. The man was driving when a shell hit his engine. He died on the spot of his injuries.

Gladkov said the airstrikes also destroyed two houses and one medical facility.

On the night of the 13th, 11 drones were shot down in the Belgorod region and three in the Kursk region, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement. (compiled by Lu Di)

German media: Ukraine systematically attacks Russian oil facilities with drones

Ukraine is systematically attacking Russian oil facilities with drones and achieving results again, German news television channel reported on March 13.

It is reported that three drones caused a fire at an oil refinery in Liangzan prefecture southeast of Moscow. The new Shahjinsk oil refinery in Rostov-upon-Don was also attacked. The latter is reported to be the largest oil refiner in southern Russia.

A source from Ukraine’s State Security Service told the Ukrainian newspaper Truth: we are systematically implementing a well-planned strategy to weaken the economic potential of the Russian Federation. Our task is to deprive the enemy of resources. He said the military’s fuel supply and Russia’s oil revenue for the war would be affected.

Reported that Ukraine hopes that the continued crackdown on Russian oil facilities can significantly reduce Russia’s fuel production. “Spring sowing in Russia will become very difficult, which means food prices will rise sharply,” former Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Andr é Graschenko wrote on social platform X. Fuel shortages may also push up the prices of other commodities, he said.

A total of 58 Ukrainian drones were shot down by Russian air defense systems from midnight to early morning on March 13, the Russian Defense Ministry said. So far, however, the Russian military does not seem to have found a way to deal with Ukraine’s constantly developing and upgrading drones.

Itar-Tass quoted Kremlin spokesman Peskov as saying on the 12th: our soldiers are taking all necessary measures. He said that the air defense system is operating effectively, and whether the protection of industrial targets should be strengthened is a question to be answered by the Ministry of National Defense.

Putin said in an interview that the attacks are aimed at interfering with the upcoming presidential election. (compiler Wang Ting

The bombing of the Sudanese Presidential Palace caused a fire to the Old Republican Palace in the Presidential Palace

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According to CCTV news client, on the 12th local time, the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Force, both sides of the Sudanese armed conflict, continued to exchange fire in various areas of the capital Khartoum. The emergency room of the Sudanese humanitarian aid group says six people have been killed when shells hit a residential area in southern Khartoum.

The Rapid Support Force said on the same day that the Sudanese Armed Forces used heavy artillery to bomb the Presidential Palace in the center of the city, causing a fire to the Old Republican Palace in the Presidential Palace. Rapid Support Force soldiers who controlled the presidential palace then extinguished the fire. The Sudanese Armed Forces have not responded to this.

On April 15, 2023, an armed conflict broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Force in the capital Khartoum, which subsequently spread to other areas and continues to this day. The presidential palace was controlled by the Rapid Support Force at the beginning of the conflict and has been bombarded and shelled many times.

The two sides in the Sudanese conflict recently exchanged fire in the western part of the country

27 civilians have been killed

On the 12th local time, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs issued a statement saying that the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Force have exchanged fire again in El Fasher, the capital of Northern Darfur State in western Sudan, since May 10, killing at least 27 civilians. About 130 people were injured.

The statement said that only one hospital is still operating in El Fasher, but there is a serious shortage of medicines and medical supplies. In addition, the conflict caused a large number of local civilians to flee southward from the east and northwest of El Fasher city. Since early April this year, more than 40,000 people have been displaced in the city.

According to local media reports, the two parties to the conflict exchanged fire in various areas in the east, south and north of El Fasher since the early morning of the 12th, and the fighting continued into the evening. Many residential areas in the city were hit by air strikes and shelling, causing civilian casualties. El Fasher Children’s Hospital in the south of the city was forced to evacuate.

According to reports, recently, the two parties to the conflict have fought fiercely for control of Northern Darfur.

Photo source: CCTV News Client

A market attacked in the capital of North Kordofan State in Sudan

At least 15 civilians were killed

According to Sudanese media reports on the 12th local time, the Sudanese Rapid Support Force launched an attack on a market west of Obayid City, the capital of Northern Kordofan State in the west of the country, and clashed with people in the market, killing at least 15 civilians. Death.

Recently, there have been many incidents of armed elements attacking villages and towns in Gezira and Sennar states in central Sudan, as well as in the Kordofan region and Darfur region in western Sudan. Statistics from the Sudanese civil organization Resistance Committee show that the attack has killed hundreds of civilians. The Resistance Council said the perpetrators of these attacks were members of the Rapid Support Force. The Rapid Support Force denied this.

China News Service integrated from CCTV News Client

What don’t you know about the mobile phone screen

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  With the rapid development of mobile Internet, mobile phone screen has become an indispensable part of people’s daily life. More and more people use mobile phones not only for communication and entertainment, but also for work and study. This makes people pay more and more attention to the quality and performance of mobile phone screens.


  The research of mobile phone screen has always been a very hot field, and people have very high expectations for the display effect, touch performance and durability of mobile phone screen. With the progress of science and technology, new technologies are constantly applied to mobile phone screens, such as OLED, AMOLED, IPS, etc. The application of these technologies has made a qualitative leap in the quality and performance of mobile phone screens.


  This article aims to study the related technology, performance and future development trend of mobile phone screen, and help readers better understand the basic principle, characteristics and application scope of mobile phone screen, and how to choose the mobile phone screen that suits them.


  Mobile phone screen LCD technology


  LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) technology is a display technology widely used in mobile phone screens, TV screens and other fields. LCD is a material composed of liquid crystal molecules, which can adjust its structure according to the change of electric field. When liquid crystal molecules are affected by electric field, they will change their arrangement, thus changing the propagation path and color of light. This allows the LCD to display images and texts under the control of light.


  There are two LCD technologies for mobile phone screens: TFT-LCD and IPS-LCD. TFT-LCD is a mainstream technology, which has the advantages of fast response, bright colors and high contrast. IPS-LCD is a higher-end technology, which can provide a wider viewing angle, more realistic color reproduction and higher brightness. Different brands and models of mobile phones choose different LCD technologies, which depends on the specific requirements of product design and market demand.


  In addition to LCD screen technology, there are some emerging screen technologies, such as AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode) and OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) screens. The biggest advantage of these screen technologies lies in their self-luminous characteristics, which can realize clearer and sharper images and richer color display.


  OLED technology for mobile phone screen


  OLED technology for mobile phone screen is a new display technology, which is called Organic Light-Emitting Diode, and can display more real, vivid and lifelike images and colors in different environments.


  Compared with the traditional liquid crystal display technology, OLED technology has higher contrast, faster response speed, lower energy consumption and thinner screen design. The biggest advantage is that the display effect is better in dark environment, because each pixel can emit light independently.


  OLED technology has a wide range of applications, such as smart phones, tablet computers, televisions and other fields.


  Mobile phone screen AMOLED technology


  AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode) is a common mobile phone screen technology. Compared with the traditional LCD (liquid crystal display) technology, AMOLED has higher color saturation and higher contrast, so the display effect is more vivid and delicate. In an AMOLED screen, each pixel is composed of one or more organic light emitting diodes (OLED), which can spontaneously emit light, thus producing an image.


  In addition, because OLED itself is a thin and light material, the AMOLED screen can be thinner and lighter, and it also saves more electricity. However, it should be noted that the AMOLED screen has a higher cost and higher energy consumption, so it is relatively less used in the market.


  Other screen technologies


  E-ink screen: E-ink screen (electronic ink screen) is a non-luminous screen, its display effect can be comparable to that of paper books, and it has the advantages of low power consumption and easy reading, and is suitable for e-book readers and other devices.


  Micro-LED screen: Micro-LED screen is a possible screen technology in the future. Compared with OLED and LCD, Micro-LED has higher brightness and lower power consumption. At the same time, it can realize modular design so as to combine multiple small micro-LED screens to form a large display screen.


  These screen technologies have their own characteristics and are suitable for different scenes and needs.


  The resolution and display effect of the screen


  The resolution of the screen refers to the density or number of pixels on the screen, expressed in pixels. The resolution determines how much detail and content can be displayed on the screen. The higher the resolution, the clearer the displayed content.


  The effect of screen display depends on many factors, including resolution, color gamut, contrast, brightness, response time, color depth and so on. Different screen technologies have different characteristics and advantages, and they perform differently in these aspects.


  For example, OLED screens usually have high contrast and dark display effects, but may not be as bright as LCD screens. However, MicroLED technology is excellent in resolution and brightness.


  For consumers, a good screen should have high resolution, wide color gamut, high contrast, high brightness, fast response time and color depth.


  The first generation mobile phone screen


  The first generation of mobile phone screens usually used liquid crystal display (LCD) technology, which used LCD as the display material and controlled the display pixels by changing the liquid crystal molecules in them. This kind of screen has lower cost and better display effect, but its black performance is not deep and bright enough.


  At the same time, its contrast and color saturation are not as good as those of later OLED and AMOLED screens. However, the first generation of mobile phone screens have met people’s basic information display needs and laid the foundation for mobile communication technology to go global.


  Second generation mobile phone screen


  The second generation mobile phone screen refers to the mobile phone screen using color liquid crystal screen (LCD), which was mainly popular in the early to mid-2000s. Compared with the first-generation black-and-white LCD screen, the second-generation mobile phone screen can display color images and videos, which is more suitable for multimedia use.


  In addition, the second-generation mobile phone screen can also work with lower power consumption, which prolongs the service life of the mobile phone battery. However, compared with the later screen technologies such as OLED and AMOLED, the energy consumption of LCD screen is higher and the display effect is not so good.


Qatar_ Gaza ceasefire talks are not close to agreement

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Doha, March 19 (Reporter Wang Qiang) Qatar Foreign Ministry spokesman Ansari said on the 19th that the Gaza ceasefire negotiations are not yet close to reaching an agreement, and Qatar is cautiously optimistic about the negotiations.

Ansari said at a weekly press conference that day that Barnea, director of the Israeli Intelligence and Secret Service (Mossad), who led the Israeli delegation, had left Qatar, but the technical issues team was still conducting consultations in Doha. Negotiations are still ongoing, but are far from being announced. Qatar hopes that the negotiations will continue until an agreement is reached.

Ansari also warned that fighting in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafarot would cause a humanitarian disaster and would have an impact on the negotiations once the situation escalates.

The Israeli delegation arrived in Qatar on the 18th to hold negotiations with Qatar and Egyptian officials. Since Hamas and Israel refused to negotiate face-to-face, Egypt and Qatar spoke the message.