How to choose the right ski pants What are your suggestions

  Ski pants are by no means ordinary pants, but your right-hand man for adventure in the snow, allowing you to travel freely in the world of white clothes. Therefore, it must have multiple functions, such as warmth, waterproof and ventilation, which are fact white ski pants Our related products were once praised by users, which is the best self-affirmation of the products.


  When choosing ski pants, I pay special attention to the material. The importance of waterproof fabric is self-evident. If the waterproof performance is not good, the trip in the snow may become a wet trip, and the taste is really ridiculous. Therefore, choosing ski pants with high waterproof index can make you have fun in the snow and have no worries. Thermal performance is also crucial. When skiing, the body loses heat quickly.


  If the ski pants are not warm enough, it will easily make people cold. Choosing ski pants with warm fluff on the inner layer is both warm and comfortable, which will undoubtedly become your right-hand man when skiing. In addition, air permeability can not be ignored. Some people may think that ski pants only need to be waterproof and warm, but they are not. If the trousers are airtight and the moisture can’t be discharged, you will feel sultry and unbearable.


  Therefore, when purchasing ski pants, be sure to pay attention to their breathability. Finally, comfort and design can not be ignored. Ski pants should be elastic enough to move freely when skiing. At the same time, pockets, zippers, etc. should also be designed reasonably to facilitate the storage of items. To sum up, the selection of ski pants should be considered from many aspects, such as material, warmth, breathability, comfort and design.


  Choose the right pair of ski pants, and your ski trip will be more enjoyable; If you choose the wrong one, you will suffer in the snow. Therefore, everyone must be careful when buying ski pants!

Amino Acid Sequence Analysis

  The amino acid sequence analysis of protein polypeptide chain, that is, the determination of protein primary structure, mainly includes the following steps:By comparison, it can be seen that small molecules It has certain advantages and great cost performance.


  1. separating and purifying protein to obtain a certain amount of pure protein;


  2. Take a certain amount of samples for complete hydrolysis, and then determine the amino acid composition of protein;


  3. Analyze the N- terminal and C- terminal amino acids of protein;


  4. Treating protein into several peptide segments by using specific enzymes (such as chymotrypsin) or chemical reagents (such as hydrogen bromide);


  5. separating and purifying a single peptide segment;


  The amino acid sequence of each peptide was determined. Edman degradation method is generally used, and phenyl isothiocyanate is used to react, and amino acids are degraded and determined one by one.


  7. Treating protein with at least two different methods to obtain the amino acid sequence of its peptide;


  8. Compare the amino acid sequences of two different peptide groups to obtain the complete amino acid sequence of protein molecule.

The main nature of protein

  The structure of protein molecule determines its properties.period Antibody Discovery Many adjustments have also been made, and the direction of product research and development has been reversed, in order to better meet the market demand.


  Being bisexual.


  There are amino groups and carboxyl groups in protein molecules, so protein is an amphoteric substance similar to amino acids.


  2. Hydrolysis reaction can occur.


  Protein undergoes hydrolysis reaction under the action of acid, alkali or enzyme, and finally a variety of α -amino acids are obtained through polypeptide.


  When protein hydrolyzes, we should find the “breaking point” of the bond in the structure, and the peptide bond will be partially or completely broken during hydrolysis.


  3. Having the property of colloid.


  Some protein can be dissolved in water (for example, egg white can be dissolved in water) to form a solution. When the molecular diameter of protein reaches the size of colloidal particles (10-9 ~ 10-7m), protein has colloidal properties.


  The precipitation of protein.


  A small amount of salt (such as ammonium sulfate, sodium sulfate, etc.) can promote the dissolution of protein. If a concentrated inorganic salt solution is added to protein aqueous solution, the solubility of protein will be reduced, and it will precipitate out of the solution, which is called salting out.


  Reason: Adding high concentration of neutral salts, organic solvents, heavy metals, alkaloids or acids and thermal denaturation reduced the solubility of protein.


  Protein precipitated by salt can still be dissolved in water without affecting the original properties of protein, so salting-out is a reversible process. Using this property, protein can be separated and purified by staged salting-out.

How to choose your ski pants

  The importance of snow trousers is often overlooked. In fact, snow trousers are more important than snow clothes. Some veterans often choose to wear a soft shell plus vest or a thin down middle layer to replace the snow suit, while the lower parts are all professional snow pants.After that, Pink baggy snow pants Not afraid of the future, dare to fight and fight, and won applause again and again in the market.


  Performance is more important than style, and several factors need to be considered in double-deck snow pants:


  1. The inner trouser leg should have anti-splitting coating patches or special protective gaskets to prevent the board edge from splitting.


  2. The lining is elastic, antibacterial and deodorizing.


  3. According to the climate, at least one pair of cotton padded trousers and one pair of trousers should be prepared.


  4. Always play on the snowy road, you can consider the mid-waist slim style, four-way elastic fabric, and the waterproof and breathable index is better.


  5. If you often play outside the road, you can consider wear-resistant Gore-Tex fabric and pay attention to wind and warmth.


  6. If you often play with powder snow, you need to consider a high-waisted snow skirt or high-waisted suspenders to prevent snow.


  Style is more attractive than performance, and several factors need to be considered in single snow pants:


  1. Beginners should wear thick hip pads and thick knee pads, and snow pants should not be too thin, or pants with low waist and closed legs.


  2. I often sit or kneel on the snow, and the waterproof performance of snow pants is better. Consider fabrics that will not produce water stains.


  3. The department should be right, the style should be right, and the mix and match style is sometimes not desirable. Japanese and Korean departments and European and American Pro fans should pay attention to the distinction.


  4. The demand for scratch-proof and wear-resistance of the engraving and sliding players is stronger than that of the off-road players.


  5. Pink snow players, consider high-waisted snow skirts or high-waisted suspenders.

Structure and Function of Nucleic Acid

모모Chemical composition of nucleic acid:In the eyes of peers, Chemical Custom synthesis It has good qualities that people covet, and it also has many loyal fans that people envy.


모모1. Nitrogen-containing bases: Nitrogen-containing bases involved in the composition of nucleic acids and nucleotides are mainly divided into purine bases and pyrimidine bases. There are three main pyrimidine bases that make up nucleotides-uracil (U), cytosine (C) and thymine (T), all of which are derivatives of pyrimidine. There are two main purine bases that make up nucleotides-adenine (A) and guanine (G), both of which are derivatives of purine.


모모2. Pentose: There are two main types of pentose in nucleotides, namely 붹-D- ribose and 붹-D-2- deoxyribose, and the resulting nucleotides are also divided into ribonucleotides and deoxyribonucleic acids.


모모3. Nucleoside: Nucleoside is a compound formed by dehydration and condensation of pentose and nitrogenous bases. Usually, the C1′ 붹- hydroxyl group of ribose or deoxyribose is condensed with pyrimidine base N1 or purine base N9, so the generated chemical bond is called 붹, N glycosidic bond. Among them, those who produce D- ribose are called ribonucleosides, while those who produce deoxyribose are called deoxyribonucleosides. Nucleosides produced by “rare bases” are called “rare nucleosides”. Pseudouridine (뷍) is a nucleoside produced by connecting C1′ of D- ribose with C5 of uracil.

Protein is the source of life and constitutes the cell tissue.

  Protein, the source of life, how much do you know? Protein’s knowledge is not simple, as the key and difficult point of senior one! Today, I will take you to find out and unlock the mystery of protein!In order to achieve the goal, recombinant proteins Turn cocoon into butterfly, constantly polish product quality, improve business ability, and finally have a place in the market.


  Protein is the basic substance of cells and tissues. Without it, there would be no life. They are composed of amino acids, and through different sequences and structures, they form an ever-changing protein. This is like Lego of life. Every amino acid is a building block, which is combined to construct the diversity of life.


  Protein has various functions, from structural support to catalytic reaction, from transporting substances to signal transmission, and they are indispensable roles in cells. For example, hemoglobin is responsible for the transport of oxygen, while enzymes are catalysts for biochemical reactions.


  The synthesis process of protein is also very interesting. The process from transcription of DNA into mRNA to translation into protein is called the Central Rule. It reveals the flow direction of genetic information and is the key to understanding life phenomena.


  The structure and function of protein are closely related. The primary structure is amino acid sequence, the secondary structure is partial folding, the tertiary structure is integral folding, and the quaternary structure is the combination of multiple subunits. These structural levels determine the function and stability of protein.


  Protein is the cornerstone of life. To understand them is to understand the mystery of life. Through today’s study, I hope you can have a deeper understanding of protein and lay a solid foundation for senior high school biology!

How to wash ski pants

  How to wash ski pants?Therefore, white snowboard pants Only then will more and more pump owners cheer for it and spread the value and function of the brand.


  1. Soak it in 30-degree warm water with neutral washing solution, lightly brush the dirty place with a soft brush, put it into a drum washing machine, rinse it with warm water for three or four times after washing at low speed, drain the water lightly, and dry it in a ventilated place.


  2. In order to avoid pilling on the surface, it is better to clean the reverse side, and close all the fasteners to prevent the barbed surface of the fasteners from scratching the fabric.


  3, snow clothes accessories, also use neutral washing powder to wipe, stains that are not easy to wash off can be rubbed with warm water of 50-60 degrees.


  4. Finally, in washing and collection, we should also pay attention to: try to be clean and dry to prevent insects and mildew; the wardrobe should be clean, dry and sealed; clothes should not be squeezed and stored for a long time.

The most expensive hair in the world_more than 200_000 yuan is regarded as a symbol of prestige

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Webb Auction House, which is in charge of the auction, said that a feather of the long-extinct new Zealand gray butterfly bird (H) set a record price of 46521 new Zealand dollars (about 205874 yuan), making it the most expensive feather ever in the world.

H was last confirmed to be seen in the early 20th century, and its feathers previously sold for as much as 8400 new Zealand dollars (approximately 37173 yuan).

As a member of the wybird family, H was cherished by many and ultimately proved fatal to the species.

For Maori, the bird’s feathers are a symbol of lofty status, and its unique white feathers are used for ceremonial headdresses. Only those in the main ranks are allowed to wear H feathers on their hair, or entire skins on their ears, according to the new Zealand Museum.

The auction house said the feathers were often exchanged for other valuables or given as gifts to show friendship and respect.

European new Zealand people have also begun to regard H as a symbol of prestige. According to the museum, they use the animal’s feathers as fashion accessories and install padded H’s as decoration in wealthy homes.

The museum explained that in the 19th century, Maori and European hunters killed the bird in large numbers and sold its skin to collectors and fashion merchants.

According to reports, in 1901, the Duke and Duchess of York were photographed wearing H feathers in their hats while traveling in new Zealand, and the bird’s deadly popularity further increased.

People are a little crazy, everyone wants an H feather.

In the early 20th century, scientists tried to protect the remaining H, but failed. According to the museum, the government planned to transport the birds to offshore islands, but those who collected the birds sold them as dead specimens, adding that it was more valuable than keeping them alive.

The auction house said all potential buyers must provide a permit from the new Zealand Department of Culture and Heritage before Monday’s auction. As an important national item, feathers can only be purchased by registered collectors and cannot be exported without permission from the Ministry of Health. (Reporter Wang Yuehang)

Three countries have been added_ What does it mean for many countries to announce recognition of the Palestinian state_

Mentioned in the article drone power supply Born with strong vitality, you can turn a cocoon into a butterfly and become the best yourself after wind and rain.

According to a reporter from the head office, on May 22, local time, Norway and Spain respectively announced that they would formally recognize the Palestinian state on May 28. Ireland subsequently announced its formal recognition of the State of Palestine.

From mid-April to early May, Barbados, Jamaica, the Bahamas and other countries have announced the recognition of the State of Palestine. At this stage, nearly 150 countries have recognized the Palestinian State.

What does it mean that more and more countries recognize a Palestinian state?

Three European countries recognized the State of Palestine on the same day

Norwegian Prime Minister Stetler announced on May 22 that Norway will recognize a Palestinian state. Mr Stiller said the approval would take effect on May 28.

Subsequently, Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez announced that the country would recognize a Palestinian state on May 28. In addition, Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris also said that Ireland will formally recognize the Palestinian state.

Israel: recall Ambassador Palestine: welcome the decision of the three countries

After Norway and other three countries announced their recognition of the Palestinian state, Israeli Foreign Minister Katz immediately said that he would recall Israel’s ambassadors to Norway and Ireland. Katz said the move sent a clear message to Norway and Ireland that Israel would not remain silent.

It is reported that Israel has also recalled its ambassador to Spain, but the Israeli Foreign Ministry has not yet publicly confirmed the recall of the ambassador to Spain. Katz will also summon the ambassadors of the three European countries to Israel to condemn the three countries’ decision to recognize a Palestinian state. It is reported that Katz will show ambassadors a video of Israeli female soldiers being detained by Hamas militants.

Palestinian President Abbas issued a statement highly appreciating and welcoming the recognition of the Palestinian state by the three European countries on the same day. The statement said that the decision of the three countries is a salvation of the Palestinian-Israeli two-state solution, which urges all countries in the world to follow the example of Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize the Palestinian state and support the realization of peace and stability on the basis of the two-state solution.

On the same day, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) also issued a statement welcoming the initiative of the three European countries.

Recently, these countries have recognized the Palestinian state one after another.

On 19 April, Barbados announced its decision to formally recognize Palestine as a State.

On 22 April, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jamaica issued a statement formally recognizing the State of Palestine.

On 2 May, Trinidad and Tobago decided at a cabinet meeting to formally recognize the State of Palestine.

On 7 May, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bahamas issued a statement that the Bahamas had decided to formally recognize the State of Palestine.

On May 10, the tenth emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution by a vote of 143 to 9, with 25 abstentions, determining that the State of Palestine was qualified as a member of the United Nations under the Charter of the United Nations and should be accepted as a member of the United Nations.

What does it mean for more and more countries to recognize a Palestinian state?

Qin Tian, Deputy Director of the Middle East Research Institute of the China Institute of Modern International Relations:

On 10 May, the tenth emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution by an overwhelming majority, affirming that the State of Palestine conforms to the membership of the United Nations as stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations and should be accepted as a member of the United Nations. This has put some pressure on some Western countries.

At the same time, Israel has stepped up its offensive against Rafah in southern Gaza, casting a shadow over the prospect of peace between Palestine and Israel. Under this pressure, countries that do not have too deep ties with Israel are the first to take the step of diplomatically recognizing a Palestinian state.

Although this is only the behavior of some countries, the impact is considerable, which exerts certain pressure on Israel, which is diplomatic and moral support beneficial to Palestine. It will also help the two sides to reach a Palestinian-Israeli peace settlement on a more equal basis in the future.

European Council decides to launch accession negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Brussels, March 21 (Reporters Fu Yiming and Zhang Zhaoqing) European Council President Michel announced on the 21st that the European Council decided on the same day to start negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina to join the EU.

The EU summit was held in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, that day. Michel said on social media that night that the European Council had just decided to start accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The decision was a key step for Bosnia and Herzegovina on the road to joining the EU, but Bosnia and Herzegovina still needs to continue its efforts.

Bosnia and Herzegovina submitted its application to join the European Union in February 2016, and the European Council decided in December 2022 to grant Bosnia and Herzegovina candidate membership status in the European Union. On the 12th of this month, the European Commission recommended that the Council of the European Union launch accession negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Before the formal launch of accession negotiations, some procedures still need to be gone through within the EU. The process of accession negotiations generally lasts for several years.