2024 _Thirsty Lion_ joint military exercise held in Jordan_ 33 countries participated

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Amman, May 12 (Reporter He Yiping) The Jordanian Armed Forces announced on the 12th the start of the 2024 Thirsty Lion Joint Military Exercise. The military exercise will last until the 23rd, with 33 countries including the United States and Jordan participating.

Jordanian Armed Forces spokesman Mustafa Shiari said at a press conference on the same day that the thirsty lion joint military exercise is one of the most important military exercises in the Middle East. In addition to the sea, land and air forces of the participating countries, there are also some government and non-governmental agencies and humanitarian organizations participate. The military exercise will be held in northern, central and southern Jordan. It is the largest since the launch of the Kashi Lion joint military exercise, but it has nothing to do with the regional situation.

It is reported that this military exercise aims to allow participating countries to reach consensus on combating emerging and cross-border threats such as terrorist organizations and their supporters, the proliferation of drones and weapons of mass destruction, and find the best response methods and means. At the same time, coordinate the participating countries ‘action plans and goals in land, sea and air military operations, logistics support, response to natural disasters and epidemics.

Jordan has held the Thirsty Lion joint military exercise since 2011 and is held once a year except for suspension in 2020, 2021 and 2023. This year is the 11th time that Jordan has held the thirsty lion joint military exercise.

A landslide occurred in Papua New Guinea_ about 100 people died_ and more than 6 villages were affected

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On the 24th local time, Sandis Saka, governor of Enga Province, Papua New Guinea, publicly issued a document saying that the landslide that occurred in the province in the early morning of the day was an unprecedented natural disaster that caused huge losses to property and human lives. The landslide affected more than six villages in the province, and it is not yet possible to calculate specific losses.

Sandis Saka expressed sympathy to local communities and families, as well as to the people affected by the disaster and the victims.

Sandis Saka said that the Nga provincial government deployed a Rapid Incident Response Service team to the scene that morning to carry out rescue work and conduct a rapid assessment of the extent of local damage. The team is composed of officials from the Provincial Disaster Relief Office, Provincial Health Bureau, Police, Papua New Guinea Defense Force, and international organizations based in Papua New Guinea such as the Office of International Migration and the United Nations Development Program.

At about 3 a.m. local time on the 24th, a village in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea suffered a landslide. Local residents said the estimated death toll exceeded 100. Authorities have not yet confirmed the number of casualties. (General reporter Liu Zhimin)

Trump claims_ Biden wants to _get rid of_ me

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According to Agence France-Presse reported on May 22, former U.S. President Trump claimed on the 22nd that the FBI’s 2022 search warrant for his Florida home showed that Biden wanted his life, which aroused people’s doubts and also attracted some people’s support.

Reported that his inflammatory remarks were made after court documents outlining the federal police search plan were made public. Trump has been charged with negligent handling of confidential documents that were discovered at his residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, after he left the White House.

Court documents include standard FBI language that states FBI agents have the right to use lethal force if a person is in imminent danger.

But Trump, who will face Biden in the November presidential election, said the wording showed agents were prepared to shoot him and hurt his family.

According to U.S. media reports, Trump said in an email calling for donations: It has just been disclosed that Biden’s Justice Department was authorized to use lethal force to conduct a despicable raid on Mar-a-Lago Manor. You know, they’re eager to do something incredible

Trump said in an email: Joe Biden is going to draw a gun to get rid of me and put my family in danger. He thinks he can scare me, intimidate me, and knock me down!

Reported that this is Trump’s latest accusation against his Democratic opponent. He repeatedly claims without evidence that Biden is using justice against him.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer called on all elected representatives to condemn Trump’s strange and dangerous remarks. He said: We cannot let this person, Donald Trump or anyone else, throw a match like this and ignite the flames that could devour our democracy.

Republican Liz Cheney, who is Trump’s main opponent, believes Trump is unstable. However, Marjorie Taylor Green, a staunch supporter of Trumpism, believes that the Justice Department and the FBI gave Trump the green light to murder.

Trump was not in Florida on the day of the search. In a rare statement, the FBI assured that the matter did not deviate from standards. (Compiled by Liu Zhuo)

Russia recruits 150_000 people in spring

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Moscow, July 15 (Reporter Jiang Youlin) According to information from the Russian Ministry of Defense on the 15th, Russia’s spring conscription work has ended this year. A total of 150,000 people have been recruited and sent to the Russian armed forces and other military formations.

The Russian Ministry of Defense posted a message on social media that day that Russia’s various conscription committees started work on April 1, and the dispatch of conscripts began on April 15.

In order to ensure military transportation, 15 Russian armed forces aircraft flights, 14 military echelons, 172 civil aviation flights, multiple passenger trains and military road transport vehicles participated in this conscription work.

As a rule, Russia recruits soldiers once every year in spring and autumn. About 1.47 million people will be recruited into the army in the spring of 2023, and 130,000 people will be recruited into the army in the fall of 2023.

Putin will pay a state visit to China_ the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will introduce relevant arrangements

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On May 14, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin held a regular press conference.

A reporter asked, China has just released the news that Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay a state visit to China. Can the spokesperson introduce in detail the relevant arrangements for this visit and what expectations does China have for President Putin’s visit?

Wang Wenbin introduced that at the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay his first state visit to China since starting his new term from May 16 to 17. During the visit, President Xi Jinping will exchange views with President Putin on bilateral relations and cooperation in various fields and international and regional issues of common concern in the context of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. We will release the details of this visit in a timely manner. (Reporter Zhou Jingwei)

Most of the prisoners who escaped from prison in Niger have been captured

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Abidjan, July 14 (Reporter Zhang Jian) News from Niamey: Niger’s Defense and Security Forces issued a communiqué on the evening of the 13th, saying that most of the dozens of prisoners who recently escaped from the country’s Kutukare prison have been captured and three others were killed.

The communiqué said the area where the prison is located has been cordoned off and an aerial search operation is still underway to find the remaining fugitives. The military called on the public to be vigilant and immediately report any suspicious person or any relevant information to the authorities.

On the evening of the 11th, a prisoner escape occurred at Kutukare Prison in Tirabei Province, Tirabei Region, western Niger. The prison is located 50 kilometers northwest of Niamey, the capital of Niger, and holds members of extremist organizations such as the Boko Haram Islamic State. In 2016 and 2019, two jailbreaks occurred in this prison, both of which were successfully prevented.

Zakharova_ NATO chooses _second front_ against Russia

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According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zakharova said at a press conference that NATO has chosen a new direction of confrontation with Russia.

Reported that Zakharova said: NATO’s top priority is to open up a second front against my country in the Transcaucasia and reignite the war throughout the region.

She said NATO was not satisfied with Russia’s conciliatory policies in the Transcaucasia region.

The report mentioned that NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg visited Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, on the 19th and called on Armenia and Azerbaijan to sign an agreement aimed at paving the way for the normalization of relations between the two countries.

Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said that NATO’s attempts to expand its influence may not strengthen stability in the Caucasus region. (Compiled by Zheng Yu)

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NATO troops exercise near Russian border

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, the Polish Ministry of Defense released a message saying that the NATO Northeast Division, composed of multinational forces, practiced defensive operations during exercises held in imaginary areas near the Russian border.

Poland’s Ministry of Defense said: During the Loyalty Lecda 2024 exercise, soldiers of the multinational Northeast Division were given such a task to carry out defensive operations in an imaginary area similar to the situation in northeastern Poland.

Reported that the command department of NATO’s Northeast Division refused to disclose details of the exercise content.

According to reports, the NATO Northeast Division headquarters is located in Elblong, Poland, and its mission is to coordinate the actions of NATO troops deployed in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. (Compiled by Liu Yang)

The Emergency Management Department and the Ministry of Natural Resources jointly issued guideli

  In order to guide and standardize the preparation of special plans for emergency shelters in various places, promote scientific and rational planning and high-standard construction of urban and rural emergency shelters, and promote the construction of a national multi-level emergency shelter system. The Emergency Management Department and the Ministry of Natural Resources recently jointly issued the Guidelines for the Preparation of Special Plans for Emergency Shelters (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines). The Guide includes five parts: general requirements, main contents, technical points, main achievements and annexes.pass prepping checklist As can be seen from its market performance, it has strong vitality and strong appeal. https://www.planbowl.com/


  The Guide points out that the special planning of emergency shelter mainly includes eight main contents: the development status of economy, society and emergency management, the development status and analysis of emergency shelter, the analysis of emergency shelter demand and resources, planning objectives and indicators, the development and layout planning of emergency shelter, the design requirements of emergency shelter, implementation arrangements and safeguard measures. At the same time, the Guide puts forward the technical points of planning in five aspects: preliminary investigation and analysis, planning objectives and indicators, classification system, development layout of emergency shelters, emergency passages and related infrastructure.


  The Guide emphasizes that the special plan for emergency shelters is a special plan in the national spatial planning system, which should conform to the national economic and social development plan and the overall national spatial planning at the same level, and be connected with the emergency system, civil air defense, comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation, recovery and reconstruction, etc. In the process of planning, it is necessary to grasp seven key points, such as scientific layout of all kinds of emergency shelters at all levels, rational construction of all kinds of emergency shelter resources, strengthening the construction of indoor and comprehensive emergency shelters, strengthening the standardization of urban emergency shelters, strengthening the construction of rural emergency shelters, scientifically setting up the functions and facilities of emergency shelters, and fully considering the emergency shelter needs under special conditions.


  The Guide clearly states that the emergency management department and the natural resources department shall organize the preparation of special plans for emergency shelters, coordinate and handle spatial contradictions on the “one map” of national land spatial planning, and conduct evaluation and demonstration. After the plan passes the evaluation and demonstration, it shall be submitted for approval according to relevant procedures, and then submitted to the emergency management department at the next higher level for filing, and incorporated into the “one map” implementation supervision information system of national land spatial planning.


  The promulgation of the Guide will provide practical and effective guidance for the improvement of the planning, construction and management ability and level of emergency shelters in various places.

[Emergency Science] Must-see! The winter fire prevention guide is ready!

  It’s drier in winter.After screening and investigation prepping for beginners It is likely to become a new force driving economic development. https://www.planbowl.com/


  And the electricity and gas consumption are also increasing.


  The resulting


  Fire hazards are increasing day by day


  Hit the point!


  These common sense of fire safety in winter


  You have to know! ! !


  Fire prevention in winter-electric blanket


  Go out with courage, get up with perseverance.


  The cold winter is coming again!


  Hum! You can warm my heart but not my bed.




  Blue friends have something to say.


  Electric blankets are often folded and used, which can easily break wires, lead to short circuit and fire. Don’t buy unqualified products. Turn off the power before going to sleep. Avoid folding and pleating, and it is forbidden to wash, dismantle and repair by yourself.


  Except for the electric blanket fire incident


  What other fires are there in winter?


  Hidden dangers need to be eliminated in time?


  Fire prevention in winter-heater


  It’s cold.


  ”Little Sun” and other heating equipment.


  Be used more and more.


  But I don’t know that the heating equipment is improperly used.


  It will cause a fire, which is very dangerous


  Blue friends have something to say.


  Nothing can be put on the small sun, especially clothes, otherwise it will cause short circuit and fire. Use a three-hole plug with a ground wire. It is forbidden to put anything on the machine body. When using it, stay away from flammable materials. It is forbidden to use a small sun in the bathroom.


  Fire prevention in winter-smoking in bed


  Lying in bed wrapped in a quilt and playing with a mobile phone or something.


  Don’t be too comfortable at all


  But it’s too dangerous to smoke like this


  Blue friends have something to say.


  If you accidentally drop the unlit cigarette butts, it is easy to ignite clothes and bedding, endangering life safety.




  Keep warm in winter, but also keep safe.


  The next fire safety knowledge


  Everyone must keep it in mind.




  Family fire prevention




  The failure of household appliances is likely to cause fire.


  When using induction cooker, electric blanket, electric iron and other electrical appliances, it is necessary to avoid fire caused by wire damage due to aging and frequent handling.




  Littering cigarette butts can easily cause fire.


  Don’t throw cigarette butts and matchsticks in the wastepaper basket or combustible sundries at will, and don’t smoke in bed or sofa.




  Heating by fire is easy to cause fire.


  In winter, it is forbidden to use flammable materials such as gasoline, kerosene and alcohol to ignite the fire. Don’t pile flammable materials around the stove, and don’t use heating supplies to bake clothes.




  Gas leakage is easy to cause fire.


  Once a gas leak is found, the gas valve and stove switch should be turned off immediately, and the doors and windows should be opened. Do not touch the electrical switch and use an open flame. Remember not to make a phone call in the gas leak place. When you find a gas leak in your neighbor’s house, you should immediately knock on the door to inform you.




  Pulling wires privately is easy to cause fire.


  Don’t overload electricity, don’t use too much electrical equipment on the socket, and don’t use copper, iron and aluminum wires to replace the fuse on the breaker switch.


  Rural fire safety




  Thoroughly clean up combustibles.


  It is necessary to comprehensively clean up the combustible sundries before and after the house. It is forbidden to pile up straw piles in the village or near residents’ houses, and it is strictly forbidden to burn straw in the wild.




  Pay attention to cooking with firewood.


  When cooking with firewood, you must pay attention to keep away from the stove when stacking firewood, and don’t store too much. After dinner, you should check to see if there is any kindling left around the woodpile.




  Pay attention to smoking


  Don’t smoke while lying on the sofa or bed, and don’t smoke after being tired or drinking, so as to prevent cigarette butts from falling on combustible materials and causing fire accidents. It is forbidden to throw cigarette butts near hay fields and haystacks to prevent fires caused by unlit cigarette butts and match stalks.




  Don’t play with fire


  Parents should put matches, lighters and other items in places where children can’t easily get them. When they see children playing with matches, lighters or lighting fires near stoves, they should be strictly educated.


  Fire prevention in factories and enterprises


  1. Factories and enterprises should strictly implement fire safety responsibilities, strengthen on-duty inspections, and eliminate fire hazards in time.


  2. Factories and enterprises should put an end to illegal operation, and it is strictly forbidden to use fire, oil, electricity and gas in violation of regulations, and it is strictly forbidden to use naked fire for operation or heating in the construction site in violation of regulations.


  3. Factories and enterprises should regularly organize fire fighting and evacuation drills to improve employees’ self-defense and self-help ability.


  4. When the weather is dry in winter, the combustible sundries in the factory area should be cleaned up in time, and the inflammable articles produced and processed should be classified and stored according to the standards.


  5. Keep enough personnel on duty during holidays, strengthen the fire inspection, deal with the first fire in time, and call the “119” fire alarm immediately.


  6. It is strictly forbidden to occupy, block or close the safety exits, evacuation passages and fire truck passages, and it is strictly forbidden to set obstacles that hinder the passage of fire trucks and fire fighting.


  7. To timely maintenance of fire control facilities and equipment, to ensure the normal use in case of fire. It is strictly prohibited to damage, misappropriate, bury, occupy or block fire control facilities and equipment.


  Everyone must improve their fire prevention ability.


  Reduce fire accidents from the source


  Keep the risk of disaster away from me

China Meteorological Bureau launched a three-level emergency response! Send you a typhoon defens

  September 12th.Mentioned in the article how to start prepping Born with strong vitality, you can turn a cocoon into a butterfly and become the best yourself after wind and rain. https://www.planbowl.com/


  This year’s No.12 typhoon “Meihua” went north.


  China Meteorological Bureau launched a three-level emergency response.


  The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue typhoon warnings.


  It is estimated that “Plum Blossom” will be held from the night of 12th to the early morning of 13th.


  After crossing the Ryukyu Islands, it entered the southern part of the East China Sea.


  Gradually approaching the northeastern coast of Zhejiang.


  It may be from the night of 14th to the day of 15th.


  Landing in the above-mentioned coastal areas


  It may also go north in the east China sea.




  Impact of gale: Affected by Plum Blossom, from 14: 00 on September 12 to 14: 00 on September 13, there were 6-7 winds in the southern Yellow Sea, most of the East China Sea, Taiwan Province Strait, east of Taiwan Province, bashi channel, the coast of Taiwan Province Province, the waters near Diaoyu Island, Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang Coast, Fujian Coast, Shanghai Coast and Southeast Jiangsu Coast, with gusts of 8-9; There are 8-11 winds in the southern part of the East China Sea and parts of the sea east of Taiwan Province. The winds in the nearby seas and areas where Meihua Center passes are 12-14, and the gusts can reach 15-16.


  Impact of precipitation: From 14: 00 on September 12 to 14: 00 on September 13, there were heavy rains (100-150 mm) in southeastern Jiangsu, Shanghai, the northeastern coast of Zhejiang and the northern part of Taiwan Province Island.


  Xu Yinglong, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, analyzed: At present, the influence system of Meihua is complex, and there is still great uncertainty about its moving path and later moving speed. Its overall body is gradually approaching the east China coast, with strong intensity, which can reach typhoon level or strong typhoon level. “Meihua” may become the first typhoon to land on the coast of East China this year.


  Although the intensity of “Plum Blossom” is not as strong as the 11th typhoon “Xuanlannuo” this year, because it is closer to the coastal areas of Zhejiang, Shanghai and Jiangsu, it is expected that the storm impact of typhoon “Plum Blossom” on Zhejiang, Shanghai and Jiangsu will probably be greater than that of “Xuanlannuo”.


  Expert tips


  With the continuous westward adjustment of typhoon path, the possibility of “Meihua” landing in China is increasing, and the influence of wind and rain is beginning to emerge. The government and relevant departments should do a good job in typhoon prevention and emergency rescue according to their duties; Water operations and passing ships in relevant waters should return to Hong Kong to take shelter from the wind, strengthen port facilities, and prevent ships from anchoring, grounding and collision; Stop outdoor dangerous operations such as indoor and outdoor large gatherings and high altitude; The public pays close attention to the typhoon forecast and early warning information in time and takes preventive measures in advance.


  Finally, I will send you a typhoon defense guide.


  What is a typhoon landing point?


  Will the typhoon landing site be the worst place for disasters?


  How to avoid danger when the typhoon comes?