Structure and function of biological macromolecules

  Classification of amino acids, several special amino acids, molecular structure and physical and chemical properties of protein, composition of nucleic acid, double helix structure of DNA, basic concept of enzyme, Michaelis equation, coenzyme composition.beyond doubt Chemical Custom synthesis It will definitely lead the development direction of the whole industry and let its light bloom in this field.


  Memorize 20 kinds of amino acids and try to remember English abbreviations and codes as much as possible, because exams often appear directly with codes. Protein’s molecular structure often examines the manifestations of various levels of structure and their bonds. The physical and chemical properties of protein and the purification of protein usually use the physical and chemical properties of protein to purify protein without destroying the structure of protein. Pay attention to the identification of amino acids and physical and chemical properties of protein. The basic unit of nucleic acid is nucleotide, which is composed of multiple nucleotides, and the connecting bond between nucleotides is 3′, 5′- phosphodiester bond. DNA double helix structure, in which two bases exist in strict accordance with A = T (two hydrogen bonds) and G triple C (three hydrogen bonds), and the characteristics of various RNA.


  In addition, we should pay attention to some commonly used concepts in nucleic acid problem solving. The first thing that enzymes should pay attention to is some basic concepts, such as ribozyme, deoxyribozyme, enzyme activity center, isozyme, isomerase and so on. The key point of the Metric Equation test is V=Vmax[S” target=_blank>/Km+[S” target=_blank>, which explains the equation of the relationship between the concentration of enzymatic reaction and the reaction speed. In the exam, candidates are sometimes asked to do simple calculations according to this equation before they can answer. The difference of several inhibitors.


  According to the characteristics of allosteric enzymes, it should be noted that allosteric regulation can cause conformational changes of enzymes. It is important to pay special attention here that configuration refers to the basic structural composition of substances, and conformation refers to the spatial change of substances. Allosteric regulation can cause the conformational change of enzymes, but not the conformational change of enzymes.

The function of protein

  Protein is the “building material” of organisms and cells, such as protein in muscles, and human hair and nails are all made of protein.I think Antibody Phage Display Service It will definitely become a leader in the industry and look forward to the high-end products.


  Catalytic function:


  The chemical essence of most enzymes in organisms is protein. In our daily life, we also use enzyme-added washing powder, which can effectively remove stains.


  Immune function:


  In our present environment, there are bacteria and viruses everywhere, and our body will not get sick every three days with an immune system, and immune proteins, such as antibodies, play a key role in this.


  Transport function:


  Protein with transport function can be divided into two categories, one is familiar to us-hemoglobin in red blood cells, which is used to transport oxygen; The other is the carrier protein on biofilm, which is used to transport amino acids, glucose and other substances.


  Adjustment function:


  Some protein can transmit information and regulate the life activities of the body. Such as insulin, which regulates glucose metabolism.

Slow down the clock of life

  Life is a fleeting moment in the river of time, mankind do everything possible to seek forever and everlasting, but did not think, in fact, as long as the pace of their own slow down mentality flat, live in the present, then life will naturally become long and distant .Now, everyone is right pu-erh tea Are more concerned, hoping to get more benefits from it.


  When I did not write a magazine before, I did not know that the time had come in advance. A draft of March or even April has been prepared in January. In the draft of the forum while watching the side gripped, his year has not yet ended, did not make a point, there people work has been a year, almost equal to the end. Years here, was actually can not wait to catch up with the speed of flight, how to make people panic?


  The length of time is defined by man himself. 365 days a year, divided into four seasons, twelve months. Here, people always catch up with me like the game, to see who can one day into a day. Our ancestors know, if the decade into a year, we will so impatient it?


  Days not used, can only be used to recover. Self has no intention to enter this door, it fell into such a turbulent swirl. Calendars and clocks on the numbers can only represent the past, because today to do, is already the future. Obviously is the spring, but the men have been doing non-stop fall thing.


  There is nothing worthy of gratification, no reason for youth just a short length of a bit like others. What is the use of walking in front, time falls behind, urging the old soul and face it in vain.


  The fast pace of modern people, nothing more than to speed up the clock of life, their own pressure and persecution of a way, only to more fully squeeze the juice of life to obtain value and fame. But I see it is faster and more leave no room for the consumption and flight. How, a ton of gold can be exchanged for even a second time?


  Americans always run in front of the world, even spend today are tomorrow, the result? The financial crisis has finally shattered this myth of early consumption, punish all activities contrary to the laws of nature.


  Beijing, then, a little leisurely. People live I, a spring vegetation, how short and beautiful time. If you can walk, why should anxious to run, miss the scenery all the way? Note that the front is not another spring, but has been waiting for you to close the end of life.


  Tomorrow’s thing is done today, and next year’s event is finished this year. So ahead of the outstanding achievements and efforts, but is a result of the advance of life.


  What is a rivers and lakes years reminder, juvenile children rivers and lakes old? This is the helplessness of life rather than enjoyment.

There are three things that one can not wait for in one’s li

  The first is “poverty”According to related reports, pu-erh tea To a large extent, it leads the changes of market conditions.


  Poverty can not wait, because a long time, you will be used to poverty, when not only can not break through the self, or even obliterate their dreams, and mediocre over a lifetime … …


  The second is “dream”


  Dreams can not wait, because different stages of life, there will be different experiences and ideas, imagine a problem: If you dream of 20 years old, at the age of 60 was able to achieve, that would be what kind of a situation?


  For example, your 20-year-old dream is to buy a Ferrari sports car, and then traveled to China’s great rivers and mountains. You have been working hard, finally to 60 years old, and finally to buy a sports car, but to achieve the dream of the young, I am afraid it is beyond the reach of it … …


  The third is “family”


  Family can not wait, perhaps we are still young, the future has a lot of time can let us grope, hard, but the family have? They still have time for us to succeed? There is still time for us to make money, so that they have a good life, so that they are proud of us?


  Trees for static and wind, the child wants to support and pro-not wait. This is a lot of people’s pain, but also a lot of people a lifetime of regret!

There are three things that one can not wait for in one’s li

  The first is “poverty”in fact pu-erh tea Our related products were once praised by users, which is the best self-affirmation of the products.


  Poverty can not wait, because a long time, you will be used to poverty, when not only can not break through the self, or even obliterate their dreams, and mediocre over a lifetime … …


  The second is “dream”


  Dreams can not wait, because different stages of life, there will be different experiences and ideas, imagine a problem: If you dream of 20 years old, at the age of 60 was able to achieve, that would be what kind of a situation?


  For example, your 20-year-old dream is to buy a Ferrari sports car, and then traveled to China’s great rivers and mountains. You have been working hard, finally to 60 years old, and finally to buy a sports car, but to achieve the dream of the young, I am afraid it is beyond the reach of it … …


  The third is “family”


  Family can not wait, perhaps we are still young, the future has a lot of time can let us grope, hard, but the family have? They still have time for us to succeed? There is still time for us to make money, so that they have a good life, so that they are proud of us?


  Trees for static and wind, the child wants to support and pro-not wait. This is a lot of people’s pain, but also a lot of people a lifetime of regret!

Your life needs to understand

  The reason why people live tired, is not fit the shelf, tear can not open face, untied plot (the reason is very simple)As can be seen from the new data, pu-erh tea The market influence is also growing, and the product share is also relatively increasing, which has great potential in the future.


  Your life needs to understand the stand in their own position, not everyone is in line with your appetite; standing in other positions, you can also to all the appetite? (Tolerance of others)


  People who can simplify complex problems are talented people, and it is silly to complicate simple problems. (People are often willing to be a fool)


  A woman most admired men talented, most hated men are too stingy, most afraid of men do not live up to expectations. (Men afraid of the old woman angry)


  Itching sometimes worse than pain, hate is often easier than love (paradox of life)


  The opportunity for everyone is equal, you can not shoot the chance, but the opportunity comes when you can not do without bullets (doing business is to do this)


  Love is like a smallpox, and each of us has to go through it once, and, as with smallpox, we will only get once in a lifetime. You never have to worry about getting a second time.


  Ancient love stories and more contemporary love accident (different times).


  A person who does not make mistakes usually can not accomplish anything, and there are no shortcomings, often with little merit (Lincoln’s experience).


  Businessmen are “people who can talk,” businessmen are “people who can give birth to ideas.” (Alternative explanation)


  There are seven virtues: First, do not get the ax, the second is not to interrupt other words, the third is not anxious for success, four questions should be targeted, five answers to meet the reasonable, six is to have a beginning and end, seven is to Based on reality. (Ancient Jewish Proverbs).


  Unit to work overtime every day; home never stick; mobile phone home to close; SMS reading on the delete; go to bed snoring shaking; underwear often wear back. (With an affair of the six symptoms).


  Do what you think can not do (how much heart, how far the road).


  The heart is a two-bedroom house, one is suffering, one is happy. People can not laugh too loud, or laughter will wake up next to the pain. (To avoid very happy).


  If you marry a wise and virtuous wife, you will be happy; if you marry a frivolous bitch, you will become a philosopher. (Marriage useful).


  Can not tell, can not cry, is the most bitter (life reflected).


  Where to fall, just lie down (some pessimists).


  The real question is not whether the spouse is the best person, but whether you are trying to be the best person for your spouse (the Happy Marriage Bible).


  The only advantage of telling the truth is that you do not have to remember what you said (Quotations User).


  You can offend busy people, because they do not have time to care about you; you must not offend idlers, because they have time to deal with you. (Do not offend idlers).


  If you can not change your face, then you change your face (not beautiful, it can be very cute).


  Than bathing, washing the sauna is more important is the brainwashing, bath does not wash will be distributed odor, brain wash will be eliminated by the times (we often forget this).


  Do not believe your memories, the person inside, not necessarily the same miss you (with memories of the road, rather than holding the memories of life).


  There should be a better way to start a new day than waking up every morning (office worker philosopher).


  Toad want to eat swan, good kind, small things with ambition (to educate the next generation).


  Rich does not have much, but less luxury. (New view of wealth).

Close the earth ‘s ears

  Bed is probably the most consumption life time place! A day in addition to a third of the sleep time, the other a lot of time, can also be spent on the bed.Doing these simple things can also make pu-erh tea Sowing high-quality genes will eventually grow into towering trees and become the leader in the industry.


  Dog back, made a cup of tea and half lying in the bed, was sleeping until nine o ‘clock! Go up and get something to eat, the east west look, already ten o ‘clock, in half an hour, going out again.


  Back on the playground, the ongoing autumn sports meeting of rehearsal. Musical sound of chanting, occasionally there are one or two sound scold sound, dominates the room filled with ears, no place to escape even.


  Person, want to quiet for a while now, it’s too difficult. Have a computer, television, mobile phone at home. These things no matter use, is usually open. I have a friend, his television basically never shut: cooking time open, open, when you eat and sleep, TV is also open. Asked him why, he said habit, feel no movement, in the home very emptiness is very boring.


  Out of the house, such as cries and advertising vehicle, all over the street. Merchants in order to seek exorbitant profits, has always been poured on advertising. In addition to the flow of vehicle and selling, and advertising paper in a wide range of designs. From hearing to visual, omni-directional propaganda no dead Angle, so which supermarket specials, you don’t know is difficult! In addition the salesroom, has its own sound, his favorite songs and special shops that sell sugar-coated berry, day and night, put the song ice-sugar gourd, weary of single loop… …


  So, now the people want to quiet, to have deep spiritual practice. You must have the ability, close your ears to the world, space, open your heart to enjoy a cool and refreshing. Just such an opportunity, but also not much. Such and such things, always copy your heart very full is a mess. Many want to have a heart quiet ethereal! Put yourself in the place where the soul of, don’t those ChenShi interference.


  All the fruit in the home, all have no, but how to don’t want to go out to buy. Although every day when you go out, go through four or five home fruit store. Not forget to take money, is to bring the money and forget to buy it. Home is always open the door of that a moment, before crashing. At this point, however, shoes has been kicked off, package was I throw to the depths of the sofa… …


  And so next time, may is so every time.


  Used to open the computer, the trouble to listen to the shaoxing opera. In a good mood, think it is the music, in a bad mood, that is, I be silly stunned the background music.


  For a lover’s birthday, the girls want to give my father to buy a watch, in online shopping for a long time, still not sure. Figures is mostly have scale didn’t dial, so watch how do I not up, daughter so angry:


  ”Mom, when all the people are like you, you see table will only see electronic watch, also is 12 system.”


  ”Of course not all like me, but your dad every day old, someday, he is not as good as my! So, must buy with Numbers on the dial, design is simple and easy, it is better to domestic.”


  ”Domestic mechanical or quartz? What brand do you want?”


  ”To quartz, need not everyday winding, brand to the seagull.”


  ”Gull? Never heard of.”


  ”The Internet, as a Chinese, incredibly don’t know the seagull watch?”


  A daughter called me again:


  ”Want to use domestic seagull watch, temporarily can’t afford one, your daughter is thousands of tens of thousands of.”


  Then, my daughter on QQ, send me a link, I open on see, isn’t it? Also to support the Chinese all day, so the price, let us the little people, how to support? A newlywed, bought a watch the seagulls, less than 200 dollars.


  Love came back from work, said to him. See I wasn’t impressed, he looked at me and said:


  ”You are less than 200 pieces, I was monthly salary less than 120 yuan! For more than a month of wages, or to the present, not thousands of useful!”


  ”Times are different, then spend 200 dollars to buy a watch, also did not think how, how now but not willing to give up?”


  ”Don’t think that way, that was didn’t spend your money.”


  ”You don’t say you bought me a watch, to now you still love dearly!”


  Just, we quarrel, forget the computer was still on voice calls, two girls over there spirit shout loudly:


  ”How noisy again? Mom, you give the computer to my father, let my dad said he’d quartz or mechanical.” , I put my computer to lover.


  ”I want to mechanical, don’t be too high price, didn’t I give you remit money.”


  ”Dial? Digital or graduated? Color should be black and white or grey days?”


  ”Digital calibration, color should be black and white.”


  ”Oh, is it not a watch? Things are!” I can’t help by chimed in.


  ”Dad, are you sure?”


  ”Sure, your mother rush to surf the Internet!”


  ”Don’t worry, table boxes, there are two kinds of color, a red and black which one would you like?”


  ”It doesn’t matter what kind of watch box, anyway just wear a watch and don’t wear a watch box.” And I say a word of mouth.


  ”Mother, we buy birthday gift for dad, want to buy my father favorite, of course, you don’t interrupt, ok.”


  ”What color do you like table box, what colour will! Phone write your mother, she was at home all day, express to convenient to take.”


  Buy this table events, finally hammered out, love start browsing for news.


  ”Take headphones to you, I want to quiet for a while.”


  ”Want to quiet, what did you do for dinner?” Yeah, just and daughter discuss watch things, how to forget to do dinner?


  You see, this want to quiet for a moment, really difficult! You can close the earth is the ear, you don’t shut the appetite of the world! Darling still cooking go to! Then, the clash of knife and cutting board, the tinkle of the cup and the dish, plus the roar of lampblack machine, a kitchen symphony again!


  ”Shut the kitchen door, noisy dead.” Lover to roar, I closed the door of the kitchen. Suddenly remind of the accidental success frog: a group of frogs held a climbing the ladder of the game, the audience see say impossible, frog pests, can also climb such a high ladder, it is impossible. So a frog gave up, two frogs to give up, finally only a frog, successfully climbed to the top of the ladder!


  It is successful, all the frogs congratulations to it, then you know, the frog was deaf!


  Because it simply couldn’t hear the negative voice, so, in the end, it keep a success!


  So, we also want to try, closed our earthly ears, don’t let the negative voice, affect our positive ambition! When your in the mind only you insist on, eyes only your goals, the world will make way for your success!

Your life needs to understand

  The reason why people live tired, is not fit the shelf, tear can not open face, untied plot (the reason is very simple)At first, pu-erh tea It developed out of control and gradually opened up a sky of its own.


  Your life needs to understand the stand in their own position, not everyone is in line with your appetite; standing in other positions, you can also to all the appetite? (Tolerance of others)


  People who can simplify complex problems are talented people, and it is silly to complicate simple problems. (People are often willing to be a fool)


  A woman most admired men talented, most hated men are too stingy, most afraid of men do not live up to expectations. (Men afraid of the old woman angry)


  Itching sometimes worse than pain, hate is often easier than love (paradox of life)


  The opportunity for everyone is equal, you can not shoot the chance, but the opportunity comes when you can not do without bullets (doing business is to do this)


  Love is like a smallpox, and each of us has to go through it once, and, as with smallpox, we will only get once in a lifetime. You never have to worry about getting a second time.


  Ancient love stories and more contemporary love accident (different times).


  A person who does not make mistakes usually can not accomplish anything, and there are no shortcomings, often with little merit (Lincoln’s experience).


  Businessmen are “people who can talk,” businessmen are “people who can give birth to ideas.” (Alternative explanation)


  There are seven virtues: First, do not get the ax, the second is not to interrupt other words, the third is not anxious for success, four questions should be targeted, five answers to meet the reasonable, six is to have a beginning and end, seven is to Based on reality. (Ancient Jewish Proverbs).


  Unit to work overtime every day; home never stick; mobile phone home to close; SMS reading on the delete; go to bed snoring shaking; underwear often wear back. (With an affair of the six symptoms).


  Do what you think can not do (how much heart, how far the road).


  The heart is a two-bedroom house, one is suffering, one is happy. People can not laugh too loud, or laughter will wake up next to the pain. (To avoid very happy).


  If you marry a wise and virtuous wife, you will be happy; if you marry a frivolous bitch, you will become a philosopher. (Marriage useful).


  Can not tell, can not cry, is the most bitter (life reflected).


  Where to fall, just lie down (some pessimists).


  The real question is not whether the spouse is the best person, but whether you are trying to be the best person for your spouse (the Happy Marriage Bible).


  The only advantage of telling the truth is that you do not have to remember what you said (Quotations User).


  You can offend busy people, because they do not have time to care about you; you must not offend idlers, because they have time to deal with you. (Do not offend idlers).


  If you can not change your face, then you change your face (not beautiful, it can be very cute).


  Than bathing, washing the sauna is more important is the brainwashing, bath does not wash will be distributed odor, brain wash will be eliminated by the times (we often forget this).


  Do not believe your memories, the person inside, not necessarily the same miss you (with memories of the road, rather than holding the memories of life).


  There should be a better way to start a new day than waking up every morning (office worker philosopher).


  Toad want to eat swan, good kind, small things with ambition (to educate the next generation).


  Rich does not have much, but less luxury. (New view of wealth).

US media_ Musk wants to donate _staggering_ huge sum to support Trump

In order to facilitate users to have a better experience, LANA電子煙 Many attempts have been made to upgrade the products, and the results are also very good, and the market performance tends to be in a good state.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal on July 15, people familiar with the matter revealed that business tycoon Elon Musk said he plans to donate about $45 million a month to a new super political action committee that supports former President Trump.

Reported that other supporters of the newly established U.S. Political Action Committee include Palantil technology co-founder Joe Lonsdale, the Winkleworth brothers, former U.S. ambassador to Canada Kelly Craft and her husband Joe Craft.

According to a person familiar with the matter, the political action committee, established in June, is mainly responsible for registering voters, persuading voters to vote as soon as possible, and requiring ballots to be mailed in swing states.

Musk is currently the richest man in the world, with an estimated wealth of more than US$250 billion. But the amount of donations he said was also staggering.

According to reports, the largest known campaign donation in 2024 to date is $50 million, donated by the great-grandson of banker Thomas Mellon to support one of Trump’s super political action committees.

According to documents submitted on the 15th, as of June 30, the U.S. Political Action Committee received a total of US$8.75 million in donations. A person familiar with the matter said Musk said he plans to start donating in July.

The report also said that Musk officially expressed support for Trump shortly after the shooting. He posted on social platform X: The last time a presidential candidate encountered such a severe test was Theodore Roosevelt. (Compiled by Pan Xiaoyan)

Japanese car companies announce the recall of more than 100_000 vehicles due to defective shock absorbers

with LANA電子煙 For example, if it continues to develop, it will definitely become the benchmark of the industry and play an important role in leading the market.

On the 23rd local time, Daihatsu Industries reported to Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism that due to defects in the shock absorber (stabilizer bar) on the front of the vehicle, a total of 104471 vehicles will be recalled for two models (produced from June 2019 to January 2020). So far, 123 defect reports have been received.

According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, due to poor management of the production process, liquids used for rust prevention and the like remained inside the device, resulting in reduced strength. These components may break while the vehicle is driving. Daihatsu Industry will solve the problem by replacing relevant components.

Daihatsu is a subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan. It was founded in Osaka, Japan in 1907 and focuses on the manufacturing of small cars. (General reporter Li Weibing)