Trump proposes _interest_free loan to aid Ukraine_ Ukrainian Foreign Minister says it may be considered

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According to Agence France-Presse reported on March 19, Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said on the 19th that Ukraine was shocked by the continued obstruction of a key budget plan to help Kiev resist Russia in the U.S. Congress. The plan has been deadlocked for months.

Reported that he said at an online briefing to foreign media: What is really important and shocking to us is that the decision has not yet been adopted. It is approaching the end of March, but discussions continue.

However, Kuleba believes U.S. aid will eventually come. He pointed out: This is a question of confidence in the ability of the United States to support countries that follow the rules and principles that the United States defends around the world, far beyond the scope of Ukraine alone.

The foreign minister stressed that Ukraine does not rule out Trump’s idea of providing aid in the form of loans rather than grants, but needs to know more details.

The report mentioned that the day before, Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, one of Trump’s loyal supporters, visited Kiev. He supported the former US president’s proposal to provide assistance to Ukraine in the form of an interest-free loan.

Kuleba responded: We are not shocked to hear this suggestion from the United States. We really need to study the details.

Reported that the Biden administration has been calling for months for the passage of a new Kiev aid plan, including $60 billion in military and economic aid. The plan has been approved by the Democratic majority in the Senate, but is still blocked in Congress.

Passage of the plan depends on the goodwill of Trump’s supporters in the House. Trump supporters have refused to review the current plan due to differences over U.S. immigration management. (Compiled by Zhao Kexin)

Six people died in Thailand hotel_ police initially determined it was murder_ and the time of death exceeded 24 hours

in fact LANA電子煙 It is more and more welcomed by our customers, and its market performance is gradually improving.

On the evening of the 16th local time, Thai Prime Minister Saita arrived at the hotel involved in the death of Vietnamese citizens and revealed at the on-site press conference that according to preliminary police judgment, the six people died more than 24 hours.

Thai police said at a press conference that there were no signs of struggle at the scene and the room was locked from the inside. It was initially speculated that it was murder and further investigation was being carried out.

At the press conference, a reporter asked whether the deceased had been poisoned to death. The police said that the specific cause of death could not be determined after further autopsy.

On the 16th, Thai police found six bodies in a luxury hotel in downtown Bangkok. The dead were six Vietnamese, two of whom held American citizenship. At the beginning of the incident, several Thai media reported that the deceased died in the shooting incident. Later, it was reported that the cause of death was suspected to be cyanide poisoning. However, at the press conference, the police did not make a clear announcement on the cause of death.

Six people died in Thailand hotel_ police initially determined it was murder_ and the time of death exceeded 24 hours

In some cases, LANA電子煙 The advantages will become more and more obvious, and it will be able to develop indomitable after market tests.

On the evening of the 16th local time, Thai Prime Minister Saita arrived at the hotel involved in the death of Vietnamese citizens and revealed at the on-site press conference that according to preliminary police judgment, the six people died more than 24 hours.

Thai police said at a press conference that there were no signs of struggle at the scene and the room was locked from the inside. It was initially speculated that it was murder and further investigation was being carried out.

At the press conference, a reporter asked whether the deceased had been poisoned to death. The police said that the specific cause of death could not be determined after further autopsy.

On the 16th, Thai police found six bodies in a luxury hotel in downtown Bangkok. The dead were six Vietnamese, two of whom held American citizenship. At the beginning of the incident, several Thai media reported that the deceased died in the shooting incident. Later, it was reported that the cause of death was suspected to be cyanide poisoning. However, at the press conference, the police did not make a clear announcement on the cause of death.

Haiti gangs attack suburban Port_au_Prince_ killing at least a dozen people

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Mexico City, March 18 (Reporters Wang Zhiying and He Yixuan) Port-au-Prince News: According to Haiti media reports on the 18th, Haiti gangs attacked two communities on the outskirts of the capital Port-au-Prince that day, killing at least a dozen people.

Reports said gangs attacked homes in two communities in Labule and Tomasin, a suburb of Port-au-Prince, that day. Witnesses said at least a dozen bodies were taken away by ambulances and many residents were forced to flee.

Haiti’s electricity department announced on the 18th that four substations and the Valle power station in the Port-au-Prince area were destroyed by criminal groups and have completely stopped operating, resulting in power outages in most parts of the capital.

The security situation in Haiti has continued to deteriorate recently. Starting from February 29 this year, several gangs in Haiti have attacked public facilities such as police stations and international airports in Port-au-Prince, demanding that Prime Minister Ariel Henry step down. On the evening of March 11, Henry announced that the Haiti government would resign after the establishment of the Transitional Presidential Council.

Uzbek MP_ Macron is considering sending troops with a _firm attitude_ Russia_ It is not difficult to eliminate the French army in Uzbekistan

consequently 電子煙主機 I also got a lot of attention and wanted to join the ranks.

According to a report by Russia’s “Labor” on March 20, Alexei Goncharenko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine, said on the 20th that the French government is considering sending troops to the Ukraine border to help the Ukrainian army liberate its troops.

The report said that the Ukraine lawmaker said he learned the news from his French counterpart at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

He emphasized that discussions on France sending troops to Ukraine are indeed ongoing.

Gonchalenko also said that the number of this force is not yet certain. However, French President Macron is very firm.

Goncharenko said France was forming an alliance and Poland and the Baltic states might join. Another option is to establish a base in western Ukraine, where Ukrainian soldiers can be trained and artillery shells produced.

The report mentioned that the French Ministry of Defense issued a statement a day ago saying that Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency Director Naryshkin’s statement that the French leadership was preparing to send 2000 soldiers to Ukraine was spreading rumors. At the same time, the news that there were French soldiers in Ukraine was also false. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova immediately responded to the Paris statement. She wrote on the Telegraph social platform: Has the French government abandoned its citizens again?(Compiled by He Yingjun)

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Medvedev: Eliminating French forces in Ukraine is not difficult

According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, The Russian Federation Security Council Vice Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on the telegram social platform that if France sends troops to Ukraine, eliminating them will be the primary and glorious task of the Russian armed forces.

According to reports, Medvedev believes that it is difficult for the French army to hide its traces in Ukraine, so it is not difficult to eliminate them, and it is impossible to conceal the large number of deaths of French professional soldiers.

Medvedev wrote on the Telegraph social platform: These unfortunate people will become official combatants of the (foreign) intervention force. Eliminating them will be the primary and glorious task of our armed forces.

Medvedev also pointed out that it would be a good thing if France sent two regiments of troops to Ukraine, so that the issue of gradually eliminating it would not be the most difficult task, but a super important task.

Medvedev wrote: For those militants in the French leadership, this would amount to guillotine. Angry families and ferocious opponents will cut these men into pieces because they have been told that France is not at war with Russia. This will be a good lesson for other restless European fools.

Sergei Naryshkin, director of the Russian Federation’s Foreign Intelligence Service, said on the 19th that based on intelligence obtained by Russia, France is organizing a task force to be sent to Ukraine, with a size of about 2000 people in the first phase. (Compiled by Liu Yang)

Iran releases its first helicopter accident investigation report_ No bullet marks found

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On May 23, local time, the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces released the first investigation report on the helicopter accident carried by the late President Leahy and his entourage. It is reported that a professional technical team dispatched from Tehran arrived at the helicopter crash site at 9 a.m. local time on the 20th to collect information.

The report shows:

The helicopter flew according to the planned route and did not leave the designated route.

About a minute and a half before the helicopter accident, the pilot of the helicopter that crashed communicated with the other two helicopters of the flight crew.

No bullet marks or similar conditions were found in the remaining parts of the crashed helicopter.

The crashed helicopter caught fire after reaching high altitude.

Due to complex regional conditions, heavy fog and low temperatures, the search and rescue operation was extended and continued throughout the night. At 5 a.m. on May 20, with the help of Iranian drones, the location of the accident was accurately located.

No suspicious circumstances were found in the tower’s conversations with the crew.

The report also mentioned that most of the information related to the helicopter accident has been collected, and that some content needs more time for Iran to review. (General reporter Li Shuangxi)

Biden signs bill to ban U.S. imports of Russian uranium

As can be seen from the new data, 電子煙主機 The market influence is also growing, and the product share is also relatively increasing, which has great potential in the future.

Washington, May 13 (Reporter Deng Xianlai) U.S. President Biden signed a bill on the 13th to ban the United States from importing low-enriched uranium produced in Russia.

Jack Sullivan, U.S. National Security Assistant to the President, issued a statement on the same day saying that Biden signed the “Ban the Import of Russian Uranium Act” and made it law, aiming to reduce and ultimately eliminate the U.S. dependence on Russia in the civil nuclear energy field.

The bill has previously been passed in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. According to regulations, 90 days after the bill takes effect, U.S. companies will not be allowed to import low-enriched uranium produced in Russia. The bill provides exemptions for utilities such as nuclear power plants that have to shut down nuclear reactors due to cutting off Russia’s uranium supply. The exemption policy will expire no later than January 1, 2028. The bill also authorizes the federal government to allocate $27.2 billion in funding previously approved by Congress to enhance the U.S. domestic uranium enrichment capabilities.

According to the Washington Post, U.S. companies currently import about US$1 billion worth of enriched uranium from Russia’s national atomic energy every year.

Russian media_ Trump will talk to Putin__no middleman_

Now, everyone is right 電子煙主機 Are more concerned, hoping to get more benefits from it.

According to a report by TASS on July 16, a senior Republican official attending the Republican National Convention told TASS reporters that Trump was prepared to hold a dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin on resolving the Russia-Ukraine conflict without any middleman.

The report said that when answering a question about whether Republican presidential candidate Trump was prepared to start a dialogue with Putin on the Ukraine issue, the senior Republican Party official stressed: There is no doubt that he will start a dialogue with Putin, and there will be no middleman.

He said: Right now, the Democratic Party is not engaged in any negotiations with Russia. Of course, one person should start negotiations so that you (Russia and Ukraine) can reach some kind of agreement. When asked if the person was Trump, he gave an affirmative answer.

The senior Republican official believes that NATO should not appear in Ukraine and that the conflict should be resolved through negotiations. He said: NATO should not be present in Ukraine. There is a need for dialogue, and if dialogue opens, we can reach an agreement on how to resolve the (Ukraine) conflict.

According to reports, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov emphasized that Russia remains open to any dialogue on Ukraine issues, including dialogue involving intermediaries, provided that Russia’s own goals must be achieved. On June 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed conditions for mediating the situation in Ukraine, including the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from places such as Donbas and Zaporozhye, and Kiev’s abandonment of joining NATO. In addition, Russia believes that the West should lift all sanctions against Russia and establish Ukraine’s non-aligned and non-nuclear status. (Compiled by Zhu Lifeng)

Croatian president announces his candidacy for prime minister

According to professional reports, 電子煙主機 There will be a great period of growth, and the market business is constantly expanding, and it will definitely become bigger and bigger in the future.

Zagreb, March 15. Croatian President Milanovic announced on social media on the 15th that he will participate in the Croatian parliamentary elections to be held on April 17 as an independent candidate from the Croatian Social Democratic Party and will run for the position of Prime Minister.

Milanovic said he was full of confidence in winning the election and would resign as president after winning the election and assume the responsibility of leading the Croatian government. Until then, he will continue to perform his duties as President of Croatia in accordance with the Constitution.

Milanovic’s announcement shocked Croatia, because there is no precedent for a president to run for prime minister in Croatian history. As a Social Democrat, Milanovic’s move will undoubtedly inspire the Social Democratic Party, which is currently at a disadvantage in the parliamentary elections, but it will also cause huge controversy. Croatian constitutional expert Baric told the media that the Croatian Constitutional Court should clearly tell Milanovic that he can only run for prime minister if he resigns as president.

According to the latest opinion poll, the ruling party, the Croatian Democratic Community, led by Croatian Prime Minister Prenkovic, ranks first with a support rate of 265%, and the Social Democratic Party ranks second with a support rate of 179%.

Milanovic was elected President of Croatia in January 2020. Previously, he served as Prime Minister of Croatia from December 2011 to January 2016. (Reporter Li Xuejun)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs_ The international community is more optimistic about China_s economic and social development potential

So we can draw a preliminary conclusion, ddos攻击软件 It is helpful to the needs of the industry market and social development.

Beijing, 12 Mar (Reporter Ma Zhuoyan, Cheng Xin) Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on the 12th that through this year’s two sessions, the international community has seen a China that is moving forward steadily, pioneering and innovative, open and confident, and cohesive. We are more optimistic about the great potential of China’s economic and social development, and expect that China’s high-quality development will bring more opportunities to the world.

At the regular press conference on that day, a reporter asked: over the past week or so, international public opinion has continued to focus on the two national sessions. A number of foreign media quoted the analysis of international institutions and experts as saying that the two sessions sent a positive signal that China’s economy is picking up. Does the spokesman have any comment on this?

Wang Wenbin said: the annual NPC and CPPCC sessions are not only a major event in China’s political life, but also an important window for the international community to observe the direction of China’s major policies. Whether it is the expected target of GDP growth of about 5% put forward in this year’s government work report, or the key words such as high-quality productivity, high-quality development, high level of opening to the outside world, and so on, have aroused heated discussion in the international media. Through the two sessions of the National people’s Congress this year, the international community has seen a China that is moving forward steadily, pioneering and innovative, open and confident, and cohesive, and is more optimistic about the great potential of China’s economic and social development. It is expected that China’s high-quality development will bring more opportunities to the world.

Wang Wenbin said that the government work report puts forward a growth target of about 5%, which shows that China’s economy is resilient, has great potential and is full of vitality. This goal is not only higher than the previous IMF and World Bank forecasts for China’s economic growth this year, but also far higher than the IMF’s growth forecasts for the United States and Europe. International media commented that at a time when the world economy is full of uncertainty, China’s economic growth target of about 5% is ambitious. Since the beginning of the year, China’s economy has continued to accumulate factors for the better. During the Spring Festival holiday this year, there were 229.3 billion cross-district domain name flows in China, and domestic tourists spent a total of 63.2687 trillion yuan, an increase of 77 percent over the same period in 2019. In the first two months of this year, China’s imports and exports of goods totaled 661 trillion yuan, an increase of 87 percent over the same period last year. China’s economy continues to pick up and is expected to get off to a good start in the first quarter.

He said that the important exposition of new quality productive forces has guided China’s economy toward a new direction. When participating in the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation, General Secretary stressed the need to firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and develop new-quality productive forces in line with local conditions. This year’s government work report also proposed for the first time to vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and speed up the development of new-quality productive forces. Last year, China’s new exports of electric vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products exceeded trillion yuan, an increase of nearly 30 percent over the same period last year; the development of the digital economy was accelerated, and the penetration rate of 5G users exceeded 50 percent. The number of international patent applications submitted by Chinese applicants through the Patent Cooperation Treaty ranked first in the world for four consecutive years. New quality productivity has been formed in practice and has shown a strong driving force and supporting force for high-quality development.

Wang Wenbin said: the new measure of opening up to the outside world at a high level shows China’s determination to share opportunities with the world. The government work report proposes to open wider to the outside world at a high level and promote mutual benefit and win-win results. China will take the initiative to dovetail with high-standard international economic and trade rules, steadily expand institutional opening up, promote a stable increase in the quality and quantity of foreign trade, step up efforts to attract foreign investment, promote high-quality co-construction, Belt and Road Initiative, and deepen multilateral, bilateral and regional economic cooperation. In January this year, 4588 new foreign-invested enterprises were established in China, an increase of 744 per cent over the same period last year. According to the latest survey of the German Chamber of Commerce in China, 91% of German enterprises will continue to take root in the Chinese market. The American Chamber of Commerce in South China reported that 76% of the companies surveyed planned to reinvest in China this year. More and more multinational companies realize that to invest in China is to invest in the future.

The blueprint has been drawn and the trumpet has been sounded. We have the confidence, conditions and ability to achieve the goals and tasks of economic and social development for the whole year. Wang Wenbin said: China’s economy is getting bigger and bigger, its muscles and bones are getting stronger and stronger, and it will certainly ride out the storm and look forward to the future.