Say goodbye to screen scratches! Self-repairing mobile phone screen or listing within five years.

  Although many manufacturers will claim how hard the screen is, in fact, every mobile phone user will face the problem of screen scratches. Many people will put a protective film on their mobile phone screens to protect them, which will not only cost money, but also affect the look and feel.So, mobile screen company On the contrary, there is still a lot of room to play.


  If you don’t film it, there will be many scratches on the screen of the mobile phone soon. Although it generally does not affect the normal use, the experience is reduced to a certain extent, even when the second mobile phone is sold, it will affect the price.


  According to the latest forecast of CCS Insight, a global technology research and consulting company, smartphone manufacturers will begin to produce smart phones with the function of self-repairing screen scratches within five years.


  Ben Wood, chief analyst of CCS Insight, believes that this is not a story in science fiction, it can be done, and the biggest challenge is to set expectations for it correctly.


  He also said: We are not talking about how the broken screen is restored. This is something that magic can do. What we are talking about is the self-repair of scratches on the screen surface, thus prolonging the service life of the equipment. “


  The core of this technology is a brand-new material, which can cover the screen surface with a coating. Specifically, this coating is composed of a special material. When it is scratched, it will trigger a chemical reaction and produce a new material. When exposed to air, this new material will react and fill the defect, so that the scratch is repaired.


  Wood finally pointed out that this technology needs further research and development, and interdisciplinary cooperation and innovative materials science are needed. Nevertheless, I still think it is possible to commercialize this technology in the next five years. “


  In fact, various manufacturers have been studying the technology of self-repairing screens. In 2017, Motorola applied for a patent for a screen made of shape memory polymer; In 2019, Huawei also applied for a patent entitled “A method and equipment for repairing glass scratches”; Apple has also applied for a patent for a foldable iPhone, and its display can be repaired by itself when it is damaged.

China calls on the international community to work together to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Syria

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United Nations, March 21 (Reporter Wang Jiangang) Chinese Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Geng Shuang called on the international community to work together to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Syria and promote a political solution to the Syria issue on the 21st.

Geng Shuang said at the Security Council’s open meeting on political and humanitarian issues in Syria that with the joint efforts of the Syria government and the United Nations, cross-border rescue points have been effectively operating. China urges relevant parties to actively cooperate and promote progress in cross-line rescue. At the same time, the international community should also increase humanitarian assistance to Syria and provide sufficient and non-targeted financial support for early recovery projects across Syria. Unilateral sanctions and resource plunder have long hindered Syria’s economic recovery, social development and improvement of people’s livelihood. China urges relevant countries to immediately stop relevant illegal acts and foreign troops to immediately end their illegal military presence in Syria.

Geng Shuang said that it is necessary to promote a political solution to the Syria issue. The recently held Arab League foreign ministers ‘meeting reiterated their firm support for Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and opposition to external interference. China believes that help from regional countries will help inject new impetus into the political settlement of the Syria issue. China welcomes the extensive contacts with all parties on the implementation of Security Council Resolution 2254, Pei Kai-ju, Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for Syria. The international community should uphold the principle of Syrian-owned and Syrian-led, encourage dialogue and consultation, and find solutions acceptable to all parties. Terrorism is a long-term threat to the political process in Syria. China welcomes the relevant measures taken by the Syria government to combat terrorism and maintain security and stability. The international community must adopt a zero-tolerance attitude to combat all terrorism in Syria.

Geng Shuang said that since the outbreak of this round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel has frequently launched air strikes at multiple locations in Syria, seriously violating Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. China is deeply concerned about this. Against the background of the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict, all parties must exercise restraint and avoid exacerbating tensions, triggering resonance in hot spots and spreading conflicts. Big countries outside domain names should play a constructive role in promoting the cooling of the situation. The international community must also redouble its efforts to jointly manage the Gaza conflict, take the unconditional ceasefire in Ramadan as the entry point, promote the realization of a permanent ceasefire and stop violence, and then inject more positive energy into peace and stability throughout the Middle East, including Syria.

Read the method of switching ip from Android

  For Android users, mastering the skills of switching ip addresses is like mastering a key to the network world, which not only makes people safer when accessing the network, but also enables them to quickly access the networks in some restricted areas and learn more about themselves. Next, let’s discuss how Android switches ip.This means that Stock Market IP Proxies It is the weather vane of the industry and can bring people great self-confidence.


  Method 1: Use mobile network or switch WiFi network.


  When we switch the WiFi in the mobile phone to mobile data, or switch from one WiFi network to another, the ip address usually changes, which is mainly due to the different ip addresses assigned by different network service providers or different network entry points. And we can easily change the ip address by simply switching in the mobile phone network settings.


  Method 2: Modify the network settings.


  For some users with technical foundation, you can change the ip address by modifying the network settings in your mobile phone. The operation method is relatively simple: just go to the settings page of Android phone, find and click the “Network and Internet” option, and after entering the network details page, find the ip setting option, select “Static” and manually enter the new ip address, subnet mask and other information and save it. However, it should be noted that if it is set incorrectly, there may be problems in network connection.


  Method 3: Use ip proxy service.


  At present, there are many ip proxy services in the market, which help users to easily switch ip addresses by providing a large number of proxy server nodes, and such services are usually simple to operate and suitable for ordinary users. However, it should be noted that when using ip proxy, we must ensure the reliability of the service provider and avoid the problem of personal information leakage or network insecurity.


  In a word, there are still many ways for Android to switch ip. You can choose the appropriate method to switch ip addresses according to your own needs and actual situation. At the same time, when switching ip addresses, you must also pay attention to protecting your privacy and avoiding the leakage of your information. I hope that through the explanation of this article, we can make everyone unimpeded in the network world.

What Materials Are Best for Custom Plastic Extrusion

  Custom plastic extrusion is a critical process in many industries, enabling the creation of a wide range of products with specific shapes and properties. The success of this process largely depends on selecting the right materials. In this article, we’ll explore the best materials for custom plastic extrusion, focusing on their properties, applications, and why they are chosen by manufacturers like Jiepeng Plastic.Doing these simple things can also make PVC sealing strip Sowing high-quality genes will eventually grow into towering trees and become the leader in the industry.


  1. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)


  PVC is one of the most commonly used materials in custom plastic extrusion due to its versatility and cost-effectiveness. It is a thermoplastic material that offers excellent durability, chemical resistance, and weatherability. PVC is widely used for creating pipes, profiles, and cable insulation. Its ability to be easily colored and modified with additives makes it ideal for custom applications.




  Piping Systems: PVC pipes are prevalent in plumbing, irrigation, and industrial applications.


  Profiles: Used in window frames, door frames, and other construction components.


  Cable Insulation: PVC provides excellent insulation for electrical cables, ensuring safety and durability.


  2. Polyethylene (PE)


  Polyethylene is another popular choice for plastic extrusion, known for its toughness and flexibility. It is available in different densities, including Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) and High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), each with unique properties. LDPE is known for its flexibility and transparency, while HDPE is more rigid and resistant to impact.




  Packaging Films: LDPE is commonly used in the production of films and bags due to its flexibility.


  Pipes and Fittings: HDPE is preferred for high-strength applications like water and gas piping.


  Containers: Both LDPE and HDPE are used in manufacturing various types of containers and bottles.


  3. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)


  ABS is a thermoplastic polymer that is widely used in custom plastic extrusion due to its high impact resistance and toughness. It also offers good chemical resistance and can be easily machined or molded. ABS is often used in the automotive industry, electronics, and consumer goods.




  Automotive Parts: Dashboards, wheel covers, and other components are often made from ABS.


  Consumer Electronics: ABS is used in the casing of computers, phones, and other gadgets.


  Household Goods: Products like plastic toys, kitchenware, and storage boxes are commonly made from ABS.


  4. Polypropylene (PP)


  Polypropylene is a versatile thermoplastic that is widely used in custom extrusion. It is known for its high chemical resistance, low density, and ability to withstand higher temperatures. PP is also resistant to fatigue, making it suitable for applications requiring repeated use.




  Automotive: Used for battery cases, bumpers, and interior components.


  Textile Industry: PP is used in the production of fibers and fabrics.


  Food Packaging: Its chemical resistance makes it ideal for food containers and packaging.


  5. Polystyrene (PS)


  Polystyrene is a lightweight, rigid material that is easy to process and mold. It is available in both solid and foam forms, with the foam variant being widely used in packaging and insulation. Polystyrene is an economical choice for custom extrusion projects where cost and ease of processing are important.




  Packaging: Foam polystyrene is used for protective packaging and insulation.


  Household Products: Solid polystyrene is used in the production of disposable cutlery, CD cases, and other consumer goods.


  Construction: Insulation panels made from polystyrene foam are common in building construction.

Three countries have been added_ What does it mean for many countries to announce recognition of the Palestinian state_

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According to a reporter from the head office, on May 22, local time, Norway and Spain respectively announced that they would formally recognize the Palestinian state on May 28. Ireland subsequently announced its formal recognition of the State of Palestine.

From mid-April to early May, Barbados, Jamaica, the Bahamas and other countries have announced the recognition of the State of Palestine. At this stage, nearly 150 countries have recognized the Palestinian State.

What does it mean that more and more countries recognize a Palestinian state?

Three European countries recognized the State of Palestine on the same day

Norwegian Prime Minister Stetler announced on May 22 that Norway will recognize a Palestinian state. Mr Stiller said the approval would take effect on May 28.

Subsequently, Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez announced that the country would recognize a Palestinian state on May 28. In addition, Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris also said that Ireland will formally recognize the Palestinian state.

Israel: recall Ambassador Palestine: welcome the decision of the three countries

After Norway and other three countries announced their recognition of the Palestinian state, Israeli Foreign Minister Katz immediately said that he would recall Israel’s ambassadors to Norway and Ireland. Katz said the move sent a clear message to Norway and Ireland that Israel would not remain silent.

It is reported that Israel has also recalled its ambassador to Spain, but the Israeli Foreign Ministry has not yet publicly confirmed the recall of the ambassador to Spain. Katz will also summon the ambassadors of the three European countries to Israel to condemn the three countries’ decision to recognize a Palestinian state. It is reported that Katz will show ambassadors a video of Israeli female soldiers being detained by Hamas militants.

Palestinian President Abbas issued a statement highly appreciating and welcoming the recognition of the Palestinian state by the three European countries on the same day. The statement said that the decision of the three countries is a salvation of the Palestinian-Israeli two-state solution, which urges all countries in the world to follow the example of Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize the Palestinian state and support the realization of peace and stability on the basis of the two-state solution.

On the same day, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) also issued a statement welcoming the initiative of the three European countries.

Recently, these countries have recognized the Palestinian state one after another.

On 19 April, Barbados announced its decision to formally recognize Palestine as a State.

On 22 April, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jamaica issued a statement formally recognizing the State of Palestine.

On 2 May, Trinidad and Tobago decided at a cabinet meeting to formally recognize the State of Palestine.

On 7 May, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bahamas issued a statement that the Bahamas had decided to formally recognize the State of Palestine.

On May 10, the tenth emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution by a vote of 143 to 9, with 25 abstentions, determining that the State of Palestine was qualified as a member of the United Nations under the Charter of the United Nations and should be accepted as a member of the United Nations.

What does it mean for more and more countries to recognize a Palestinian state?

Qin Tian, Deputy Director of the Middle East Research Institute of the China Institute of Modern International Relations:

On 10 May, the tenth emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution by an overwhelming majority, affirming that the State of Palestine conforms to the membership of the United Nations as stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations and should be accepted as a member of the United Nations. This has put some pressure on some Western countries.

At the same time, Israel has stepped up its offensive against Rafah in southern Gaza, casting a shadow over the prospect of peace between Palestine and Israel. Under this pressure, countries that do not have too deep ties with Israel are the first to take the step of diplomatically recognizing a Palestinian state.

Although this is only the behavior of some countries, the impact is considerable, which exerts certain pressure on Israel, which is diplomatic and moral support beneficial to Palestine. It will also help the two sides to reach a Palestinian-Israeli peace settlement on a more equal basis in the future.

Cell phone screen is too small Teenagers use stupid mobile phones to avoid addiction

  With the popularity of smart phones, especially the increasing dependence of young people on mobile phones, screen anxiety has become a problem worthy of attention. Recently, some media reported that Luke Martin, a 16-year-old Canadian boy, chose a “stupid mobile phone” with extremely limited functions, which can only make calls, send messages and view maps, so as to reduce screen time and avoid social media addiction. This behavior just caters to the rising trend of “stupid mobile phones” in Europe and America.for a long time iphone lcd screen manufacturer It has an extraordinary development speed, and I believe that the future will be as overwhelming as ever.


  Martin said that he had relied too much on social media before and was worried that he could not extricate himself from it. The “fear of missing” brought by social media made him decide to make a change. He said: “Friends who use smart phones often spend up to four or five hours in front of the screen every day. I used to do the same. Now I only use it (mobile phone) for about 20 minutes every day, which is really good. “


  The report also pointed out that many parents also began to favor “stupid mobile phones”, not only for their children, but also for themselves and other family members. Lizzie broughton, who has a 5-year-old son, bought herself an old Nokia flip phone. She said: “This gives me the opportunity to adjust my living habits and spend more quality parent-child time with my son.” She plans to buy her son a similar mobile phone when he can use it. “It is not a good idea to let children use smartphones from the beginning.”


  In addition to “stupid mobile phones”, some innovative products have also emerged. For example, the “unplugged” device can prevent the startup of mobile phone application software and help users control the use time. Some developers have also introduced mobile phones with monotonous operation interface and limited functions, aiming at reducing users’ screen time.


  However, the rise of the “stupid mobile phone” trend is not easy to change people’s habit of using mobile phones for a long time. The advertising profit of social media is huge, and many enterprises may lack the motivation to push consumers to change.

What is a long-term agent How many ways of long-term agency are there

  Long-term agency, as its name implies, refers to maintaining effective agency services for a period of time, and its core idea is to establish long-term cooperative relations. For investors,On the other hand, Buy Static IP Proxies It also brings tangible benefits to everyone and feels useful. It is a model of the industry.


  Generally speaking, long-term agency not only means stable income, but also can reduce business risks and enhance market competitiveness.


  As a stable and reliable way of agency, long-term agency has the following advantages:


  1) high stability: the ip address of the long-acting agent can be kept unchanged within a set time, so it is not easy for the ip address to become invalid during network access.


  Conditions, to ensure the stability of users’ network access.


  2) Simple operation: users only need to set up a long-term agent once to use it repeatedly within the set time, which also avoids the trouble of frequently changing ip addresses.


  3) Privacy protection: long-term proxy, because it can reduce the frequent replacement of ip addresses, which also leads to the reduction of the risk of users’ real identity exposure.


  4) A wide range of application scenarios: Long-term agent is suitable for a variety of scenarios, such as the long-term network access needs of enterprise research institutions.




  Long-term agent can be divided into static server agent, customized agent and cloud service agent.


  1. Static server proxy: This is a long-term and effective proxy mode, which provides users with stable and reliable proxy services. The static server proxy has a smaller.


  High stability, suitable for scenarios that need to use agents for a long time.


  2. Exclusive customized agency: For large users or users with specific needs, the agency company can provide exclusive customized agency services, and users can


  It is necessary to customize exclusive proxy ip address, broadband and other resources to meet business needs.


  The customized agency mode is highly flexible and customizable, which is suitable for users with special needs for agency mode.


  3. Cloud service proxy: Cloud service proxy is also a new proxy mode, through which users can easily deploy and manage proxy services.


  There is no need to worry about the maintenance and upgrade of hardware equipment.


  Cloud service agent is highly scalable and flexible, and can adjust resource allocation according to business needs.


  In addition to the above-mentioned common proxy methods, there are also some other proxy methods, such as dynamic proxy, transparent proxy, etc. These proxy methods are different.


  Features, suitable for different scenarios and needs.


  In short, as a stable and reliable proxy mode, long-term proxy provides users with reliable network access services. When choosing proxy services, you can also


  In order to comprehensively consider according to their own needs and usage scenarios.

What is Custom Plastic Extrusion

  Custom plastic extrusion is a manufacturing process used to create long, continuous plastic products with a specific cross-sectional profile. This method is highly versatile and allows for the production of complex shapes and designs tailored to the unique needs of various industries. Custom plastic extrusion is widely used in sectors such as construction, automotive, consumer goods, and electronics due to its efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and ability to produce high-quality, durable products.In addition to these aspects, PVC profile The performance in other aspects is also relatively good, which has attracted everyone’s attention and research.


  The Process of Custom Plastic Extrusion


  The custom plastic extrusion process involves several key steps:


  1.Material Selection:


  The first step in custom plastic extrusion is selecting the appropriate plastic material. Common materials include PVC, polyethylene, polypropylene, ABS, acrylic, and polycarbonate. The choice of material depends on the specific requirements of the final product, such as flexibility, strength, temperature resistance, and chemical resistance.




  The selected plastic material is fed into an extruder, a machine consisting of a hopper, a heated barrel, and a screw. The plastic is heated and melted as it moves through the barrel.




  The molten plastic is then forced through a custom-designed die that shapes the plastic into the desired cross-sectional profile. The die can be created to produce a wide range of shapes, including tubes, channels, angles, and more complex geometric designs.




  After exiting the die, the extruded plastic is cooled to solidify its shape. This cooling process can involve air cooling, water baths, or cooling rolls, depending on the type of plastic and the specific application.


  5.Cutting and Finishing:


  Once the plastic has cooled and solidified, it is cut into the required lengths. Additional finishing processes, such as trimming, drilling, or coating, may be applied to achieve the desired final product.


  Applications of Custom Plastic Extrusion


  Custom plastic extrusion is used in a variety of applications across different industries:




  In the construction industry, custom extruded plastic profiles are used for window and door frames, weatherstripping, siding, and decorative trim. These profiles provide durability, weather resistance, and low maintenance.




  The automotive industry uses custom plastic extrusion for components such as trim, seals, gaskets, and protective guards. These parts are essential for vehicle assembly, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits.


  3.Consumer Goods:


  Custom extruded plastic profiles are found in numerous consumer goods, including furniture edging, toys, packaging materials, and home appliances. These products benefit from the versatility and cost-effectiveness of plastic extrusion.




  In the electronics industry, custom plastic extrusion is used to create housings, enclosures, cable management systems, and insulating components. These profiles offer electrical insulation, protection, and organization for electronic devices and systems.


  Benefits of Custom Plastic Extrusion


  Custom plastic extrusion offers several advantages:




  Custom plastic extrusion allows for the creation of a wide range of shapes and sizes, making it suitable for diverse applications.




  The extrusion process is efficient and produces minimal waste, leading to lower production costs compared to other manufacturing methods.




  Extruded plastic profiles are durable, resistant to weathering, chemicals, and UV radiation, ensuring long-lasting performance.




  The ability to design and produce custom dies means that products can be tailored to meet specific requirements and standards, providing bespoke solutions for different industries.




  Custom plastic extrusion is a highly adaptable and efficient manufacturing process that plays a critical role in various industries. By allowing for the production of customized, high-quality plastic profiles, it meets the specific needs of construction, automotive, consumer goods, and electronics sectors. The versatility, cost-effectiveness, and durability of custom extruded plastic profiles make them an invaluable component in modern manufacturing.

Houthi attacks on Red Sea ships footage exposed Houthi releases attack video

In the industry, Dior Handbag Has been a leader in the industry, but later came from behind but never arrogant, low-key to adhere to quality.

[Houthi militants release attack video” target=_blank>

On July 16, local time, the Houthi armed forces in Yemen released a video of the organization attacking the Red Sea sailing ship Chios Lion (CL).

The Houthi armed forces issued a statement saying that the ship violated the Houthi ban and headed for an Israeli port, so it was attacked by the Houthi armed forces on the 15th.

After the attack, the U.S. Central Command said no casualties were caused.

The Houthi armed forces said they would continue to attack ships related to or bound for Israel until Israel stops attacks on the Gaza Strip and lifts the blockade.

On July 15, local time, Yahya Sareya, military spokesman for the Houthi armed forces in Yemen, issued a statement saying that the armed forces attacked three ships that day, the ships BI and CL on the Red Sea, and the ship O sailing on the Mediterranean Sea.

What are the screen materials of mobile phones, and what are their advantages and disadvantages A

  Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, screen technology, as a window connecting us with the digital world, is undergoing unprecedented changes. LCD, OLED, Mini LED, Micro LED and other mainstream screen materials have brought us more colorful visual experience with their unique characteristics and advantages. Today, we will deeply analyze the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of these screen materials, and discuss the development and application of screen protection technology.As can be seen from the new data, mobile phone lcd screen The market influence is also growing, and the product share is also relatively increasing, which has great potential in the future.


  First, LCD screen: a classic choice


  Features and advantages:


  As one of the earliest popular screen technologies, LCD is famous for its high cost performance, long life and mature manufacturing technology. The LCD screen controls the light transmission through the change of the physical state of the liquid crystal material, thus realizing the display of images. It has bright colors, high brightness and large viewing angle, and is suitable for viewing requirements under various environmental conditions. In addition, the LCD screen has a long service life, generally reaching more than 50,000 hours, which is the first choice for many consumers.




  However, LCD screen also has some shortcomings. First of all, its response speed is relatively slow, and it is prone to smear and afterimage, which is especially obvious when watching high-speed moving pictures. Secondly, the LCD screen needs a backlight module to illuminate the screen, resulting in relatively high power consumption, and the black performance is not pure enough and the contrast is low. Finally, the thickness of LCD screen is relatively large, which is not conducive to thin and light design.


  Second, OLED screens: future trends


  Features and advantages:


  OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) screen is an innovation of screen technology in recent years. OLED screen adopts self-luminous technology, and each pixel can emit light independently, thus achieving extremely high contrast and black expression. In addition, OLED screen has the advantages of fast response, wide viewing angle, bright colors and low power consumption. Its thin and light design also conforms to the pursuit of portability of modern electronic products. What’s more worth mentioning is that OLED screen also has the characteristics of flexibility and folding, which provides unlimited possibilities for future electronic product design.




  However, OLED screens also face some challenges. First of all, the life of its organic materials is relatively short, and it is prone to aging and screen burning. Secondly, the production cost of OLED screen is high, resulting in a relatively high price. In addition, OLED screen is sensitive to temperature and humidity, and it needs to be in specific environmental conditions to maintain good performance.


  Third, Mini LED and Micro LED: emerging forces


  Features and advantages:


  Mini LED and Micro LED, as upgraded versions of LED technology, are widely concerned for their high brightness, high contrast, low power consumption and long life. Mini LED realizes higher brightness and finer light control effect by reducing the size of LED lamp beads. However, Micro LED goes further, and the LED structure is designed into a tiny size, achieving a higher pixels per inch and a more delicate image display effect. Both of these technologies continuously improve the display effect while reducing energy consumption and cost.




  However, Mini LED and Micro LED technologies are still in the early stage of development, facing some technical problems. For example, the backlight design of Mini LED is relatively complicated, and it is necessary to accurately control the luminous effect of each lamp bead; However, Micro LED is facing technical challenges such as chip manufacturing and batch transfer. In addition, the production costs of these two technologies are relatively high, and further cost reduction is needed to realize large-scale commercial application.


  Fourth, the development and application of screen protection technology


  With the continuous progress of screen technology, screen protection technology is also developing. Among them, Corning gorilla glass and scratch-resistant coating are the two most common screen protection technologies. Corning Gorilla Glass is famous for its high strength, high scratch resistance and excellent light transmission performance, and is widely used in the screens of electronic products such as smart phones and tablet computers. The scratch-resistant coating can prevent scratching and abrasion by coating a special material on the surface of the screen, and improve the durability of the screen.


  In the future, with the continuous development and innovation of screen technology, we have reason to believe that screen protection technology will also usher in a broader development prospect. Whether it is more powerful scratch-proof and fall-proof performance or smarter protection function, it will bring us a safer and more reliable screen experience.




  LCD, OLED, Mini LED, Micro LED and other mainstream screen materials have their own advantages, and they play their respective advantages in different fields and application scenarios. With the continuous progress and innovation of science and technology, we have reason to believe that the screen technology in the future will be more advanced, more efficient and more humanized. At the same time, the development of screen protection technology will also provide more comprehensive and reliable protection for our electronic equipment. Let’s look forward to this day together!